
下面我给出了九型人格测试题(144题)中每句话对应的人格类型,可以发现这些话并不唯一适用于某一种人格类型,这也是为什么这个测试不够准确的原因。1我浪漫并富于幻想。[4号]我很实际并实事求是。[6号]2我倾向于接受冲突。[8号]我倾向于避免冲突。[9号]3我一般是老练的、有魅力的以及有上进心的。[3号]我一般是直率的、刻板的以及空想的。[4号]4我倾向于集中于某事物并紧张。[5号]我倾向于自然的并喜欢开玩笑。[7号]5我是待人友好的并愿意结交新的朋友。[2号]我是独处的人,不太愿意与人交往。[4号]6我很难放松并停止思考潜在的问题。[6号]潜在的问题不会影响我的工作。[9号]7我是一个很好的“聪明”的生存者。[8号]我是一个很好的“高尚”的理想主义者。[1号]8我需要给别人爱。[4号]我愿意与别人保持一定的距离。[8号]9当给我一项新任务时,我通常问自己它是否对我有用。[3号]当给我一项新任务时,我通常问自己它是否有趣。[7号]10我倾向于关注我自己。[4号]我倾向于关注他人。[9号]11别人依赖于我的见识与知识。[5号]别人依赖于我的力量与决策。[8号]12我给人的印象是十分不自信。[6号]我给人的印象是十分自信。[1号]13我更加注重关系。[2号]我更加注重目的。[3号]14我不能大胆地表白我自己。[4号]我能大胆地说出别人想说但不敢说的话。[7号]15不考虑其它选择而做某一确定的事对我来说是很困难的。[5号]放松更具灵活性对我来说是很困难的。[1号]16我倾向于犹豫与拖延。[6号]我倾向于大胆与果断。[8号]17我不愿意别人给我带来麻烦。[9号]我希望别人依赖我, 让我帮忙解决麻烦。[2号]18通常我会为了完成工作将感情置于一边。[3号]通常我会在我做事情之前需要克服我的感情。[4号]19一般来说,我是讲求方法并且很谨慎。[6号]一般来说,我是敢于冒险。[7号]20我倾向于成为帮助、给予型的人,喜欢与他人在一起。[2号]我倾向于成为严肃、缄默的人,喜欢讨论问题。[1号]21我常常感到自己需要成为顶梁柱。[8号]我常常感到自己需要做得十全十美。[3号]22我主要感兴趣于问难题并保持独立性。[5号]我主要感兴趣于保持心理的稳定与平静。[9号]23我太顽固并持有怀疑的态度。[6号]我太软心肠并多愁善感。[2号]24我常常担心我不能得到较好的东西。[7号]我常常担心如果我放松警惕,别人就会欺骗我。[8号]25我习惯于表现得很冷淡而使别人生气。[4号]我习惯于指使别人做事而使他们生气。[1号]26如果有太多的刺激和鼓舞,我会感到忧虑。[9号]如果没有太多的刺激和鼓舞,我会感到忧虑。[7号]27我要依靠我的朋友,并且他们知道他们可以依靠我。[6号]我不依靠别人并独立做事。[3号]28我倾向于独立与专心。[5号]我倾向于情绪化并热衷于自己的想法。[4号]29我喜欢向别人提出挑战,并且“使他们振奋起来”。[8号]我喜欢安慰他人使他们冷静下来。[2号]30我总的来说是个开朗的并喜欢交际的人。[7号]我总的来说是个认真的并很能自律的人。[1号]31我希望能迎合别人-当我与别人距离很远,我感到不舒服。[9号]我希望与众不同-当我不能看到别人与我的区别,我感到不舒服。[3号]32对我来说,追求个人的兴趣比舒适与安全更重要。[5号]对我来说,追求舒适与安全比个人的兴趣更重要。[6号]33当与他人有冲突时,我倾向于退缩。[4号]当与他人有冲突时,我很少会改变原先的态度。[8号]34我很容易屈服并受他人摆布。[9号]我不对别人作出让步,并对他们下达命令。[1号]35我很赏识自己的高昂的精神状态与深沉。[7号]我很赏识自己深层的关心与热情。[2号]36我很想给别人留下好的印象[3号]我并不在乎要给别人留下好的印象[5号]37我依赖我的毅力与常有的感觉[6号]我依赖我的想象与瞬间的灵感[4号]38基本上来说,我是很随和的、很可爱的[9号]基本上来说,我是精力旺盛的、过分自信的[8号]39我努力工作以求得到别人的接受与喜欢[3号]得到别人的接受与喜欢对我来说并不重要[1号]40当别人给我压力时我变得更加退缩[5号]当别人给我压力时我回变得更加自信[7号]41人们对我感兴趣是因为我很开朗、有吸引力、有趣[2号]人们对我感兴趣是因为我很安静、不同寻常、深沉[4号]42职责与责任对我很重要[6号]协调与认可对我很重要[9号43我制定出重要的计划并作出承诺,以此来鼓励人们[8号]我会指出不按照我的建议做所产生的后果,以此来鼓励人们[1号]44我很少表露出情绪[5号]我经常表露出情绪[2号]45我不擅长于处理琐屑的事[7号]我擅长于处理琐屑的事[3号]46我常常强调自己与绝大多数人的不同之处,尤其是与不同我的家庭。[4号]我常常强调自己与绝大多数人的共同之处,尤其是与我的家庭共同。