连词成句2: invent , you, important,do which townevent, do, is,

英语连词成句器1.looks,teacher,today,my,Mr.Wang2.the,water,for,is,drink,most,human beings,us,important3.I,to,English,dislike,used4.last Thursday,did,do,you,your,yourself,homework5.easy,isn‘t,me,it,catch up with,for,to,my classmates
1.Mr.Wang looks my teacher today. 或者 My teacher looks Mr.Wang today.2.Water is the most important drink for us human beings.3.I used to dislike English.4.Did you do your homework
yourself last Thursday?5.It isn't easy for me to catch up with my classmates.
求详细解答:连词成句. 1. do
1. do, on, have, you, What, Tuesdays (?) ____________________________________________________ 2. your, music, Is, young, teacher (?) ____________________________________________________ 3.&like, don't, I, grapes (.)& ____________________________________________________ 4. Bananas, healthy, are, sweet, and (.) ____________________________________________________ 5. We, on, Thursdays, Chinese, have (.) ____________________________________________________
1.What do you have on Tuesdays?2.Is your music teacher young?3.I don't like grapes.4.Bananas are sweet and healthy.5.We have Chinese on Thursdays.
关于英语的问题一.连词成句:1.you,like,small,do,bag,ones,or,big.2.have,we,in,all,colors,sweaters,30yuan,for,each.二.These socks are too short( 改为反义句).三.你喜欢的颜色是什么?What is your ___ ___?四.1.The shop sells clothes.(改否定句)2.I waht a red sweater and white pants.(对“a red sweater and white pants”进行提问)3.He has hamburgers for supper.(对“hamburgers”进行提问)
1.Do you like small bags or big ones?2.We have sweaters 30yuan for each in all colors.These socks aren't too short.What is your favourite colour?1.The shop doesn't sell clothes.2.What do you want?3.What does he have for supper?
1do you like small bag or big ones?(你有打错吗 好像怪怪的)we have sweaters in all colors each for 30yuan2these socks are too long.3what is your favorite color?4the shop doesn't sell clotheswhat do you want?what does he have for supper?
1.do you like big bags or small ones?2.We have sweaters in all colors 30 yuan for each.3.these socks are too long.4.favourite color5.the shop doesn't sell clothes.6.What do you waht?7.Which food does he have for supper?
扫描下载二维码Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject
话题Topic 最喜爱的学校课程(Favourite School Subject)
功能Functions 谈论时间(Talking about Time)
谈论爱好(Talking about Preferences)
语法Grammar 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)
Words & expressions 1.能正确使用下列词汇
形容词:poor,southern 介词:except,into 副词:recently,finally其他:tonight,since,cough,because,mine
be late for,be good at,much better,in two minutes,the best way to do…,miss class/school,have a cough,not…at all,be convenient for…,a quarter,Mother’s Day,Father’s Day,remind…of…
Strategies 1.能总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。
文化知识Culture 1.了解西方文化中遵守时间和信守诺言的重要性。
target 知识与
技能 1.能掌握以下单词:geography,except,tonight,since,poor,cough,
2.熟练掌握本单元短语:be late for,be good at,much better,in two minutes,the best way to do…,miss class/school,have a cough,not…at all,be convenient for…,a quarter,Mother’s Day,Father’s Day,remind…of…
I have painted six pictures this week!
I have art.It’s my favourite.
No noise,please!
What’s the time,Jenny?
It’s a quarter after three.
The picture always reminds me of that holiday.
target 过程与
方法 1.学生通过对基本单词的学习,自主表达与自主理解,体验角色学词说句,感受故事的寓意,让学生动口又动脑,更加有效地掌握故事内容;从中体悟自主学习、自主体验、合作表演的方法。
与价值观 1.学生通过形式多样、丰富多彩的活动,学习故事的内容,理解其内涵,激发学生自主合作学习、运用英语进行体验学习的兴趣,培养学生欣赏他人、热爱他人的情感。
概述 本单元围绕学校课程的话题展开教学,课本先从Brian和Jenny讨论课程开始,要求学生了解询问课程的常用语,接着又介绍了李明和Danny的学习情况、最喜欢的课程、寻找Lisa、Lily喜欢的课程和谈论功课。通过本单元的学习,学生能够学到有关课程和活动的生词,学会询问和表达时间。语法重点是现在完成时态。第7课通过对话,介绍了学校开设的课程,谈论个人喜爱的学科,初步学习现在完成时的一些用法。第8课通过Danny和李明的电子邮件,我们可以了解中西方学习活动的不同与相同点,介绍了学校中的趣事和自己的学习状况。第9课的对话,讲述了李琳最喜欢的科目。第10课介绍的是在图书馆寻找Lisa。第11课讲了外国学生对中国历史文化的了解。第12课以日记的形式,介绍了同学们最喜欢的课程,具有相同爱好的学生以报告的形式展示了他们小组的活动。接下来是复习课,通过对本单元的词汇、语法、口语交际进行了复习。
目标 1.能够掌握except,tonight等单词,学习be late for,be good at,much better,in two minutes,the best way to do…,be convenient for…,a quarter,remind…of…等短语。
第一课时:Lesson 7
第二课时:Lesson 8
第三课时:Lesson 9
第四课时:Lesson 10
第五课时:Lesson 11
第六课时:Lesson 12
卡片 名词:geography,quarter,tourist,discussion,painter,timetable,runner,
归纳 be late for,be good at,much better,in two minutes,the best way to do…,miss class/school,have a cough,not…at all,be convenient for…,a quarter,Mother’s Day,Father’s Day,remind…of…
集锦 1.I have painted six pictures this week!
2.I have art.It’s my favourite.
3.No noise,please!
4.What’s the time,Jenny?
5.It’s a quarter after three.
6.The picture always reminds me of that holiday.
语法 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)
What is a library for?Most libraries have books and other things to read.Many of them have things to listen to.Some libraries even have computers.Very few people would think of a library as a place to live in.One library in New York City turned into a home for 250 people for a few days.These were all the people living near the library.They slept on the floor.Why did the people move into the library?The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to save money.These 250 New Yorkers loved their library.They didn’t want to lose it.So they moved in it.They knew that the library couldn’t be closed if they were living inside it.At last the city agreed to keep the library open,and the people all went home.
第一课时  Lesson 7:Don’t Be Late for Class!
1.记忆单词geography短语be late for,be good at,in two minutes。
1.掌握词汇geography,了解词汇sometime,painter,timetable,学习短语be late for,be good at,much better,in two minutes。
2.重要句子:I have art.It’s my favourite.I have painted six pictures this week! Art is fun,and I like our art teacher.
