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The maximum number of developer applications on this phone has been reached - Stack Overflow
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I started a Windows 8 phone application and am trying to use a NEW phone as the device for debugging.
Unable to install application. The maximum number of developer applications on this phone has been reached. Please uninstall a developer application and try again.
I registered the device so I do not know what the issue is. I have read about other people having the same issue but have not found a solution yet.
( - see end comment)
Just to make it clear. I have not yet installed any other apps on this phone. It is a new phone
I also tried it on another phone of someone I know (but same type Lumia 920) and get the same error.
Edit: After registering on the Windows Phone Dev Center. I still get the same error even after unregistering and reregistering the phone. Strange thing is it says under my account under phones "You haven't registered any phones.", but I did.
When you first use the Developer Registration Tool, it checks DevCenter for your permission level (there are different types of accounts that allow different amounts of unlocked devices and allowed installations).
Then, the tool unlocks the device and sets those permissions. (make sure the device is connected to the internet by itself, don't rely on the usb connection).
If you've had recent permission level changes or are changing to a new developer account, you may need to restart the phone to clear the old permissions after removing it from your DevCenter account.
To summarize:
Remove phone from DevCenter
Open Developer Registration Tool and plug in the phone. Confirm the device is no longer registered
Unplug and Reset the phone (Settings > About > Reset)
Set up the phone, connect to internet
Plug the phone back into the registration tool
Register the device again
You can have an unlimited number of apps on your developer-unlocked phone from the Windows Store, but there is a limit of 10 developer apps that can be loaded onto a dev-unlocked phone at any time.
Once you have reached that limit, you must remove at least one of them from your developer phone in order to load another one onto the phone.
This is a simple solution and doesn't require unregistering & reregistering your phone.
I just ran into this, and then realized I still had my Windows 7 phone registered with the same name. I deleted that registration at , unregistered and re-registered the Phone 8, and it now works. YMMV
I have brand new Lumia 620 and have the same error. The reason was in different country I set in my phone. Country of your microsoft account and the phone must be the same, I think.
Check applications list and uninstall all other developer application.
Go to your applications list on your mobile and uninstall the developer applications, because you have limited developer apps on you phone.
I think this step worked for me. Try manually deleting all files in Bin and obj folders of your project (not just clean project in VS)
Still having some issues with registering almost everyday the device as a developer. Do you experience this issue or only the error while deploying?
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While creating a validation rule the have got this error(You have reached the maximum number of 10 object references on Case), can i have a trigger used instead.
When you hit the 10 cross-object reference limit it can be a warning that you are reaching a level of complexity that's stretching the limits of the formula engine. Although you can request the limit to be increased through Salesforce support, the limit doesn’t go much higher (at this time), so it's also time to consider moving logic into Apex.
If you have hit the limit, here are suggestions to free up some of your references:
Consider if there are other ways to expose data in formula fields. For example if you want to see information on an object 1-2 levels away on an object’s detail page but not report on it, you can require users to hover over the lookup link to view the details.
If you have multiple references to the same type of object (for example, you reference four different contacts in formula fields, each with a different purpose), consider creating a junction object so you can display the referenced objects in a related list.
If you have references that are only used in validation rules, rewrite those rules as an Apex trigger.
If any of the references are used by only one component, convert that to a trigger.
If you are spanning multiple levels of a hierarchy such as parent accounts, cases, or a hierarchy of custom objects, see if it’s possible to flatten the hierarchy.
Yes, you can use a trigger. A better option might be to contact support. This is a soft limit and support can increase it if you have a good use case.
This limit is checked across all validation rules, formula fields, workflow formulas, report formulas, and approval process formulas for the Case object.
Do some research to see where other cross-object formulas are being used (or overused) for the Case object to see if you can gain some back.
It is a feature that can be provisioned, but not to an unlimited amount. You might want to get a handle on this before it takes you over.
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Salesforce Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabledsql server - The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
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One of INSERT INTO script is written as following.
INSERT INTO tableName (Column1, Column2,....) VALUES (value1, Value2,...), (value1, Value2,...),....
Following is the error we are facing on parsing above insert statement
Msg 10738, Level 15, State 1, Line 1007
The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values.
My simple question is that, Can we change 1000 values limit ?
exists for good reasons related to possible excessive query plan compilation time. You can workaround it by listing the VALUES clauses in a CTE, then INSERTing from the CTE, but I do not recommend it.
Break the INSERT statement up into VALUES clauses of &= 1,000 lines each as a workaround, or use an alternative data loading method such as bcp or BULK INSERT. The fundamental issue . See also Martin Smith's
on Stack Overflow.
Not-recommended workaround:
DECLARE @T AS table (c1 int);
-- Error 10738
INSERT @T (c1)
CTE workaround (no error, not recommended!):
DECLARE @T AS table (c1 int);
INSERT @T (c1)
You can use the following syntax:
insert into tableName (column1)
select '1' union all
select '2' union all
and so on. There's no restriction on the number of inserted rows.
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