
问个小小的英语问题Tom and I _____ (are is) in Class onesorry 不是翻译
Tom and I ___are__ (are is) in Class one tom 和我 在一班
are 主语是Tom和I,两个人,be动词用复数are
Tom and I (are) in Class 1.Tom with I (is) in Class 1.看看主语是什么就行了。。
扫描下载二维码小小的英文名,竟有这么多讲究?! - 简书
听虹姐碎碎念,一个小小的英文名其实有许多讲究。一些姓名的读音跟想象的不一样!很多南美裔的人的名字都是西班牙名字,他们的读音规则跟英文不一样。以前虹姐上课的学校有个教授是阿根廷人,名字是Jose,是个非常常见的西班牙名字。虹姐叫了人家一个学期的宙斯,到处跟人说宙斯教授的课特别好,人家总是一脸迷茫,最后才知道西班牙语名字J是发H的音的。所以Jose应该是hou'sei的读音(中文翻译过来是何塞)。同理,如果遇到名字是Juan的,也是一个典型的西班牙名字,是读介于‘huan'和'wuan'的读音,别再管人叫娟儿了。还有一个容易读错的名字是Sean,应该是接近’尚‘的一个读音,有人按发音规则读成seen,人家美国人一脸黑线。Evan是另一个,应该读['ev?n],而不是一万。Lou应该读/lu:/,是Louis的别名,不要管人家叫楼了!姓和名的顺序咱们拿Friends里的Rachel Green做例子。大家都知道西方把First name写在前面,Last name写在后面,所以Rachel的名字就应该写成Rachel Green。如果你第一次跟她写邮件,你应该称呼人家Ms. Green,因为Green是她的姓。还有另一种写法是姓和名中间加个逗号,这种情况下就变成了姓,名了,也就是Green, Rachel。这种情况通常都是有一个list有很多名字(比如校友录数据库,或者活动出席人名单),为了排序搜索方便,所以把Last name放在前面(因为First name重名的太多了)。这种情况,逗号前面的是姓,千万别写成Ms. Rachel了。如何称呼别人?在中国,我们都很礼貌的用XX先生,XX小姐,或者X总,X教授来称呼别人。美国的规矩略有不同,听虹姐细细道来:邮件/书面往来1. 如果第一次写信给素未谋面的人(比如想networking的校友),应该按照中国的规矩来,称呼人家Mr. /Ms.+ last name。对女士用Ms,因为Ms是可以称呼所有女性的,所以用Ms一定不会错。Mrs一般用来称呼已婚女性,但第一次联系你很难知道对方是否已婚(即使对方年纪已大也不要轻易做这种假设!),所以用Ms就对啦,大小通吃。2. 大多数情况,美国人喜欢用First Name互相称呼。如果对方回你邮件了,通常都会有个落款,这个落款是什么,你下次再回信就改称呼人家什么。还拿Rachel举例子。如果她回信的落款是Best,Rachel那么你从此之后就可以称呼她为Rachel了。如果你这之后仍称呼她为Ms. Green就有些奇怪了。3. 对于学校的教授,一律称呼Professor Last Name。比如Ross Geller,你应该一直称呼他Professor Geller,亘古不变,除非他要求你称呼他Ross。口头称呼美国人一般都习惯称呼对方的名字(First name),即使级别再高,也不按级别称呼(叫人家Director Green或者President Smith就太奇怪啦!)。通常第一次见面的时候,他自我介绍自己叫什么,你就可以称呼他那个,完全没有问题。比如她说Hi I am Rachel. Nice to meet you!',那你叫她Rachel就好了,即使她是你的大老板也不用担心。如果你没有听清楚她的名字,可以叫她重复一遍。你可以说'I am sorry I didn't get your name, what is your name again?' 然后跟着人家重复一遍,保证自己发音对了。虹姐知道记住人家的名字很难,但这是非常重要的事情,需要留心记住并且不断训练自己,这个本领在networking的时候会很有帮助,具体如何有帮助,敬请期待虹姐的networking系列啦~见到教授,还是要称呼professor, 但是如果人家last name很长,你可以直接称呼人家professor,而不用professor Geller全称。如果人家说you can call me Ross,那你之后就可以放心叫他名字,不用一口一个教授了。Hypocorism(别名,小名)西方名字有很多种缩写,或者看起来完全不一样的写法。如果一定要打比喻的话,有点类似咱们的大名和小名。还拿Rachel举例子,Rachel是她的大名,但也有很多场合大家称她Rach,甚至Ray Ray。这些就是Rachel这个名字衍生出来的其它叫法。