iphone圆球在哪儿设置 use

UIDevice* device = [UIDevice
BOOL backgroundSupported = NO;
if ([device
backgroundSupported =
Task completion—应用程序可以向系统申请额外的时间去完成给定的任务
Local notifications—应用程序可以预先安排时间执行local notifications
由于有多个应用程序支持音频,前台的应用程序始终允许播放音频,后台的应用程序也被允许播放一些音频内容,这取决于audio session object的设置。应用程序应该始终设置它们的audio session object,并小心的处理其他类型的音频相关notifications和中断。详见audio session programming guide。
设置你的audio session去处理这种切换
对于 Cocoa streams,
使用 setProperty:forKey:
属性给 stream.
改属性的值设为 NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP.
对于 URL loading
使用 setNetworkServiceType:
method of your
NSMutableURLRequest object to set the network service
type of the request. The
service type should be set to
For Core Foundation streams,
use the CFReadStreamSetProperty or
function to add the kCFStreamNetwork-
ServiceType property to the
stream. The value for this property should be
set to kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP.
(注意:当设置socket的时候,你需要在你的主信号通道中设置合适的service type key。当设置声道时,不需要设置这个key)
由于,VOIP应用程序需要一直运行以确保收到来电,所以如果程序通过一个非零的exit code退出,系统将自动重启这个应用程序(这种退出方式可以发生在内存压力大时终止程序运行)。尽管如此,中断应用程序会release所有的sockets,包括那个用于连接voip
D、设置audio session,详见Audio Session Programming
1中的两个方法必须是一一对应的,endBackgroundTask:方法告诉系统任务已经完成,程序在此时可以被终止。由于应用程序只有有限的时间去完成后台任务,你必须在超时或系统将要终止这个程序之前调用这个方法。为了避免被终止,你也可以在一个任务开始的时候提供一个expiration handler和endBackgroundTask:方法。(可以查看backgroundTimeRemaining属性来确定还剩多少时间)。
Listing 4-2 Starting a
background task at quit time
UIApplication* app =
[UIApplication sharedApplication];
bgTask = [app
// Start the long-running task
and return immediately.
// Do the work associated with
handler中,可以添加关闭任务所需的代码。尽管如此,加入的代码不能执行太长的时间,当expriation handler被调用的时候,该程序已经非常接近被关闭,所以只有极短的时间来清除状态信息并终止任务。
安排Local Notification的传递
UILocalNotification类提供了一种方法来传递local notifications。和push notifications需要设置remote server不同,local notifications
的传递,需要创建一个UILocalNotification的实例,并设置它,使用UIApplication类方法来安排它。Local notification对象包含了所要传递的类型(sound,alert,或者badge)和时间何时呈现)
Listing 4-3 Scheduling an alarm
UIApplication* app =
[UIApplication sharedApplication];
NSArray* oldNotifications =
[app scheduledLocalNotifications];
// Clear out the old
notification before scheduling a new one.
if ([oldNotifications count]
// Create a new
UILocalNotification* alarm =
[[[UILocalNotification alloc] init] autorelease];
if (alarm)
alarm.fireDate =
alarm.timeZone = [NSTimeZone
alarm.repeatInterval =
alarm.soundName =
alarm.alertBody = @"Time to
wake up!";
Executing Code in the
Most applications that enter the background state are moved to the
suspended state shortly thereafter. While in this state, the
application does not execute any code and may be removed from
memory at any time. Applications that provide specific services to
the user can request background execution time in order to provide
those services.
Important:&Most application developers do
not need to read this chapter. This chapter does not address the
basic multitasking support that all applications should adopt. It
addresses only the steps needed to support executing code while the
application is in the background state. For information about how
to support basic multitasking in your applications,
Applications linked against iOS SDK 4 and later are automatically
assumed to support basic multitasking and to implement the
appropriate methods to handle transitions to the background
Determining Whether Multitasking Support Is Available
The ability to execute code in the background is not supported on
all iOS-based devices. Even devices running iOS 4 or later may not
have the hardware to support multitasking. In those cases, the
system reverts to the previously defined behavior for handling
applications. Specifically, when an application quits, it is
terminated and purged from memory.