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
1.T:Let’s begin a free talk about what you did last weekend.
Ask a few students to come to the front and speak freely.They can ask anyone questions if they like.
2.Ask some questions:What subjects do you have?What are they?What’s your favourite subject?Why do you like it?
[设计意图] 新课开始时,教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,能调动他们的学习积极性。
Leading in 【情景2】
T:How is it going,class?
Ss:Fine,Mr.or Ms.…
T:What class do we have now?
T:Quite right.Who likes English best?
S2:Me too.
S3:So do I.
T:What class are you going to have this afternoon?
T:Who likes art best?
S1:I like it best.
S2:So do I.
S3:My favourite subject is art,too.
T:Tell me how many subjects do you have in school,and what are they?
Then show the students a timetable with the PPT.Ask them to fill in the blanks according to the subjects they have every day.
[设计意图] 此环节通过师生间的对话导入本课的话题“最喜爱的科目”,利用会话将学生带入本堂场景,预热本课的词汇和句型。
1.The teacher shows some pictures,and each picture stands for the words we are going to learn:geography,sometime,painter,timetable.And then make sentences with the words and explain the meaning.
2.Give the students five minutes to remember the words.And then let the students spell and read them one by one.
[设计意图] 教师以图片展示的形式让学生学习新单词并单个记忆,学生记得很快。老师还可以找几名学生比赛记忆单词,调动他们的学习热情。
Step Ⅲ.Listening
T:Now let’s listen to the tape and then answer these questions:
(1)Is Jenny good at art?
(2)When does Jenny have art?
Encourage the students to grasp the key information to answer these questions.
【Keys】 (1)No,she isn’t.(2)She has art on Tuesdays.
[设计意图] 学生要经常听录音,听教师讲英语,听同学们说英语,抓住关键信息,理顺逻辑关系。
Step Ⅳ.Reading
1.The students read the text by themselves.Give the students several minutes to remember the dialogue,and then let the students role-play the dialogue,and find out the main phrases and sentences in the dialogue.
2.Help the students to learn and practice the present perfect tense.First ask the students to find out the sentences using present perfect tense and explain them to the class.
T:Well,we have got the main idea of this dialogue.Do you have any questions?
S1:Yes.Would you please explain this sentence:I have painted six pictures this week!
T:Wonderful! That’s just what we are going to learn—present perfect tense.
If necessary,speak it in Chinese.
3.Explain some main points.
1.I have painted six pictures this week!
此句是现在完成时态,句意为“这周我已经画了六幅画!”。表示对于目前来说已经发生或完成的动作,不强调动作发生的时间。现在完成时的结构为:“have/has +动词的过去分词”。
He has done his homework.他做完了作业。
2.I hope to see them sometime.
【辨析】 sometime,sometimes
—When can you finish the work?你何时能完成这项工作。
—Sometime next month.下个月的某个时间。
John sometimes goes fishing at the weekend.约翰有时周末去钓鱼。
3.I like art too,but I’m not very good at it.
be good at意为“擅长……;在……方面做得好”,相当于do well in。
What subject are you good at?你擅长哪门课程?
Jenny does well in skating.詹妮擅长滑冰。
  4.I am much better at art this year.
Li Hong is much taller than before.李红比以前高多了。
5.Class will start in two minutes!
4.Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and then have a discussion like this:
T:Where is Brian going?
S1:He’s going to have art.
T:Is Brian worried?How do you know?
S1:Yes,he is.Because he says class will start in two minutes.He doesn’t want to be late for class.He needs to go in a hurry.
S2:Yes.Brian is punctual.He doesn’t want to be late for class.We students should go to school on time.We don’t want to be late for class,either.
T:What do they say when they leave?
Ss:They say“See you after school”.
T:What else could they say?
Ss:See you later or see you.
5.Ask the students to finish Exercise 1 in“Let’s Do It!”.Divide the class into small groups and ask them to discuss their answers.Let the students share their ideas with other groups.
[设计意图] 通过学生们反复朗读课文,加深了学生们对会话的理解,同时也锻炼了学生们的口语表达能力。
Step Ⅴ.Practice
1.I’m sorry,Mr.Wang.I am late     class.
2.I like English very much.I am good     it.
3.Please show your paintings     me.
4.Yesterday his mother bought a coat     him.
5.She will leave here     ten minutes.
6.He looks at his watch again and again.(改为否定句)
He         at his watch again and again.
7.You don’t need to wait for them any longer.(同义句转换)
You         for them any longer.
8.Danny walks to school sometimes.(对画线部分提问)
         does Danny walk to school?
9.Miss Wang will come back in two days.(对画线部分提问)
         will Miss Wang come back?
10.They have done some cleaning already.(改为一般疑问句)
                cleaning yet?
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.for 2.at 3.to 4.for 5.in
Ⅱ.6.doesn’t look 7.needn’t wait 8.How often 9.How soon 10.Have they done any
[设计意图] 检测学生对基础、重点知识的掌握。
Step Ⅵ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
1.Ask the students to finish Exercise 2 in groups.
2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 3.
3.Ask the students to work in pairs to fill in the chart in Exercise 4.
[设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,尤其是对现在完成时态的掌握。通过听力和小组活动,进行对本课“学校课程”话题的训练。
Step Ⅶ.Homework
1.Read the dialogue and preview the next lesson.
2.Talk about your favourite subjects after class.
[设计意图] 让学生学以致用,因为语言源于生活。
Lesson 7:Don’t Be Late for Class!
be late for       have/has+v.过去分词
be good at
much better
sometime/sometimes in two minutes
1.地理学        2.在某时     
be good at in the future in five minutes
be late for hurry up
13.“Don’t     the meeting tomorrow,” the teacher said to us.
14.    ,or we will miss the train!
15.We will have an English lesson     .
16.—What are you going to be     ?
—I want to be an editor.
17.My friend,Sandra,     drawing pictures.She likes art.
1.I will travel to Sanya with my parents     .
A.sometime B.sometimes
C.some time D.some times
2.John’s parents hope     be a good doctor when he grows up.
3.There     a sports meeting next Friday.
A.will have B.will has
C.is going to be D.is
4.—     is it,please?
—It’s 2:13.
A.What time B.How much
C.How many D.How long
5.I think we can finish all the work     just half an hour.
A.after B.in
C.late D.behind
Look! It’s             now.
She is never         school.
Li Ming,are you             basketball?
I         my homework yet.
He doesn’t             so many fruits.
