
作者:瑞恩·霍尔莫斯(Ryan Holmes),社交媒体管理平台Hootsuite首席执行官。()点击该链接前往。点击分享按钮
将文章分享至您的LinkedIn页面。 (点击进入栏目《》)还记得你的第一篇推文吗?说得更确切些,你希望忘掉你的第一篇推文吗?今年早些时候,在迎来八周年诞辰纪念日之际,Twitter推出了一个特殊的工具,它可以让用户看到并自动分享过他们的第一篇推文。精明的用户很快发现,这个工具还允许你查看任何人的第一篇推文,包括名星、企业家和政治家。事实证明,即使是当今最成功的Twitter用户,在刚刚使用Twitter时也是很懵懂的。下面是五个著名Twitter用户的第一篇推文,通过它们,我们可以看看社交媒体这些年来的演变。Jack Dorsey(腾讯科技配图)2006年春天的一个下午,Twitter联合创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)发布了第一篇推文。从表面上来看,当时该服务仍处于测试阶段,甚至连名称也是如此。当时,多尔西和他的伙伴还不确定他们创造的是一种什么样的产品。他们将这种140个字符以内的消息服务叫做“社交工具(social utility)”,并根据鸟的叫声将它称为“Twitter”。现在,Twitter已经在世界各地拥有超过2亿活跃用户。去年上市的时候,该公司的估值高达142亿美元。距离多尔西发送他著名的第一条推文8年之后,我们估计现在每天有5亿条推文被发送。Ryan Holmes(腾讯科技配图)这条推文可能并没有很大的名气,但它有情感价值。我是在2007年开始使用Twitter的,实际上,我当时发送的第一条推文是Twitter的默认消息。虽然我是一个早期的Twitter使用者,老实说,我不知道Twitter的未来将会怎样(也不知道我会围绕Twitter建立一种全球性业务)。在创业初期,我们只是利用Twitter进行大规模的即时通讯。2007年3月中旬,当Twitter在SXSW会议上露面后,Twitter迎来了一个大转折点。几乎在一夜之间,Twitter用户成倍增长。突然之间,高科技界的大腕也登录Twitter并在上面分享想法。许多著名的博客主也登上了Twitter。商业世界很快也发现的Twitter的更大用途。客户服务和市场营销部门将Twitter视为一个连接客户的一个新渠道。术语“社交媒体经理”进入词典。大品牌将资金投入巨资进行Twitter营销。今天,社交媒体对全球商业来说估计具有1.3万亿美元的价值。奥巴马是第一个意识到Twitter的价值的政客,早在2007年就开始利用它。在这条推文中,虽然奥巴马的预测太过乐观了(伊拉克战争在4年半之后才正式结束),但他的Twitter战略是了不起的。奥巴马意识到,Twitter不仅仅是与朋友分享个人消息更新的工具,而且具有成为一种实时的大众传媒通讯工具的潜力。这也许不是巧合,Twitter在奥巴马的总统竞选中起到了重要作用。例如,在2012年的竞选活动中,奥巴马在Twitter上获得了2000多万追随者,是其对手罗姆尼的近10倍之多。他也是利用Twitter新广告工具的第一个重要政治人物,每逢重要会议和辩论,他都会利用它们来作宣传。Richard Branson(腾讯科技配图)谈到使用社交媒体的商业领袖,理查德·布兰森( Richard Branson)被认为是这方面无可争辩的大师,拥有约400万Twitter追随者,以及110万好友。但是,就像这条2008年发布的推文表明的那样,我们在开始时都是不起眼的。像很多早期采用者一样,布兰森最初使用Twitter的方式很像使用Facebook,将它作为共享状态更新——天气,早餐,周末计划等——的个人工具。Ellen Degeneres(腾讯科技配图)艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen Degeneres)来晚了一点,到2009年3月才成为Twitter用户。那个时候,好莱坞影星阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)已经在Twitter拥有了100万的追随者。艾伦的第一个推文是一个很好的例子,说明当时的公众对Twitter的怀疑。那个时候,公众仍然不确定网络将会发展成什么样子。时代已经变了。艾伦目前在Twitter有近3000万名追随者,远远超过了库彻。他的秘诀是什么?他的推文一点都不滑稽可笑,而是将真实性与不可思议的商业头脑结合在一起。最近,艾伦将奥斯卡颁奖典礼现场的自拍照片发到了Twitter上,因为这张照片众星云集,所以瞬间得到了创纪录的海量回复,在典礼结束之前就被分享了大约200万次。艾伦的自拍看似是自发的,实际上这是由手机制造商三星公司广告活动的一部分。这一事件证明,社交媒体已经走过了很长的一段路。(谭思)【版权声明:本专栏所有文章版权归腾讯公司所有。未经腾讯公司授权许可,任何组织、机构或个人不得对本专栏文章实施转载、摘编或其他任何形式的使用行为,违者腾讯公司将追究其法律责任。】
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By any measure, Twitter hit particularly rough conditions on Tuesday night, which sent its share price into a tailspin.无论怎么看,周二晚上Twitter陷入了棘手窘境,导致其股价大跌。
At one point in the final hours of trading, the stock had lost more than $8bn (&5bn), or 25% of its opening price.就在股市交易最后几小时中的某一时刻,市值损失了超过80亿美元(50亿英镑),股价大跌25%。
What actually happened?到底发生了什么呢?