[9号]47当场面变得热闹起来时,我倾向于站在一旁。[5号]当场面变得热闹起来时,我倾向于加入其中。[8号]48即使朋友不对,我也会支持他们。[6号]我不想为了友情对正确的事情作妥协。[1号]49我是一个善意的支持者。[2号]我是一个积极的老手。[3号]50当遇到困难时我倾向于夸大我的问题。[4号]当遇到困难时我倾向于转移注意力。[7号]51总的来说,我很确信知道情况应该如何。[1号]总的来说,我对情况持怀疑的态度。[5号]52我的悲观、抱怨会给别人带来麻烦。[6号]我的老板式的、控制的方式会给别人带来麻烦。[8号]53我倾向于按我的感觉办事并听之任之[2号]我倾向于不按照我的感觉办事以免产生更多的问题[9号]54通常我成为注意的焦点时,会很自然[3号]通常我成为注意的焦点时,会很不习惯[4号]55我做事情很谨慎,努力为意料之外的事情做准备[6号]我做事情凭一时冲动,只是在问题出现时才临时准备[7号]56当别人不是很欣赏我为他们所做的事情时我会很生气[2号]当别人不听我说时我会很生气[1号]57独立、自立更生对我很重要[8号]有价值、得到别人的称赞对我很重要[3号]58当与朋友争论时我倾向于强烈地坚持自己的观点[5号]当与朋友争论时我倾向于顺其自然以免伤了和气[9号]59我常常占有所爱的人——我不能放任他们[4号]我常常“考察”所爱的人,想确定他们是否爱我[6号]60组织资源并促使某些事情的发生是我的优势之一[8号]提出新观点并同时振奋人心,这是我的优势之一[7号]61我要在别人的驱策下才会做事,不能依赖自己[1号]我过于情绪化,不能自律[4号]62我试图使生活高节奏、紧张并充满兴奋的感觉[7号]我试图使生活有规律、稳定、宁静[9号
]63尽管我已取得成功,我仍怀疑自己的能力[6号]尽管我受到挫折,但我仍相信自己的能力[3号]64一般我倾向于详细研究自己的情感并保持此情感很久。[4号]一般我倾向于减少自己的情感并不加以注意[5号]65我对许多人加以注意并培养他们[2号]我指导许多人并鼓励他们[8号]66我对自己要求有点严格[1号]我对自己有点宽容[7号]67我倾向于独断,并追求卓越[3号]我谦虚,喜欢按自己的节奏做事[9号]68我为自己的清晰性与目标性感到自豪[5号]我为自己的可靠性与诚实而感到自豪[6号]69我花大量的时间反省——理解自己的感受对我来说是很重要的[4号]我花大量的时间反省——做完事情对我来说是很重要的[8号]70总的来说我认为自己是一个灿烂的随和的人[9号]总的来说我是一个严肃的、有品位的人[1号]71我头脑灵活,精力充沛[7号]我有一颗赤热的心,具有奉献精神[2号]72我所做的事情要有极大的可能性得到奖励与赏识[3号]如果所做的事是我所感兴趣的,我愿意放弃自己的奖励与赏识[5号]73我认为履行社会义务并不重要[1号]我常常认真地履行我的社会义务[6号]74在绝大多数情况下,我愿意做领导[8号]在绝大多数情况下,我愿意让其他人做领导[9号]75多年以来,我的价值观与生活方式变化了好几次[1号]多年以来,我的价值观与生活方式基本没有变化[6号]76一般我缺乏自律能力[7号]一般我与别人的联系很少[5号]77我倾向于拒绝给予爱,希望别人进入我的世界[4号]我倾向于过于直率地给别人爱,希望自己进入到别人的世界[2号]78我倾向于作最坏的打算[6号]我倾向于认为任何事情都会变得最好[9号]79人们相信我是因为我很自信并且尽全力做的最好[8号]人们相信我是因为我很公正会正确地做事[1号]80我常常忙于自己的事情而忽略了与他人的交往[5号]我常常忙于与他人交往而忽略了自己的事情[2号]81当第一次遇到某人时,通常我会镇定自若并沉默寡言[3号]当第一次遇到某人时,通常我会闲聊并使人觉得有趣[7号]82总而言之,我是很悲观的[4号]总而言之,我是很乐观的[9号]83我更喜欢呆在自己的小世界里[5号]我更喜欢让全世界的人知道我的所在[8号]84我常常被紧张、不安全与怀疑而困扰[6号]我常常被生气、完美主义与不耐烦而困扰[1号]85我意识到我是太有人情味与待人太亲密[2号]我意识到我是太酷过于冷漠[3号]86我失败是因为我不能抓住机会[4号]我失败是因为我追求太多的可能性[7号]87我要过很长的时间后才会采取行动[5号]我会立即采取行动[1号]88通常我很难作出决定[6号]我很少会感到难作出决定[8号]89我倾向于给人留下态度强硬的印象[2号]我并不倾向于过多地坚持自己的意见[9号]90我情绪稳定[3号]我情绪多变[4号]91当不知道要干什么事情时,我常常会向别人寻求建议[6号]当不知道要干什么事情时,我会尝试不同的事情以确定哪一种最适合我去做[7号]92我担心,别人搞活动时会忘记我[2号]我担心,参加别人活动会影响我做自己的