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&1、写出用随机函数产生一个200至300之间整数的VB表达式【1】.答案:200★+★Int(★Rnd*100★) 或 200★+★Int(★100*Rnd★)2、已知文本框的内容为"ABCDE",若文本框Selstart=4,Sellength=2,则SelText为 【1】.答案:DE3、VB提供了列表框控件,当列表框中的项目较多,超过了列表框的长度时,系统会自动的在列表框边上加一个【1】.答案:垂直滚动条 或 滚动条4、想拥有"快捷键"这项功能,必须在"菜单编辑器"中增加一些特殊的设置,也就是在字母之前加上【1】.答案:& &5、列表框(ListBox)显示【1】,用户可以从中选择一个或多个项目.答案:项目列表 或 列表6、设置控件背景颜色的属性名称是【1】.答案:backcolor7、如果在模块的声明段中有Option Base 0语句,则在该模块中使用Dim a(6, 3 To 5)声明的数组有【1】个元素.答案:218、定时器控件的Interval属性值是指时间间隔,单位为毫秒;当每隔此间隔的时间,定时器会触发一次【1】事件.答案:Timer9、写出清除标签Label1的显示信息的语句为【1】.答案:Label1.caption="" 或 Label1="" 或 Label1.Caption=""10、写出清除图片框的文字或图形信息的语句【1】.答案:Picture1.cls 或 cls11、滚动条控件有水平滚动条和【1】滚动条.答案:垂直12、文本框中所显示的内容是它的【1】属性的值.答案:Text13、要使命令按钮cmdEnd可以以快捷键E访问,应设置属性【1】.答案:Caption14、当程序运行时,要求窗体中的文本框呈现空白,则在设计时,把此文本框的【1】属性设置成空白.答案:Text15、如果要使用命令按钮表面显示文字"退出(X)"(在字符X之下加下划线),则其Caption属性设置为【1】.答案:退出(&X)16、所有控件都具有的共同属性是【1】属性.答案:name17、Visual Basic为添加到窗体上的第一个图片框picture提供的默认对象名为【1】.答案:Picture118、使用Scale方法建立窗体Form1的用户坐标系,其中窗体左上角坐标为(-200,250),右下角坐标为(300,-100),具体形式为【1】.答案:form1.scale (-200,250)-(300,-100)19、如果在模块的声明段中有Option Base 1语句,则在该模块中使用Dim a(3 To 5,6)声明的数组有【1】个元素.答案:1820、把"Visual Basic程序设计"添加到列表框lstBooks的语句为【1】.答案:& lstBooks.AddItem& "Visual Basic程序设计"21、如果要指明mystring为固定15个字长的全局变量,应该在标准模块中用以下说明语句定义【1】.答案:public★mystring★as★string*1522、若要在字符串asdgewl中取dge,则使用函数【1】实现.答案:Mid$(asdgewl$,2,3) 或 Mid(asdgewl,2,3)23、欲使在自己设计VB程序运行过程中,不中止本程序的运行,同时又可调用系统中已有的应用程序c:\windows\Calc.exe,可在程序代码窗口必要的地方添加语句【1】.答案:shell("c:\windows\Calc.exe") 或 shell("calc.exe")24、设置计时器控件只能触发【1】事件.答案:& timer25、要使鼠标停留在按钮上显示特殊的鼠标形状,应设置的属性值是【1】.答案:mousepointer26、使用Circle方法在窗体Form1上以(15,15)为圆心,10为半径画圆,具体形式为【1】.答案:& form1.circle (15,15),1027、使用Move方法把图形框Picture1的左上角移动到距窗体顶部100Twip,距窗体左边框200Twip,同时图形框缩小50%,具体形式为【1】.答案:Picture1.move 200,100,picture1.width/sqr(2),picture1.height/sqr(2)28、对象是既包含【1】又包含对数据进行操作的方法,并将其封装起来的一个逻辑实体.答案:& 数据29、拖动滚动条中的滚动框将会产生Scroll和【1】事件.答案:& Change30、以图片框Pic1的中心位置为圆心,以700为半径在Pic1上画一个圆的方法是【1】.pic1.Circle (pic1.width/2,pic1.height/2),70031、设置计时器对象触发事件的时间间隔用【1】属性.答案:&&& interval32、对象具有属性和【1】.答案:& 方法33、打开"工程窗口"的方法之一是按下【1】组合键.答案:& CTRL+R34、列表框控件不支持Click事件,但支持【1】事件.答案:dblclick35、Visual Basic& 中的文本框中要使该框不允许多行输入,应设置【1】属性为false.答案:&& MultiLine36、如果要在单击钮时执行一段代码,则应将这段代码写在【1】事件过程中.答案:& click37、将焦点定位于命令按钮Command1之上的语句为【1】.答案:Command1.SetFocus 或 SetFocus38、滚动条控件主要支持两个事件,它们是scroll和【1】事件.答案:&& change&&39、文件按照存取方式及其组成结构可以分为顺序文件和【1】.答案:& 随机文件 或 随机40、由For& k=35 to 0 step 3:next k循环语句控制的循环次数是【1】.答案:&& 041、循环语句FOR K=1 TO 10 STEP &1控制的循环次数为【1】.答案:&&& 042、由For& k=35 to 0 step 3:next k循环语句控制的循环次数是【1】 .