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Gracie Wong is no longer with Creative Dining Services. Please contact Mary Russcher or Michele Ottenwess for help.很急的,谢谢了
猜想楼主要的是离职声明启事:Gracie Wong已从本公司(Creative Dining Services)离职,如有需要,请联络Mary Russcher或Michele Ottenwess。
插座安装全攻略 装修老师傅吐血整理!
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我,想你了...在这静静的夜晚,在这浪漫的音乐声中,我想对你说,说我早就想说而又一直没对你说的心里话,好吗? 夜很安静,无法安静的,就是我想你的心了。我也不知道我为什么会这样的想你... 千言万语,只说一句:认识你,真好! 感觉,想你是一种幸福,也是一种痛苦,算是甜蜜的痛苦吧! 世界上有几十亿人,而我偏偏认识了你,这是一种缘分吗? 网络上有好几亿人,而我偏偏想你了,这是一种偏爱吗? 我说不清。我只知道,你有一种与众不同的内质吸引着我,叫我觉得很珍贵,使我觉得应该去珍惜. 有很多情感是无法用语言表达的,我对你也是如此。所以,我只能用千百年来无数的人说烂了的俗话去表达了:我真的真的好喜欢你,想你... 我想给你很多,但我又问自己:我要给你的,是对方所缺少的吗?所需要的吗?对方会接受吗? 是啊,除了爱、除了思念、除了关心、体贴和祝福...我好象没什么好给你了,所以,我很惭愧! 但我想,你是全世界几十亿人之一,所以你对我来说,非常难得!我觉得无论如何,无论如何,都应该好好珍惜你,珍惜你的一切! 知道吗?你已经深深地吸引我了,这叫我...怎么说呢? 我曾经反复地问我自己:究竟你的什么让我如此痴迷、狂热?我迄今无法找到非常满意的答案... 后来,我只好这样解释了:我可能是前辈子欠了你很大的一笔情债,现在要到期了,该归还给对方了... 我知道,这个解释很世俗,很虚无,但我实在找不出更恰当的其他理由,我想,也许这就是只可意会难以言传吧... 所以,我对你一直有一种期待,一种莫可名状的躁动,一种无法表达的情结... 所以,我有了一种想见到你的渴望,很强烈,很强烈... 我渴望与你相见,是因为你对我有独特的魅力。我想看看,使我日思夜想的,究竟是个什么样的人? 我渴望与你相见,还在于我想给你很多,尽管那些对你来说也许并不重要,也许并不需要,但我想给你,给你最好的! 也许我们只是擦肩而过,永不可见。这样的话,我也就只能把对你的喜欢,藏在心底了... 但是,其实...我真的只希望时间能带给我们俩一生的感动,你...能理解吗?能...吗? 是啊,千言万语,只说一句:认识你,真好! 真的真的...好想你,你也...想我吗...? &该回答于日 20:25:53被采纳为最佳答案i miss you in this quiet night and romantic music, i want to tell you,
tell you the words i have wanted to tell you but haven't got the chance to tell you , would you please listen to me?this night is so queit , what is unquiet is my heart, the one which misses you very much. i don't know why i miss you so much.thousands of words is worthless than a sentence , i cherish the pleasure of meeting you.i feel that missing you is not only a kind of happiness but aslo a kind of misery , maybe it can be called the pain of felicity.there are billions of people in the world , but i just got the chance of knowing you ,
don't you say this is the destiny?there are billions of people on the Internet ,but i just missing you , can't you say this is a preference to you ?i can't articulate my feeling to you , i only know it's your different quality that attracts me . this kind of quality makes me cherish you , actually it drives me to tresure you .there are a lot of feelings which words can't describe , the same as my feeling to you, so i can just use the words which have been used thousands of times of all time : i really love you,and i
miss you ...waht i want to give is a lot ,but meanwhile i always ask myself is what i want to give you just what you lack ? need? and will you accept ?
there is nothing i can give you except love , miss, carefullness consideration and happiness , so i feel very guilty . but i think ,you are one of the billions , so it's very hard for me to have the chance of knowing you.
