为什么多伦多猛龙 哈士奇可能己经完成重建

曝老鹰准备交易全名星PF 重建?火箭猛龙或接手
凤凰体育讯 北京时间7月8日,亚特兰大老鹰队目前还在自由市场准备着他们的计划工作,艾尔-霍福德在离开老鹰队之后,他们现在又开始考虑交易另外一名内线悍将保罗-米尔萨普。这样一来,老鹰队很有可能在下赛季开启重建计划,目前还不确定谁将是重建的核心。据悉火箭和猛龙两支球队都对米尔萨普感兴趣。
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Why The Raptors May Already Be Done With Their Rebuild
"[Suns GM Ryan McDonough] and I, when we talked about players, probably 99 percent of the time we agreed on what we were thinking," Jeff Hornacek said. "All the coaches that I talked to said that the biggest thing is, 'When you get a shot, make sure that you and the GM are on the same page." --
Coming into the season, Dwane Casey&s career looked on its last legs. In his second stint as an NBA head coach, he had a 57-91 record with the Toronto Raptors. Bryan Colangelo, the general manager who hired him, had been fired in the offseason. Masai Ujiri didn&t have a prior relationship with C most expected him to bring in his own people. When the Raptors opened with a 6-12 record, Casey&s fate seemed sealed. Few unsuccessful coaches get a third chance.
Some thought Ujiri waived the white flag in December, when he traded Rudy Gay to the Sacramento Kings for Greivis Vasquez, Patrick Patterson and John Salmons. A year earlier, Colangelo had acquired Gay from the Memphis Grizzlies in a last-ditch effort to save his job. Instead, Toronto missed the playoffs while Memphis made the Western Conference Finals. So far, the Raptors have an 8-3 record without Gay. They look like a much better team.
Casey was criticized for allowing Gay to dominate the ball, but there wasn&t much he could do. In the NBA, salary dictates playing time. Gay was making $17.9 he wasn&t coming off the bench. Since he isn&t a great shooter and he likes to hold the ball, it tends to die in his hands. In Toronto, he was taking 18.5 shots a game and making them at a 38% clip. It&s not a huge surprise that redistributing those possessions has made his old team better. &
Terrence Ross, the No. 8 pick in 2012, has been the biggest beneficiary. An extremely athletic 6&6 195 shooting guard, he averaged only 17 minutes a game as a rookie. Ross had the reputation of a great shooter and a great dunker coming out of Washington, but limited playing time and touches in his first season made it hard for him to get in a rhythm. In the last 10 games, he is averaging 14 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist on 45% shooting.
With Gay gone, Kyle Lowry has more offensive responsibility. At 27, , a 6&0 205 bulldog who can score, shoot, defend, rebound and pass. He has never made an All-Star team, but he is a starting-caliber point guard. When Lowry is given space to attack off the dribble, he can create a decent shot for himself or one of his teammates. In the last 10 games, he is averaging 17 points, 8 assists and 5 rebounds on 43% shooting.
Upfront, Amir Johnson has flourished in Gay&s absence. Drafted out of high school in 2005, he is only starting to reach his peak in his ninth NBA season. Johnson is a monster on the pick-and-roll, an athletic 6&9 210 power forward who can play above the rim and stretch the floor. In the last 10 games, he is averaging 12 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1 block and 1 steal on 60% shooting. He is the rare big man who helps his team on both ends of the floor.
Combine those three with Jonas Valanciunas and DeMar DeRozan and the Raptors have a quality first unit. They start five excellent athletes, all of whom can score. They can get out and run and they have options in the half-court - pick-and-rolls with Valanciunas and Johnson, isolations for DeRozan and Lowry, running Ross off screens. The keys for them will be buckling down on defense and avoiding turnovers, two bugaboos for young teams.
Dealing Gay wasn&t just addition by subtraction. Ujiri turned him into a bench -- a 6&6 point guard (Vasquez), a 6&6 wing (Salmons) and a 6&9 stretch 4 (Patterson) with NBA experience. All three have been productive starters at poi they can match-up with the vast majority of second units. The combination of the Sacramento refugees and the interior muscle of Tyler Hansbrough means Toronto&s reserves are no longer bleeding points.
All of a sudden, Casey has a rotation he can work with. The Raptors are a versatile team with lineup options on their bench. They can play Lowry and Vasquez together or go big on the perimeter with Vasquez, Ross and Salmons. They can run pick-and-pops with Patterson or use him to open up the floor for pick-and-rolls. Toronto 2.0 puts pressure on the opponent for all 48 minutes. In the regular season, a strong second-unit keeps you in games and picks up wins.
