《 宇宙探险游戏 》在线游戏游戏下载

容量:409.20 MB | 类型:冒险游戏 | 语言:简体中文
Dual 2.0Ghz CPU
2.5 GB RAM
OpenCL compatible GPU (DX10.1+)
Dual 3.0Ghz CPU
英文名称:Planet Explorers
游戏制作:Pathea Games
游戏发行:Pathea Games
  《星球探险家》背景为一个遥远的星球上,是一款开放式的,集冒险与角色扮演于一体的像素风格沙盒类游戏。游戏采用了基于Unity 3D引擎的新开放运算语言系统(OpenCL),能让玩家在任何地方,改变任何地形,创造任何形态的事物,跟当代神作《我的世界》有异曲同工之处,就战斗画面和武器创造方面,《星球探险家》略胜一筹。
游戏平台:PC XONE PS4
游戏平台:PC XONE PS4
游戏平台:PC XONE
游戏平台:PC XONE PS4
游戏平台:PC XONE PS4
游戏平台:PC XONE PS4#10 Top Paid Overall in Russia and Kenya#50 Top Paid Overall in 10 CountriesFeatures:- Game for All Family- Amazing Music and Sounds- Incredible Graphics - Spellbinding and Challenging Gameplay- Innovational teleport thought walls and time - A lot of levels- More levels coming soon!Osteya - the city which once was home to many people over the centuries.According to historians, there is a legend that Osteya stuck in time between worlds. Here is a story of Seed, a traveler and adventurer, who was one of the heroes involved in the fate of the dream city - Osteya.All new chapters for free!
Myths of the World: Black Rose - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!As a vampire hunter, you’re sent aboard the Mississippi River cruise and must find the one carrying an ancient artifact that could cause a huge disaster. Follow the clues to your target before time runs out!o CAN YOU CATCH THE VAMPIRE AND SEIZE THE VIAL OF LIGHT?You find Benjamin Brooks nestled in his coffin, fingers clutching a vial of pure light. Why is he guarding it and what powers does it hold?o BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST… EVEN THE NORMAL ONES CAN BE DECEIVINGFind the tools you need and powerful potions by searching through interactive hidden object scenes.
o DISCOVER THE INFAMOUS BLACK ROSESlowly unravel the mysteries of this case by solving intriguing puzzles and playing various mini-games. o SAVE THE TOWN OF EASTMIRE IN THE BONUS GAMEContinue your hunt in the bonus chapter and enjoy Collector’s Edition exclusives including a strategy guide and collectible puzzles.*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishGamesAppSign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/iSplashNewsletterBig Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter
Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers - A Hidden Objects Mystery Game
Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue the adventure with a ONE TIME unlock and play offline! NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life.You thought this would be just like any other investigation. But now you find yourself lost in a mysterious mansion brimming with strange creatures, comatose colleagues, and mysterious tentacles around every corner! Can you find the source of the strange happenings and destroy it before it’s too late?o
NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMSA local collector has been complaining about paranormal activity in her mansion and the authorities have called on you to get to the bottom of things. o
RACE TO UNCOVER AN ANCIENT SECRETUse your special goggles to decipher secret code puzzles and mini games and search for hidden objects within strange dreamlike scenes!o
INVESTIGATE THE THEFT OF A MAGICAL CRYSTAL SKULLA mysterious crystal skull belonging to the God of Dreams is wreaking havoc. Find a way to stop it and save your colleagues!o
TRAVEL INTO THE MIND OF THE VILLAIN IN THE BONUS CHAPTERCollect animals for your personal zoo and various achievements along the way. Plus, enjoy extras like intriguing wallpapers and concept art!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishGamesAppSign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/iSplashNewsletterBig Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter
Rise of Heroes
Welcome to Rise of Heroes: Recruit & manage an force of unique heroes to revenge the darkness & compete against other teams.Conquer territories for resources to upgrade training heroes, evolve them to new classes & unlock new lands. Reveal many side events, explore secret dungeons, and participate in the World Tournament of other team of heroes.PLEASE NOTE! Rise of Heroes is free to download and play. However, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device's settings.Game Features:- Introducing new gameplay of strategy/management fun.- More than 30 unique heroes with each unique special skills to discover. (More heroes are weekly added among with updates).- 4 unique classes of heroes:Healer, Supporter, Killer & Tanker- 5 advancement tiers to evolve for each hero.- Huge collections of weapon with special ability of rare weapons.- Special items can be used during the battle.- Spend coins wisely to upgrade & evolve hero.- Complete challenge mission in the vast world.- Many insane bosses to defeat.- Special Events come up timely to bring challenges & super rewards.- Prove yourself in World Tournament to earn valuable prices.- Team up with friends to defeat super boss.- Daily Reward brings you value resource everyday.- Great visual effect during battle, enhanced by HD graphics.- Great design of heroes & special skills.- Game Center Leader-board.- Game Center Achievements.- Universal Game: iPod, iPhone/iPad.- Multiple devices gameplay by data synchronize.- Game progress are back-ed up online.