事情[1号]93当我生气时,一般我会责备别人[8号]当我生气时,一般我会变得很冷淡[3号]94我很难入睡[5号]我很快就能入睡[9号]95我常常努力地思考如何与别人产生更为亲密的关系[2号]我常常努力地思考别人想从我这儿得到什么[6号]96通常我是慎重的、有话直说的并且深思熟虑的人[8号]通常我是易兴奋的、善于快速地说话以回避问题并且机智的人[7号]97当看到别人犯错误时,我常常不说出口[4号]当看到别人犯错误时,我常常会帮助他们认识到所犯的错误[1号]98在生活中的绝大多数时间里,我是情感激烈的人,会产生许多易变的情感[7号]在生活中的绝大多数时间里,我是很稳定的人,我会“心如止水”[9号]99当我不喜欢某些人时,我会掩藏自己的情感而努力地保持热情[3号]当我不喜欢某些人时,我会以这种或那种方式让他们知道我的情感 [6号]100我与别人交往有困难是因为我很敏感并总是从自己的角度考虑事情[4号]我与别人交往有困难是因为我不太在乎社会习俗[5号]101我的方法是直接帮助别人[2号]我的方法是告诉别人如何自助[8号]102总的来说,我喜欢“释放”并突破所受的限制[7号]总的来说,我不喜欢过多地失去自我控制[1号]103我过度地关注于要比别人做得好[3号]我过度地关注于把别人的事做好就行[9号]104我的想法总是很玄想的——包含着想象与好奇[5号]我的想法总是很实际的——只是试图保持事情的发展状况[6号]105我的主要优势之一就是我能够控制场面[8号]我的主要优势之一就是我能够讲述内心的感受[4号]106我努力争取做好事情而不管这样会使别人不开心[1号]我不喜欢有压力的感觉,所以也不喜欢压制别人[9号]107我常常感到骄傲因为我对别人的生活中起着重要的作用[2号]我常常感到骄傲因为我对新的经历会很感兴趣并且乐于接受[7号]108我认为我给别人留下的印象是好样的甚至很令人钦佩[3号]我认为我给别人留下的印象是与众不同的甚至很古怪[5号]109一般我做我必须去做的事[6号]一般我做我想做的事[4号]110我很喜欢处于高度的压力之下甚至是困难的情景中[8号]我不喜欢处于高度的压力之下甚至是困难的情景中[9号]111我为自己的灵活能力感到骄傲——我知道合适的或重要的情况是变化的[3号]我为自己的立场感到骄傲——我有坚定的信念[1号]112我的风格倾向于节约而朴实[5号]我的风格倾向于过度并过量地做某些事情[7号]113我的健康与幸福受到伤害因为我有强烈的愿望去帮助别人[2号]我的人际关系受到损害因为我只关注与自己的需要[4号]114总的来说,我太坦诚太天真[9号]总的来说,我过于谨慎过于戒备[6号]115有时我因过于好斗而令人厌恶[8号]有时我因太紧张而令人厌恶[1号]116关心别人的需要并提供服务对我来说是很重要的[2号]寻找看待并做好事情的其他方法对我来说是很重要的[5号]117我全身心地持之以恒地追求我的目标[3号]我喜欢探索各种行动的途径,想看看最终的结果如何[7号]118我经常会激起强烈与紧张的情绪[4号]我经常使自己冷静与安逸[9号]119我不太注重实际的结果,而注重自己的兴趣[5号]我很实际并希望我的工作有具体的结果[8号]120我有强烈的归属需要[6号]我有强烈的平衡需要[1号]121过去我可能过于要求朋友间的亲密[2号]过去我可能过于要求朋友间的疏远[3号]122我倾向于回忆过去的事情[1号]我倾向于预期未来所要做的事情[7号]123我倾向于将人看作是很麻烦的、苛刻的[5号]我倾向于将人看作是很莽撞的,和有需求的[1号]124总的来说,我不太自信[6号]总的来说,我仅相信自己[8号]125我可能太被动,不积极参与[9号]我可能控制过多[2号]126我经常因为怀疑自己而停下来[4号]我很少会怀疑自己[3号]127如果让我在熟悉的东西与新的东西之间作出选择,我会选新的东西,[7号]我一般会选我所喜欢的东西:会对我所不喜欢的东西而感到失望[6号]128我给别人大量的身体接触以使他们相信我对他们的爱。[2号]我认为真正的爱是不需要身体的接触。[1号]129当我需要责备别人时,我是很严厉很直截了当的[8号]当我需要责备别人时,我常常是旁敲侧击的[3号]130我对别人认为很困扰甚至很可怕的学科却很感兴趣[5号]我不喜欢去研究令人困扰的、可怕的学科[9号]131我因防碍、干扰别人,而受到指责[2号]我因过于逃避、沉默寡言而受到别人的指责[6号]132我担心没有办法履行我的职责[8号]我担心自己缺乏自律不能履行职责[7号]133总的来说我是一个很凭直觉办事并且极度个人主义的人[4号]总的来说我是一个很有组织的并且负责任的人[1号]134克服惰性是我的主要问题之一[9号]不能缓慢下来是我的主要问题之一[7号]135当我觉得不安全时,我会变得傲慢,