
胚胎移植/方法,embryo transfer/methods,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&embryo transfer/methods
2)&&embryo transfer
Hysteroscopic findings and interventions in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer;
Analysis of 309 frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles with improved cryo-
The effects of estradiol and progesterone levels in ectopic pregnancy after embryo transfer;
3)&&Embryo transplantation
Influence of anxiety on therapeutic effect of patients accepted in vitro fertilization em
Based on the author s research and practice work in the dairy cattle embryo transplantation for more than 20 years, the development of diary cattle embryo transplantation and embryo engineering techniques in China were overall summarized.
Embryo transplantation was performed in 52 of them,and cancellation rate was 16.
Effect of psychological intervention on negative emotions of patients with IVF-ET;
Embryo Transfer (ET) consists of the technologies of superovulation of donor, embryo recovery, embryo frozen and thawing and transfer of embryo In this article, the research development and prospect of ET were reviewed It indicated that ET will be used spread not only in basic biological research but also in animal husbandry in the futur
哺乳动物胚胎移植技术主要包括超数排卵、胚胎回收、胚胎冷冻和解冻及胚胎的移植等技术环节 胚胎移植技术是目前生殖生物学和畜牧繁殖学领域应用较为广泛的一项技术 ,从它诞生至今 ,已体现出了其巨大的研究和应用价值 就该技术的相关内容和研究进展作了系统综述 ,并对其发展前景作了预
The research on IVF - ET was carried out in the summer of 1996 in Subei People sHospital.
5)&&embryo transplant
Application of SU-MIAN-XIN in goat s embryo transplant;
Application of SU-MIAN-XIN in sheep s embryo transplant;
The embryo transplant experiment of domestic animal began to the 1974 in our country,and Chongqing appointed experts successfully to guide "the Bo er goat embryo transplant experiment" in 2002 and 2003, the author also participated.
6)&&embryos transfer
Studies on Techniques Used in Boer Goats Embryos Transfer and Their Affecting F
A total of 60 local cattle are selected to study on the synchronized estrus and embryos transfer.
说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。用冷冻胚胎生二胎 冷冻胚胎大揭秘 导语自从单独二胎政策实行后,广州有22对夫妇准备用冷冻胚胎来追生二胎。可能很多人对冷冻胚胎不太了解,不明白具体是怎么一回事,下面我们就来进行大揭秘。&&&  随着政策的放宽,一些符合条件的夫妻开始动了心,但由于年龄偏大,在正常的方面可能会有所限制,于是希望借助一些其他方法来受孕。&&&  广州22对夫妇欲用冷冻胚胎生二胎  端午节前夕,一位年轻的姑娘来到广州医科大学第三附属医院生殖医学中心看望医护人员,她是1989年在这里出生的“试管宝宝”,如今已是25岁,她大学毕业后在一家公司工作。目前,广医三院每月要做的数量为200多例,“单独二孩”政策出台后,已有22对夫妇准备“唤醒”冷冻的胚胎,想再生一个“试管宝宝”,其中一对夫妇的胚胎存放时间已长达6年。  胚胎均保存完好  记者了解到,有60%至70%通过试管婴儿技术成功生育的夫妇在广医三院生殖医学中心冷冻胚胎,20年来积累了约5万多份,保存在十几个液态罐中。广医三院生殖医学中心副主任医师黄青告诉记者:“冷冻保存并非免费,每月需要交纳110元的管理费。”但以前大部分人交了6个月的管理费后,就没有了下文,不再缴费。按照规定胚胎冷冻半年后不续费的,医院有权按照病人当初签署同意书的意愿,将胚胎丢弃或捐给实验室研究。  但她介绍说,目前医院方面暂未丢弃以往保存的任何胚胎。“好在当初没有处理掉这些胚胎,现在又有大作用了。”  黄青透露,“单独二孩”政策推出后,有符合政策者想到要取出冷冻胚胎,再生一个“试管宝宝”,因而来医院查询或者续费,每天约有七八对这类夫妇。“当时冷冻胚胎只想备不时之需,如今想再生一个宝宝。”一对夫妇这样说。  记者了解到,在广医三院生殖医学中心,每份胚胎都保存完好,并有编号,寄存者可以准确找回。  冷冻胚胎是进行试管婴儿时的一个步骤,现在成为了许多符合条件生二胎的夫妻的后备选择,确实是一个新的希望。相关专题:...提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页相关文章精选文章网友关注热点[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]解冻2000多冷冻胚胎,真相让我分分钟惊呆!_DrG科学育儿_传送门
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  XI’AN -- A healthy test tube baby was born Wednesday in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province from an embryo frozen 12 years ago, a record on the Chinese mainland.