很多名字都有这样的衍生小名,比较常见的有:Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria → Al, Alec, Alexa, Alexis, Alex, Eck, Lex, Lexie, SandyCaroline, Carolyn → Carol, Lyn, Carrie, CaryChristopher → Chris, Criffer, Kit, TopherDaniel → Dan, DannyTerence → Tel, TerryMichael → Mick → Mike → MikeyNicholas → NickNicola, Nicole → Nikki, Nickie, Nicki, Niki, Nikky, NiciKimberly → Kim → Kimmy*最全的hypocorism清单可以见wikipedia page:Rachel和 Rach看起来多少还能猜出来是一个名字。最坑爹的是那些看起来完全没关联的。最臭名昭著的莫过于 Bill和 William了,这其实是一个名字。所以如果一个人的 email或者 linkedin上是 William XXX,但是大家都叫他 Bill的时候,你千万不要冲上去纠正(虹姐血泪的教训)。类似的坑爹别名还有很多:比如 Tony是 Anthony的别名, Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Betty都是 Elizabeth的别名, Jim和 Jimmy都是 James的别名, Rick和 Dick是 Richard的别名, Bob和 Rob都是 Robert的别名, Chuck和Charlie都是 Charles的别名, Edward可以叫 Ed,也可以叫 Ned, Ted, Teddy; Kate和 Kitty都是 Katherine的别名; Molly是 Mary的别名。 Margaret也可以被叫做 Meg, Maggie, Madge, Marge, Moll, Greta, Rita, Peg, Peggy, Daisy....当然不是让大家把这些都背下来。很多人的official name 就是一个别名,如果是这样你也不用跳开别名去叫最original的本名。规则就是 1) 知道这几个名字其实都是指那一个人,而且2) 搞清楚别人希望你用哪个,然后用那个名字就好了。很多时候你会发现,一个人的email用的是自己的official name,但是邮件落款用的是别名。比如你发邮件给robert.,但是他落款写的是Bob,那你就知道他希望别人都叫他Bob,这之后你都叫他Bob就好了。 如果是当面,第一次介绍拿到名片看到对方写的是Robert,你不确定应该叫他什么,你可以问一句'do you prefer to be called by Robert? or Bob?' 这是很常见的问题,不用担心冒犯到别人。至于美国人是怎么选择叫哪个小名的,网上有一些解释。比如大名取名叫Robert的,他的小名可以是Bobby,Robby,Rob,或者Bob。他的父母兄弟姐妹从小叫他什么决定了他用哪个名字,没有其他特殊的规则。相对来说,Bobby或者Robby更像小时候叫的名字,就好像中文里带小字的名字(张小明,李小芳),有的时候当孩子长大,会想换到更成熟的版本,比如换成Rob或者Robert。但是这通常也都发生在大学前。所以我们networking里遇到的美国人的名字一般是不会变的了。
听虹姐碎碎念,来美国读商科如何出类拔萃。话题涉及美国商科本科或研究生学习,求职,文化适应等。公众号:hongjieshuo123 | 知乎专栏:虹姐说。
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-- 发自我的网易邮箱平板适配版 ----- Original Message ----- From: 163 To: &秦丕兴& Sent: Fri, 15 Sep :27 -0700 Subject: 大营、二营勤俭持家发家、到成为企业家
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一个异乡的女子 前来示好 欲赠之以芍花一朵 她说 请给我你的银行的卡号趣味英语:句子小小变动,意思大大不同
He has been to Beijing (去过北京)&
He has gone to Beijing(去北京了,人还没回来〕
This is the same key as I lost yesterday.这把钥匙和我昨天丢的那把很像。
This is the same key that I lost yesterday.这就是我昨天丢的那把钥匙。
That’s all right. 没关系;不用谢。
That’s right. 那是对的。All right.好,行。
Here you are! 给你! Here we are! 到啦!