表示对此的轻视[3号]当我觉得不安全时,我会自卫并变得好争论[6号]136我是思想开明的,乐意尝试新的方法[5号]我会表白真情,乐意与别人共享我的情感[4号]137在别人面前我会表现得比实际的我更为强硬些[8号]在别人面前我会表现得比实际的我更为在意些[2号]138通常我是按我的良心与理性去做事情[1号]通常我是按我的感觉与冲动去做事情[7号]139严峻的逆境使我变得坚强[3号]严峻的逆境使我变得气馁与听天由命[9号]140我确信有某种“安全网”以依靠[6号]我常常要选择居于边缘而无所依靠[5号]141我要为了别人而表现得很坚强所以没有时间顾及自己的情感与忧虑[8号]我不能应对自己的情感与忧虑,所以我不能为别人而表现得很坚强[4号]142我常常觉得奇怪,生活中美好的事情很多为什么人们只看到消极的一面[9号]我常常觉得奇怪,生活中很糟糕为什么人还这么开心[1号]143我努力使自己不被看作为自私的人[2号]我努力使自己不被看作为令人讨厌的人[7号]144当我担心被别人的需要与要求压垮时我会避免产生亲密的关系[5号]当我担心会辜负人们对我的期望时,我会避免产生亲密的关系[3号]
我找到原版测试题了,有兴趣的同学可以看看,因为中文测试题的翻译千差万别,取决于翻译者的水平。1.A. I have been romanticand imaginative.B. I have been pragmaticand down to earth.2.A. I have tended to takeon confrontations.B. I have tended toavoid confrontations.3.A. I have typically beendiplomatic, charming, and ambitious.B. I have typically beendirect, formal and idealistic.4.A. I have tended to befocused and intense.B. I have tended to bespontaneous and fun-loving.5.A. I have been ahospitable person and have enjoyed welcoming new friends into my life.B. I have been a privateperson and have not mixed much with others.6.A. It's been difficultfor me to relax and stop worrying about potential problems.B. It's been difficultfor me to get myself worked up about potential problems.7.A. I've been more of a"street-smart" survivor.B. I've been more of a"high minded" idealist.8.A. I have needed to showaffection to people.B. I have preferred tomaintain some distance with people.9.A. When presented with anew experience, I've usually asked myself if it would be useful to me.B. When presented with anew experience, I've usually asked myself if it would be enjoyable.10.A. I have tended tofocus too much on myself.B. I have tended tofocus too much on others.11.A. Others have dependedon my insight and knowledge.B. Others have dependedon my strength and decisiveness.12.A. I have come acrossas being too unsure of myself.B. I have come acrossas being too sure of myself.13.A. I have been morerelationship-oriented than goal-oriented.B. I have been