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(1.45 MB, )Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.&NOT-SHIT SUBS:/#PocketMonstersSun&MoonSubbed&Citronic Gear On's music rips:/C2gkFb0g&Newfag Airing/Viewing Order Guide for XY:/anb9qe55&Trailer for upcoming events:/watch?v=okLq9SfVJFk&Movie 20: Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! [July 15th]Comment too long.
to view the full text.104 replies and 38 images omitted.
to view.File:
(104 KB, 240x240)If any other anime that was not related to the pokemon anime thread, Then I'll be disgusted.What is it called?&LILY IS YUZU ONLYYYDreaming Birdwhat stream are you using? mine looks like ballsack and yours looks 1000x betterFile:
(2 KB, 151x45)There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Bane thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The &epic& CIA agent guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Banefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is &FOR YOU FOR YOU FOR YOU.& You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.Forever...&not my guys on board/168 replies and 9 images omitted.
to view.bane?been locked before no biggie imocool, now stay locked for goodnoill miss you/battle-gen7anythinggoes-File:
(491 KB, )AraquanidHP: 68 --& 42Atk: 70 --& 132Def: 92 --& 50Sp. Atk: 50 --& 92Sp. Def: 132 --& 70Spe: 42 --& 68Not bad. Needs Tailwind support, and I wish it got Aqua Jet, but this thing hits insanely hard physically.63 replies and 29 images omitted.
to view.Use a dragon tail set :+)&Drapion70 & 9590 & 75110 & 6060 & 11075 & 9095 & 70Yeah, that's worse.File:
(417 KB, )HP: 116Atk: 75Def: 77SAtk: 85SDef: 67Spe: 60Well, Prankster shores up the low speed (except for all the new ways to fuck priority over), and the extra special attack and bulk isn't too bad either. Also super fat subs that befit the pokemon the merch wing tried to associate with Substitute.Ho-ohHP: 106 --& 90Atk: 130 --& 154Def: 90 --& 110Sp. Atk: 110 --& 90Sp. Def: 154 --& 130Spe: 90 --& 106Is it AG now?Mewtwo-YHP: 106 - 140Attack: 150 - 120Defense: 70 - 194Sp. Atk: 194 -70Sp. Def: 120 - 150Speed: 140 -106Well...File:
(187 KB, )&This is a dragon fairyCome on gamefreak, your newest waifumon designs have gone too far! It's like you're not even trying to hide it anymorewhat hentai was this againnarutoFile:
(213 KB, )When we gonna have a game with every region to explore?14 replies omitted.
to view.Then what the fuck is the point?If there's going to be no levels, you might as well just complete one game, start another. It's all fucking same.If they're going to reset teams, same applies. Just play different fucking games. Finish XY, start ORAS. You'll get a new team and a new region.If they're not going to let you travel full region, but only give you a couple of towns of each region, then they might as well give you a single, new region. You'll travel to new towns just the same.I don't get the fucking point.File:
(388 KB, )Seems kind of pointless.&I don't get the fucking point.The point of my post was to allow the player to explore at their own pace and go where ever they want in the entire Pokémon world. People keep complaining that the games since BW1 have been too linear and hand-holdy, and seeing how big of a success Zelda's open world was, I thought that making an open world Pokémon game would both be a solution to the problem as well as just a grand fucking experience that people would love to have.I see now that I completely forgot to mention how levelling would even work, despite replying to a post asking about that specific thing. Well, my take would be for the developers to &predict& where most players would go to first and sorta &pave the way& there with low-levelled opponents, while other areas farther away from the first main objectives and closer to more climatic or &secret& areas would have higher-levelled opponents.Imagine if one of the first missions you get is to find a person who knows a lot about mythology. As we know, basically every region has such a character, and they live in specific places. The route going from where you are and directly to them would be paved with easy challenges based on how far into the game that mission is, whereas if you're bold and decide to explore the region and take a different route there, you'd end up in places with much more challenging opponents, some of which you'd be unable to beat at that point in time. Again, Zelda is a great example at this. Some areas are just impossible to beat early in the game, despite being available from the very beginning. You'd have to train and become strong before being able to conquer that area and reach whatever lies at the end.these games have always been linearand zelda is a completely different caseThat doesn't mean you can't take inspiration in order to create something new. I for one would love to play a Pokémon game where the story isn't just going from place A to B to C and then you're done, like Sun and Moon was. A game where you actually have to think &How do I solve this?& instead of the game giving you the answer from the get-go.File:
(427 KB, )63 replies and 44 images omitted.
to view.File:
(904 KB, 604x772)File:
(349 KB, 798x1170)Hilda's big round jiggly spankable bubble buttFile:
(19 KB, 496x486)Brionne KujoFile:
(52 KB, 625x761)Madmanmods literally not doing their literal jobFile:
(121 KB, 500x377)Filename Fairy/dragon gym is LIVE&Discord chat Lists (Click the figure to see the movesets) Listing Rewards Pokemon Duel twitter/pokemoncomasterComment too long.