Twitter was due to announce its earnings for the first quarter of the year after close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, where the company is listed. Twitter是纽约证交所上市公司,本应在纽约证交所股市收盘时发布第一季度的财报的。
Announcing results after the markets close gives investors a chance to digest the news, sleep on it, and then start trading again the next day.股市收盘时才公布结果可以让投资者有机会消化下新闻内容、思考思考,第二天再开始交易。
Except it turns out that somebody thought it would be a good idea to release this information early, on the technology-led Nasdaq-run investor relations page for Twitter.结果有人觉得提前发布消息也不错,便在科技主导、纳斯达克经营的投资关系页面上替Twitter提前把消息泄露了。
Initially it seemed no-one really noticed the error, until a well-placed tweet ed the mistake and revealed Twitter's disappointing results. 一开始似乎也没人注意到这个错误,直到那条醒目的推文泄露了Twitter令人失望的财报结果,才吸引了人们关注。
How come Selerity got the news early, and who are they anyway?Selerity是怎么事先得到消息的呢?Selerity又是什么来头?
Selerity is a tech start-up running a very specific service ed to investors.Selerity是一个给投资者提供专项服务的新兴科技公司。
It automatically scans all sorts of documents, press releases, and social media online and looks for anything that could prove useful to investors.会自动扫描各种文件、新闻发布会和网络社交媒体,并且寻找任何可能对投资者有利的信息。
It then reports back to subscribers with what it describes as real-time actionable intelligence.然后Selerity把信息和所谓的实时可操作情报一并发给订阅用户。
In this case, it picked up the early Nasdaq posting.这一次,Selerity获取了纳斯达克早先发布的信息。
The company then tweeted the figures under the
&#breaking&, ensuring that the world and his dog would know of Twitter's failings through its own service. Selerity推送了数据并贴上&爆炸新闻&的标签,确保全世界和Twitter的忠粉可以通过Twitter自己的平台了解其衰落。
Selerity then tweeted its source, adding to Twitter's
by making it clear that the results had been neither leaked or hacked.然后Selerity又把消息源推送了一遍,表明既不是消息走漏也不是被黑客攻击所致,把Twitter推向了尴尬的境地。
So who is to blame?到底怪谁呢?
Well, it seems that Nasdaq slipped up here after Twitter furnished the exchange with earnings details ahead of time ready for official publication.当然了,比Twitter官方提前公布了财报看似是纳斯达克的错。
It is like someone breaking an embargo on a news story.这就像是有人解除了新闻报道的禁令。
The key factor in Tuesday evening's fiasco was that Selerity's automatic computer programs, called bots, which scan the web for juicy financial details, were able to find the mistake so quickly.周二晚这次惨败的关键在于Selerity的自动计算机程序bots。bots是一种能执行外部命令的自动运行型木马,可以扫描网页搜寻有利可图的秘密信息。
Selerity then made sure that everyone knew about it through Twitter's own platform, but it did not break any rules in doing so as the results had already been published and were effectively in the public arena.Selerity确保大家是通过Twitter自己的平台知道消息,而过程却没有任何违规,让财报结果得以发布并且绘声绘色地出现在公众视野里。
Nasdaq blamed the error on a division of its business , which provides investor relations services.纳斯达克把这错误怪罪Shareholder网。Shareholder网是纳斯达克的商务分支,提供投资关系服务。
It is not the first time this has happened. 这也不是第一次发生此类事件了。
Six months ago, Nasdaq accidentally published JPMorgan's quarterly results hours before close of trading.六个月前,纳斯达克在交易结束前几小时意外地发布了JP摩根的季度财报。
It has all left Twitter, which did not have great news to share with investors anyway, somewhat red-faced.此次这么一来,Twitter尴尬了,也没有什么利好消息可以和投资者分享了。英语作文大全_为哪般:一条推文让twitter损失80亿_沪江英语
By any measure, Twitter hit particularly rough conditions on Tuesday night, which sent its share price into a tailspin.无论怎么看,周二晚上Twitter陷入了棘手窘境,导致其股价大跌。
At one point in the final hours of trading, the stock had lost more than $8bn (&5bn), or 25% of its opening price.就在股市交易最后几小时中的某一时刻,市值损失了超过80亿美元(50亿英镑),股价大跌25%。
What actually happened?到底发生了什么呢?