Even applications built specifically for iOS 4 should be prepared
to handle situations where multitasking is not available. If the
presence or absence of multitasking changes the way your
application behaves, it can use the&property
of the&&class
to determine whether the feature is available. Of course, if your
application supports versions of the system earlier than iOS 4, you
should always check the availability of this property before
accessing it, as shown in&Listing
Listing 4-1&&Checking
for background support in earlier versions of iOS
UIDevice* device = [UIDevice currentDevice];
BOOL backgroundSupported = NO;
if ([device respondsToSelector:@selector(isMultitaskingSupported)])
backgroundSupported = device.multitaskingS
Declaring the Background Tasks You Support
Support for some types of background execution must be declared in
advance by the application that uses them. An application declares
this support by including the&UIBackgroundModes&key
in its&Info.plist&file.
Its value is an array that contains one or more strings with the
following values:
Each of the preceding values lets the system know that your
application should be woken up at appropriate times to respond to
relevant events. For example, an application that begins playing
music and then moves to the background still needs execution time
to fill the audio output buffers. Including
tells the system frameworks that they should continue playing and
make the necessary callbacks to the application at appropriate
intervals. If the application does not include this key, any audio
being played by the application stops when the application moves to
the background.
In addition to the preceding keys, iOS provides two other ways to
do work in the background:
For more information about how to initiate background tasks from
your code, see&
Implementing Long-Running Background Tasks
Applications can request permission to run in the background in
order to manage specific services for the user. Such applications
do not run continuously but are woken up by the system frameworks
at appropriate times to perform work related to those services.
Tracking the User’s Location
There are several ways to track the user’s location in the
background, some of which do not actually involve running regularly
in the background:
You are encouraged to use the significant location change service
or use the standard services sparingly. Location services require
the active use of an iOS device’s onboard radio hardware. Running
this hardware continuously can consume a significant amount of
power. If your application does not need to provide precise and
continuous location information to the user, it is best to use
those services that minimize power consumption. Chief among these
low-power services is the significant location change service
introduced in iOS 4. This service provides periodic location
updates and can even wake up a background application, or relaunch
a terminated application, to deliver them.
For applications that require more precise location data at regular
intervals, such as navigation applications, you need to declare the
application as a continuous background application. This option is
available for applications that truly need it, but it is the least
desirable option because it increases power usage considerably.
For information about how to use each of the location services in
your application, see&.
Playing Background Audio
Applications that play audio can include
(with the value&audio)
in their&Info.plist&file
to register as a background-audio application. This key is intended
for use by applications that provide audible content to the user
while in the background, such as music-player or streaming-audio
applications. Applications that support audio or video playback
over AirPlay should also include this key so that they continue
streaming their content while in the background.
When the&audio&value
is present, the system’s media frameworks automatically prevent
your application from being suspended when it moves to the
background. As long as it is playing audio or video content, the
application continues to run in the background to support that
content. However, if the application stops playing that audio or
video, the system suspends it. Similarly, if the application does
not include the appropriate key in
the application becomes eligible for suspension immediately upon
entering the background.
You can use any of the system audio frameworks to initiate the
playback of background audio, and the process for using those
frameworks is unchanged. (For video playback over AirPlay, you must
use the Media Player framework to present your video.) Because your
application is not suspended while playing media files, callbacks
operate normally while your application is in the background. Your
application should limit itself to doing only the work necessary to
provide data for playback while in the background. For example, a
streaming audio application would download any new data from its
server and push the current audio samples out for playback. You
should not perform any extraneous tasks that are unrelated to
playing the content.
Because more than one application may support audio, the system
limits which applications can play audio at any given time. The
foreground application always has permission to play audio. In
addition, one or more background applications may also be allowed
to play some audio content depending on the configuration of their
audio session object. Applications should always configure their
audio session object appropriately and work carefully with the
system frameworks to handle interruptions and other types of
audio-related notifications. For information on how to configure
your application’s audio session properly for background execution,
Implementing a VoIP Application
over Internet Protocol (VoIP)&application
allows the user to make phone calls using an Internet connection
instead of the device’s cellular service. Such an application needs
to maintain a persistent network connection to its associated
service so that it can receive incoming calls and other relevant
data. Rather than keep VoIP applications awake all the time, the
system allows them to be suspended and provides facilities for
monitoring their sockets for them. When incoming traffic is
detected, the system wakes up the VoIP application and returns
control of its sockets to it.