to view the full text.299 replies and 54 images omitted.
to view.Why is the room match system such fucking unreliable trashWhy does it need to reload constantlyFile:
(82 KB, )don't worry about your cube for nowyou need too many of them for it to be worth itI'd say levelling up poliwag and vibrava ought to be your priority, everything else in your team will be replaced pretty quicklyboth of those guys have 0 miss at level 5 which is a sort of rare traitthere are 51 total figures like that out of 230 total&confuse lasts forever&sleep seems to last forever for me and one turn for opponent&all of the AI's figures have hella blue/purple slotsStatus was a MISTAKE. My luck is way too bad for this game.Neato. Will keep them, hopefully I can make something out of them soon.&stage 2 goodra still jobs against vibravaDAMMIT GOODRA YOU HAD ONE JOBFile:
(1.23 MB, )&Gabite jumps over Vibrava and gets a like 3 turn winI may have committed some kind of error here. I get the feeling I'm not good at this game.File:
(409 KB, )What went so horribly wrong and why is it best to not put any mainline Pokemon games on this garbage?9 replies and 3 images omitted.
to view.&&Daddy daddy I posted it again!& does this have to do with this topic?&WAHHHH [SAMPLE TEXT]There shouldn't be any Pokémon games on it because I don't have one...That's the same as the 3DS.And le 3 hours is with Zelda+maximum brightnessFile:
(488 KB, 485x676)Big ugly fish EditionNew? Check the pastebin for advice on getting started with PTCGO, deck building tips, current metagame information and more&/AK9ZJksJ (embed)You can also check this FAQ (it's a bit outdated but mostly holds true):&/HoY1IaG.jpg (embed)How to progress in PTCGO,dr edition:&complete all Trainer Challenges (Cheat Engine's speedhack strongly recommended to speed up AI games) to get 45 free packs&play through using Basic decks to unlock them for versus play &farm Versus Mode theme ladder for Tokens and Tournament Tickets&Enter Theme format tournaments whenever possible&enter Standard/Expanded ticket tournaments and accept that you'll lose&you'll get tradable tournament chests and sometimes tradable packsComment too long.
to view the full text.258 replies and 71 images omitted.
to view.&1 for ko&1 for ex/gx&1 for Δ+&2 for whimsicottWhere's the last one from?from the opponent just giving it to you after that sick playGolisopod/Baby Lurantis for grass beatdown prize trading against GX/EX heavy decks. Dunno how that would work out.File:
(1.91 MB, )Using Trainer's Mails and Max Elixirs makes me feel like an asshole. Any good decks besides bees that don't use them?Your opponents use Tmails and Elixirs also. Why should you feel any worse?File:
(87 KB, 900x651)Trade - Battle - BreedThis thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: /8ZKVZfFfOld: 280 replies and 21 images omitted.
to view.Do a wonder tradeTalk to a npc in your plaza to level up (you have shitloads of points, so you level up instantly)Save your gameEnter and claim your shit FIXED stallTalk to WT partner in castle to get FCLevel up againFatass will offer a RANDOM stallComment too long.
to view the full text.How does one breed for electivires?Evolve an Elekid, then breed? Or just throw the Elekid in there as-is?Elekid is a baby Pokemon and baby Pokemon can't breedEvolve it into an Electabuzz and then it can breedYeah, that's what I was doing when I said I've been soft resetting for days. But like I said, I didn't get a single 5 star, not even sure if I saw a 4 star. Wasn't sure if there was somethin in place to prevent soft resetting. I would see a handful of them frequently like a 2 star pharmacy as if they were being selected from a smaller pool as opposed to being truly randomFigure I should check, but what level of plaza do you have and what version are you on?You're probably not going to ever see 5 star stuff until about level plaza level 80 at least and don't forget that 5 star rare kitchens are exclusive to Pokemon Sun, while Moon is limited to 4 star ones.File:
(7 KB, 128x128)Last bread:Currently:&Carniivine Try'ems&Daily Pokémon #2 (Pachirisu, Sigilyph, Tropius, Farfetch'd, Druddigon)&Daily Pokémon #3 (Girafarig, Kecleon, Shuckle, Relicanth, Spiritomb)&Palkia Special Stage (2 hearts) [PSBs]&Cresselia Special Stage (400 coins) [PSBs]&Azelf Special Stage (hearts) [PSBs]&Uxie Special Stage (hearts) [PSBs]&Mesprit Special Stage (no hearts) (once a day - catch immediately, it always drops PSBs - bring Zoroark)&Amoongus Special Stage (300 coins)&Darkrai Escalation (prizes listed below)&Greninja Special Stage (300 coins) [PSBs & RML]&Garchomp, Winking Manaphy & Phione SafariComment too long.