Twitter was due to announce its earnings for the first quarter of the year after close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, where the company is listed. Twitter是纽约证交所上市公司,本应在纽约证交所股市收盘时发布第一季度的财报的。
Announcing results after the markets close gives investors a chance to digest the news, sleep on it, and then start trading again the next day.股市收盘时才公布结果可以让投资者有机会消化下新闻内容、思考思考,第二天再开始交易。
Except it turns out that somebody thought it would be a good idea to release this information early, on the technology-led Nasdaq-run investor relations page for Twitter.结果有人觉得提前发布消息也不错,便在科技主导、纳斯达克经营的投资关系页面上替Twitter提前把消息泄露了。
Initially it seemed no-one really noticed the error, until a well-placed tweet ed the mistake and revealed Twitter's disappointing results. 一开始似乎也没人注意到这个错误,直到那条醒目的推文泄露了Twitter令人失望的财报结果,才吸引了人们关注。
How come Selerity got the news early, and who are they anyway?Selerity是怎么事先得到消息的呢?Selerity又是什么来头?
Selerity is a tech start-up running a very specific service ed to investors.Selerity是一个给投资者提供专项服务的新兴科技公司。
It automatically scans all sorts of documents, press releases, and social media online and looks for anything that could prove useful to investors.会自动扫描各种文件、新闻发布会和网络社交媒体,并且寻找任何可能对投资者有利的信息。
It then reports back to subscribers with what it describes as real-time actionable intelligence.然后Selerity把信息和所谓的实时可操作情报一并发给订阅用户。
In this case, it picked up the early Nasdaq posting.这一次,Selerity获取了纳斯达克早先发布的信息。
The company then tweeted the figures under the
&#breaking&, ensuring that the world and his dog would know of Twitter's failings through its own service. Selerity推送了数据并贴上&爆炸新闻&的标签,确保全世界和Twitter的忠粉可以通过Twitter自己的平台了解其衰落。
Selerity then tweeted its source, adding to Twitter's
by making it clear that the results had been neither leaked or hacked.然后Selerity又把消息源推送了一遍,表明既不是消息走漏也不是被黑客攻击所致,把Twitter推向了尴尬的境地。
So who is to blame?到底怪谁呢?
Well, it seems that Nasdaq slipped up here after Twitter furnished the exchange with earnings details ahead of time ready for official publication.当然了,比Twitter官方提前公布了财报看似是纳斯达克的错。
It is like someone breaking an embargo on a news story.这就像是有人解除了新闻报道的禁令。
The key factor in Tuesday evening's fiasco was that Selerity's automatic computer programs, called bots, which scan the web for juicy financial details, were able to find the mistake so quickly.周二晚这次惨败的关键在于Selerity的自动计算机程序bots。bots是一种能执行外部命令的自动运行型木马,可以扫描网页搜寻有利可图的秘密信息。
Selerity then made sure that everyone knew about it through Twitter's own platform, but it did not break any rules in doing so as the results had already been published and were effectively in the public arena.Selerity确保大家是通过Twitter自己的平台知道消息,而过程却没有任何违规,让财报结果得以发布并且绘声绘色地出现在公众视野里。
Nasdaq blamed the error on a division of its business , which provides investor relations services.纳斯达克把这错误怪罪Shareholder网。Shareholder网是纳斯达克的商务分支,提供投资关系服务。
It is not the first time this has happened. 这也不是第一次发生此类事件了。
Six months ago, Nasdaq accidentally published JPMorgan's quarterly results hours before close of trading.六个月前,纳斯达克在交易结束前几小时意外地发布了JP摩根的季度财报。
It has all left Twitter, which did not have great news to share with investors anyway, somewhat red-faced.此次这么一来,Twitter尴尬了,也没有什么利好消息可以和投资者分享了。四川雅安地震_为哪般:一条推文让twitter损失80亿_沪江英语
By any measure, Twitter hit particularly rough conditions on Tuesday night, which sent its share price into a tailspin.无论怎么看,周二晚上Twitter陷入了棘手窘境,导致其股价大跌。
At one point in the final hours of trading, the stock had lost more than $8bn (&5bn), or 25% of its opening price.就在股市交易最后几小时中的某一时刻,市值损失了超过80亿美元(50亿英镑),股价大跌25%。
What actually happened?到底发生了什么呢?
