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Ch inese Jou rnal of N ew D rugs 2009 , 18
6 ?世界新药之窗 ? 2008年美国 FDA 批准的新药 封宇飞 卫生部北京医院药学部 ,北京 100730 [关键词 ]  美国食品和药品管理局 ;药物批准 ;药物疗法 ;新分子实体 [中图分类号 ] R95  [文献标识码 ] C  [文章编号 ] 1003 -
03 2008年美国食品和药品管理局
FDA 批准了 药 4 个
16% ,诊断试剂 3 个
12 % ,抗肿瘤药 2 2 1个新分子实体
N ew Mo lecu lar
En tity, NM E s
, 抗病毒药 2 个 8%
, 胃肠道 药 2 个
4 个 新 生 物 制 剂
B io logic
App lication s, 8%
,血液系统药 2 个
, 泌尿系统药 2 个 [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
,该数字较 2007 年 的 19 个多 3 1. 57 % 。 8%
,其他药物 4 个
16% ,具体见表 1 。主要 按照药物作用分类 ,精神系统药 4 个
16 % ,镇痛 结构式见图 1。 表 1 2008年 FDA 批准的新药 通用名 专利名 适应证 批准类别 研发企业 批准日期 依曲韦林
etravirine Intelence 与其他抗逆转录病毒药联用 ,治疗成人对非核苷类 P TIBOTEC 1月 18 日 逆转录酶抑制剂 NNRTI 或其他抗病毒药物抵 抗的 H IV 患者 琥珀酸去甲文拉法辛
des Pristiq 用于治疗成人严重抑郁症 S W YETH 2 月 29 日 ven lafaxine
succinate PHARM S
INC 利洛纳塞
rilonacep t A rcalyst 用于治疗成人和 ≥12 岁儿童吡啉相关的周期性综 P, O R EGEN ERON 2 月 27 日 合征
CA PS,与 Cryop yrin 蛋白相关的一种周期性 自身炎症疾病 盐酸 苯达 莫 司汀 benda
Treanda 治疗慢性淋巴细胞性白血病
CEPHALON 3 月 20 日 mu stine hydroch loride 热加腺苷
regadeno son L exiscan 用于不能耐受适当运动应激患者在放射性核素心 S A STELLA S 4 月 10 日 肌灌注成像试验中的药物应激剂 聚乙二醇塞妥珠单抗
cer C im zia 用于传统疗法疗效不佳的成人中至重度活动性克 S
正在加载中,请稍后...From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silodosin (trade names Rapaflo (USA), Silodyx (Europe and South Africa), Rapilif (India), Silodal (India), Urief (Japan), Thrupas (South Korea), Urorec (Russia)) is a medication for the symptomatic treatment of . It acts as an α1-
with high uroselectivity (selectivity for the ).
Silodosin received its first marketing approval in Japan in May 2006 under the tradename Urief, which is jointly marketed by Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Daiichi Sankyo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Kissei licensed the US, Canadian, and Mexican rights for silodosin to Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in 2004.
FDA approved silodosin on October 9, 2008. Silodosin is marketed under the trade names Rapaflo in the US and Silodyx in Europe.
Since silodosin has high affinity for the
adrenergic receptor, it causes practically no
(in contrast to other α1 blockers). On the other side, the high selectivity seems to be the cause of silodosin's typical side effect of loss of seminal emission.
As α1A adrenoceptor antagonists are being investigated as a means to male birth control due to their ability to inhibit ejaculation but not orgasm, a trial with 15 male volunteers was conducted. While silodosin was completely efficacious in preventing the release of semen in all subjects, 12 out of the 15 patients reported mild discomfort upon orgasm. The men also reported the psychosexual side effect of being strongly dissatisfied by their lack of ejaculation.
Kobayashi K, Masumori N, Kato R, Hisasue S, Furuya R, Tsukamoto T (December 2009). . Int J Impot Res. 21 (5): 306–10. :.  .  .
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