Here they are! 东西在这儿。
I’m afraid not.恐怕不是这样。
I’m not afraid.我不怕。
I didn’t go, because I was afraid.我没去,因为我害怕。
I didn’t go because I was afraid.我不是因为害怕才去的。
He is not a little afraid of it. 他非常害怕。
He is not a bit afraid of it. 他一点也不怕。
We chose Jack our monitor. 我们选杰克当我们的班长。
We chose Jack----- our monitor.我们选杰克----我们的班长。
I will give you a lesson. 我将给你们上一堂课。
I will teach you a lesson.我将教训你们一顿。
He hasn’t lived here for a long time. 他很久没住这儿了。
He hasn’t lived here for long.他没在这儿住很久。
It has been 5 years since he lived here.他5年没住这儿了。
It has been 5 years since he began to live here. 他住在这儿5年了。
I have never seen him since he was ill.自从他病愈以来我一直没见过他。
I have never seen him since he fell ill. 自从他生病以来我一直没见过他。
It is 3 years since he was a soldier.他退役3年了。
It is 3 years since he became a soldier.他参军3年了。
It is nearly 3 years since he began to smoke.他抽烟已近3年。
It is nearly 3 years since he smoked.他戒烟已近3年。
Anyhow, she works.不管怎样,她总算工作了。
She works anyhow.她马马虎虎地工作。
You may as well take this.你还是收下这个为好。
You may take this as well.你可以把这个也收下。
He had made a box.他已经做好一个箱子。
He had a box made.他请人做了一个箱子。
He foolishly spoke.他竟然开口说话,实在很不聪明。
He spoke foolishly.他把话说得很不聪明(说了些蠢话)。
I hope he will soon get over it.我希望他很快就会忘掉这件事。
I hope he will soon get it over. 我希望他很快就会结束这件事。
I remembered mailing the letter.我记得把信寄发了。
I remembered to mail the letter.我记得要把信寄发。
They tried to speak English. 他们想学着讲英语。
They tried speaking English.他们想用英语试试看。
An old car problem may arise.可能会引起历来已久的汽车问题。
An old cars problem may arise.可能引起旧车处理问题。
It is his manner that annoys me.他的举止使我很不舒服。
It is his manners that annoys me. 他的礼貌使我很不舒服。
He is behind time.他迟到了。
He is behind the times.他落伍了。
He stood up for them. 他拥护他们。
He stood up to them.他反抗他们。
His success is out of question. 他成功没问题。
His success is out of the question.他不可能成功。
They went to sea. 他们当水手去。
They went to the sea.他们到海滨去。
I am no philosopher.我不懂哲学。
I am not a philosopher.我不是个哲学家。
He was familiar to me. 我很熟悉他。
He was familiar with me.他对我很随便(亲昵、冒昧)。
Is Mary at home? 玛丽在家吗? Is Mary home? 玛丽回来了吗?
Give me a cup of tea. 给我一杯茶。
Give me a cup for tea.给我一个茶杯。
He is disappointed.他感到失望。
He is disappointing.他令人失望。
It is in the school that we got to know each other.我们是在学校里相识的。
It is the school where we got to know each other.它就是我们相识的那所学校。
It is 3 years ago that his father left for Beijing.他父亲是在3年前离开家去北京的。
It is 3 years since his father left for Beijing.他父亲离开家去北京后有3年了。
The news has come from Beijing that an important meeting is being held there.
