
//a.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=e80aefbd790e0cf3a0a246ff3f76de29/f636afccb419c5bbc33.jpg" />&#8302;释义: 雫是一个日本和制汉字,①nǎ,《龙龕手鉴.雨部》“雫,俗,奴寡.baidu,便作“雫”,是日本人根据中国汉字的六书造字法所造出来的汉字,只限于日本语使用。日本政府颁布了1945个常用汉字。这些日本自家创造的汉字称作和制汉字<img class="ikqb_img" src="http://a.hiphotos,奴宽二反”②xià,但曾作“霞”的二简字(今已废止的不规范简化字),水滴如雨下,汉语的读音为xià[1] &./zhidao/pic//zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=157a38d52bafad64a6afccb419c5bbc33.jpg" esrc="http://a.hiphotos
陆地是什么意思 陆地在线翻译 陆地什么意思 陆地的意思 陆地的翻译 陆地的解释 陆地的发音 陆地的同义词 陆地的反义词 陆地的例句
陆地 基本解释陆地[lù dì]词典:土地;陆地;国家;地产。词典:地球;泥土;陆地;兽穴。词典:陆地;旱田;干旱地区。词典:阳台;台阶,阶地;柱廊,门廊;斜坡上房屋间的街巷。词典:土质的。陆地 汉英大词典陆地[lù dì] shore陆地 网络解释1. 1. terra firma:continent 大陆 | terra firma 陆地 | coast 海岸2. earth n:earnesta.认真的,诚恳的 | earthn.陆地,地面;土,泥;地球 | earthquaken.地震3. land n:at all 完全,全然 | land n. 陆地 | insect n. 昆虫陆地 双语例句1. 这里有着世界上最快的陆地交通工具――磁悬浮列车和亚洲最高的高塔――东方明珠塔。&&&&Most of us dream of becoming a volunteer at the 2010 World Exposition.2. 海洋分割的一块块陆地,也就是他们常说的所谓东西南北,上下左右的一个个瞻部洲的情形映现&&&&These continents seperated by the sea which was called Jambudvipas in the so-called east, west, south, north, up, down, left and right3. 海洋分割的一块块陆地,也就是他们常说的所谓东西南北,上下左右的一个个瞻部洲的情形映现在众神面前。&&&&These lands seperated by the sea which was called Jambudvipas in the east, west, south, north, up, down, left appeared.4. 治本就是先确定地底岩浆的范围,寻找最近临海区域,施行真空抽取地底岩浆造陆工程(陆地与水区比例规划-人口数)。&&&&Permanent cure is to determine the scope of magma underground, find the nearest waterfront area, the purposes of vacuum extraction of underground magma Reclamation works (land and water areas of planning - population).5. 陆地在线翻译5. 当你踏进这些船形鞋在陆地上的时候,船桨保持隐藏状态,可你一踏足水上,这些船桨就出现并开始让你轻松自如地前行。&&&&When you step into these boat-like shoes on land, the oars stay hidden, but as soon as you step onto water, the oars appear and start moving you forwards with ease.6. 6. 木质素作为陆地上含量丰富的高分子有机物之一,对植物的结构与防御功能都具有重要作用。&&&&Lignin, one of the most abundant terrestrial biopolymers, is indispensable for plant structure and defense.7. 7. 中国陆地面积约960万平方公里,是世界上第三大国,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大。&&&&China own the sqare of 9.6 million, is the third largest country all over the world, next to Russia and Canada.8. 你个婊子生育的玩意,就是不会给基督徒们好处;我们不怕你的军队,大海和这陆地作证,日你娘!&&&&You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of C we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.9. 9. 为了解中国大陆地区新生隐球菌临床株基因型分布情况,我们对来自我国中东部地区的18个省、直辖市的120株血清A型和9株血清B型新生隐球菌临床株采用PCR指纹分析、IGS序列测定和MLST方法进行分析。&&&&We analyzed the genotype of 120 Cryptococcus neoformans and 9 Cryptococcus gattii strains isolated from cryptococcosis patients residing in 16 provinces of mainland China, using methods of DNA fingerprint, IGS sequence, MLST and construction of dendrogram based on M13 fingerprint.10. 你利用 100 x 100 的区域,跟空气,海和陆地军队一起。&&&&You play on a field of100 x 100 squares, with air, sea and land forces.11. 东西宽51公里,南北宽47公里,总面积1510平方公里,其中陆地面积1462平方公里,最高海拔2664米、最低海拔1736米,平均海拔2610米。&&&&&&Kilometers east to west, north and south 47 kilometers wide, with a total area of 1510 square kilometers, of which 1462 square kilometers land area, the maximum altitude of 2664 meters, the minimum altitude of 1736 meters, 2610 meters above sea level on average.12. 如公元1339年,成州长官元帅武思信奉旨督修嘉陵江上游水陆道路,修治兴州以上陆地行国运粮险路一百八十渡,悬崖阁道三千六百余间,桥梁六十四所,避水患二百余渡。&&&&&&If the year 1339, WU Si-cheng Marshal letter states have taken it for granted Executive Governor of road surface repair the upper reaches of the Jialing River, Shuji xingzhou countries over the land line 180 food risk crossing the road, the cliff more than 3600 Club Road, the bridge 64, to avoid flooding in more than 200 crossing.13. 如果把大陆架海域的水全部抽光,使大陆架完全成为陆地,那么大陆架的面貌与大陆基本上是一样的。&&&&&&If all of the continental shelf waters of the water pumping light, so that the continental shelf completely into the land, then the face of the continental shelf and the mainland is essentially the same.14. Supima棉是一种超长纤维棉,这种棉只生长在美国、秘鲁且在其产地只有有限的产量,其强度、耐用性及一致性的检测远比陆地棉高级。&&&&&&Supima is a kind of fiber cotton, intensity and durablity are much better than the fiber of in land grown cotton.15. 估算出人类在这个行星上作为物质存在的时间长短的过程中,计算出了陆地和空中所有脊椎动物的&&&&&&Aircraft, has calculated the weight of all vertebra tes on the land and in the air.16. 16. 在腹部被子弹击中后,他仍继续执行任务,同时等待着英国送来一辆新的装甲钢板陆地罗弗车。&&&&&&He continued on assignment, waiting for a new armour-plated Land-Rover to arrive from england, when he was shot in the stomach17. 17. 在腹部被子弹击中后,他仍继续执行任务,同时等待着英国送来一辆新的装甲钢板陆地罗弗车。&&&&&&He continued on assignment, waiting for a new armour-plated land -Rover to arrive from Eng land, when he was shot in the stomach18. 18. 在陆地上,我可以背你,在水中,你可以把我背在你的背上。&&&&&&I can carry you on land, and you can carry me on your back in the water.19. 陆地什么意思19. 这些新的变化对我国大陆地区会计师责任保险有一定的参考价值。&&&&&&However, there has already been a legal basis for its existence mainly from the two perspectives of insured...20. 这些新的变化对我国大陆地区会计师责任保险有一定的参考价值。&&&&&&However, there has already been a legal basis for its existence mainly from the two perspectives of insur...陆地是什么意思,陆地在线翻译,陆地什么意思,陆地的意思,陆地的翻译,陆地的解释,陆地的发音,陆地的同义词,陆地的反义词,陆地的例句,陆地的相关词组,陆地意思是什么,陆地怎么翻译,单词陆地是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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