Ⅰ.1.geography 2.sometime 3.painter 4.timetable
Ⅱ.5.be late for 6.be good at 7.one of… 8.in the future 9.in two minutes 10.hope to do sth. 11.on Tuesday 12.have music
Ⅲ.13.be late for 14.Hurry up 15.in five minutes
16.in the future 17.is good at
Ⅰ.1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B
Ⅱ.6.half past five 7.late for 8.good at playing 9.haven’t finished 10.need to buy
① 1.Art is Brian’s favourite subject. 2.He has painted six pictures this week. 3.Jenny thinks Brian’s paintings are beautiful. 4.Jenny is much better at art this year.
② 1.to be 2.subjects 3.have seen
③ Jack—Geography, Kathy—Art, Nick—Music, Tom—Maths
第二课时 Lesson 8:E-mail Helps!
1.记忆单词except,tonight短语make sb.do sth.,see sb.do sth.,the best way to do,help…with。
3.学习一些用于介绍班级生活的句式:All of our teachers make us study very,very hard.Everyone laughed except the teacher.It is the best way to learn the language.This week,we are talking about our favourite subjects in school.
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:Last class,we talked about our favourite…
T:Do you still remember Jenny and Brian’s favourite subjects?
Ss:Art and music.
T:Yes,what about Danny and Li Ming?Today we’ll learn two e-mails.We can find the answers in the e-mails.Let’s listen first!
[设计意图] 复习上节课的内容,由上节课詹妮和布莱恩喜欢的课程,用问题引入丹尼和李明最喜欢的课程。
Leading in 【情景2】
Lead in by discussing the following questions:
Do you like to write e-mails or letters in English?Do your classmates help each other in class?How?
In a small group,talk about your favourite subjects.Share your ideas with another group.
[设计意图] 学生谈论的是熟悉的话题,不但复习了上节课的内容,而且可以引入本课中的人物,转入谈论李明和丹尼喜欢的科目。
1.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the chart.
(1)Danny’s teachers make them     hard.
(2)     education is Danny’s favourite class.
(3)Of all the subjects,Li Ming likes     best.
【Keys】 (1)study (2)Physical (3)English
2.Listen to the tape and complete Exercise 2.
[设计意图] 通过听力训练,提高学生迅速从听力短文中获取重要信息的能力,适当指导听力技巧,采取抢答的形式,激发学生的积极性,以及成功的满足感。
Step Ⅲ.Reading
1.Ask the students to read the two e-mails and show them the following questions:
(1)Who wrote the e-mails?
(2)What did Danny do in P.E.class yesterday?
(3)What does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?
(4)Who is good at maths?
【Keys】 (1)Danny and Li Ming. (2)He put Brian’s shorts on his head and his runners on his hands. (3) He thinks the best way to learn English is to use it every day. (4)Wang Mei is good at maths.
2.Then ask some volunteers to read the e-mails.
3.Show the students the following expressions.
1.All of our teachers make us study very,very hard.
make可以作使役动词,意思是“使,让”,与let,have等使役动词的用法一致,用不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成make/let/have sb.do sth.结构,意思是“使/让/劝某人做某事”。
The medicine made me feel better.这种药让我感觉好多了。
2.Everyone laughed except the teacher.
We went to the zoo except Li Hong because she was ill in bed.除了李红我们都去了动物园,因为她卧病在床了。
The movie star has 5 cars besides this one.这个电影明星除了这辆车,还有五辆车。
3.But I saw him smile.
see sb.do sth.为固定结构。see属于感官动词,其后的宾语补足语如果是不定式,省略to。类似的感官动词还有hear,watch等。
I heard her sing last night.昨晚我听到她唱歌了。
4.It is the best way to learn the language.
◆It指代上文出现的to use English。
◆the best way to do sth.做某事最好的方法。
  5.She has helped me with my maths homework a lot.
在表示“帮助某人做某事”时,通常有两种结构: help sb.(to) do sth.或help sb.with sth.,介词with后要加名词。
Who will help me learn English?谁愿意帮我学英语?
I often help my mother with the housework.我经常帮妈妈做家务。
[设计意图] 让学生抓住文中重点词汇和句型,善于归纳。
Step Ⅳ.Practice
1.The best way     (learn) English is to use it.
2.The boss makes the workers     (work) ten hours a day.
3.I saw Jim     (play) in class yesterday.
4.My teacher told us     (not be) late for school.
5.I have     (write) two e-mails today.
6.Mary helps me to learn English.(同义句转换)
Mary helps me     my English.
7.It is time for supper.(同义句转换)
It’s time         supper.
8.I have written three e-mails today.(改为一般疑问句)
     you     three e-mails today?
9.It took two hours from Luoyang to Zhengzhou by train.(对画线部分提问)
         did it     from Luoyang to Zhengzhou by train?
10.He will go to see a movie tomorrow.(改为否定句)
He         to see a movie tomorrow.
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.to learn 2.work 3.play 4.not to be 5.written Ⅱ.6.with 7.to have 8.Have,written 9.How long,take 10.won’t go
[设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生独立完成练习的能力。
Step Ⅴ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
Read the text and finish Exercise 1 and 3.
[设计意图] 学生们通过反复朗读课文,加强了对所学知识的记忆,同时对语法的理解与认识更加明确。
Step Ⅵ.Homework
1.Preview the next lesson.
2.Write an e-mail to a friend in English and give him/her some good advice on how to learn a subject well.
[设计意图] 培养学生课后复习和预习的好习惯。
Lesson 8:E-mail Helps!
make sb.do sth.
see sb.do sth.
the best way to do…
in except for to with
11.I’m not good at maths.My brother often helps me     it.
12.Time     lunch! Let’s go to the restaurant together.
13.Wendy has written three letters     her pen pal Tom.
14.We all went to the zoo     Jenny because she was sick.
15.Li Ming speaks English well,and he often talks with his friends     English.
1.We have     homework to do.
A.too many
B.many too
C.much too
D.too much
2.The father made his son     ten hours a day.
3.The best time     is in autumn.
B.to travel 
4.Please help me     my English.
5.Everyone is here     Li Lei.He is at home.
6.Granny often tells us     water in our daily life.
C.to save D.Saves
7.I saw the man     the bus just now.
B.geting on
C.getting on
D.to get on
Ⅰ.1.except 2.tonight 3.runner
Ⅱ.4.a lot of homework 5.make sb.do sth. 6.a pair of runners 7.study hard 8.help…with… 9.tell sb.to do sth. 10.the best way to do sth.
Ⅲ.11.with 12.for 13.to 14.except 15.in 
Ⅰ.1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A
Ⅱ.8.The stories are a lot of fun. 9.What is Brian’s favourite subject? 10.They have had a physics exam. 11.Where did Lily put her runners?
