Christmasit comes tobut once a year 什么意思啊?

>>英语谚语:Christmas comes but once a year
英语谚语:Christmas comes but once a year
Christmas comes but once a year. 佳节良辰,机会难得。Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. 弱者困于环境,智者利用环境。Civility costs nothing. 礼貌不须什么代价。Cleanliness is next to godliness. 清净近乎神圣。Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。Come what may, heaven won''t fall. 船到桥头自会直。Comfort is better than pride. 安慰胜过傲慢。Coming events cast their shadows before them. 山雨欲来风满楼。Compare your grievs with other men''s and they will seem less. 你的悲痛与人比,悲痛就会轻一些。Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人。Confession is the first step to repentance. 悔罪先须认罪。Confidence of success is almost success. 对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。Conquer of fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 不怕死,然后才能生。Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR:
How are you spendiing Christmas Eve & Day?
Posts: 16311
I've always been a huge Christmas fan.... fortunate enough to have parents who conveyed the importance and the fun of it and have loved it ever since...This year is quite interesting... a blizzard in parts of Kansas.
Plans changed for sure.
Already seen some family members and the bf came in early to make sure he could make it.
The gym awaits after several hours work, then home...... but not sure church or our evening out is going to happen... it might be the bf and I in front of the fireplace!Regardless, its a wonderful day... my best wishes to everyone.How are you spending your Christmas?
Posts: 3161
Tonight we went out for an amazing Peking Duck dinner, and now I'm home preparing for a presentation because, surprise, Christmas is not a real holiday and China and I not only have school but I have to give my final presentation. No worries, though, after class is over we're making a Christmas FEAST and watching movies like Home Alone and Love Actually. I'm so excited.
Posted by a hidden member.
For my family and I Christmas Eve is the day of the two (the 24th or 25th) that is the most important one and the one we celebrate the most. I love getting together with my family, and this year we added more members (the boyfriend and his family) it promises to be a very special and fun-filled holiday this year! we are going to New York City later today and on our way back later this evening we are going to have a traditional Christmas dinner! I love it!! ? Leandro ?
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Im spending Christmas Eve with my boyfriend and Christmas Day with my Mum & Dad. Im working 26th December (Boxing Day) Its snowing here atm :-)
Posts: 737
Snow here in Santa Fe, so it's definitely going to be a White Christmas
(not to mention friggin' COLD for the next couple of nights at around 7 degrees F [-14 C]!)
- but will brave the cold in shearling, boots, gloves, scarf, hat to do the "Canyon Road Christmas Eve Walk" -- Canyon Rd is an art-gallery overload, but at night, in the snow, with the gallery fairy (!) lights all over the place, the brown paper bags with candles (luminarias) and the bonfires on the street corners to warm up by and listen to carolers -- all the walking crowds in a good's a fun and beautiful thing to do, especially if you've got a friend along (which I will have). Tonight there's an open house gay party at the end of the road, where we'll get some hot food and drink and warm up before getting back to the car park and driving back out to my place outside town (on treacherous roads, unless the plows and sanders have been through) for a long Christmas Eve and overnight with my buddy from Albuquerque who's staying through on Christmas Day too.
We'll have Christmas dinner casually at my place, more face time, and
another welcome night together since Saturday is not a work day for him....Happy Holidays to all you men, be safe and warm, and may 2010 be the best year yet!!!Reese
Posted by a hidden member.
Am just visiting Toronto, so will be spending Christmas eve at a restaurant or bar. Then will be flying back to home tomorrow.
Posted by a hidden member.
I'll be going to a couple of dinners tonight, the first with my best friend and her husband, and the second with my sister and her friend.No one in my family's too sure what we're doing tomorrow, since we're likely going to get more snow throughout the day. We'll see what's going on I suppose.
Posted by a hidden member.
in perfect weather with views like this. let's see I woke up with the temp at 80 and we are expecting a high of 84 today. The best I can do on such short noticewell i've got to get my lazy ass to snorkelingEveryone have a wonderful christmas
Posted by a hidden member.
My partner is away with his family.