sense that whatever it is , i will treasure you ,treasure all you have.do you know that you have attacted me deeply ? how can i say it clearly?i have asked myself again and again , what
on earth makes you so attractive to me ? i still can't find the satisfied anwsers yet . but later ,it makes sense , maybe last life i owed
you a lot ,and now it's on the deadline , it's time to pay off ...maybe you will say this explain is vulger and windy. but it's really hard for me to find a more proper explaination.
it's the unuterrable.so i have an anticipation for you , an unknown craziness for you , an unexplainable feeling. so i have an anticipation for you , very very strong.i am longing for seeing you , just because you have a unique charming for me, i want to know what kind of person you are who makes me can't fall asleep?i want to meet you ,also beacause i want to give more, maybe it' not important to you and maybe you don't need them .but
i want to give you , give you the best thing .maybe we just miss{既有想念又有错过的意思} each other in the harrasing world, and can't see each other forever. in that way i will have to keep my love for you within....but i really hope that time can bring us the lifelong time move. can you understand ? can you ?of course, beyong the thousands of words , i aslo want to add one , it's good to meet youi really really miss you , do you miss me too?(IP:
第楼 回答: 时间:日 17:06I, am missing you ...In such a quiet night ,in this romantic music, I would like to say to you that I want to say what I has wanted to told you but always not to you , right?Night was so quiet, what is not quiet, is my heart I miss you. I do not know why I miss you like that
...A thousand words, just say: meeting you, so nice!Feeling missing you is a happiness, but also a pain, the pain of it be sweet!There are billions of people in the world, but I happen to meet you, is this fate?There are hundreds of millions of people on the network, but I happen to you, is this a preference for you?I can not tell. I only know that you have a unique endoplasmic attracted me and made me feel very precious, so I think we should go to treasure it.There are a lot of emotions not being expressed in the language, I tell you, too. So, I can only use those rotten words that thousands of years, so many people said to express my emotions: I really really like you, miss you ...I want to give you a lot, but I asked myself what I want to give you is that you are missing? Need it? Would you accept it ?Yes , in addition to love, in addition to miss, in addition to caring, thoughtful and good wishes ... I seem to have nothing for you, so, I am ashamed!But I think you are one of billions of people around the world, so you for me, very rare! In any case, however, I should cherish you, cherish you all!Do you know? You have fascinated me, and make me ... how should I say?I have repeatedly asked myself: what of you ever makes me so obsessed, fanatical? I can not find satisfying answers so far ...Later, I had to explain this: I maybe owe you a great debt of emotion in last lifetime but now expired, I have to returned to you ...I know that this explanation is mundane, it is windy, but I do not find a better one appropriate for. I think, maybe this is only sense but difficult to explain in words ...So, I always have an expectation of you, a nameless agitation, one feeling can not be expressed ...So, I have a desire to see you and this desire, is very strong, very strong ...I am eager to meet with you, because you have a unique charm for me. I want to see that you are what kind of person who I miss day and night ?I am eager to meet with you, but also because I want to give you a lot, although that may not be important to you, probably do not need, but I want to give you, give you the best!Maybe we just pass by, never visible. In this case, I will only take your love hidden in my heart ...However, in fact ... I really just hope time will bring us both lives move, can you understand? ... Can you?Yes, a thousand words, just to say: Meet you, so nice!Really, really ... miss you, do you miss me, either..?第楼 回答: 时间:日 21:08i miss you in this quiet night and romantic music, i want to tell you,
tell you the words i have wanted to tell you but haven't got the chance to tell you , would you please listen to me?this night is so queit , what is unquiet is my heart, the one which misses you very much. i don't know why i miss you so much.thousands of words is worthless than a sentence , i cherish the pleasure of meeting you.i feel that missing you is not only a kind of happiness but aslo a kind of misery , maybe it can be called the pain of felicity.there are billions of people in the world , but i just got the chance of knowing you ,
don't you say this is the destiny?there are billions of people on the Internet ,but i just missing you , can't you say this is a preference to you ?i can't articulate my feeling to you , i only know it's your different quality that attracts me . this kind of quality makes me cherish you , actually it drives me to tresure you .there are a lot of feelings which words can't describe , the same as my feeling to you, so i can just use the words which have been used thousands of times of all time : i really love you,and i
miss you ...waht i want to give is a lot ,but meanwhile i always ask myself is what i want to give you just what you lack ? need? and will you accept ?