12.We will see a movie tonight.
①1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
③regular verbs:help—helped,smile—smiled,laugh—laughed,play—played,close—closed,talk—talked,listen—listened,walk—walked
irregular verbs:write—wrote,see—saw,know—knew,say—said,put—put,teach—taught,run—ran,make—made
第三课时 Lesson 9:I Don’t Want to Miss Geography!
1.记忆单词since,poor,cough,because,seem短语miss class/school,have a cough,not…at all,be convenient for…。
2.重要句子:I have been sick for two days.I had to miss school.I came to school because I didn’t want to miss my favourite class.It seems hard,but don’t worry.What time is convenient for you?
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
1.T:Let’s begin a free talk about what you do on weekends.
Ask a few students to come to the front and speak freely.They can ask anyone questions if they like.
2.Ask some questions:What subjects do you have?What are they?What’s your favourite subject?Why do you like it?
[设计意图] 通过交流回答问题,创设一个英语语言环境。
Leading in 【情景2】
Show some pictures of different subjects.Let the students check in groups and ask questions about the subjects.Then present some in the front of the classroom.
Questions:What subject do you like best?Why do you like it?
Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”and let the students express their personal views.
[设计意图] 此环节利用图片或幻灯片直接导入与本文有关的话题,帮助学生尽快融入情景当中,为下面文章的阅读和理解奠定基础。
StepⅡ.Learning the new words
1.Learn the following words:since,poor,cough,because,seem,convenient.
Ask some students to read and write the words.Check the students by filling in the blanks with the key words.
2.Explain some language points.
I have been here since 1989.自从1989年以来我一直在这里。
作形容词,意为“贫穷的;可怜的”,在句中作表语或定语。它的反义词是rich。the poor和the rich表示“穷人”和“富人”。
They are poor and we should help them.他们很穷,我们应该帮助他们。
Cover your mouth when you cough.在你咳嗽时要捂上嘴。
◆作名词,have a cough意为“咳嗽”。
I always have a cough when I have a cold.当我感冒时,我总是咳嗽。
[设计意图] 通过图片直观形象地展示英语单词,可以让学生更容易理解单词。
Step Ⅲ.Listening
1.Listen to the tape and know about the main points of the dialogue.
Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
(1)Li Lin has been sick for two     .
(2)Li Lin came to school because she didn’t want to miss her favourite     .
(3)Wang Mei isn’t good at     ,but Li Lin can help her.
【Keys】 (1)days (2)class (3)physics
2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 1 in“Let’s Do It!”.
3.Let the students listen to the text another time,then check the answers.
[设计意图] 学生反复听录音并跟读。第一次听,要求学生理解对话的大概意思。第二次一句一句听,仔细听出每句话的内容。第三次听后完成练习题。
Step Ⅳ.Reading
1.Read the dialogue aloud and answer the following questions.
(1) What did the doctor ask Li Lin to do this week?
(2) What subject is Li Lin good at?
(3) When can Li Lin help Wang Mei with her physics?
2.Instruct the students to read the dialogue silently,and finish Exercise 2 and 3 in “ Let’s Do It!”.
3.With a partner,act out the dialogue.Then change the roles.
4.Show the students the key points.
1.I came to school because I didn’t want to miss my favourite class.
  2.I also like geography,but physics is a headache for me.
be a headache for sb.对某人来说是头疼的事。
3.I don’t understand it at all.
not…at all意为“根本不,一点也不”。
He isn’t tired at all.他一点也不累。
【拓展】 在口语中单独说Not at all.可用来回答感谢。
—Thank you very much.多谢你。
—Not at all.不客气
4.It seems hard,but don’t worry.
He seems very angry.他好像非常生气。
【拓展】 seem to do sth.表示“似乎做某事”。
Mrs.Green doesn’t seem to like the idea.格林夫人似乎不喜欢这个主意。
  5.What time is convenient for you?
convenient意为“方便的”。表示“如果你方便的话”用if it is convenient for you,不能用if you are convenient。
Come to see me whenever it is convenient for you.你什么时候方便,就什么时候来看我。
6.It’s a date.
It’s a date.意为“就这么说定了”。date作名词时常意为“日期;约会”。
I can’t come on that date.那个日子我来不了。
I have a date with Jenny.我和詹妮有个约会。
[设计意图] 学生在读完两遍课文后,对课文内容已经有了一定的了解,教师要努力调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,通过组内合作讨论、探究,找出关键词,把所学到的知识内化。
Step Ⅴ.Practice
1.My uncle has worked in the hospital     2003.
2.They have played computer games     about two hours.
3.I like physics,and Wang Lei likes it,    .
4.Brian plays basketball well,and he can     play football.
5.Ms.Liu introduced a new student to us before      yesterday.
6.We have a new     — physics this term.Most of us find it hard.
7.Kate usually plays the piano     (放学后).
8.What time will     (对……方便) you?
9.    (……怎么样) doing our homework together tonight?
10.Jack still     (咳嗽),but he doesn’t want to     (耽误上学).
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.since 2.for 3.too 4.also 5.class 6.subject  Ⅱ.7.after school 8.be convenient for 9.How/What about  10.has a cough,miss school
[设计意图] 在掌握了课文中的重点句子和短语之后,做词汇和短语练习。
Step Ⅵ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
Instruct the students to work in pairs or independently to complete Exercise 4.They should use the information given in Liu Yi’s schedule to write an overview of her day using full sentences.Encourage the students to be creative and try out different writing styles.For example,they can choose to write Liu Yi’s day as a report,a diary,an interview,etc.
[设计意图] 为锻炼学生的书面表达能力,写一篇短文,根据表格提示,描述刘老师的一天。
Step Ⅶ.Homework
1.Copy the new words and phrases.
2.Write a short passage about Liu Yi in “Let’s Do It!” Exercise 4.
[设计意图] 注重对学生基础知识的积累和语言综合运用的练习。
Lesson 9:I Don’t Want to Miss Geography!
not at all
What time is convenient for you?
It’s a date!
11.She has worked in this factory     (自从)two years ago.
12.We should try our best to help the     (贫穷的)people.
13.Danny has a cold and he     (咳嗽)day and night.
14.It is very     (方便的)to use this kind of machine.
15.What about     (参观)the museum this afternoon?
1.Li Ming loves     (play) chess with his father on weekends.
2.I     (not talk) to my friend on the phone for a long time.
3.We asked our English teacher     (sing) a song for us at the party yesterday.
4.Jenny wants     (visit) the Great Wall sometime during the summer holiday.
5.It’s 7:30 pm.It’s time for you     (do) your homework,Sara.