Since the trade, the Raptors have been in almost every game and have not had a bad loss. They lost twice to the San Antonio Spurs and had an OT loss to the Charlotte Bobcats. Five of their eight wins have come on the road, including three out West. In consecutive games, they beat the Mavericks in Dallas and the Thunder in Oklahoma City. They were the first team to get a win in Chesapeake Energy Arena this season. The rebuild may already be over.
The average age of their starting five is 24 -- DeRozan is 24, Ross is 22 and Valanciunas is 21. There&s been speculation about Ujiri selling off assets and tanking for the 2014 draft, but the point of lottery picks is to acquire under-25 starters in the first place. With only $41.4 million in salary committed for next season, Ujiri can be aggressive. Do the Thunder want to pay Reggie Jackson? He could offer the Raptors' first rounder in 2014 and the Knicks' first in 2016.
If they stay healthy, Toronto can make a run at the No. 3 seed, moving Casey from hot seat to Coach of the Year candidate. That&s how thin the line can be in this business. Casey started coaching in 1979 and has been in the NBA since 1994; there&s nothing he can&t figure out on the court. Basketball is basic geometry, not applied calculus. Like any coach, if he has the players, he can win games. After two seasons with Colangelo, one with Ujiri may save his career.
writes on the NBA and NCAA for RealGM.Follow
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By:&「当莱恩-麦克唐纳(菲尼克斯太阳队总经理)与我谈及一些关于球员的事时,差不多有99%的时候我们都同意对方的想法。」太阳队教练杰夫-霍纳塞克说。「所有跟我聊过的教练几乎都说过,作为一个教练最重要的是:当你有一个新想法时,请确保你和你的总经理是在同一个页面上。」-ESPN Los Angeles赛季开始时,德韦恩-凯西的帅位仅看起来岌岌可危。这是他NBA教练生涯中第二次手执教鞭,而他任教多伦多猛龙时有着57胜91负的纪录。布赖恩-科朗吉洛,那位当年聘请他的球队总经理,早已经在休赛期间被解僱。新任球队总经理马赛-乌杰里与凯西从没有什么早已打好的关系,很多人都曾期待乌杰里会引入自己的心腹。当猛龙以6胜12负的纪录开始这个赛季,凯西帅位的命运之门像是已经被闭上,因为很少不成功的教练能够得到第三次机会。有人认为当乌杰里在十二月时把鲁迪-盖伊交易到萨克拉门托国王换来格雷维斯-瓦斯奎兹、帕特里克-帕特森 与约翰-萨尔蒙斯时已经在挥动白旗。就在一年之前,科朗吉洛才刚从孟菲斯灰熊获得盖伊作为最后一搏以保全自己的总经理位置。然而,多伦多在上赛季却错失了季后赛而孟菲斯则晋身于西部决赛。至今,没有了盖伊的猛龙有着8胜3负的战绩,而他们看起来是一支比以前好的球队。凯西曾经因为纵容盖伊的球霸行为而被受批评,但其实他也只是无能为力。在联盟中,薪金支配着上场时间。盖伊是有着年薪1790万的球员,他不会安于板凳席上。因为他并不是一位优秀的射手,而且他特别喜欢持球在手,所以每当球到了他的手中就会很容易变成死球。在球队里面,他有着场均18.5次的出手,但只有38%的命中率。而并不令人感到惊喜或意外的是,只要把那些控球比率重新分配,就已经让他的旧主变得比以往更好。