Twitter was due to announce its earnings for the first quarter of the year after close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, where the company is listed. Twitter是纽约证交所上市公司,本应在纽约证交所股市收盘时发布第一季度的财报的。
Announcing results after the markets close gives investors a chance to digest the news, sleep on it, and then start trading again the next day.股市收盘时才公布结果可以让投资者有机会消化下新闻内容、思考思考,第二天再开始交易。
Except it turns out that somebody thought it would be a good idea to release this information early, on the technology-led Nasdaq-run investor relations page for Twitter.结果有人觉得提前发布消息也不错,便在科技主导、纳斯达克经营的投资关系页面上替Twitter提前把消息泄露了。
Initially it seemed no-one really noticed the error, until a well-placed tweet ed the mistake and revealed Twitter's disappointing results. 一开始似乎也没人注意到这个错误,直到那条醒目的推文泄露了Twitter令人失望的财报结果,才吸引了人们关注。
How come Selerity got the news early, and who are they anyway?Selerity是怎么事先得到消息的呢?Selerity又是什么来头?
Selerity is a tech start-up running a very specific service ed to investors.Selerity是一个给投资者提供专项服务的新兴科技公司。
It automatically scans all sorts of documents, press releases, and social media online and looks for anything that could prove useful to investors.会自动扫描各种文件、新闻发布会和网络社交媒体,并且寻找任何可能对投资者有利的信息。
It then reports back to subscribers with what it describes as real-time actionable intelligence.然后Selerity把信息和所谓的实时可操作情报一并发给订阅用户。
In this case, it picked up the early Nasdaq posting.这一次,Selerity获取了纳斯达克早先发布的信息。
The company then tweeted the figures under the
&#breaking&, ensuring that the world and his dog would know of Twitter's failings through its own service. Selerity推送了数据并贴上&爆炸新闻&的标签,确保全世界和Twitter的忠粉可以通过Twitter自己的平台了解其衰落。
Selerity then tweeted its source, adding to Twitter's
by making it clear that the results had been neither leaked or hacked.然后Selerity又把消息源推送了一遍,表明既不是消息走漏也不是被黑客攻击所致,把Twitter推向了尴尬的境地。
So who is to blame?到底怪谁呢?
Well, it seems that Nasdaq slipped up here after Twitter furnished the exchange with earnings details ahead of time ready for official publication.当然了,比Twitter官方提前公布了财报看似是纳斯达克的错。
It is like someone breaking an embargo on a news story.这就像是有人解除了新闻报道的禁令。
The key factor in Tuesday evening's fiasco was that Selerity's automatic computer programs, called bots, which scan the web for juicy financial details, were able to find the mistake so quickly.周二晚这次惨败的关键在于Selerity的自动计算机程序bots。bots是一种能执行外部命令的自动运行型木马,可以扫描网页搜寻有利可图的秘密信息。
Selerity then made sure that everyone knew about it through Twitter's own platform, but it did not break any rules in doing so as the results had already been published and were effectively in the public arena.Selerity确保大家是通过Twitter自己的平台知道消息,而过程却没有任何违规,让财报结果得以发布并且绘声绘色地出现在公众视野里。
Nasdaq blamed the error on a division of its business , which provides investor relations services.纳斯达克把这错误怪罪Shareholder网。Shareholder网是纳斯达克的商务分支,提供投资关系服务。
It is not the first time this has happened. 这也不是第一次发生此类事件了。
Six months ago, Nasdaq accidentally published JPMorgan's quarterly results hours before close of trading.六个月前,纳斯达克在交易结束前几小时意外地发布了JP摩根的季度财报。
It has all left Twitter, which did not have great news to share with investors anyway, somewhat red-faced.此次这么一来,Twitter尴尬了,也没有什么利好消息可以和投资者分享了。}


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