6.Kate usually plays the piano     (放学后).
7.What time will     (对……方便) your father?
8.    (……怎么样) going out for a walk tonight?
9.To learn English well,you should also     (学习关于) the English culture.
10.Mary still     (咳嗽),but she doesn’t want to     (耽误上学).
11.She has been in China     three years.
A.for   B.since   C.of    D.about
12.Mrs.Liu asks her students     into the classroom.
13.Li Ming     like purple    .
A.not,at all B.don’t,at all
C.isn’t,at all D.doesn’t,at all
14.You always help me     my English.That’s very kind     you.
15.What time is convenient     you?
A.to B.of C.about D.for
16.What’s     matter with Tom’s watch?
A./ B.a C.an
17.Li Ming sings very well.Maybe he will be a     when he grows up.
A.dancer B.singer
C.worker D.farmer
18.—How long have you     a cold?
—For nearly a week.
A.caught B.had C.taken D.got
19.I     see the dentist because I have a bad toothache.
20.The tiger seems     .
A.anger B.hunger
C.hungry D.be hungry
Ⅰ.1.since 2.poor 3.cough 4.because 5.seem
Ⅱ.6.miss class/school 7.have a cough 8.not…at all  9.be convenient for… 10.have to
Ⅲ.11.since 12.poor 13.coughs 14.convenient
Ⅰ.1.playing/to play 2.haven’t talked 3.to sing
4.to visit 5.to do
Ⅱ.6.after school 7.be convenient for 8.How/What about 9.learn about 10.has a cough,miss school/class
Ⅲ.11.A 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C
① 第一句,第二句,第三句
② 1.Tuesday 2.two,miss 3.rest 4.geography
③ 1.She is fine today.
2.Wang Mei thinks physics is difficult.It is a headache for her.
3.Li Lin advises they can do their homework together.She can help Wang Mei.
4.Li Lin and Wang Mei will do their homework together every Thursday after school from 7:00 to 8:30.
第四课时  Lesson 10:Looking for Lisa
1.记忆单词rush,into,shout,quarter短语a quarter,on time。
2.重要句子:No noise,please! Lisa and I are going to work on our basketball project together.I told her to meet me at a quarter to three.It’s a quarter after three.
1.句型“It is +adj.+ to do sth.”。
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:What’s the time?
S1:It’s 8:10.
T:It’s time for class.Be quiet,please!
The teacher gives some examples to explain the expression of time.
(1)用“基数词 + o’clock”来表示整点,注意o’clock须用单数,可以省略。
eight o’clock 八点钟
ten o’clock 十点钟
eleven five 十一点零五分
six forty六点四十
twenty past four四点二十
eight past one 一点零八分
(2)如果分钟数多于30,可用“距下一整点的分钟数+to+下一整点”表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五。
【注意】 (1)当分钟数是15时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve。
  (2)当分钟数是30时,可用名词half (一半)表示。9:30可表示为half past nine,3:30可表示为 half past three。
about eight大约八点
(4) 在时间点前面应用介词at,来表示“在……点”。
at nine 在九点钟
at about five thirty-five p.m.大约在下午五点三十五分。
[设计意图] 借交谈时间为话题,引入本课,这也是本课的重难点之一。
Leading in 【情景2】
1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
2.Do the duty report.The student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.
3.Ask some Ss to talk about the following questions.
(1)Is there a library in your school?
(2)What can you do there?
(3)Is it important to be on time?Why?
4.Then ask some Ss to translate the title.
[设计意图] 以师生问候开始,拉近与学生之间的距离,和学生谈论喜欢的话题。再以问题的形式,引入本课。
Listen to the tape and know about the main points of the dialogue.At the same time,fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
(1)Jenny has found some Chinese     in the library.
(2)Lisa and Danny are working on their     project.
(3)Lisa may be in the     .
Finish the task in class orally.
【Keys】 (1)music (2)basketball (3)gym
[设计意图] 学生要经常听录音,听教师讲英语,听同学讲英语,抓住关键信息,理顺逻辑关系。
Step Ⅲ.Reading
1.The students read Lesson 10 and answer the following questions in pairs.
(1)What do Bill and Jenny have for the talk show?
(2)What mistakes does Danny make in the library?
【Keys】 (1)They have lots of photos for the talk show.(2)Danny shouts loudly.
2.Read the dialogue again and finish Exercise 1.Discuss the answers as a class.
3.Find out the important language points.
1.Is it important to be on time?
◆“It is +adj.+to do sth.”意为“做某事是……的”。
◆on time意为“准时”。
2.Jenny and Bill meet at 3 o’clock to work on their project.
work on表示“从事,继续做”。
The doctors are still working on treating the patient.医生们仍在致力于治疗这个病人。
  3.He shouts loudly.
shout作不及物动词,意为“叫,喊”,可用在shout at中,意为“冲……喊”。
  The boy shouted angrily.那个男孩生气地叫喊。
4.No noise,please!
Don’t make any noise because my mum is sleeping.我妈妈正在睡觉,所以别出声。
[设计意图] 教师要努力调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,通过组内合作讨论和探究,找出关键词句,把所学到的知识转化为学习能力。
Step Ⅳ.Practice
travel shout noise anywhere library
1.My pen is lost.I can’t find it     .
2.There are two     in our school.
3.There are too many people and it’s too     here.
4.My father told me light     faster than sound.
5.Don’t     at that old man.You should be polite to him.
6.Be quiet,please.(同义句转换)
7.It’s three forty-five now.(同义句转换)
It’s a         four now.
8.We have done some cleaning already.(改为否定句)
We             cleaning     .
9.They got to know ten years ago.(改为现在完成时)
They             ten years.
10.Don’t you like English?(作肯定回答)
    ,I     .
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.anywhere 2.libraries 3.noisy
4.travels 5.shout Ⅱ.6.No noise 7.quarter to 8.haven’t done any,yet 9.have known for 10.Yes,do
[设计意图] 学以致用,巩固知识要点。
Step Ⅴ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
Ask the students to write a short dialogue to introduce how to borrow books from the library.
Work in groups to finish the task.After a while,let some groups present their dialogues in the front of the classroom.
[设计意图] 写一篇在图书馆借书的对话,这样既提高了学生的语言表达能力,也增加了他们“实战”的机会。
Step Ⅵ.Homework
1.Finish Exercise 2 and 3 in “Let’s Do It!”.
2.Rewrite Exercise 4 into a short passage.
[设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生对词汇、短语和句型的实际运用能力。
Lesson 10:Looking for Lisa
a quarter after three
a quarter to three
It’s +adj.+to do sth.