To configure a VoIP application, you must do the following:
Including the&voip&value
in the&UIBackgroundModes&key
lets the system know that it should allow the application to run in
the background as needed to manage its network sockets. An
application with this key is also relaunched in the background
immediately after system boot to ensure that the VoIP services are
always available.
Most VoIP applications also need to be configured as background
audio applications to deliver audio while in the background.
Therefore, you should include both
to the&UIBackgroundModes&key.
If you do not do this, your application cannot play audio while it
is in the background. For more information about
Configuring Sockets for VoIP Usage
In order for your application to maintain a persistent connection
while it is in the background, you must tag your application’s main
communication socket specifically for VoIP usage. Tagging this
socket tells the system that it should take over management of the
socket when your application is suspended. The handoff itself is
totally transparent to your application. And when new data arrives
on the socket, the system wakes up the application and returns
control of the socket so that the application can process the
incoming data.
You need to tag only the socket you use for communicating with your
VoIP service. This is the socket you use to receive incoming calls
or other data relevant to maintaining your VoIP service connection.
Upon receipt of incoming data, the handler for this socket needs to
decide what to do. For an incoming call, you likely want to post a
local notification to alert the user to the call. For other
noncritical data, though, you might just process the data quietly
and allow the system to put your application back into the
suspended state.
In iOS, most sockets are managed using streams or other high-level
constructs. To configure a socket for VoIP usage, the only thing
you have to do beyond the normal configuration is add a special key
that tags the interface as being associated with a VoIP
4-1&lists the stream interfaces and the
configuration for each.
Table 4-1&&Configuring
stream interfaces for VoIP usage
For Cocoa streams, use the&setProperty:forKey:&method
to add the&&property
to the stream. The value of this property should be set
When using the URL loading system, use
of your&&object
to set the network service type of the request. The service type
should be set to&.
For Core Foundation streams, use the&CFReadStreamSetProperty&or&CFWriteStreamSetProperty&function
to add the&&property
to the stream. The value for this property should be set
Note:&When configuring your sockets, you
need to configure only your main signaling channel with the
appropriate service type key. You do not need to include this key
when configuring your voice channels.
Because VoIP applications need to stay running in order to receive
incoming calls, the system automatically relaunches the application
if it exits with a nonzero exit code. (This type of exit could
happen in cases where there is memory pressure and your application
is terminated as a result.) However, terminating the application
also releases all of its sockets, including the one used to
maintain the VoIP service connection. Therefore, when the
application is launched, it always needs to create its sockets from
For more information about configuring Cocoa stream objects,
see&. For information about using URL
requests, see&. And for information about
configuring streams using the CFNetwork interfaces,
Installing a Keep-Alive Handler
To prevent the loss of its connection, a VoIP application typically
needs to wake up periodically and check in with its server. To
facilitate this behavior, iOS lets you install a special handler
using the&method
You typically install this handler in
of your application delegate. Once installed, the system calls your
handler at least once before the timeout interval expires, waking
up your application as needed to do so.
Your keep-alive handler executes in the background and should
return as quickly as possible. Handlers are given a maximum of 30
seconds to perform any needed tasks and return. If a handler has
not returned after 30 seconds, the system terminates the
When installing your handler, specify the largest timeout value
that is practical for your application’s needs. The minimum
allowable interval for running your handler is 600 seconds and
attempting to install a handler with a smaller timeout value will
fail. Although the system promises to call your handler block
before the timeout value expires, it does not guarantee the exact
call time. To improve battery life, the system typically groups the
execution of your handler with other periodic system tasks, thereby
processing all tasks in one quick burst. As a result, your handler
code must be prepared to run earlier than the actual timeout period
you specified.
Configuring Your Application’s Audio Session
As with any background audio application, the audio session for a
VoIP application must be configured properly to ensure the
application works smoothly with other audio-based applications.
Because audio playback and recording for a VoIP application are not
used all the time, it is especially important that you create and
configure your application’s audio session object only when it is
needed. For example, you would create it to notify the user of an
incoming call or while the user was actually on a call. As soon as
the call ends, you would then release the audio session and give
other audio applications the opportunity to play their audio.
For information about how to configure and manage an audio session
for a VoIP application, see&.