I'm heading to the office in a little while to sign off & finalise 2010 budgets.
And since we have to close tomorrow for this holiday, I will catch up on some report reading.
(Holidays should be celebrated on weekends.
Weekdays are for business.)Cheers,Keith
Posted by a hidden member.
Today, we're traveling to my family's house (with the car completely packed, with almost NO room to sit) and we're going to spend it with my side of the family.
Some family I don't want to see, and some that I'm dearly looking forward to reconnecting with.
Stress, love, food, more stress, and more love, and small getaways to quiet places are the theme for our holiday!
Posted by a hidden member.
I'm spending both days home and alone.
BF wants alone time (long story), roommate will be with a friend and family is with my ex.
I will have my kids over the day after for a lunch and to share gifts.
Oh well, maybe I'll just throw caution to the wind and run around naked, drinking and eating cookies all day!
Posts: 238
I'll be working in the office thanks to my boss and lovely co-workers (who are all with their families celebrating the Holidays - how nice!) and some bad luck. I have a large grant due on January 5th. I have to squeeze three months of work down to two weeks. There isn't any time to celebrate Christmas. I saw it coming last month but couldn't get much time to work on this grant because my boss and co-workers had me working on other project that they decreed a higher priority. To add insult, my boss told us all to take our vacations now over the Holidays because we're all starting a new project in January. I reminded him that I cannot take any vacation now in fact I'll be working 7 days a week including Christmas Day and that I wanted to take some time off in January. His reply 'That might not be possible.' Wonderful! Thanks a million. Really appreciate it.The Grinch won.
Midnight mass w/ some friends tonight.Tomorrow, delivering meals to HIV+ shut-ins for the local HIV/AIDS service organization, then going to have Christmas dinner.
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Working in Kuwait. Very boring.
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Not one damn thing.
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Bunjamon saidTonight we went out for an amazing Peking Duck dinner, and now I'm home preparing for a presentation because, surprise, Christmas is not a real holiday and China and I not only have school but I have to give my final presentation. No worries, though, after class is over we're making a Christmas FEAST and watching movies like Home Alone and Love Actually. I'm so excited. hmmmm peking duck ...... I miss home now
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Upholding the long-standing family tradition of Chinese food and movies.
Posts: 715
Well I've Been very Nice This Year...So I'm Trying to Get Laid With Santa First....before He Ho Ho Ho himself around with the Mean Hot Guys in Here Merry Christmas to All, lol
Posted by a hidden member.
Just put the shortbread in the oven...finished wrapping the last couple gifts. I am now ready for Christmas to begin!Tonight we open gifts and tomorrow is dinner with friends. I really do miss spending time with family but now that we're in Utah and both our families are in SoCal we spend the time with friends.
Posts: 1064
Not doing much of anything. Watch movies, sleep (alone, alas), eat, wait for the world to open for business on Saturday.
Posted by a hidden member.
i'll be spending the holidays WITHOUT A MAN & with my FAMILY. The only people that are gonna be getting presents from me are the babies and the kids.
Posted by a hidden member.
Blackguy4you saidin perfect weather with views like this. let's see I woke up with the temp at 80 and we are expecting a high of 84 today. The best I can do on such short noticewell i've got to get my lazy ass to snorkelingEveryone have a wonderful christmas Have I told you lately that I hate you? {{GRIN}} Marry me!
Posted by a hidden member.
BTW: Christmas comes but once a year, I can come several times a night...with the right guy!
Posted by a hidden member.
Scally saidwrong the spirit of Christmas should be same all year round,
I don’t mean sending shit loads on money , I mean thoughts of charity and consideration
to all .OH. Owned. You lost me with all that astrology mumbo-jumbo Steamy, but I'll be doing the same for the most part. Although I'll also be trying not to despise everyone that says "I" instead of "Me" to try to sound "intelligent," when they're really proving their own stupidity by using the wrong pronoun.
Posted by a hidden member.
Going out with friends tonight.
Doing some service work tomorrow at a soup kitchen or something.Christmas Comes But Once A Year - Albert King - 网易云音乐
Christmas Comes But Once A Year


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