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  Jessica: Wow, 于苗!What are you doing all dolled up!
  YM: 我今天要去见我最最好的朋友!她是我大学同学,我们都两年没见了!
  Jessica: Oh wow, sounds like you guys go way back!
  YM: 可不!她可是我的标准闺蜜!My best friend!
  Jessica: Actually in English, you can call her your BFF. BFF stands for Best Friend Forever. People use this term to refer to their best friends.
  YM: 原来BFF就是永远的好朋友!Yes, she's definitely my BFF! We were college classmates and lived in the same dorm for four years. 我们特别铁,无话不谈。咦,这个&铁&用英文要怎么说呢?
  Jessica: You can say: we are tight! Tight是关系紧密的意思,也就是说你们特别铁!
  YM: 可不!话说来跟我们一块吃饭的还有另外一个人!我们吧,也挺好的, 不过吧,She's super competitive. She always wants what I have! 你说这种人该怎么说?Partial BFF? Partial tight?
  Jessica: 哈哈&&that sounds like a frenemy of yours. Frenemy consists of friend and enemy, it is basically half friend and half enemy!
  YM: 原来如此! This girl is a frenemy. 我们俩表面不错,但是暗地里好象老是在明争暗斗的。
  Jessica: Sounds like a love-hate relationship to me!
  YM: That's so true, 我对她绝对是又爱又恨,你看,今天我跟我闺蜜见面,她又跟来了!哎&&
  Jessica: 哈哈,开心点!Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!
  YM: 今天我们学到的内容包括:
  第一,闺蜜是best friend forever, 也就是BFF,
  第四,爱恨交加是 a love-hate relationship!
你可能喜欢民进党选2012明争暗斗 蔡英文吕秀莲皆有意-海峡午报-凤凰视频-最具媒体品质的综合视频门户-凤凰网
民进党选2012明争暗斗 蔡英文吕秀莲皆有意
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明争暗斗 基本解释明争暗斗[míng zhēng àn dòu]词典fight both with open and secret means:明争暗斗。词典both open strife and veiled struggle:明争暗斗。词典overt contention and covert struggle:明争暗斗。词典both open rivalry and veiled strife:明争暗斗。明争暗斗 汉英大词典明争暗斗[míng zhēng àn dòu]fight both with o both open strife overt contention both open rival overt
by overt or cov contend with each other overtly and cov  例:这两个国家在这一方面的明争暗斗, 一刻也没有停止过。    The struggle in this regard, open and secret, between the two countries has never ceased for a minute.明争暗斗 网络解释1. 1. A Civil Campaign:Memory 记忆 | Komarr 科玛 | A Civil Campaign 明争暗斗2. luchar abiertamente y en cubiertamente:el tablero de Justicia y Franqueza 正大光明匾 | luchar abiertamente y en cubiertamente 明争暗斗 | edicto 遗嘱3. bnsebzqq:bnsb 阻碍 | bnsebzqq 明争暗斗 | bnsi 明处明争暗斗 双语例句1. 1. 不会与人争风吃醋,不会与人攀龙附凤,不会与人明争暗斗,日出而作,日落而息,不去想左右别人,当然更不喜欢别人干涉自我与自由。&&&&Jealousy is not with people not with people Panlongfufeng not with others struggled, with sunrise and sunset, not to think about other people, and certainly does not want people to interfere in self and freedom.2. 明争暗斗的翻译2. 作品通过孟振荣、梁聪、陈金泉、张永财、王卿萍等人物的描写。以及各人物之间相互利用、勾结、以至于明争暗斗的情节,探讨了&&&&This book explores a serie of questions of life, love, money and business by describiing the interrelationship between several people.3. 明争暗斗的意思3. 招旗比武、明争暗斗,我战胜了他,被评为省先进个人,真是威风。&&&&We played politics against each other day and night and finally I won. I was elected a model worker at the provincial level.4. 昨天AST还在与Compaq为了谁坐了1994年中国PC市场第一把交椅而明争暗斗,今天却都坐下来分别向各自的代理商、用户及至新闻媒介侃侃而谈1995年的中国市场策略,进一步许下对这个市场的千金一诺。目的只有一个,在PC机销售量上争个高下,大有不是鱼死就是网破之势。&&&&AST still was in yesterday sat for who with Compaq 1994 Chinese PC market the first an ancient folding chair strife openly and secretly, sit to speak with fervor and assurance to agency of news of until of respective agent, user respectively however today the Chinese market 1995 is politic, make next a lot of money to this market further one Nuo.5. 公司董事会的明争暗斗还远没有结束。&&&&The boardroom strife at the company is far from over6. 6. 