1.冲;奔      2.进入;到……里     
            the answer to the question?
Li Ming,         ,please!
They are         a new plan.
They told me         me to the museum.
Li Ming         his bicycle here and there just now.
1.Jenny’s mother is a     (library).
2.I need some     (China) music.
3.“Are there any books in the room?” asked Bill     (loud).
4.I told her     (meet)me at the school gate.
5.Have you seen the sign“No     (noise)”?
6.Look at the man with a pair of glasses.He     a teacher.
C.may be D.maybe be
7.Tom’s mother is a librarian,She works in a     .
A.factory B.hospital 
C.shop D.library
8.—     you     any Chinese music?
—No,I haven’t.
C.Do,download D.Will,download
9.Lily wants     pictures of Beijing.
A.any more 
B.some more 
C.more any 
D.more some
10.Don’t make     ! They are having a meeting.
A.any noise  
B.some noisy 
C.some noise D.any noisy
Ⅰ.1.rush 2.into 3.shout 4.quarter
Ⅱ.5.look for 6.on time 7.work on 8.download pictures 9.no noise 10.on the computer 11.rush into 12.a quarter to three 13.a quarter after three
Ⅲ.14.Have you found 15.no noise 16.working on 17.to take 18.looked for
Ⅰ.1.librarian 2.Chinese 3.loudly 4.to meet 5.noise
Ⅱ.6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A
① 1.Jenny and Bill met at 3 o’clock to work on their project. 2.The librarian helped Jenny find some Chinese music. 3.Danny told Lisa to meet him at a quarter to three. 4.Danny has looked for Lisa everywhere—in the classroom,in the office and in the library.
② twelve o’clock,five past twelve,twelve fifteen/fifteen past twelve/a quarter past twelve,twelve thirty/half past twelve,twelve forty-five/a quarter to one
③ A,C,B,D
第五课时  Lesson 11:Lily Learns about China!
1.记忆单词recently,southern,tourist短语Mother’s Day,Father’s Day。
1.掌握单词recently,southern,tourist,学习短语Mother’s Day,Father’s Day。
2.重要句子:I like Children’s Day best.We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day here but no Children’s Day.The Chinese restaurant was great!
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:When is Mother’s Day?
Ss:It’s on the second Sunday in May.
T:What about Father’s Day?
Ss:It’s on the third Sunday in June.
T:What do you do on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?
S1:I say thank you to my parents.
S2:I help with the housework.
T:Well done! Are they important festivals in China?
T:What is the most important festival in China?
Let the students discuss and present their answers in class.
[设计意图] 学习课文中出现的一些西方节日,让学生讨论中国的重要节日。
Leading in 【情景2】
1.T:The title of this lesson is“Lily Learns about China!”.Have you learned about other countries in school?
S1:We have learned about the U.S.,Canada,Australia,the U.K.,etc.
T:Which one is the most interesting?
S2:The U.S.is the most interesting.It has many places of interest to visit.
S3:Canada is the most interesting.There is a lot of beautiful nature to see there.
S4:Australia is the most interesting.There are beautiful beaches and interesting animals.
S5:The U.K.is the most interesting.It has a long and rich history.
T:What do you think of China?
The students discuss the question.
2.Explain a language point.
Which one is the most interesting?
the most interesting 是interesting 的最高级,三者或三者以上之间的比较用最高级,形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则如下:
(2)以不发音字母e 结尾的单词,直接加-r变比较级,加-st变最高级。如:late—later—latest。
(4)三个或三个以上音节的形容词,加more 变比较级,加most变最高级。如:delicious—more delicious—most delicious。
  [设计意图] 讨论哪个国家最有趣,学生可以用以前所学的内容,然后引导学生谈论中国,引入新课。
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.
I’m Lily.My family has lived in Canada for     years.We learn about different countries of the world.Recently,my class has learned about China.Our teacher once worked in     China.I also learned about Chinese     and festivals.I like     Day best.We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.Now I want to travel to China.I love being a      and seeing new things!A few days ago,our teacher took us to a Chinese grocery store and a Chinese     .I would like to learn more about China in the future.
【Keys】 six,southern,culture,Children’s,tourist,restaurant
[设计意图] 既锻炼学生的听力,又检查了学生对新词的认识。
Step Ⅲ.Reading
1.The students read the text by themselves,and try to find out the main phrases and sentences in the text.
The main phrases:learn about,travel to,take…to…,show sb.sth.
The main sentences:
(1)Recently,my class has learned about China.
(2)He showed us some pictures of different places in China.
(3)I like Children’s Day best.
(4)Now I want to travel to China.
(5)A few days ago,our teacher took us to a Chinese grocery store and a Chinese restaurant.
2.Read the passage and check the following statements are true or false.
(1)Lily does well in maths.
(2)They have Children’s Day in Canada.
(3)Lily wants to travel to China.
(4)Lily knew about all of Chinese food.
【Keys】 (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F
3.The teacher explains the meaning of this text sentence by sentence and conclude the main language points of this lesson.
1.Recently,my class has learned about China.
Li Ming,where have you been recently?李明,最近你去哪里了?
◆ learn是动词,意为“学习,学会,了解”。learn about意为“得知,获知”。
I didn’t learn about that until my friend told me.直到朋友告诉我,我才知道那件事。
2.He showed us some pictures of different places in China.
show是动词,意为“给……看;展示”。show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.给某人看某物。
3.I like Children’s Day best.
◆like…best 最喜欢……
She likes playing football best.她最喜欢踢足球。
◆Children’s Day儿童节,节日名词的首字母要大写。
Teachers’ Day教师节
Mother’s Day母亲节
Father’s Day父亲节
4.Now I want to travel to China.
travel to…意为“到……旅行”,与go on a trip to…同义。
Did you travel to Hainan last week?上周你去海南旅游了吗?
5.A few days ago,our teacher took us to a Chinese grocery store and a Chinese restaurant.
◆a few意为“几个,有些(表示肯定)”;few作形容词,表示“很少数的,几乎没有的”,两者都修饰可数名词复数。
◆took 是take的过去式,take…to… 把……带到……
Please take the box to the next room.请把这个箱子搬到隔壁的房间。
  His father always takes him to the park on Sundays.星期天,他的父亲总是带他去公园。
[设计意图] 加深对课文内容的理解和掌握。
Step Ⅳ.Practice
1.Nick has practiced playing the piano     (in/for) two hours.
2.My parents    (took/brought) me to that new museum yesterday.
3.Tom told us such a    (fun/funny) story that we all laughed.
4.You should say thank you to your father on     (Father’s/Fathers’) Day.