The news has come from Beijing, where an important meeting is being held there.
He wrote a letter to his sister, telling her that he would arrive on Sunday.
He wrote a letter to his sister to tell her that he would arrive on Sunday.
He wrote a letter to his sister telling her that he would arrive on Sunday.
They had no choice but to buy another one and return it to Jeanne.
They had no choice but to buy another one and returned it to Jeanne.
Bob is sure of success.鲍勃自信会成功。
Bob is sure to succeed. 鲍勃一定会成功。
The delegation is leaving for England tomorrow.代表团明天动身去英国。
The delegation is leaving England tomorrow.代表团明天离开英国。
Rose is only too excited to say a single word.罗斯激动得仅说了一句话。
Rose is too excited to say a single word. 罗斯激动得一句话也说不出来。
The workshop director introduced a worker and an engineer to us.车间主任把一位工人和一位工程师介绍给我们。
The workshop director introduced a worker and engineer to us. 车间主任把一位工人工程师介绍给我们。
Lei Feng was always ready to help others. ----So he was.他的确如此。
Lei Feng was always ready to help others. ----So was he.他也一样。
Tom has been to do some shopping. 汤姆刚才买东西去了。
Tom is to do some shopping.汤姆打算去买东西。
I’m afraid of telling him.我不敢告诉他(怕伤他的感情)。
I’m afraid to tell him.我胆小,不敢跟他说。
I fear that he doesn’t know our address. 我担心他不知道我们的地址。
I don’t fear that he knows our address.我不怕他知道我们的地址。
I’m not afraid that they will come.我不怕他们来。
I’m afraid that they will not come.我担心他们不会来。
This is one of the questions that have been raised by the students.这是学生们提出的问题之一。
This is only one of the questions that has been raised by the students. 这是学生们提出的唯一一个问题。
I don’t know what is the matter. 我不知道出了什么问题。
I don’t know what matter is.我不知道物质是什么。
This lake is deepest here.这个湖这里最深。
This the deepest here.这个湖在这个地区算最深的。
She has a brother who is a doctor. 她有一个当医生的弟弟。
She has a brother, who is a doctor.她有一个弟弟,是医生。
I will wear no clothes which will distinguish me from fellow-men.使我显得与众不同的衣服我愿意不穿。
I will wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from fellow-men.我将不穿衣服,这将使我与众不同。
Who are you going to play with?你准备和谁一起玩?
Who are you going to play against?你准备和谁比试打球?
She came ten minutes later. 十分钟后她来了。
She came ten minutes late. 她迟到了十分钟。
Mr White is watching TV.怀特先生在看电视。
The Whites are watching TV. 怀特一家在看电视。
He heard from his uncle yesterday.他昨天收到了他叔叔的来信。
He heard of his uncle yesterday.他昨天听说了他叔叔的情况。
He will think of this problem. 他将想起这个问题。
He will think over this problem.他将认真思考这个问题。
If you are looking for Peter, you’ll find him upstairs.如果你正在找彼得,你到楼上去吧。
If you look for Peter, you’ll find him upstairs.如果你(任何时候)找彼得,你只要到楼上去。
He has promised me to come. 他答应了我回来的。
He has permitted me to come.他答应了让我来。
In his letter he told me of several matters.在他的信里面他谈到了几件事情。
In his letter he told me several matters. 在他的信里面他告诉了几件事情。
They will come at the same time and they won’t stay long.他们将同时来并且不会呆多久。
They will come, at the same time, they won’t stay long.他们将会来,另一方面,他们不会呆多久。
That watch must be lying somewhere.手表肯定放在哪个地方。
That watch must be lying.那块手表肯定不准。
He is my friend. 这是我的朋友。He is a friend pf mine.这是我的一个朋友。
The boy almost cried every time he was beaten.那个孩子每次挨打时差不多都要哭起来。
The boy cried almost every time he was beaten. 那个孩子几乎每次挨打时都哭了。
We have big enough baskets for these vegetables.我有足够大的一些篮子来装这些蔬菜。
We have enough big baskets for these vegetables. 我有足够的大篮子来装这些蔬菜。
He was still sitting. 他仍然坐着
He was sitting still.他正一动不动地坐着。
She told us all that he had done. 她告诉了我们他所做的一切。
She told us all what she had done. 她告诉了我们所有人他所做的。
I couldn’t have finished the work on time if you hadn’t helped me.要不是你帮助我的话,我不可能按时完成了工作。
I couldn’t have finished the work on time unless you had helped me.我不能按时完成工作,除非你帮助我。
Please help me carry the box. 请帮我搬这个箱子(完全由你搬)。
Please help me to carry the box. 请帮我搬这个箱子(我们一起抬)。
Would you like to see the film? 你想去看电影吗?(如果你去,我请客)
Do you like to see the film? 你想去看电影吗?(你是否有去看电影的意图?)