像素地下城 2 bit Dungeon II
经典 Roguelike 地下城 RPG 游戏《像素地下城》的正统续作,趣味性非常的强。
黑白雨夜 (Calvino Noir)
◇◆ 初回ガチャがリセマラ不要で引き直し放題!! ◆◇◇◆ かわいいモンスター娘たちを集めて 魔界最強をめざせ! ◆◇----◆◇ あらすじ ◆◇-----------------------モンスター娘たちだけが住む世界、魔界…とある魔界の魔王であるあなたは、自らの魔界の復興の名のもとに、魔界のモンスター娘たちを集め、魔界史上最高のハーレムを作りあげるために立ち上がった!かわいいモン娘たちと、触って育てて大冒険だ!----◆◇ ゲーム内容 ◆◇-----------------------◆モンはれの特徴はとにかくかわいく!滑らかに動く!250人以上のモンスター娘たち!2Dアニメーションエンジン「E-mote」による、滑らかで表情豊かにアニメーションする可愛く萌えるモン娘達!総勢250人以上のモン娘達がなんと全員動きます!◆手に汗握るバトルシステムリアルタイムで進行する、思わず手に汗握るバトル!モン娘達の個性が光る、多彩でド派手なスキルを駆使しよう!簡単操作だけど熱い、これまでに無い新感覚のモン娘バトルを楽しめます!◆モン娘との絆で強くなる育成システムバトルのつかの間の休息には…モン娘達とデートに出かけることができます!モン娘との絆を深めた先に待ち受けるのは…◆個性豊かなモン娘たちを彩る豪華声優陣参加声優:(順不同:敬称略)大空直美 / 大和田仁美 / 小野早稀 / 桑原由気小市眞琴 / 古城門志帆 / 沢城みゆき / 白城なお高木美佑 / 竹内恵美子 / 伊達朱里紗 / 谷口夢奈照井春佳 / 戸田めぐみ / 七瀬亜深 / 土師亜文長谷美希 / 早瀬莉花 / 春野杏 / 日笠陽子藤井ゆきよ / 松嵜麗 / 三上枝織 / 矢野亜沙美山岡ゆり / 山下まみ / 山本亜衣----◆◇ 対応端末 ◆◇-----------------------iPhone5S以降推奨iPad Air 以降推奨iPad mini2 以降推奨iPod touch 第6世代以降推奨iOS 7.0以降必須----◆◇ 価格 ◆◇-----------------------モンはれアプリ本体:無料 ※一部有料アイテムがございます。
Bowman In The Cave: Fun Aiming Range, Full Version
Sprint your way through this exciting caveman adventure! Jump and roll through dangerous obstacles and bring back the meat in time for supper!
