be accorded to be accorded psp和psv有什么区别别

be accorded to
A person of lower status has a weaker claim to the right to define what is going on, less trust is placed in her judgments, and less respect is accorded to what she feels.
An active conscience is a fine and healthy thing, of course. But contrition must not be limited to certain parties while innocence is accorded to anyone who claims to be persecuted.
The paper is accorded to the actuality, characteristics and problems of popularization for agricultural mechanization techniques in Tongliao for national area and putted forward improving suggestions.
Now, that privilege is accorded to couples where both are from one-child households.
Deference is still accorded to them in Poland, where the term intelligentsia carries residual prestige, but their clothes are now shabbier, their collars more frayed than they were a few years ago.
The idea that the wealthy or the powerful or the famous should receive preferential treatment under the law, treatment that is different from that accorded to the poor and the weak, is anathema to everything that is great and good and special about the United States.
- 来自原声例句
to是什么意思 be
to在线翻译 be
to什么意思 be
to的意思 be
to的翻译 be
to 双语例句1. These surviving languages need to be accorded a preeminent position.&&&&我们需要给予这些仅存的语言一个优先的位置。2. The main works and conclusions are included as follows:(1) Some compounds, such as Alumina、magnesia、antimony oxide、stannous sulfate、stannous chloride、stannous octanoate、zinc acetate、zinc lactate、zinc oxide were determined, which accorded to the principle that what can be applied as a good catalyst in the obverse reaction can be done in the reverse reaction.&&&&主要的研究内容如下:(1)根据对正方向反应优良催化剂也应为逆反应的催化剂这一原理,结合已有的催化丙交酯制备的实验,找出氧化铝,氧化镁,三氧化二锑,硫酸亚锡,氯化亚锡,辛酸亚锡,乙酸锌,氧化锌,乳酸锌等化合物作为减压法制备丙交酯的催化剂。3. The precision and incomparability of Fg results in the 3 kinds of detection system accorded to clinic requirement and evaluation of clinical acceptability. Comparability test must be done among detection systems in order to comparability of results.&&&&3个检测系统测定Fg精密度和临床可接受性能评价均符合临床要求,应定期对2个以上的检测系统进行比对实验,以保证检验结果间的可比性。4. 4. Investments to which Article 2 applies shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment and protection in accordance with this Agreement.&&&&二、对于第二条所指的投资,应根据本协定给予公正与公平的待遇和保护。5. In the case of homonymous geographical indications for wines, protection shall be accorded to each indication, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 22&&&&在葡萄酒的地理标识同名的情况下,在遵守第22条第4款规定的前提下,应对每一种标识予以保护。6. 6. But let us come to Alexander, who was a man of such great goodness, that among the other praises which are accorded him is this, that in the fourteen years he held the empire no one was ever put to d nevertheless, being considered effeminate and a man who allowed himself to be governed by his mother, he became despised, the army conspired against him, and murdered him.&&&&但是让我们看一看亚历山大吧,这是一位非常善良的人,在他受到赞扬的事情当中,有一件事就是:在他统治的十四年中,不曾有一个人未经审判而被他处死。然而,由于他被人们认为懦弱无能,是一个听任自己的母亲支配的人,于是,他为人所轻视,军队谋反了并且把他杀死了。7. In order to understand these differences on gene transcript level, even to get the genes and their expression related to cell culture, we researched the differences of total mRNA of these tissues by RAPD-PCR, the result showed that the difference between embryo and head of nymphae was much closer than embyo with others, which was accorded to the time order of insect upgrown, and the tissue which is more different from embryo on transcript level ismore diiBcult to be cultured in vitro.&&&&四种组织的培养难易程度和分离出的细胞形态的不同,说明存在着组织表达的差异,为了从转录水平上来认识它们的差异,甚而获得与细胞培养难易相关的基因及其表达产物,本实验还采用了RAPD分析的方法进行了这四种组织:中后期虫卵胚胎、若虫头部组织、成虫的精巢和卵巢的mRNA表达差异研究,结果表明:从发育方向上看,四种组织的表达差异有分化越大差异系数越大的趋势,而在相同条件下则越难培养。8. Tens and thousands of Poles rounded up by Russian tanks and machine guns were taken as prisoners, as is shown in Andrzej`s film, some of the prisoned Polish officers perspicaciously realized that Russia had not endorsed the Geneva Pact, which stipulates that humanitarian treatment should be accorded to POWs, while others still harbors a gleam of hope of being released, however, all of them didn`t expect that out there in the black forests in Katyn, with the roaring of bulldozers, a mass grave for them was ghastly opening its bottomless mouth......&&&&如同著名的波兰导演 Andrzej Wajda 在他最新力作 Katyn 中所表现的---两批逃亡的人在一座桥上惊慌的奔逃,但是他们又能逃到哪里呢?成百上千的波兰人被苏军坦克和机枪包围而成为俘虏。有些被俘的波兰军官敏锐的意识到,苏联没有在规定不准虐待战俘的日内瓦条约上签字,而其他人仍对被释放抱有一线希望。9. 