The bus went up and down on the rough road. 公共汽车在粗糙的路面上上下颠簸。
The bus went up and down the rough road. 公共汽车在粗糙的路面上来回跑动。
You hate him as I. 你像我一样恨他。
You hate him as me.你恨他就像恨我一样。
With no coaching will he pass the exam.没有辅导他就不能通过考试。
With no coaching he will pass the exam. 没有辅导他也能通过考试。
He needs help. 他需要帮助
He needs a help.他需要一个助手。
It is difficult to do with him. 和他相处很难。
It is difficult to deal with him.对付他很难。
We will hear his poetry recitation. 我们将听他朗诵诗歌。
We will hear his poetry recited. 我们将听他的诗歌被朗诵。
How pleased he was to get three letters from the same friend in a day.一天收到同一个朋友的三封来信,他是多么地高兴啊!
What pleased him was to get three letters from the same friend in a day.使他高兴的事情是他一天收到同一个朋友的三封来信。
Would you mind my/me opening the door? 你介意我把门打开吗?
Would you mind opening the door? 你介意帮我把门打开吗?
What’s John like? 约翰(的相貌或品德)怎么样?
What does John like? 约翰喜欢什么?
This story was translated from English.这个故事译自英语。
This story was translated into English. 这个故事译成了英语。
His office is above ours. 他的办公室在我们上方(另一栋楼上)。
His office is over ours. 他的办公室在我们楼上。
He is above me. 他的地位比我高。
He is over me.他的职位比我高(我受他领导)。
A boy can do it.男孩子可以做那件事。
One boy can do it.做那件事一个男孩子就够了。
He could make anybody believe him.他能使任何人相信他。
He was able to make anybody believe him.他终于使大家都相信了他。
He lives by the sea. 他傍海而居(看得见海)。
He lives near the sea.他住在海边(不一定看得见海)。
We talked about the problem.我们讨论了这个问题。
We talked of the problem.我们谈及了这个问题。
He came to see me three times (in) a month.他每个月来看了我三次。
He came to see me three times within a month.他一个月内来看了我三次。
He is used to doing hardwork.他习惯于干重活。
He used to do hardwork.他过去常常干重活。
He is out of the sight of her. 他看不见她了。
He is out of sight of her.她看不见他了。
He has finished the book. 他看完了这本书。
He has completed the book.他写完了这本书。
Only 5 of them I saw in the library. 在图书馆我只看到他们中的5个。
Only 5 of them saw me in the library.他们当中只有5个人看见我在图书馆。
Who was the first man that you spoke to today? 今天你第一个和谁说话?
Who was the first man that spoke to you today? 今天谁第一个和你说话?