进击的哪吒 - 点击挂机手游新玩法
你不了解的中国神话,都在这里。姜子牙,龙吉公主,邓婵玉等你来召唤。停不下来的点击放置游戏,年度难得的封神作品,良心独立团队制作。**高品质的画面,忠实再现西周各路神仙****酣畅淋漓的战斗画面,满屏金币捡到手软****精心制作的强力神器,快来收集!****游戏QQ群: 欢迎反馈和建议**【游戏特色】- 中国神话风格的休闲游戏,上手简单,只需点击便可体验著名的神话大战。- 精美的画面和活泼动感的音乐旋律 。- 收集角色,提升等级——30位个性鲜明的英雄与你一起同屏作战!- 走遍原著的奇幻世界——100多个忠于史实的精美关卡!- 耳熟能详没看过小说——100个生动搞笑的妖魔鬼怪,还有简介!- 神器在手,天下我有——30种威力强大的上古神器,带你装B带你飞!- 关注我们,更多关卡,角色,游戏方式和惊喜正在加急制作中。【游戏简介】在这款充满中国魔幻元素的免费休闲游戏中,以传说中的神话英雄哪吒为主角,忠实再现了 《封神演义》中精彩的神话故事和诸多耳熟能详的出场人物。游戏故事背景宏大,画面精美,玩家只需点击便可轻松投入到古中国最有名的神话大战之中,对抗历史上最著名的暴君,成为拯救世界的最强勇者。来吧,勇士!协助正义之师勇敢的像朝歌进击吧!【游戏背景】缘由仙人个个长生不老,时间久了仙人越来越多,须要优胜略汰才能继续修行。恰逢西周当兴,商汤气数将尽,而天帝又缺少公务员……于是阐教、截教、人教三家最大的人力资源机构共同协商编写了365位有正神名号的人寿保险——封神榜,虽然对凡人来说封神榜是一种成神的奖励,可是对仙人来说,那是末位淘汰制,被淘汰者退而求其次的选择。其后元始天尊派遣姜子牙协助武王兴周灭商,主持封神之事。赶巧在一次祭祀时,纣王对上古之神女娲作出了无礼举动——写了一首情诗。于是女娲命轩辕坟三妖迷惑纣王,祸乱朝纲,至此商朝成为人神共讨的众矢之的。一场牵涉仙凡两界,汇集了三教各路豪强的神仙大杀劫就此拉开序幕。
育成 コミショウの恋 - 小宮山将太の成長記録 -
「コミュ力」上げて彼女をGET!苦手な「会話」を克服して彼女との距離を縮めていこう!超簡単!おてがる3D恋愛育成ゲーム!3Dキャラクターならではの躍動感のあるリアルな会話パート!どんどん会話をして二人の距離を縮めよう!CV: 志之田佳林 (二葉ほのか)■あらすじ女の子と会話することが苦手な主人公「小宮山将太」はひょうんなことから転校生の女の子「双葉ほのか」と出会う。親友でありリア充の友達「太一」が彼女を狙う中、無事、彼女と付き合うことができるのか!?彼女との距離を縮める方法はただ一つ「彼女と会話をする」ことより高度な会話ができるように会話が苦手な主人公に会話を覚えさせよう!■会話の上達方法会話の上達方法はいたって簡単!教室でみんなが話している話のネタを集めるだけ!ある程度集まったら、そのネタを使って会話を考えよう!会話が完成したら後はなんども彼女に話かけて彼女との距離を縮めていこう!■進展彼女との親密度が一定以上になると彼女との新しい展開が待っているぞ!無事、彼女と付き合うことができるのか?コミショウがリア充になることができるか?すべては「コミュ力」にかかっている!■素材利用以下のサイトの素材を利用させていただきました。[BGM/SE/Voice]MusMusTAM Music FactoryMusic is VFR魔王魂フリー効果音素材 くらげ工匠無料効果音で遊ぼう!/無料効果音びたちー素材館[Graphic]きまぐれアフターイラストボックス
死期将至 Sometimes You Die
Undertown Chase - Ben 10 Omniverse Running Game
Help Ben and Rook escape from the clutches of the galaxy’s most dangerous hunter in UNDERTOWN CHASEACTION-PACKED GAMEPLAY!Test your reflexes on the wildest chase ever! Help Ben and Rook escape from Khyber’s Pet, Zed, as they face impossible odds and dangerous traps. Tap and slide your way around traps and out of the jaws of your nemesis!IT’S HERO TIME!Use Ben’s Omnitirx to turn into powerful alien forms: Smash through obstacles as Cannonbolt and Shocksquatch. Use Rook’s Proto-Tool and special plumber training to slip past your pursuers and bring them to justice!EXPLORE BEN’S WORLD!Jump, slide, shoot, slam and burst through several dynamic stages. Make your way through the rooftops of Bellwood, blitz past the dangers of the sewers and finally face your hunters on the mean streets of Undertown!Help Ben escape Khyber through this UNDERTOWN CHASE!