物是人非。对手间的明争暗斗,菜鸟级别的小手段,突如其来的嘲讽,款款而谈的英语,是是非非的八卦。五天,时间和体重约好了,一起告别我。&&&&I am yelling.7. 7. 在傀儡政权方面主要体现了战时日本在华直接投资的殖民地性质,但同时也加剧了日方与傀儡政权之间的明争暗斗。&&&&As for the direct Japanese investment to Chinese puppet regime mainly showed its colonial nature on the one hand and worsened the struggles between on the other hand.8. 该研究跟踪调查了来自4万个英国家庭的10万人口,调查结果表明,独生子女可能更为幸福,因为他们能够从父母处获得更多的注意力,且不必为得到表扬、获得鼓励而明争暗斗。&&&&Figures from a study tracking the lives of 100, 000 people in 40, 000 British homes suggest only-children could be happier because they receive all the attention from their parents and do not have to fight for praise or assistance.9. 9. 另外,上门推销的也不少,打折、回扣,中介机构之间打价格战,明争暗斗,热闹非常。&&&&Additional, those who come to promote is not little also, dozen fold, rake-off, price war is made between intermediary organization, strife openly and secretly, lively and special.10. 学者影响力位居前四的法学院——耶鲁、芝加哥、斯坦福和哈佛并无悬念;自从我开始本研究以来,它们总是出类拔萃,尽管一方面耶鲁与芝加哥为排名存在某些明争暗斗,而另一方面斯坦福和哈佛之间也有。&&&&The top four faculties in scholarly impact—Yale, Chicago, Stanford, and Harvard— these faculties have always dominated the results since I began doing these studies, though there is some jockeying for position between Yale and Chicago, on the one hand, and Stanford and Harvard, on the other.11. 理由五是,地球人类你们在地球上争来夺去也就算了,现在好了,跑到我们宇宙中来明争暗斗了。&&&&&&Reason five is, earth people you on earth to contend for away also calculate, well now, ran to our universe to infighting.12. 12. PDL被明争暗斗所分裂,被腐败丑闻所削弱,在民调中的支持率约为15%,它将很难收复失去的支持率。&&&&&&Riven by infighting and weakened by corruption scandals, the PDL will struggle to recover from where it languishes in opinion polls, with about 15 per cent support.13. 这场明争暗斗开始于今年5月,当时这些作者们头一次注意到他们的作品被亚马逊推迟销售,这才促使邦尼集团对外披露正在与亚马逊进行谈判的事情。&&&&&&The battle began in May when the authors first noticed delays in the availability of their works, prompting Bonnier to reveal that it was in the midst of negotiations with Amazon.14. 14. 这两个国家在这一方面的明争暗斗,一刻也没有停止过。&&&&&&The struggle in this regard, open and secret, between the two countries has never ceased for a minute.15. 如果再加上克林姆林宫内的明争暗斗和宫廷政变,一场真正意义上的政治竞争将会一发不可收拾。&&&&&&That, plus infighting or palace coups inside the Kremlin, where Russia's real political competition takes place.16. 明争暗斗,是地球人类的一种严重心理疾病。&&&&&&Infighting, is earth humanity's a serious mental illness.17. 我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。&&&&&&I gather a lot of political infighting went on before he got the top job.18. 18. 当利益摆在多个企业自然人面前的时候,恶性竞争明争暗斗相互排挤的事件屡屡发生了;&&&&&&Second, when interests before multiple enterprise natural person in front of them and vicious competition infighting mutual shunned events taking place repeatedly.19. 在国与国之间同样为各自国家利益而明争暗斗地进行着生死存亡的商战,即贸易战争。&&&&&&Between nations is the same for their respective national interests and infighting the life-and-death survival war: namely, trade war.20. 明争暗斗的翻译20. 而面对革命文学的汹涌浪潮,不同的文学集团有着自己自觉或被动的回应方式,他们之间的明争暗斗深刻影响了二十世纪三十年代文坛纷繁复杂面貌的形成与走向。&&&&&&In the face of revolutionary literature tide, different literary group has its own consciousness or a passive response. The fight between them created thirty literary complex appearance.明争暗斗是什么意思,明争暗斗在线翻译,明争暗斗什么意思,明争暗斗的意思,明争暗斗的翻译,明争暗斗的解释,明争暗斗的发音,明争暗斗的同义词,明争暗斗的反义词,明争暗斗的例句,明争暗斗的相关词组,明争暗斗意思是什么,明争暗斗怎么翻译,单词明争暗斗是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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