答案:&& 043、VB中,变量的声明可分为两种方法:【1】数组和动态数组.答案:静态44、Option Base 1的作用是确定数组的下界为【1】.& 答案:& 145、VB中,变量的声明可分为两种方法:隐式声明和【1】.答案:显式声明46、一元两次方程ax2+bx+c=0有实根的条件为a&0,并且b2-4ac&0,列出逻辑表达式【1】.答案:a&&0★and★b^2-4*a*c&=047、在VB 6.0中,设 Single型变量 XYZ 的值为123.45,若要将其转换成字符串,应使用的类型转换函数是【1】.答案:&& STR 或 CSTR48、由Dim a (10) As single定义的数组占用【1】字节的内存空间.答案:&& 4449、在VB中,若要将字符串"12345"转换成数字值应使用的类型转换函数是【1】.答案:& VAL 或 Cint50、在VB中,若要使一个文本框(Text)中的内容在超过文本框的宽度时能够自动换行显示,应当将这个文本框的【1】属性的值设置为True.答案:&& MultiLine51、大于X 的最小整数的VB表示形式为【1】.答案:& Int(x)+1 或 Int(x)★+★152、一个工程可以包括多种类型的文件,其中扩展名为.bas的文件表示【1】文件.答案:& 标准模块 或 模块53、在VB 6.0中,变量名最长可达【1】个字符.&&&&&& 答案:& 25554、在VB中,若要改变一个窗体的标题,应在属性窗口中改变这个窗体的【1】属性的值.&&& 答案:&& Caption55、在控件之中,【1】不能从工具箱中被删除.答案:&& 内部控件 或 标准控件56、在VB中,若要求在模块中强制显式地指定变量的数据类型,应当在模块首部的申明部分使用【1】语句.答案:& Option Explicit57、一般情况下,控件有两个属性项的缺省值是相同的,这两个属性项是name和【1】.答案:caption58、一个工程可以包括多种类型的文件,其中ActiveX控件的文件扩展名为【1】.答案:& OCX59、在利用Visual Basic设计应用程序时,一般会遇到三类错误:语法错误、执行错误和【1】.&&& 答案:逻辑错误60、要使一个按钮无效,则可把它的Enable属性设为【1】.答案:False61、在VB中,窗体由属性定义外观,由【1】定义行为,由事件定义其与用户的交互.答案:方法62、一个工程可以包括多种类型的文件,其中,扩展名为.vbp的文件表示【1】文件.答案:工程63、一个工程可以包括多种类型的文件,其中,扩展名为.frm的文件表示【1】文件.答案:&& 窗体64、要使同一类型控件组成一个控件数组,必须要求【1】.答案:& Name 相同 或 名称相同65、要使一个按钮设为默认按钮,应把此按钮的【1】属性的值设为True.答案:Default66、在VB中,若要重新定义一个动态数组的元素个数,应当使用【1】语句对其进行重新定义.答案:ReDim67、在控件之中,【1】单独保存在.OCX文件中,在必要时可以加入到工具箱中.答案:ACTIVEX控件68、VB中的变量按其作用分为全局变量,模块变量,【1】.答案:& 局部变量69、在一条Dim语句中可以声明多个变量,如Dim& strVar,intVar,sngVar& As& Integer,则strVar、intVar与sngVar的数据类型分别是Variant、Variant和【1】.答案:& Integer70、设x为大于零的实数,则大于x的最小奇数的Visual Basic表达式是【1】.答案:&& IIF(int(x) mod 2=0,int(x)+2,int(x)+1)71、说明变量类型有隐含类型说明和【1】两种方法.答案:&& 强制类型 或 强制类型说明72、表达式(-3) Mod& 8的值为【1】.答案:&373、设X$ ="abc123456"则"a"+str$(val(righ...
  第一部分 英语知识运用 (共三大题,满分55分)
  ( ) 1. &Tony, why are you so glad?
  &Oh, you know, there ___________ a football match tomorrow.
  A. are going to have B. is going to be
  C. is going to have D. are going to be
  ( ) 2. &This is no-smoking place. Can&t you see the sign?
  &Oh, sorry. I ______ it.
  A. haven&t seen B. won&t see  C. don&t see D. didn&t see
  ( ) 3. & Please don&t be late for school again.
  A. Sorry, I won&t B. Sorry, I can&t C. Yes, I won&t D. OK, I didn&t
  ( ) 4. & What do you her speech?
  & She spoke for one hour but didn&t say much.
  A. like B. think of C. think over D. think about
  (   ) 5. This is Lucy&s coat. Please .
  A. give it her B. give her it C. give it to her D. give her to it
  ( ) 6. When is Children&s Day? & It is .
  A. in June 1st B. on July 1st C. on the first of June D. at June 1st
  ( ) 7. The accident happened ______ a freezing winter morning.