*****This game is available in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese If you're having any problems with this app, feel free to contact us at advanced.. Tell us about the issues you're running into as well as what device and OS version you're using. *****IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS: This app may contain ads that feature other products, services, shows or offers from Cartoon Network and our partners.PRIVACY INFORMATION: Your privacy is important to us at Cartoon Network, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. This game collects and uses information as described in Cartoon Network’s Privacy Policy linked below. This information may be used, for example, to resp enable users to take advantage of certain f perform ne manage and improve our p and perform other internal operations of Cartoon Network web sites or online services. Our privacy practices are guided by data privacy laws in the United States. For users residing in the EU or other countries outside the U.S., please note that this app may use persistent identifiers for game management purposes. By downloading this application, you accept our Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement, and you give permission for such uses for all users of your device. The Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement are in addition to any terms, conditions or policies imposed by your wireless carrier and Apple, Inc. Cartoon Network and its affiliates are not responsible for any collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information by Apple or your wireless carrier. Terms of Use: /legal/termsofuse.html Privacy Policy: /legal/privacy/mobile.html
宇宙戦艦大作戦 -放置型SF戦略ADV-
指示出し放置&帰還待ち型のSFアドベンチャーゲーム命令してあとは待つだけの、簡単なお仕事のはずだったんですけど…※※※本ゲームに登場する人物、団体等は全てフィクションです。実在する人物、団体等とは一切関係がありません※※※—————銀河の片隅の田舎惑星に、銀河連合軍の衛星支部基地設営から物語は始まります。主人公は士官学校出立ての、基地司令官代理という肩書きでそこへと赴任してきます。あなたはこの基地をもり立てて、様々な犯罪や紛争、戦地へと宇宙戦艦を派遣し、問題を解決しながら物語を進めていかなければなりません。ところが新造基地には、一隻の軍艦どころか、乗組員の兵士さえ一人も居ませんでした。これから新米司令官代理の孤軍奮闘が始まります—————このゲームは無料でプレーできますが、広告が表示されます。定期的なネットワークへのアクセスが必要ですが、一定時間はオフラインでの動作もサポートしています。(課金することで広告を外せますが、定期的なネットワークへのアクセスは時間取得のために必要です)アプリ内課金によるゲーム内アイテムを販売しますが、課金無しでも時間をかければクリアできるように作成しています。バージョンアップによりゲームバランスの調整が入る可能性があります。レベルキャップはありますが、今後のストーリーの進展により上限が上がります。装備の強さやスキルは追加、変更がありますので、その旨ご了承ください。————————————————————————本アプリには購読型課金アイテム「軍本部登録直轄サービス」があります。(登録しなくても遊べます)価格:50円,更新期間7日間サービス購読により、一部の非消費型アイテムを購入しなくても同等以上のサービスを継続的に受けられるようになります。購読型課金はアイテム購入時のiTunesアカウントへ課金され、その後一週間ごとに自動課金されます。設定アプリ->iTunes StoreとApp Store(アカウント設定)からいつでも停止できますが、有効な期間中までサービスは続きます。購読期限の24時間前までに停止しなければ自動的に更新されます。その際購入したアカウントに対して購読が終了する前の24時間以内に請求されます。プライバシーポリシーについては、以下のサイトをご覧ください。https://yuye.co.jp/policy.htmlソフトウェア使用許諾については、以下のサイトをご覧ください。https://yuye.co.jp/terms_of_use.html
