
英文翻译: uncared-for
Ignore Extents
P miss .. out
P pass through
To overlook or disregard.
Any view that neglects the Four Cardinal Principles is one-sided.
To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.
To omit or slur over(a syllable,for example)in pronunciation.
ROI tends to emphasize short-run profit rather than long-run profitability.
Ignore my existing files. Create a new profile from scratch.
It is often overlooked that fines and sanctions are just one aspect of CV.
slip one's mind
be buried in oblivion
in oblivion
in obscurity
lost in oblivion
pass out of mind
sink into obscurity
be buried in oblivion
fade from sb's memory
in oblivion
in obscurity
lost in oblivion
sink into obscurity
to leave sth. aside基本解释[fail to recognize] 不重视忽视了学生们的真正需要详细解释不重视;不注意。 明 沉德符 《野获编·内阁·仁智等殿宫》:“虽...
忽略是什么意思 忽略在线翻译 忽略什么意思 忽略的意思 忽略的翻译 忽略的解释 忽略的发音 忽略的同义词 忽略的反义词 忽略的例句
忽略 基本解释忽略忽略[hū lüè]词典:忽视,不顾;[法律]驳回(诉讼)。词典:忽略;疏忽;遗漏;疏于照顾。词典:(发音中)省略。词典:忽视; 忘记;看不见;失去联系。忽略 汉英大词典忽略[hū lüè] neglection:  例:不要忽略枝节问题。    Don't neglect minor issues.忽略 网络解释1. overlook:宽恕就是去忽略(overlook),或是去看穿. 当你看穿了小我,就能够直视到每个人内在都具有的本质--健全的心态.
小我喜欢抱怨、感觉怨恨,不仅是针对个人,也会针对处境. 你针对他人所产生的反应,也会用在针对处境上:把处境视为敌人.2. neglect:组织公民行为特别是员工退出(Exit)行为、呼吁(Voice)行为、忠诚(Loyalty)行为、忽略(Neglect)行为(以下简称EVLN行为)是所有企业都不可回避的问题. 企业员工EVLN行为的选择最直接的关系着企业日常的生产经营,甚至企......忽略 双语例句1. 1. IQ是衡量智力水平的传统方式,忽略了基本的行为因素和性格因素,学术上的天才,可能毫无社交活动能力,成功并不必然伴随着拥有较高IQ的人。&&&&We've all met people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept.2. 这种风格的刻意让我们的努力依附于表层,忽略了更重要的具有情感意向的精神层面。&&&&This delibrate emphasis in style make our efforts rely on the surface, neglecte the more important spiritual aspect in emotional intention.3. 我们在理论计算中没有作旋波近似,也没有忽略不同波矢激子之间的耦合。&&&&We don't make the rotating-waveapproximation and don't neglecte the coupling between the excitons with different wave vectorin our theortical calculation.4. 忽略的解释4. 摄入多的protective food 而忽略energy-giving 或 body-building 类食物的摄入会使我们过瘦或缺少能量。&&&&Having too much protective food but neglecting energy giving food or body building food will cause a decrease in energy level or underweight.5. 可是,这个模型却完全忽略了对于世界来说极为重要的次级回路:地理。&&&&But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.6. 6. 试验结果表明,修饰语在文本信息检索中的作用的确不可忽略。&&&&The experiment results show that the importance of modifier words can't be ignored in document information retrieval.7. 只是不要让有目标的过程使你忽略了什么是最重要的。&&&&Just don`t let your need for a structured process allow you neglect what is important.8. 8. 离子液体以其良好的导电性、宽的电化学窗口、可以忽略的蒸汽压和特殊的溶解性等优点成为传统有机溶剂的理想替代品。&&&&The RTILs is the perfect substitute of conventional solvents owing to its highly conductivity, wide electrochemical widow, neglectable vapor tension and special solubility.9. 宋太宗以后,藩邸背景成为入选三衙将帅的重要条件,而对能力和素质却往往忽略,这就不可避免地产生了极大的消极影响。&&&&After the Song-Taizong s time, the person who has the experience of Fan-di will be the strong candidate of the general of San-ya.10. 10. 我们听讯息的一部份而忽略其他的。&&&&We listen to one part of a message and ignore the rest.11. 11. 分析表明,采用材料线性有限元分析并不能有效模拟螺栓孔变形量,离心力对车轮结构应力分布影响不大,可以忽略,动态弯曲疲劳试验中,车轮结构各点承受的是非对称应力循环,弯曲试验的动态弯矩有限元分析能较好地模拟出车轮结构的应力水平,给后续的疲劳寿命分析提供更可靠的依据。&&&&&&Through analysis it was found that using material linear analysis can not effectively simulate the deformation of the bolt holes, the centrifugal force can be neglected because it has little influence on the stress distribution in the wheel structure, the cyclic loads causing the fatigue damage of the wheel structure is asymmetrical in the wheel dynamic bending fatigue test.12. 12. 很显然,最近几周市场忽略了贴现票据融资对股市的影响。&&&&&&Clearly, in recent weeks, the market ignored the bills discounted the impact of financing on the stock market.13. 利用飞秒激光的热效应可以忽略的特点进行超精细加工。&&&&&&We can make use of the characteristic of the negligible hot effect to have a super fine process.14. Cagan的研究只考虑更高的还款带来的影响(忽略了因为失业,离婚等造成的拖欠。&&&&&&Mr Cagan's study considers only the effect of higher payments (ignoring defaults from job loss, divorce, and so on).15. 很显然,OP的开发忽略了这类人员的测试。&&&&&&It is clear that the development of Outpost missed this kind of testing.16. 16. 基本上可以将辅助部队的建制分成两类,即步兵的大队和骑兵的联队,其实也有骑马步兵部队,但我们在此忽略此分类。&&&&&&There were basically two kinds of auxiliary units, cohorts of infantry and alae of cavalry (there were also mounted infantry, but we'll ignore this minor category).17. 忘记补油:原因:在保湿的同时,往往容易忽略补油这一环节。&&&&&&Forget the oil up: the reasons: moisture, tend to lose sight of oil make up the remaining measures.18. 18. 我不希望你觉得被忽略&&&&&&Frankly, I didn't want you to feel left out.19. 首先,他们过分地突出了意识形态的作用,低估了消费者对意识形态的反抗与抵制;其次,他们把消费者看作是原子化的乌合之众,忽略了消费者的复杂性和主体能力;最后,他们把文化文本当作是简单的、标准化的、没有个性的文化产品,而没有注意到文化文本的复杂性,以及接受者解读的多种可能性。&&&&&&Firstly, they focus too much on the impact of ideology and neglect consumers`fight and rebellion against it. Secondly, they regard consumers as a disorderly band of atoms, overlooking the complex ability initiative of consumers. Finally, they equate cultural texts with simplified, standard cultural production without individuality, excluding the complex ability of cultural text and the receivers`explaining ability.20. 如果参数节点集为空或者第一个元素没有全名,则返回一个空串。如果参数被忽略,you know&&&&&&If the argument node-set is empty or the first node has no expanded-name, an empty string is returned.忽略是什么意思,忽略在线翻译,忽略什么意思,忽略的意思,忽略的翻译,忽略的解释,忽略的发音,忽略的同义词,忽略的反义词,忽略的例句,忽略的相关词组,忽略意思是什么,忽略怎么翻译,单词忽略是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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