to view the full text.196 replies and 14 images omitted.
to view.This time they're baiting us with speedups on 280. Last time it was five fucking RMLs for the shitshow final stretch.I finally beat Giratina, but the catchrate was only ?. Threw some Great Balls but they didn't work. I'll try again when I get coins again.I hope this is bait, but if it isn't I'm sorry anon, the catch % of giratina equals the stage numberso if it's the first time you tried, it was 1% and 2% for a GB, which means you wasted your coinsyou should try to keep going up and you'll catch it eventuallyNo, just no, I already had troubles with stage 100. I'll stop at either 130 or 150 and call it quits as 200 surely is the first one of those C-1 mandatory stages.Also barely have coins so I'll need to visit the cat soon for the comp.Victini does not scale anymore since everyone has 5-10 RMLs on themIt should dole out 6000exp instead of 3000Leveling a Pokemon from 1-10 should be a breeze nowFile:
(333 KB, 900x450)Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Spoofers Bite Edition &Official Pokémon Go Updates/en&Latest APK Update/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-57-4-release/pokemon-go-0-57-4-android-apk-download/&Databases//éstop & Gym MapsComment too long.
to view the full text.95 replies and 20 images omitted.
to view.But you have to dodge DT nowIB is excellent for attacking, second now to blizzard cause blizzards duration was cut in halfFile:
(2.83 MB, 640x360)How many rolls did that take? Impressive lad:lapras: Lapras!36.26907comma138.% CP: 2008 LVL: 27 Water Gun/Hydro Pump @everyone&ywn work out how to snipe properly without getting banned to get 100%Idk what that means. It's legit but those moves fuck thatFile:
(31 KB, 300x268)Just bought Sun today. I feel like I should catch em all in my other games before I start it. Is this reasonable? Or should I just move on and start this big quest after beating Sun?5 replies omitted.
to view.I was really hoping Archery Owl would've saved this gen's starters from being undenyably the worst, but that's kinda dead.As for the Lurantis battle, I just walked around with a Crobat. I mean if that's all in-game battle wise Owl's good at, I'm not missing much.And the gen 6 starters were all so damn good too.Eeh, Delphox is terrible and Chesnaught is also pretty awful, especially without the HA. The only one that stands out is HA Greninja, and without protean he's pretty shit too.I end up using the Owl a lot more, since I shiny hunt and SOS chain a lot compared to Primarina being better in battle (fairy), but eh. As far as the starters go in power level or usability, it'sPrimarina&Decidueye&IncineroarPlay the game first, catching them all will probably leave you very tired of pokemon, so i would say play the game and after you're done you can just catch them all as to totally satisfy your need for pokemon.i picked litten and i though that it did a pretty good job at the main game.&And the gen 6 starters were all so damn good too.i think 2 out of 3 are good, Delphox is just boring and bland looking.File:
(136 KB, 483x444)Play through Sun first. Honestly, Catching Them All if the ultimate goal, one you work on after you're done with everything else. Enjoy the games first. Work on that afterwards.Litten did really well for me. Not perfect, but some points really rewarded me for picking it (the trainer school Magnemite, Totem Lurantis, Acerola). The only major issue was that Torracat very quickly felt very frail, like the slightest hit would make it keel over. Chesnaught was nothing short of fantastic ingame I found. Not great match ups, but effective against everything else, and I've used it twice. It's movepool early on is way better than Greninja's honestly, though Greninja becomes really good towards the very end when you get the good TMs like Dark Pulse and Ice Beam.File:
(5 KB, 200x200)&people who dont use focus blast on shit like gengar because 'muh accuracy'46 replies and 3 images omitted.
to view.if winning really matters to you that much, just play stall&winning isn't important That's the reason focus miss is shitThe reason stall is good is simply because it sucks so hard no one prepares for it thoroughly. The reason you choose to lose while using Gengar, a situational niche pick in 6v6, is because of personal autistic reasons.Seriously, you care so fucking much about not missing that you intentionally lose an easy match up just because of your own crippling autism? Dude, that's harsh.&trying this hard to make a shitmon usefulFile:
(490 KB, 256x256)&Needing fighting coverage&Not just running Brick Break insteadIt keeps getting worseFile:
(79 KB, 894x894)It's here! Post and discuss Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir and Gallade!116 replies and 91 images omitted.
to view.File:
(99 KB, 514x350)File:
(162 KB, )Then you'll really love this.File:
(1.23 MB, 784x929)&be suicidal&attempt suicide&fail&go to psych ward for 5 days&only thing to keep me sane around those psychos was a badly hand drawn picture of GardevoirWaifufags = Degeneratei drew a happier gardy when i was finally getting out tooFile:
(3.78 MB, )and the happy gardyApologies for being autisticDelete Post: [File Only] Style: YotsubaYotsuba BFutabaBurichanTomorrowPhotonPrevious [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][][]All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.}


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