-=荣获苹果商店全球130个国家的七千多次编辑推荐=--=上线四小时荣登中国、韩国、俄罗斯榜单首位=--=苹果付费榜玩家好评如潮,俄罗斯玩家千字长文在线撰写攻略=--=全球玩家同服竞争,生存大挑战进入倒计时=-现代版的孤岛生存游戏,极简的图文表达+流畅的游戏体验+电影级的配乐,将你心里深埋的不安和焦虑完全释放出来。挑战不可能出现的噩梦,战胜你不知道的自己!剧情介绍:被阻隔在遥远的角落,靠着一部老式电台寻找和自己一样孤独的人,听着音乐发着呆,品味着刀割一样的生命--这样的情景我们从不曾体验,但仿佛每天都在重现。一个用生命来冒险的游戏,一段感动自己的经历,一份来自于勇气的礼物! 你的旅行探险终结于一个南方小镇——BuriedTown,但是生命冒险才刚刚开始。当你从撞毁的皮划艇上岸时发现,这个地方已经是丧尸的国度了。与外界的一切联系都中断了,现代文明荡然无存,在饥饿、疾病和僵尸的威胁下,你能活几天?游戏提示:1. 搜集物资。2. 建设避难所。3. 与NPC互助和交易。4. 通过“老式电台”与其他玩家交流。团队介绍:开发团队由三名游戏狂热爱好者组成,如果您喜欢我们的游戏请推荐给您的朋友。官方网站:官方微信:swrjsy官方贴吧:BuriedTown吧官方邮箱:
剑与骷髅:海盗史诗 Swords & Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story
Swords and Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story is a comedic role play adventure. Duke A. Blizzardo the most feared pirate in all the seas has kidnapped your friend and employer. Hook up with a zany crew of swindlers, cut throats, and hooligans in this whirlwind adventure involving ancient treasure, pirate lords, tourism, killer parrots, and mad mad monkeys.Explore the islands of the Antipodal Archipelago. Sail the three oceans, including the volcanic waters and the frozen seas. Find ancient shipwrecks, battle for lost treasure, build and upgrade your pirate ships to accommodate your ever increasing crew! Organize and develop your own pirate island. An entire build mode lets you manage the exact layout and functionality of your hideaway as you use it as your base of operations for your escapades.Customize the load-out of each and every battle ready member of your pirate entourage. You'll need every sword, every buckler, and every ability you can spend your points on for the dangerous flintlock and cutlass filled battles that await you!Key Features:o Tactical combat! A well crafted turn based tactical RPG full of nuance and depth!o Upkeep your pirate island! Build and expand, even turn it into a tourist attraction to rake in the dough!o Sail the ocean! With over a dozen islands to explore, there's a lot to see, and to fight, there's monsters, treasures, and more!o The Antipodal Archipelago! The island chain you'll pirate in is a strange place, the frozen waters to the north and the volcanic seas to the south have their own mysteries to be discovered!o Daring battles! Defeat the ten pirate lords of the archipelago and stop their terrible reigns of terror!o A customizable crew! Gather up miscreants and scalawags, each with their own set of skills and abilities to help you on your quest! o A grand adventure! Discover the lost treasure of the Cenote, go on daring rescue missions, and battle interesting enemies and fauna, such as zombies, parrots, monkeys, royal soldiers, and more!