Completing a Finite-Length Task in the Background
Any time before it is suspended, an application can call
to ask the system for extra time to complete some long-running task
in the background. If the request is granted, and if the
application goes into the background while the task is in progress,
the system lets the application run for an additional amount of
time instead of suspending it. (The&&property
of theUIApplication&object
contains the amount of time the application has to run.)
You can use task completion to ensure that important but
potentially long-running operations do not end abruptly when the
user leaves the application. For example, you might use this
technique to save user data to disk or finish downloading an
important file from a network server. There are a couple of design
patterns you can use to initiate such tasks:
All calls to the&beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:&method
must be balanced with a corresponding call to
lets the system know that the task is complete and that the
application can now be suspended. Because applications are given
only a limited amount of time to finish background tasks, you must
call this method before time expires or the system will terminate
your application. To avoid termination, you can also provide an
expiration handler when starting a task and call
from there. (You can also check the value in
of the application object to see how much time is left.)
An application can have any number of tasks running at the same
time. Each time you start a task, the&beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:&method
returns a unique identifier for the task. You must pass this same
identifier to the&endBackgroundTask:&method
when it comes time to end the task.
Listing 4-2&shows how to start a
long-running task when your application transitions to the
background. In this example, the request to start a background task
includes an expiration handler just in case the task takes too
long. The task itself is then submitted to a dispatch queue for
asynchronous execution so that the&applicationDidEnterBackground:&method
can return normally. The use of&&simplifies
the code needed to maintain references to any important variables,
such as the background task identifier.
is a member variable of the class that stores a pointer to the
current background task identifier.
Listing 4-2&&Starting a
background task at quit time
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
bgTask = [app beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[app endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskI
// Start the long-running task and return immediately.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// Do the work associated with the task.
[app endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskI
In your own expiration handlers, you can include additional code
needed to close out your task. However, any code you include must
not take too long to execute. By the time your expiration handler
is called, your application is already very close to its time
limit. For this reason, perform only minimal cleanup of your state
information and end the task.
Scheduling the Delivery of Local Notifications
in UIKit provides a way to schedule the delivery of local
notifications. Unlike push notifications, which require setting up
a remote server, local notifications are scheduled by your
application and executed on the current device. You can use this
capability to achieve the following behaviors:
To schedule the delivery of a local notification, create an
instance of the&UILocalNotification&class,
configure it, and schedule it using the methods of
The local notification object contains information about the type
of notification to deliver (sound, alert, or badge) and the time
(when applicable) at which to deliver it. The methods of
provide options for delivering notifications immediately or at the
scheduled time.
Listing 4-3&shows an example that schedules
a single alarm using a date and time that is set by the user. This
example configures only one alarm at a time and cancels the
previous alarm before scheduling a new one. (Your own applications
can have no more than 128 local notifications active at any given
time, any of which can be configured to repeat at a specified
interval.) The alarm itself consists of an alert box and a sound
file that is played if the application is not running or is in the
background when the alarm fires. If the application is active and
therefore running in the foreground, the application
is called instead.
Listing 4-3&&Scheduling
an alarm notification
- (void)scheduleAlarmForDate:(NSDate*)theDate
UIApplication* app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
oldNotifications = [app scheduledLocalNotifications];
// Clear out the old notification before scheduling a new one.
if ([oldNotifications count] & 0)
[app cancelAllLocalNotifications];
// Create a new notification.
UILocalNotification* alarm = [[[UILocalNotification alloc] init] autorelease];
if (alarm)
alarm.fireDate = theD
alarm.timeZone = [NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone];
alarm.repeatInterval = 0;
alarm.soundName = @"alarmsound.caf";
alarm.alertBody = @"Time to wake up!";
[app scheduleLocalNotification:alarm];
Sound files used with local notifications have the same
requirements as those used for push notifications. Custom sound
files must be located inside your application’s main bundle and
support one of the following formats: Linear PCM, MA4, &-Law, or
a-Law. You can also specify the sound
play the default alert sound for the device. When the notification
is sent and the sound is played, the system also triggers a
vibration on devices that support it.
You can cancel scheduled notifications or get a list of
notifications using the methods of
For more information about these methods,
see&. For additional information about
configuring local notifications, see&.


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