
战略再保证: Strategic reassuranceUS President Barack Obama came carrying a new
for the Sino-US relationship during his Asia tour — “strategic reassurance.” The US administration’s new strategy toward China appears to mean that the two sides should reassure each other and the rest of the world that their development will not come at the expense of others.钓鱼执法: EntrapmentEntrapment is the act of a law
agent inducing a person to commit an illegal activity that they would not normally have done.临时性: Temporary rapeThe ironic phrase started from a court verdict that gave two former police assistants a lenient sentence of three years imprisonment for rape. The court in Zhejiang Province said it was because the s had committed a "temporary crime on a whim."秒杀族: SeckillThe word was originally used in online games when some players or NPCs are killed in a second. It now refers to a group of Internet shoppers ding ly on auction items seconds before the deal is closed to gain a big bargain. 乙男: Otomen, pinky boyThe Japanese manga “” and its
TV drama features a boy with a secret: the things he really loves are cute dolls, cooking and sewing. The word “otomen” is a
made of the Japanese word otome, meaning young girl, and the English word "men."蚁族: Ant-like graduatesThe phrase refers to university graduates in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai who can not find a job immediately after their graduation. Unwilling to return to their hometown, they live in densely populated apartments in remote parts of the city that are cheap. These students go out job hunting every day and only return to the rented house for a place to crash, like working ants in nature’s wild.虾米族: Shrimp clanThe term is derived from a popular KFC item featuring seven intact fried shrimps between two pieces of regular bread. It triggers deep thoughts among young consumers over how to live a better life in limited space. The clan refers to those who make the most of their available resources to handle soaring housing prices and salary cuts to maintain their living standards during the global downturn. 官二代: The second officer generationThe term, another word popular over the Internet after “the second rich generation” and “the second poor generation,” refers to children from families of senior officials. Their privileges are based on their parents’ power or other useful networks, instead of their own accomplishments. This second generation is notorious for their
practices and other misdeeds that annoy the public.范儿: StyleThe Chinese term, popular mainly in northern China, refers to one's style --from dressing to general behavior. 被当爸: involuntary fatherThe term became popular when an obscure model said she had a child with actor Jude Law, confirmed by a DNA test. Law was then “forced to be someone’s father” because the model deliberately did not use cs.春夏季: SprummerThe term, developed by Australian scientist Tim Entwisle, is a combination of spring and summer together with another new word “sprinter” indicating an early spring. The term refers to the season between spring and summer, the suggested additional period that is not clearly d from the conventional four.
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  原标题:关于这些经济热词,习近平怎么说?关于这些经济热词 习近平怎么说
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跨境金融服务平台a cross-border financial service platform
China's largest community financial self-service terminal operator Lakala has signed an agreement with Britain's largest bill payment service company. Lakala and Allpay Limited will work together to establish a cross-border financial service platform and conduct cooperation in community convenience services, smart wearable devices and cross-border e-commerce.拉卡拉集团消息,该公司已与英国最大账单支付公司Allpay Limited签约,双方将共同建立一个跨境金融服务平台,为中英两国消费者提供便利的金融及跨境支付服务,同时在社区便民服务、智能穿戴设备及跨境电商等领域开展深度合作。
钓鱼WifiPhishing WiFi
Phishing WiFi has been rampant among public WiFi accesses in China's major cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, featuring 8.5 % of public WiFi connections, the Shanghai-based news outlet &The Paper& cites an information security consultancy Rainraid to report on Tuesday.11月3日,澎湃新闻援引信息安全组织&雨袭团&的调查报道称,&钓鱼WiFi&在中国大城市如北京、广州、上海等地十分猖獗,有8.5%的WiFi信号为钓鱼WiFi。
地铁涂鸦vivid graffiti on subway trains
Vivid graffiti on subway trains takes passengers into an underwater world in Foshan city, South China's Guangdong province, on Nov 2, 2015. The lifelike fish, ducks and frogs swim or leap around and waves crash at people's feet.广佛地铁列车涂鸦让人眼前一亮,仿佛走进海底世界,彩色鱼儿、鸭子、青蛙就在你脚下&游弋&、&活蹦乱跳&,海浪阵阵&打湿&脚面。
4 户籍制度改革reform of the household registration system
十三五内容:深化户籍制度改革,促进有能力在城镇稳定就业和生活的农业转移人口举家进城落户,并与城镇居民有同等权利和义务。实施居住证制度(residence permit system),努力实现基本公共服务常住人口(permanent population)全覆盖。
Citing a national plan on urbanization for the
period, the document said by 2020, about 45 per cent of the whole registered population will be living in urban areas and urbanization of permanent residents aims to reach 60 per cent.根据《国家新型城镇化规划(年)》,到2020年,户籍人口城镇化率达到45%左右。


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