昭和盛夏祭典故事 ~那一天无法忘记的烟火~
时间是昭和的年代、在某个乡下的小村镇里、一个令人怀念的夏日祭典。这是一个让祭典变的更加热闹、让冷清寂寞的会场变的吵杂有趣、温暖内心的放置型游戏。入夜之后从祭典会场里传来的阵阵音乐声、形形色色的摊位、以及从神社里仰望的烟火???送给您一个那令人怀念的、那一个夏天。在游戏的进行之间、那一些令人怀念的「夏天的回忆物品」会逐渐的被登录到图鉴中。真是怀念! 从令人不由自主会想要微微一笑的物品、一直到会回想起童年往事的种种道具、往日的情景以及怀念感满载。收集从偶尔才会出现的出场人物那获得的信件、来推进整个故事剧情吧。就像是在收集拼图的每一个碎片一般、将少女的那一个夏天、那一个重要的回忆编织成章。当然这个游戏可以完全免费进行、请每天花一点点的时间来享受这个故事。给最近会不由自主的叹息自己已经老了的您。感觉还是小孩子的那个时候好、不会像现在这样感到寂寞的您。至今无法忘怀那些已经不会再回来的光耀的昔日种种的您。就让我们一起、踏出那收集回忆碎片旅程的第一步吧。提供您一个能够获得温暖以及心灵疗愈的一个片刻。【故事剧情】~~~~~~~~~~~~~这是在那个暑假里发生的、为期一周的故事。一个女孩离开了他的父亲、和她的妈妈来到了乡下小镇。一个小镇。为数不多的小孩。许多的缘份。与都市不同的、奇怪的人们。与这样的人们接触之间、小女孩逐渐的调适了她的心情。大家一起度过的夏日祭典。那一个短暂又有如梦幻一般的夏夜、在这里献给您。~~~~~~~~~~~~~◎游戏玩法【目的】?对于来到夏日祭典会场的村民们可以利用点击与滑动的方式汲取各种「回忆」吧!?利用收集来的「回忆」来升级「摊位」以及「活动」等等的等级吧!?收集偶尔会出现的「回忆物品」以及从村民那里获得的「信件」来让图鉴逐一的被填满吧!然后就是、收集那些令人怀念又点感伤、那些过往的回忆碎片吧【基本游戏规则】(1) 使用「集客」就可以让客人们光临祭典的会场。(2) 对客人使用点击与滑动的方式、就可以让长的像灯笼一样形状的「回忆」不断的增加并且「亲密度」也会提升。另外、偶尔也会出现「回忆的物品」。(3) 使用储存的「回忆」来增加祭典会场里头的「摊位」吧。(4) 让摊位增加或者是提升摊位的等级这样就会有新的客人光临祭典会场。(5) 使用「回忆」来举办「活动」的话就可以让特定客人的「亲密度」变的更加容易提升。(6) 让活动的等级提升之后「回忆的物品」就会更加容易出现。重复上述的动作来让各种图鉴逐一的被填满并完成吧。游戏进行的重点如下。◎◎◎ 摊位和活动的等级提升就会出现新的客人以及回忆的物品。 ◎◎◎◎◎◎ 从同一个客人搜集回忆就可以让「亲密度」提升 接这就会得到信件。 ◎◎◎◎◎◎ 只要开办客人所喜欢的活动就可以让客人的亲密度提升的速度变快。客人所喜欢的活动可以在图鉴里面进行确认。 ◎◎◎------this software includes the work that is distributed in the apache license 2.0http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
史上最抓狂的游戏2 - 史上最牛小游戏
色调漩涡最丰富多彩的游戏在App Store上以惊人的声音。怎么玩:- 点击旋转匹配树荫- 匹配正确的树荫和色彩的变化- 享受玩了*********************************************
生命线 2 Lifeline 2 (生命线2)
我是面包 I am Bread
Final Cut: Homage - A Hidden Objects Mystery Game
Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue the adventure with a ONE TIME unlock and play offline! NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life.An evil serial killer calling himself “the Director” is creating his magnum opus, an homage to your father, and he’s intent on casting you in the starring role. Journey through 1920s Hollywood to discover the identity of the Director and save your family and yourself!o TRAVEL BETWEEN REALITY AND MOVIE MAGICYour father’s projector appears again, allowing you to switch between real-life and scenes and the Director’s movie sets. Travel to a stormy pirate ship, a beautiful beach, and many more scenes.o STOP THE MURDEROUS VILLAIN!Rush to rescue your beloved brother, and other members of the Wolf family, from certain death as the Director tries to immortalize them in his film.o WITNESS THE DIRECTOR’S SINISTER MASTERPIECEYour courageous past has brought you to the attention of the Director. Now he wants you to take a central role of his horrible production. Only you can save yourself!