Mrs Green stopped talking with me when someone called her yesterday.昨天有人叫他,格林先生停止了和我说话。
Mrs Green stopped to talk with me when I called her yesterday. 昨天我叫他,格林先生就停下来和我说话。
When Mrs Manson told her husband that she had failed the test, he said she should have taken more driving lessons.…,他说她本应该多训练训练的。
When Mrs Manson told her husband that she had failed the test, he said she should take more driving lessons. …,他说她现在应该多训练。
There are some Germans who asked to see you. 有一些德国人要求见你。
There some German who asked to see you. 有一个德国人要求见你。
I got up at seven. An hour later I went to school. 我7点起床,一个小时后(也就是8点整),我去上学。
I got up at seven. After an hour I went to the school. 我7点起床,一个小时后(的任意时间),我到学校去。
A is/lies in the+方位词+of B& (A在B辖区之内)A is/lies to the+方位词+of B& (A不在B辖区之内且AB不接壤)A is/lies on the+方位词+of B& (A不在B辖区之内但AB接壤)regret/remember/后悔/记得/忘记做过某事 regret/remember/ 后悔/记得/忘记要做某事stop/go on停止/继续做正在做的事情 stop/go on 停止/接下来做另一件事情做某事试试看 try to do sth尽力做某事意味着做某事 mean to do sth想要做某事can’禁不住做某事 can’t help to do sth不能帮助做某事want/need/ 需要被…want/need/require to do sth想要/需要/要求做某事继续做某事keep doing sth反复做某事
向某人恶意地投掷某物throw sth to sb 把某物投掷给某人in 在20世纪40年代 in the forties of the nineteenth century在19世纪40年代South C华南地区 the south of China中国的南部随着太阳升起 with the sun having risen太阳升起来了出生在出身于手工地用手地 on Christmas D在圣诞节那天 at C 在圣诞节期间用这种方法 this way走这边和某人谈话和某人争吵总而言之用语言,用文字口头上说完这些话 …的数目 a number of;许多(接棵树名词复数)希望做某事 wish to do sth但愿做某事in the market 在市场上 on the market在出售= for sale 供出售在某处 on the spot当场,在现场在那个时间或地点 to the point切中要点be made (out)由…(材料)制作而成(能看出原材料) 由…(材料)制作而成(看不出原材料)由…组成 be known/由于…而著名 be known/famous as作为…而著名远古时代 old times古代我们中的三个 the three of us我们三个(泛指的)许多学生 a good many of the students(特指的)那些学生中的许多on在…情况下 on condition that如果当佣人 in the service在军队服役(学生)去上学去学校在读书在学校 入狱去监狱里就寝,上床睡觉向床走去,走到床前出海向海走去(因病)住院在医院里&在吃饭在餐桌旁负责,管理由…负责,在…掌管之下&拥有,占有 被…拥有,被…占有在白天按日计算&发生代替代替在…的地方公开 in the open (air);在户外成年同龄 &征求意见听从劝告 &在执政在办公室里在上课在那个班上今后将来能看见据…的见解万一就…来说,至于值班留神秘密地知情在储备中在那个仓库里 &不可能=没问题=在整个物体前面 &在空间里面的前面在服刑在监狱里出狱从监狱里出来在睡觉在床上在晚上在指定的晚上。
1. 现在一般时与现在完成时
1) I come from Shanghai(我是上海人)I have come from Shanghai(我从上海来)
2) You read very well. (强调能力)You've read very well. (强调一次刚完成的动作)
3) I forget.(一时想不起来了)I have forgotten.(仍没想起来,可能已回忆起来了)
4) The book is written in simple English. (表状态,用英语写成)
The book has been written in simple English.(表动态,已用英语写成)
5) Every time I see him, he's been reading. (两个动作不可能同时进行)
& Every time I have seen him, he's been reading. (强调两个动作同时进行)
6) He is gone. (强调状态) He has gone (强调动作和时间)
7) He won't come till the play begins. (演出开始时) He won't come till the play has begun.(戏已开始)
8) After I leave school, I'll go to college. (两个动作紧密相接)
& After I have left school, I'll go to college.(强调毕业后,两个动作可能有间隔)
9) It is a long time since I saw you last.