  On Wednesday morning, a 40-year-old woman gave birth to her second son, weighing 3,440 grams at birth at Tangdu Hospital in provincial capital Xi’an.
  She suffers from blocked fallopian tubes and polycystic ovary syndrome, a health problem that can affect a woman’s fertility and pregnancy. She began trying to get pregnant through IVF in 2003. That year, doctors harvested 12 of her eggs and created 12 embryos with her husband’s sperm. They implanted two fresh embryos to her womb, and froze the remaining seven that they considered viable.
  Li gave birth to a healthy boy in 2004, and has since spent three yuan (around 50 cents) per day to store the embryos in the hospital in case of an emergency. Last year, when China dropped its one-child policy, she decided to have a second child.
  Three embryos survived the thawing process. The two best were implanted in her womb, but only one survived.
  &The success rate of implanted thawed embryos is more than 40 percent in our hospital, so doctors usually place more than one embryo at a time,& said Wang Xiaohong, director of Tangdu Hospital reproductive medicine center.
  &Our first boy is 12 years old now. The purpose of freezing the embryos was to have a second child some day, and luckily, we succeeded,& said her husband.
  Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, was born in Britain in 1978, and about five million babies have been born worldwide through IVF since. The first test-tube baby on the Chinese mainland, Zheng Mengzhu, was born in 1988.
  1978年,世界首例试管婴儿Louise Brown在英国出生,自那以后,试管婴儿技术将约500万婴儿带到了世界各地。1988年,中国大陆诞生第一例试管婴儿郑萌珠。
  The infertility rate is high in China. China Population Association statistics from 2012 showed 40 million people with fertility issues, accounting for around 12.5 percent of the population at child-bearing age.
  &IVF is one of the most effective assisted reproduction techniques for treating of infertility,& said Wang.
  Tangdu Hospital began to freeze embryos for infertile couples in 2003. Up to now, it has frozen around 100,000 embryos, thawed more than 27,000, and created 4,293 healthy test-tube babies.
  来源:China Daily官网
中国人民大学政治学教授BBC Radio 4:冷冻胚胎面临的法律与伦理的问题_2015年BBC News_VOA英语网
BBC Radio 4:冷冻胚胎面临的法律与伦理的问题
Good morning. When the American actress Sofia Vergara broke up with her millionaire boyfriend, Nick Loeb they had two frozen embryos in the deep freeze. They had also signed a legal contract stating that they could only be used if both agreed. Vergara is now engaged to someone else. But Nick Loeb is mounting a legal action to get custody of the embryos with a view to having them implanted in a surrogate. He has talked about his longing to be a parent and I can well imagine how he has come to invest his hopes and dreams in those two scraps of potential human life. Sofia Vergara says this is just selfishness and that he must stick to the contract they made. I have no answers to this unhappy dilemma.
But there is something really sad about those embry belonging neither to past or future. With their parents estranged they no longer represent a shared tomorrow and hard choices have to be made. Who do they belong to? Should they remain frozen, or be used, or destroyed? There&s a poignancy about unrealised possibilities, relationships that never developed, roads we never travelled.
Physicists tell us that at subatomic levels events can& the smallest particles exist in states of probability, in more than one place at once. There is a theory that every time something happens a whole universe is spun off in which that something didn&t happen. I wonder whether this theory of multiple universes has affected the way we think our lives. We are fascinated by our unrealised possibilities and even hesitate to make decisions because every one we make is a sacrifice of what we might have been. So we strive to stay uncommitted, unwilling to let go of the glamour of choice.
But whether that theory of the universe is true, we actually live in this world, now, where the arrow of time goes only one way, from past to future. We can&t get into those other worlds, if they exist. We can&t live our unlived lives, however much we sigh, &what if&. The human vocation is entirely bound up in time, where what we do today affects tomorrow and where yesterday cannot be wound back. To realise this involves a loss of innocence because we have to live with our choices even when they bring us suffering and regret.
But this does not mean we are condemned by what we once decided.
For me, the great insight of faith is that though the past cannot be undone, it can be redeemed because the present moment is the place where human beings meet the grace of G that life-giving, hope-filled energy which is always seeking humanity, not by pretending that the past did not happen but by weaving bad choices into new configurations. Our personal histories are full of mistakes (mine is anyway) but out of those mistakes we have a chance to learn wisdom and humility.
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