o DISCOVER THE MYSTERY AND UNLOCK THIS COLLECTOR’S EDITION!Play the role of the detective in the bonus game. Collect film-set clapperboards hidden throughout the game. Enjoy beautiful wallpapers and concept art in this haunting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishGamesAppSign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/iSplashNewsletterBig Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter
The Secret Order: Masked Intent - A Hidden Objects Adventure
Play a FREE trial of this immersive, high-quality game! Then pay once & play forever offline! One of the newest members in the Order of the Griffins has turned traitor, murdering one of the Secret Five! Only Sarah can prevent the Order’s destruction!o HOP ABOARD THE ROYAL GRIFFIN!You play as Sarah, the daughter of the leader of the Order of the Griffins. After receiving a phone call from your father, you’ll need to dive into an adventure of epic proportions to stop a traitor and save your father before it’s too late.o RACE BACK THROUGH TIMETake on various hidden object scenes and puzzles as you investigate stunning locations in both the present day and the past via a time-traveling ship.o UNMASK THE TRAITORHurry to find a magical scepter—the one artifact that can subdue the mask being used to wipe out the. Use your wits to counter the traitor’s grab for power!o PLAY A SPECIAL BONUS CHAPTER WITHIN THE MAIN GAME!Enjoy exclusive extras such as beautifully detailed wallpapers, concept art, and all your favorite mini-games and puzzles!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishGamesAppSign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/iSplashNewsletterBig Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter
狂怒的火柴人:街头霸王 热血格斗 创新3D枪战游戏
Fear For Sale: Nightmare Cinema - A Mystery Hidden Object Game
Play a FREE trial of this immersive, high-quality game! Then pay once & play forever offline! When the entire audience disappears from a film screening at an old theater, you must go behind the scenes to find out who is running the mysterious Nightmare Cinema!o UNCOVER THE SECRETS OF A SPOOKY THEATREYou take on the role of horror magazine journalist when you are asked to investigate a strange case at an abandoned cinema.o INVESTIGATE AN EERIE MYSTERYThe audience has gone missing during a film screening!
Take a surreal journey through strange realms in your quest to free the people from the theater.o CRACK THIS CASE BEFORE THE SCREEN GOES DARK FOREVER!Find clues and useful items within hidden object scenes. Keep your wits about you, as you’ll need them to solve intriguing mini-games and puzzles!o THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES IN THE BONUS CHAPTERSearch for collectibles and morphing objects throughout your investigation! Then enjoy extras such as wallpapers, concept art, replayable mini-games!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishGamesAppSign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/iSplashNewsletterBig Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter
头脑大冒险 BRAIN IT Amazing Adventure
香蕉岛 - 猴子的史诗故事 – 跑和跳街机游戏
Run, jump & dodge angry baboons! All you Banana Islanders out there, get ready for the most exciting jungle ride ever! Our monkey friend Bobo is on a rescue mission, and he has to run, jump and swing on vines through 5 islands to save the love of his life! Get on a never-ending run, and make our little monkey go happy! Download *Banana Island – Bobo's Epic Tale* and have one hell of a running quest through the monkey jungle island!Game Features:- Fast paced swinging adventure- One thumb tap and slide controls- Intuitive and responsive controls for the best game experience- Crazy jungle music and funny monkey sounds- Dodge mad gorillas with spears- Avoid angry baboons' boomerang attacks- Keep the jumping monkey away from piranha plants- Run through astonishing jungle