5.I have    (few/a few) friends in the city.We often get together.
A:Good morning!  6 
B:I’d like to borrow some books on learning English. 7 
A:Of course!This way,please.You’ll find them on the shelf on your left.
A:Four books.
A:For a month.
B:If I can’t finish reading them in a month,can I renew (续借) them?
B:Oh,I see.Thank you very much.
A:You’re welcome.
A.Yes,you can renew them on the Internet.
B.How long can I keep them?
C.When should I return them?
D.What can I do for you?
E.Can I write on them?
F.Can you show me where they are?
G.How many books can I borrow at a time?
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.for  2.took 3.funny 4.Father’s 5.a few Ⅱ.6.D 7.F 8.G 9.B 10.A
[设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的语感。
Step Ⅴ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
1.Ask the students to finish Exercise 1 in groups.
2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 2 together.
3.Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 by themselves.
[设计意图] 检查学生对课文的理解情况,训练听力技能。
Step Ⅵ.Homework
1.Read the text of Lesson 11.
2.Write a letter to Lily to tell her some more interesting things about China and to ask her some questions about Canada.
[设计意图] 培养学生读写的能力。
Lesson 11:Lily Learns about China!
learn about
show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.
travel to…
1.最近;不久前;近来     2.南部的     
12.A lot of foreign t    visit China every year.
13.Hangzhou lies in the s    part of China.
14.She has formed the habit of getting up early     (近来).
15.Do you like     (旅行)?
16.One of my favourite f    is Children’s Day.
1.The weather has been rainy and windy     (recent).
2.Mr.Liu lives in a     (south) city in China now.
3.The Great Wall is always full of     (tour) in summer.
4.There are lots of children in the zoo on     (child) Day.
5.    (mother) Day is coming.I will buy a red scarf for my mother.
6.China is a great country.Tom would like to learn more     it.
A.from   B.at   C.in   D.about
7.—Jenny,are you free tomorrow?
—I think     .Why?
A.so B.such
8.Our teacher      us to a Chinese grocery store last Sunday.
9.     is on September the tenth in China.
A.Mother’s Day 
B.Children’s Day
C.Father’s Day 
D.Teachers’ Day
10.My sister likes watching cartoons     .
C.well D.best
11.Please show the tickets     me.
C.to D.with
Mr.Robert     a lot     Chinese culture.
My uncle once worked             .
Do you know             the movie?
She     her new hat     other girls.
Ⅰ.1.recently 2.southern 3.tourist
Ⅱ.4.the name of the restaurant 5.southern China
6.Chinese culture 7.Children’s Day 8.take…to… 9.Mother’s Day 10.grocery store 11.show sb.sth./show sth.to sb.
Ⅲ.12.tourists 13.southern 14.recently 15.travelling 16.festivals
Ⅰ.1.recently 2.southern 3.tourists 4.Children’s 5.Mother’s
Ⅱ.6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.C
Ⅲ.12.learned,about 13.in southern China 14.the name of 15.showed,to
① social studies,different,culture,festivals,travel,tourist,new things
② 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T
③ 1.tourists 2.funny 3.children 4.southern
第六课时 Lesson 12:Karen’s Hair Stood Up!
4.培养学生认识世界的意识,在小组合作中发挥团结协作精神 。
2.重要句子:We each brought a painting to class.The picture always reminds me of that holiday.Everyone was very surprised.We had a good discussion about how to stay healthy.
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:What class do you like best?
S1:I like…best.
T:Did you do anything interesting this week?
S2:Yes.I went to the zoo this week.That was very interesting.I like animals.
T:Well done.What did Brian and his classmates do in their favourite class?Let’s read the diary and find out the answer.
[设计意图] 创设英语对话,营造学习气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。
Leading in 【情景2】
Lead in by discussing the following questions:
(1)What’s your favourite subject?Why?
(2)What do you and your teacher do in class?
(3)What interesting things did you do in your favourite class this week?
Discuss the questions in groups.After several minutes,let the students show their ideas.
T:Well done.You have all done some great things in your class.Let’s read Brian’s diary and find out what he did this week.
[设计意图] 此环节通过讨论最喜欢的课程和课上有趣的事情,复习了本单元最主要的话题,也自然地导入本课,继续讨论课文中人物的课堂趣事。
1.The teacher shows the turntable with the words:mine,ocean,remind,finally,discussion.Ask the students to guess what are the meanings of these words and then make sentences with the words and explain the meanings.
2.Give the students five minutes to remember the words.And then the teacher turns the turntable around,and let the students spell and read them one by one.After that,give the students a dictation to check whether they have remembered the words.
[设计意图] 教师以游戏的形式教授新单词并让学生单个记忆,学生记得快。
Step Ⅲ.Listening
Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.(The teacher writes the questions on the blackboard.)
(1)How long has Brian been in Canada?
(2)What’s Bill’s favourite subject?
(3)What did Karen and Jack show about their favourite subjects?
【Keys】 (1)For two weeks. (2)Social studies. (3)Some physics.
[设计意图] 锻炼学生的听力能力,教师指导听的技巧,听之前阅读问题,抓住重要信息。
Step Ⅳ.Reading
1.Let the students read the text.Instruct the students to fill in the chart with their partners in Exercise 1.
2.Read the text again and answer the following questions.
(1)What can remind Brian of that holiday?
(2)What did Jenny do in class?
(3)What did Danny and Lisa do in the end?
【Keys】 (1)A picture of the ocean. (2)She played some Chinese music. (3)Danny played basketball,and Lisa showed some exercises.
3.Work in groups to deal with the main sentences.
1.I have made many new friends.
make friends意为“交朋友”。
I have made many friends since I came here.自从我来到这儿,我交了很多朋友。
2.Mine was a picture of the ocean.
He is a friend of mine.
=He is my friend.他是我的朋友。
3.The picture always reminds me of that holiday.
remind sb.of sth.意为“使某人想起某事”
It always reminds me of my best friend.它总让我想到我最好的朋友。
4.Then Karen combed her hair ten times very quickly.
time是名词,意思是“次数”。three times 三次,four times 四次……。一次,两次分别可
  I have been to the Great Wall once.我去过一次长城。
5.We had a good discussion about how to stay healthy.
◆discussion是可数名词,其动词形式为discuss。have a discussion about sth.意为“关于某事进行讨论”。
◆how to do sth.如何做某事,“疑问词+ to do”在句中作宾语。
◆stay healthy 意为“保持健康”,stay 作系动词,表示“保持,持续”,后跟形容词,此时相当于keep。
  [设计意图] 采用回答问题的方式,让学生快速阅读,理解课文意思,解决问题,教师最后核对答案。
Step Ⅴ.Practice
final I discuss surprise time
1.I have been to Shanghai three    .