  A. on B. in C. at D. since
  ( ) 8. &I am so hungry now.
  &When did you ______ breakfast?
  & Four hours_________!
  A. before B. now C. ago D. after
  ( ) 9. How your winter holiday?
  &It great. But I tired now
  A. was, was, am B. is , was, was C. is, is , am D. is, is , was
  ( ) 10. &______ you______ a meeting last Monday?
  &Yes, and it ______ me three hours to get ready for it.
  A. Were, spent B. Did, take
  C. Did, took D. Were, spent
  ( ) 11. &How ____ is it from here Hefei to Beijing?
  &It&s about two ____ flight.
  A. long, hour&s B. far, hour&s C. long, hours& D. far, hours&
  ( ) 12. Can you______ JiaoZi ______ English?
  A. say, with B. speak, in C. say, in D. in
  ( ) 13. Today is my daughter&s birthday. I bought a toy car him.
  A. for B. to C. to D. for
  ( ) 14. Granny looked for her book, but she couldn&t find it _____.
  A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
  ( ) 15. &What did you ____ just now?
  &I _____ you if you could follow me.
  A. say, said B. speak, asked C. speak, said D. say, asked
  ( ) 16. When you leave, please all the lights.
  A. turn over   B. close     C. turn off   D. turn down
  ( ) 17. Someone the school gate now.
  A. are waiting for B. is waiting for C. is waiting at D. are waiting at
  ( ) 18. &My grandma is ill, so I&m not going to the cinema with you. & .
  A. It doesn&t matter.       B. Are you going to look after her?
  C. I&m sorry to hear that.   D. Don&t worry.
  ( ) 19. &______ is the population of Beijing?
  &There are about ____________ people in Beijing.
  A. H twelve millions B. H twelve million of
  C. W twelve million D. H twelve millions of
  ( ) 20. Betty is a _____ girl and she does everything _________.
  A. good B. good
  C. well D. well&
  Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they __21__ their work, he left them, saying, &When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.&
  At last one of them said, &What&s the use of doing this foolish work? We can __22__ fill the basket.& __23__ man answered, &That is none of your business.& The first man said. &You may do as you like, but I am not going to work at __24__ so foolish.& He __25__ his bucket and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying __26__. At last the well was almost __27__.
  As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. __28__ he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. &You __29__ so well in this little thing,& he said, &__30__ now I know I can believe you with many things.&
  ( ) 21. A. finished B. did C. began D. had
  ( ) 22. A. ever B. never C. easily D. no
  ( ) 23. A. The other B. Another C. One D. A second
  ( ) 24. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
  ( ) 25. A. picked up B. put away C. took away D. threw away
  ( ) 26. A. water B. basket C. well D. work
  ( ) 27. A. full B. empty C. filled D. clean
  ( ) 28. A. While B. As soon as C. Before D. Since
  ( ) 29. A. have done B. will do C. do D. are doing
  ( ) 30. A. what B. why C. when D. that
  Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor __31__ and said, &Well, Mr. Green, you are going to __32__ some injections, and you&ll feel much better. A nurse will come __33__ give you the first one this evening, and then you&ll __34__ get another one tomorrow evening.& __35__ a young nurse came to Mr. Green&s bed and said to him, &I am going to give you your __36__ injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?&
  The old man was __37__. He looked at the nurse for a __38__, then he said, &__39__ has ever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?&
  &Yes, Mr. Green,& the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. &Where do you want it?&
  &Well, then,& the old man answered __40__ &I want it in your left arm, please.&
  ( ) 31. A. looked for him B. looked him over
  C. looked after him D. looked him up
  ( ) 32. A. get B. give C. make D. hold
  ( ) 33. A. so B. but C. or D. and
  ( ) 34. A. must B. can C. had better D. have to
  ( ) 35. A. In the morning B. In the afternoon
  C. In the end D. In the evening
  ( ) 36. A. first B. one C. two D. second
  ( ) 37. A. confident B. surprised C. full D. hungry
  ( ) 38. A. hour B. minutes C. year D. moment
  ( ) 39. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. people
  ( ) 40. A. with a smile B. in time
  C. in surprise D. with tears in his eyes&
  A. What did you do yesterday?  B. What are you going to do for your summer holiday?
  C. Why are you going to Nanjing for holiday?
  D. How long will it take to get there?
  E. Are you going there by car?
  F. The same to you !
  G. Are you going to the famous Yu HuaTai?
  A: ________41____ ___.
  B: I am going to Nanjing with my parents next week.
  A: ________42______________.
  B: No, we are going there by train.
  A: ________43_________________.
  B: It will take two hours to get there.
  A: Oh, that&s not far away from HeFei! ___________44______________.
  B: We are going to see my aunt there. She teaches in Nanjing University.
  A: ________45_________________.
  B: Yes, we will visit Yu HuaTai and many other places of interest.(名胜古迹) together.
  A: That&s great! Enjoy yourselves!
  B: Thank you very much!
  41.___ _____ 42.________43. ________44. ________45. ________
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