wild environments full of surprises, secrets and tricky obstacles - Jump and swing on vines to avoid deadly obstacles- Run and collect coins to dress up monkey kong in the craziest costumes- Amazing Power-ups: Shield, Coins Magnet, and Double CoinsExplore 5 Islands:* Banana Island* Savanna Island* Jungle Island* Temple Island* Volcano Island* Dash through the Jungle! *Join the jungle monkey running quest for the most insane platform gaming experience ever seen in a 2D platformer! Show you're a real adventurer, and dash through the jungle in this awesome banana mania monkey game! Battle the evil gorilla king Kong, beat all his baboon minions, and go on a banana collecting mission to be the hero of the day! * Meet Bobo McMonkey *Despicable monkey king Kong has kidnapped Bobo's girlfriend Lily and wants to make her his jungle queen! Run, jump, and smash the obstacles on your way to save the love of your life from the claws of the evil king! But, beware! His devious baboon minions are everywhere, and they are fully armed and dangerous!* Angry baboon enemies fully equipped with crazy jetpack rides!* Dangerous spikes trying to stop you from saving your girlfriend!* Make monkey swing from vine to vine like Tarzan, and get on banana rush!Keep running like hell and get mega combos in this thrilling and fun side-scrolling adventure game for kids! Collect coins and buy cool stuff for our jungle monkey jumper!* Visit the shop and buy cool clothes and powerups* Collect rubies, sapphires and emeralds, and smash barrels to complete missions!* Keep your eyes wide open and collect as many bananas as you can!* Bobo the Swinging Monkey *Go on a banana hunt and join our crazy jungle party in this amazing monkey kick off jungle saga! Run and dash all across the monkey island to kill as many angry baboons and mad gorillas! While you dash through the jungle, swing on vines to avoid deadly obstacles and complete levels! * Super Fun Monkey Joyride *Get on a super fun monkey joyride and fly like a bird through the jungle village! You will get crazy in this endless parkour jungle adventure! This monkey game for kids is fun for adults as well because of its challenging missions, and stunning game level designs!* Let the Jungle Fever Begin *If you're addicted to free running games, you'll instantly get hooked on this addictive banana adventure! Banana frenzy is raging all over the world, get this monkey jump saga and let the jungle fever get to you! Enter the jungle survival, unlock new worlds, get a cool superhero mask and beat'em up in this jump n run quest!* Get Ready for the Gorilla Revenge *Run, monkey, run! Get on banana rush and enter the world of fast-paced 2D platform monkey racing and jumping games! Download * Banana Island – Bobo's Epic Tale * and get ready for the gorilla revenge! Mega monkey banana quest is waiting for you! Battle the flying baboons, and beat the angry gorilla king in this epic jungle monkey saga to be the baddest monkey in jungle! Get this fun run side-scroller arcade game for kids and adults, and save your girl from the monkey temple!
時は太正16年。文明開化の夜明けを感じさせつつも、妖怪や陰陽師といった不可思議なものが、わずかに残っている帝都に、突如として現れる謎の二人組。妖怪を【悪衣】と呼ばれる怪物に変えてしまう二人組に立ち向かう若き陰陽師【柊余白(ひいらぎよはく)】。そして、大切な友達を悪衣に変えられた、小さな妖怪【チミマル】。帝都から陰陽師を追い出し、文明開化を促そうとする【欅歩生(けやきあゆむ)】。謎の二人組の正体と、その目的とは?それぞれの想いと感情が交差する、大正風ロマン活劇、ここに開幕!◆敵を囲んで攻撃! 新感覚妖怪アクション! 画面内に散らばる魔石を囲んで、ストック! 動き回る敵を指でなぞって囲んで、ストックした魔石を一気に解放!!◆【囲み】テクニックを駆使して、戦いを有利に運べ! 同じ色の魔石を同時に複数囲む【ペア】を作って、与えるダメージをアップ! 動き回る複数の敵を同時に囲んで、まとめて攻撃! 敵の動きを見極めて、囲む順番を構築! 自分のテクニックと、頭脳を駆使して、勝利をつかみ取れ!◆美麗な妖怪のカードを集めよう! 有名絵師も続々参戦! むりりん氏、こぶいち氏を筆頭に、大勢の有名絵師が参戦! カコタマの世界で妖怪たちを、怪しく、美しく描き上げるぞ! ◆ゆずソフトとのコラボも続々展開! さらにさらに! ゆずソフトの歴代キャラクターもカード化決定! コラボクエストも展開予定!本製品に関するお問い合わせはこちらsupport@mail.
收集各类符石,组合出最适合你的作战风格,眼明手快的进行战斗吧!◆ 刺激的即时作战方式。◆ 击败强大怪物以收集上百种功能回异的符石。◆ 探索各个特殊关卡,发掘秘密。◆ 每只怪物具备不同的特有技能及行为模式。根据要对抗的敌人拟定好最佳的战略!


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