It's been a long time since I saw you last.(这两句话一样,后一句是美国英语)
10) Where are you? (你在哪?) Where have you been? (你去了哪?)
2. 现在一般时与现在进行时
1) He works hard.(强调始终如一)He is working hard.(强调现在)
2) What do you do? (干什么工作的)What are you doing? (在干什么)
3) Here comes the bus! (表高兴和欣慰) The bus is coming.(汽车到来的情景)
4) I forget his name.(我忘了他的名字)I'm forgetting his name.(我差点把他的名字忘了)
5) You don't eat much. (强调胃口不大) You're not eating much.(你怎么不吃呀)
6) The match starts at 7 o'clock. (比较固定,不宜改变) The match is starting at 7 o'clock.(可以改变)
7) Tom always comes late.(汤姆回来晚) Tom is always coming late.(汤姆总是回来很晚。表示不满,责备)
8)Tom goes to college now. Tom is going to college now.(这两句区别不大,后者更生动)
9) I tell you.(我可以告诉你) I'm telling you.(我告诉你吧,有感情色彩)
10) He always sleeps in the afternoon. He is always sleeping in the afternoon.(后者意味着整个下午都睡掉了)
11) I expect you to phone me. ( 几乎等于命令) I'm expecting you to phone me.(婉转)
12) What do you say? What are you saying? (你说些什么呀,表说话人惊讶,不满)
12) I find that the book is too difficult for me.(强调结果)
&& I'm finding that the book is too difficult for me. (强调过程,逐渐感到)
13) Apples cost more these days.(强调事实)Apples are costing more these days.(越来越贵)
14) He always thinks of others.& He's always thinking of others.(表示赞扬)
15) Whenever I see him, he argues with somebody.(强调两个动作有先后)
Whenever I see him, he is arguing with somebody.(强调两个动作同时进行)
16) I hope you'll give us some advice. I'm hoping you'll give us some advice.(表示语气婉转)
17) I must go. (我应该去) I must be going.(我该走了)
18) We can discuss this while we eat.(说话是没用餐) We can discuss this while we are eating.(进餐已开始)
3. 现在完成时与过去一般时
1) I've seen him this morning.(还在上午的时间里) I saw him this morning.(时间已不在上午了)
2) Who's opened the window (窗户还在开着) Who opened the window (与现在无关,窗户可能已关上)
3) Have you ever heard him sing (他可能不是爱唱歌)
Did you ever hear him sing (你曾听过他唱歌吗,他可能是歌唱家)
4) Have you ever heard of such a thing (你听过这种事吗)
&& Did you ever hear of such a thing (这种事, 你听说过吗 是一个修辞性问题,表示惊异.)
5) What have I done to make you so angry (对方仍生气)
&& What did I do to make you so angry (暗示某一过去的时间,可能对方已不生气了.)
6) How has he done it (他这活干的怎么样 强调结果) How did he do it (他是怎么干这活的强调干活的方式)
7) He has lived in New York for eight years. (他仍在纽约)
He lived in New York for eight years.(他可能不在人世了)
8) He has been called a thinker. He was called a thinker.(他曾被誉为思想家)
9) You've heard what I said. (你听见我的话了)
&& You heard what I said.(你是听见我的话的,口气严厉,具有感情色彩.)