特伦斯-罗斯,这位2012年首轮第8顺位的球员,成为交易后的最大受益者。他是一位6尺6寸、195磅的超级运动型得分后卫,在新秀年的平均每场比赛的上场时间只有17分钟。罗斯是来自华盛顿一位有名气的优质射手及灌篮高手,但碍于他在新秀赛季的比赛中有限的上场时间及接球机会,使他很难捕捉比赛的节奏。在最近的10轮比赛中,罗斯平均每场贡献了14分、4篮板、1助攻以及45%的投射命中率。当盖伊离开以后,凯尔-洛瑞在球队进攻方面就有着重大的责任。27岁的洛瑞正值全盛时期,是一隻6尺、205磅,有着得分、射术、防守、篮板及助攻能力的凶狠控卫。他从未入选全明星,但他是一位优秀的先发控卫。当洛瑞被赋予持球进攻的机会,他能够为自己及队友创造出合适且合理的投射。在最近的十轮比赛中,洛瑞平均每场贡献了17分、8助攻、5篮板、以及43%的投射命中率。老实说,阿米尔-约翰逊其实早已在盖伊缺席的时候就爆发了。2005年高中毕业就参加选秀的他,于他在联盟里的第九个赛季才刚开始进入全盛时期。约翰逊在挡拆战术中是一头怪物,一位能在篮下进攻又能保护内线6尺9、210磅的运动型大前锋。在最近的十轮比赛中,他平均每场贡献了12分、8.5篮板、1盖帽、1抢断以及43%的投射命中率。约翰逊是联盟中数一数二能在攻防两端都可以帮助球队的内线球员。综合以上三位球员另外再加上约纳斯-瓦兰丘纳斯与德马尔-德罗赞,猛龙拥有的是一个优质的先发阵容,有着五位都有得分能力的优秀先发球员。他们可以在比赛中突然打起节奏明快的球风,而且他们也可以选择打半场阵地战——瓦兰丘纳斯与约翰逊的挡拆战术、德罗赞与洛瑞的持球单打,以及罗斯的受掩护后跑动。球队成功的关键就只是扣紧球队的防守闸门以及避免失误,这是稳定年轻球队表现最基本的两个要点。交易掉盖伊并非只是为了释出薪金空间,乌杰里将其转化成有经验的替补支援——6尺6的控卫(瓦斯奎兹)、6尺6的外线球员(萨尔蒙斯)与6尺9的大前锋(帕特森)。他们仨在职业生涯中都是具有创造力的先发球员,而他们将成为猛龙板凳席上的巨大支援。结合了来自萨克拉门托的难民以及筋肉人泰勒-汉斯布鲁,印证着多伦多的球员储备不再是球队血流不止的缺口。突然之间,凯西就有着一个能让他好好工作的轮换阵容。依靠板凳席上可以组成不同阵容的生力军,猛龙成为一支多才多艺的球队。他们可以把洛瑞与瓦斯奎兹同时放在场上或者勇敢地把瓦斯奎兹、帕特森与萨尔蒙斯放在球场上。他们可以任用帕特森执行挡拆后向弧顶跑动的战术或是为球队开拓空间以执行挡拆战术。多伦多2.0版能够在48分钟内给予对手很大的压力:因为在常规赛里,拥有一支强大的替补阵容可使球队专注于比赛之中来赢下比赛。自那场交易以后,猛龙几乎完全投入于每场比赛当中,而他们并没有在任何一场比赛中大败。他们只是两次输给了圣安东尼奥马刺与对阵夏洛特山猫时加时落败。8场胜利中有5场都是作客的比赛,包括在西部的3场。在最近连续的比赛当中,他们在达拉斯击败了小牛以及在俄克拉荷马城击败了雷霆。猛龙是今季第一支在切萨皮克能源球馆把雷霆斩下马的球队。或许,猛龙的重建其实早已完成。猛龙先发阵容的平均年龄只有24岁——例如24岁的德罗赞、22岁的罗斯与21岁的瓦兰丘纳斯。曾几何时,有人推测乌杰里出售球队的资产与摆烂是为了2014年的选秀,但乐透签的首要目标其实只是为了得到一名25岁以下的具有先发能力的球员。当球队只是带着4140万的薪金负担进入下一个赛季,乌杰里就有着进取的本钱。例如雷霆会否留下雷吉-杰克逊呢?乌杰里大可给出以下的条件:2014年猛龙的首轮选秀权以及2016年尼克斯的首轮选秀权。如果球员能够保持健康,多伦多有着冲击东部第三种子的能力,也能够使凯西成为年度最佳教练的热门候选人,而这只是于此前景下最保守的推测。凯西自1979年就开始执教生涯,在1994年起进入联盟执教,在几十年的经验帮助下,球场上没有任何事情他会弄不清楚。篮球只是一门基本的几何学,并非应用微积分。就如其他教练一样,当凯西麾下有着优秀的球员时,他就能赢下比赛。在与科朗吉洛共事的两个赛季后,凯西只需与乌杰里共事一个赛季,就足以拯救他的事业。
Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven a and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.
Shut your eyes and see.
Me, And me now.
原文标题:Why The Raptors May Already Be Done With Their Rebuild
Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven a and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.
Shut your eyes and see.
Me, And me now.
纽约俩队有点缓过来了 猛龙要小心了 看尼克斯的赛程 马上要连续8个主场 打得都是弱队 不能掉以轻心啊
NETS 不光球队烂 论坛版主也烂
& 允许多选


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