2.They felt very     when they heard of the news.
3.Can I use your comb?     is broken.
4.The boy’s family was too poor.    ,he had to leave school.
5.Ms.Liu encouraged us to join in the     yesterday.
Bill isn’t good at            .
The song always             that story.
I am going to                 Beijing next month.
My hair stands up.Can you help me             ?
Lisa is         Kate     their holiday plans.
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.times  2.surprised 3.Mine 4.Finally  5.discussion Ⅱ.6.making new friends
7.reminds me of 8.take a trip to 9.comb my hair
10.talking to, about
[设计意图] 该步骤是对本课词汇和短语的测试。
Step Ⅵ.Come to “Let’s Do It!”
1.Play the audiotape and ask the students to complete Exercise 2 in “Let’s Do It!”.
2.Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 in “Let’s Do It!”by themselves.
[设计意图] 培养学生听力的技能,以及对词汇的理解运用。
Step Ⅶ.Homework
1.Read the text and preview the next lesson.
2.Finish Exercise 4 in “Let’s Do It!”.
[设计意图] 培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,加强学生对语言综合运用的能力。
Lesson 12:Karen’s Hair Stood Up!
How long has Brian been in Canada?
What’s Bill’s favourite subject?
What did Karen show in his favourite class?
make friends
have a discussion about sth.
stay healthy
1.我的        2.最后;终于     
14.Danny is painting a picture of the     (海洋).
15.    (物理)is too hard for me to learn.
16.—Whose book is this?
—It’s     (我的).
17.    (最后),we arrived at a small village at midnight.
18.The photos often     (使想起)me of my visit to Beijing.
1.I     (read) this book.It’s boring.I don’t want to read it again.
2.Last winter,my mother     (buy) a pair of gloves for me.
3.Mr.Zhang is too busy.He     (not finish) this report yet.
4.Our English teacher made us     (introduce) ourselves in English.
5.I am happy     (help) you if you need me.
6.Jack put some small     on the desk.
A.tea B.tea leaf C.tea leaves D.teas leaf
7.Li Gang      Canada for two weeks.
A.has gone to
B.has been to
C.has gone in D.has been in
8.My group     some physics yesterday.
A.showed to them B.have shown them
C.showed them D.have shown to them
9.I have a good     with my father last night.
A.discuss B.discussing
C.discusses D.discussion
10.Could you tell me     next?
A.how to do B.what to do
C.what to do it D.when to do
11.Ann is a nurse in our hospital.She     here for ten years.
A.works B.has worked
C.worked D.will work
12.He reminded me of     the park.
A.the visit to
C.to visit
D.that visit
13.—Sonia,is this your coat?
—Oh,no,it’s not     .Ask Li Lei.He is looking for     .
Ⅰ.1.mine 2.finally 3.discussion
Ⅱ.4.in the same class 5.take a trip to… 6.last summer 7.remind… of… 8.stay healthy 9.ten times 10.a picture of the ocean 11.comb one’s hair 12.play basketball 13.have a good discussion
Ⅲ.14.ocean 15.Physics 16.mine 17.Finally 18.remind
Ⅰ.1.have read 2.bought 3.hasn’t finished 4.introduce 5.to help
Ⅱ.6.C 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.D
Ⅲ.14.Has she had her meal? 15.My father took me to the park. 16.They showed us some new books. 17.Don’t let them wait for you any longer!
18.What do you know about Chinese music?
① Brian’s group—art—They each brought a painting to class.
Jenny and Bill—social studies—Bill showed the class many photos of Beijing.Jenny played some Chinese music.She also read some letters and e-mails from her friends in China.
Karen and Lisa—some physics—They presented some physical phenomenon.
Danny and Lisa—P.E.—Danny played basketball.Lisa showed some exercises.
② Andy—图二,William—图四,Zhang Qiang—图一,Zhao Hui—图三
③ 1.mine 2.discussion 3.Finally 4.surprised
Unit Review
Building Your Vocabulary
Ⅰ.1.traditional 2.discussion 3.mine 4.noise
Ⅱ.late for,except,worked/studied,subject,hopes
Grammar in Use
Ⅰ.help—helped—helped use—used—used
carry—carried—carried make—made—made
read—read—read paint—painted—painted
give—gave—given put—put—put
find—found—found buy—bought—bought
Ⅱ.1.have studied 2.has told 3.haven’t seen 4.has taught 5.hasn’t written/didn’t write 6.has been
Listening and Speaking
Ⅰ.1.Seven. 2.In the library. 3.Every day.
Ⅲ.Have you finished your homework?;Yes,I have.
Putting It All Together
1.Li Ping lives in Qingdao. 2.He likes English best. 3.Wang Lei is not good at physics.
(1)表示动作发生在过去,但与现在的情况有联系,有时无时间状语,有时和一些表示不确定的时间状语连用,如:many times,just,yet,ever,never,already,before,so far,by now等。
He has left the city.他已离开这个城市了。
Someone has broken the window.有人把窗户打破了。
He has taught in our school for 30 years.他在我们学校教书已有30年了。
He has been busy since last week.自上个星期以来他一直很忙。
(4)have/has gone to与have/has been to 的区别:have/has gone to指去了某地,但是还没有回来;have/has been to指去过某地,已经回来了。
He has gone to Shanghai.他去上海了。
He has been to Shanghai.他去过上海。
(时间:100分钟 满分:120分)
1.A.name    B.find     C.paint
2.A.2:15 B.2:45
3.A.a white coat
B.a red coat
C.a black jacket
4.A.We are the same age.
B.I’m younger than the boy.
C.We’re both fourteen years old.
5.A.Peter likes dumplings.
B.Peter doesn’t like to eat dumplings.
C.Peter has never eaten a dumpling.
6.A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I have. C.Yes,I do.
7.A.Last month.
B.Maybe two months.
C.Yes,he will.
8.A.It’s in England.
B.By plane.
C.To learn English.
9.A.Chinese music is beautiful.
B.I will play it for you.
C.Yes.Let me show you.
10.A.I like social studies best.
B.I like PE.But art is her favourite.
C.I love it very much.
11.A.English. B.Chinese
C.French. D.Japanese.
12.A.Fishing. B.Go boating
C.Sleeping. D.Feeding animals.
13.A.At 2:45 pm.
B.At 2:50 pm.
C.At 2:40 pm.
14.A.For two years.
B.For four years.
C.For six years.
15.A.Ten.   }


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