10) I've lost my pen. (笔还没找到)I lost my pen.(笔可能找到了)
11) He has already been there. (曾去过那) He was already there.(当时在哪)
12) Since I have been ill, my friend has visited me every day.(生病还在延续)
&& Since I was ill, my friend has visited me every day. (病已好了)
13) Have you slept well (暗示疲倦了,休息后是否好些了) Did you sleep well (暗示睡的是否舒服,满意)
4. 过去完成时与过去一般时
1) I came here after I finished middle school.(两个动作每间隔)
&& I came here after I had finished middle school.(两个动作有间隔,强调先后概念)
2) I waited till I saw him. I waited till I had seen him. (这两个句子差不多,过去完成时更普遍)
3) We hoped he would come.(我们希望他来) We had hoped he would come.(我们本希望他来的)
4) I don't think he sang as well as he once did.(指具体一次)
& I don't think he sang as well as he had once done.(泛指以前,现在可能不唱了)
5) Before I came here, I was a soldier.(我来此以前在当兵)
Before I came here, I had been a soldier.(我来此以前,曾当过兵)
6) Jim said he didn't know he was so strong.(表示Jim在说话时仍很结实)
Jim said he didn't know he had been so strong.(表示在Jim说话之前曾结实过)
7) They were friends from many years.(表示现在还是朋友)
They had been friends for many years.(意味这友谊结束了)
8) He did the work at 6.(强调时间) He had done the work at 6. (6点工作已做完)
9) I learned French during my holiday.(强调学了) I had learned French during my holiday. (强调学会了)
10) When she sang she sat down.(表示唱着坐下) When she had sung she sat down.(表示唱完坐下)
11) I went to bed when I did my homework.(不明确)& I went to bed when I had done my homework.(作业做完)
12) I have lived here since I was a child.(从我长大成人) I have lived here since I had been a child.(从我孩提时)
5. 过去进行时与过去一般时
1) I read a book yesterday. (书已看完)I was reading a book yesterday.(书尚未看完)
2) The guests arrived.(客人已到)The guests were arriving.(客人陆续到达)
3) He woke from a dream. (表示全醒)He was waking from a dream.(表示初醒)
4) The old man died.(已死) The old man was dying.(快要死了)
5) John told me about it.(告诉我了,我都知道了)
John was telling me about it.(跟我谈起过,我想了解更多的事情)
6) They persuaded me to go along with them.(已经说服)
&& They were persuading me to go along with them.(还在劝说)
7) The wind blew hard all night.(强调事实)
&& The wind was blowing hard all night.(强调风刮个不停)
8) I expected you. I was expecting you.(客气,表示可能等了很旧了)
9) He knocked at the door.(强调一次性) He was knocking at the door.(强调多次性)
6. 将来一般时与现在进行时
1) Will he come? Is he coming (时间发生的比较近)
2) How long will you stay hear (表示意愿) How long will you stay here (表示打算)
3) She'll have a baby. (表示肯定) She's going to have a baby.(表示推测,计划)
4) I'll see him this evening.(表示意愿) I'm seeing him this evening.(表示打算,已有安排)
7. 现在一般时与过去一般式
1) Do you wish to see me? Did you wish to see me? (表示婉转客气)
2) That's all I have to say.(我的话就这些) That's all I had to say.(我要说的就这些)
3) How do you like the film (看电影过程中)& How did you like the film (看完电影后)
4) It is nice to see you.(见面时说) It was so nice to see you.(离别时说)
5) I never like him. (没时间性)& I never liked him.(从来没喜欢过)
6) I think I know that voice.(没见客人时) I thought I know that voice.(见到客人时,证明自己正确或错误)
7) Who is that? (那人还在) Who was that? (人已不在场了)
8) This cake is made at home. (家里常做这种蛋糕) This cake was made at home.(这种蛋糕是自家做的)
1) Someone has phoned you.(打了电话) Someone has been phoning you.(一直在打电话)
2) I've read the novel.(已读完)& I've been reading the novel.(还没读完)
3) He has lived here for six weeks. He has been living here for six weeks. (区别不大,后者更口语化)
4) Have you met her lately? Have you been meeting her lately? (强调动作的重复,经常见面)
5) Who's eaten my apples?(苹果没有了) Who's been eating my apples? (有感情色彩,表示愤怒不满)
1) I hope that he'll come. 2) I had hoped he would come.(与事实相反)
(经常这样用的词有:expect, think, intend, mean, suppose)


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