9. Article 20 When products and packaging are designed, their influences on mankind and natural environments during their life-cycle must be considered and priority accorded to selecting toxin-free, non-hazardous, easily degraded and easily recycled options.&&&&第二十条产品和包装物的设计,应当考虑其在生命周期中对人类健康和环境的影响,优先选择无毒、无害、易于降解或者便于回收利用的方案。10. When products and packaging are designed, their influences on mankind and natural environments during their life-cycle must be considered and priority accorded to selecting toxin-free, non-hazardous, easily degraded and easily recycled options.&&&&产品和包装物的设计,应当考虑其在生命周期中对人类健康和环境的影响,优先选择无毒、无害、易于降解或者便于回收利用的方案。11. As a result, ACL-200 and ACL-3000 systems were all accepted by clinic assessment. Conclusion The precision and incomparability of Fg results in the 3 kinds of detection system accorded to clinic requirement and evaluation of clinical acceptability. Comparability test must be done among detection systems in order to comparability of results.&&&&&&3个检测系统测定Fg精密度和临床可接受性能评价均符合临床要求,应定期对2个以上的检测系统进行比对实验,以保证检验结果间的可比性。12. The main topics to be discussed include: Global tuna res WTPO and the voluntary cu Trends and changes in the Japanese Market reviews on canned and non- Latest trends in the USA for lightmeat, white meat canned t The duty-free privileges accorded to US imports of canned tuna from the Andean Trade A Future of canned tuna in A EU markets: demand and supply of canned tuna from the ACP and non-ACP Product develop Tuna t Seafood safety issues affecting con Environmental issues including Eco-labe and other topics of specific and general interest.&&&&&&会议讨论的主要议题包括:全球金枪鱼资源状况及供应趋势;WTPO和自愿削减捕捞努力量;日本生金枪鱼片市场的变化趋势;有关罐装和散装金枪鱼产品的市场回顾;美国市场上罐装和袋装金枪鱼产品的最新走势;对於从安第斯贸易协定成员国进口的金枪鱼,美国给予罐头免税特权;亚洲市场上金枪鱼罐头的未来走势;欧盟市场上来自ACP和non-ACP国家的金枪鱼罐头的供求状况;新产品和新市场的开发;金枪鱼的网上交易;海产品安全影响消费与进口问题;包括生态标签在内的环境问题;及其他一系列特殊的和大家共同关心的问题。13. danci.911cha.com13. Carry out a proof, using this kind of method to evaluate plane socioeconomic result is to be accorded with quite actual.&&&&&&实践证实,用这种方法评价飞机经济性的结果是比较符合实际的。14. The Generalissimo should be informed that if he wishes to remain on the island, he will be accorded the status of a political refugee.&&&&&&元帅(蒋氏)应被告知,如想继续留在台湾岛上,其身份将被定位为「政治难民」。15. Ding Lei is accepting a special interview to be opposite from time to time " the world two " be profuse in praise, at the same time he thinks this game accorded with the standard of green game.&&&&&&丁磊在接受专访时不时对《天下贰》赞不绝口,同时他认为这款游戏符合了绿色游戏的标准。16. When using the utility model, the pass is cast with a blank roll in one body, therefore ensuring surface hardness of the whole pass to be accorded with the surface hardness of the whole roll.&&&&&&使用本实用新型,由于孔型是与毛坯辊一体铸造出来的,保证了整个孔型表面的硬度与整个轧辊表面硬度一致。17. 17. Converting USSR system into Inter-national system by means of microcomputer this paper presents the soil mechanical composition and texture. According to the Inter-national system the ratio of silt to clay can be obtained. Its mean absolute error is 1.95% which accorded with the demands of analysis.&&&&&&应用微机解决了土壤颗粒组成和质地由苏联制换算为国际制的问题,并按照国际制给出粉砂/粘粒比的值,经计算,各粒级的平均绝对误差为1.95%,符合分析要求。18. Firstly, foreign pictures are not accorded with Chinese situation and therefore are to be prohibited.&&&&&&首先,外国的影视作品与国情不符,应该通通禁掉。19. Least-developed country Members shall be accorded treatment significantly more favourable than that provided to the other groups of Members referred to in this paragraph, preferably in all its elements but, at least,&&&&&&应给予最不发达国家成员大大优于给予本款所指的其他成员组的待遇,最好体现在所有要素中,但至少应体现在整体条件上;20. It shall be unlawful for any person to discriminate in favor of one purchaser against another purchaser or purchasers of a commodity bought for resale, with or without processing, by contracting to furnish or furnishing, or by contributing to the furnishing of, any services or facilities connected with the processing, handling, sale, or offering for sale of such commodity so purchased upon terms not accorded to all purchasers on proportionally equal terms.&&&&&&任何人通过按并非同等给予所有购买者的条件签订合同提供或提供,或协助提供与所购商品的加工、处理、销售有关的劳务、设施,进行有利于一个购买者而不利于其他购买者(购买是为了转售,进行或不进行加工)的歧视,是非法的。be
to 单语例句1. The unfair advantage accorded private hospitals without benefits to the public in return is wrong and must be corrected as soon as possible.2. Mitigating and adapting to climate change are two integral components in addressing climate change, and they should be accorded with equal attention.3. They should be reminded that this is a far cry from treatment we used to be accorded not too long
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