there is nothing i can give you except love , miss, carefullness consideration and happiness , so i feel very guilty . but i think ,you are one of the billions , so it's very hard for me to have the chance of knowing you.
sense that whatever it is , i will treasure you ,treasure all you have.do you know that you have attacted me deeply ? how can i say it clearly?i have asked myself again and again , what
on earth makes you so attractive to me ? i still can't find the satisfied anwsers yet . but later ,it makes sense , maybe last life i owed
you a lot ,and now it's on the deadline , it's time to pay off ...maybe you will say this explain is vulger and windy. but it's really hard for me to find a more proper explaination.
it's the unuterrable.so i have an anticipation for you , an unknown craziness for you , an unexplainable feeling. so i have an anticipation for you , very very strong.i am longing for seeing you , just because you have a unique charming for me, i want to know what kind of person you are who makes me can't fall asleep?i want to meet you ,also beacause i want to give more, maybe it' not important to you and maybe you don't need them .but
i want to give you , give you the best thing .maybe we just miss{既有想念又有错过的意思} each other in the harrasing world, and can't see each other forever. in that way i will have to keep my love for you within....but i really hope that time can bring us the lifelong time move. can you understand ? can you ?of course, beyong the thousands of words , i aslo want to add one , it's good to meet youi really really miss you , do you miss me too?第楼 回答: 时间:日 11:19I, like you ...In this quiet night in this romantic music, I would like to say to you that I want to say who has not already told you the truth, right?Night was quiet, not quiet, is that I want your heart. I do not know why I think you will like ...A thousand words, just say: you know, nice!Feeling like you are a blessing, but also a pain, the pain of it be sweet!The world has billions of people, and I know happens to you, this is a fate?There are hundreds of millions of people on the network, and I think happens to you, this is a preference for it?I can not tell. I only know that you have a unique endoplasmic attracted me and told me to feel very precious, so I think we should go treasure.There are a lot of emotion is not expressed in the language, I tell you, too. So, I can only thousands of years, so many people saying that's rotten to the expression: I really really like you, want you ...I want to give you a lot, but I asked myself: I give you, you are missing the other side? Need it? The other would accept?Yes ah, in addition to love, in addition to miss, in addition to caring, thoughtful and good wishes ... I seem to have nothing for you, so, I am ashamed!But I think you are one of billions of people around the world, so you for me, very rare! In any case, however, should cherish you, cherish you all!Know? You have fascinated me, called me ... how should I say?I have repeatedly asked myself: Is what you make me so obsessed, fanatical? I am very satisfied so far can not find the answer ...Later, I had to explain this: I may be older children owe you a great debt situation, now expired, returned to the other side of the ...I know that this explanation is secular, it is nothing, but I do not find a more appropriate for other reasons, I think, maybe this is the only sense it is difficult to explain in words ...So, I have been an expectation of you, a Mokemingzhuang of agitation, one can not express the feeling ...So, I have a desire to see you desire, very strong, very strong ...I am eager to meet with you, because you have a unique charm for me. I want to see, so I like night and day, and what is what kind of person?I am eager to meet with you, but also because I want to give you a lot, although that may not be important to you, probably do not need, but I want to give you, give you the best!Maybe we just pass by, never visible. In this case, I will only put on your favorite, hidden in the heart of ...But, in fact ... I really just hope time will bring us both life moving, you ... can understand? ... Can it?Yes ah, a thousand words, just say: you know, nice!Really, really ... miss you, you ... like me ...?}


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