moregoal-oriented than relationship-oriented.14.A. I have not been ableto speak up for myself very well.B. I have beenoutspoken -- I have said what others wished they had the nerve to say.15.A. It's been difficultfor me to stop considering alternatives and do something definite.B. It's been difficultfor me to take it easy and be more flexible.16.A. I have tended to becareful and hesitant.B. I have tended to bebold and domineering.17.A. My reluctance to getinvolved has gotten me in trouble with people.B. My eagerness to havepeople depend on me has gotten me into trouble with them.18.A. Usually, I have beenable to put my feelings aside to get the job done.B. Usually, I haveneeded to work through my feelings before I could act.19.A. Generally, I've beenmethodical and cautious.B. Generally, I've beenadventurous and taken risks.20.A. I have tended to bea supportive, giving person who seeks intimacy with others.B. I have tended to bea serious, reserved person who likes discussing issues.21.A. I've often felt theneed to be a "pillar of strength".B. I have often feltthe need to perform perfectly.22.A. I've typically beeninterested in asking tough questions and maintaining my independence.B. I've typically beeninterested in maintaining my stability and peace of mind.23.A. I've been a bitcynical and skeptical.B. I've been a bitmushy and sentimental.24.A. I've often worriedthat I'm missing out on something better.B. I've often worriedthat if I let down my guard, someone will take advantage of me.25.A. My habit of being"stand-offish" has annoyed people.B. My habit of tellingpeople what to do has annoyed people.26.A. I have tended to getanxious if there was too much excitement and stimulation.B. I have tended to getanxious if there wasn't enough excitement and stimulation.27.A. I have depended onmy friends & they have known that they can depend on me.B. I have n I have done things on my own.28.A. I have tended to bedetached and preoccupied.B. I have tended to bemoody and self-absorbed.29.A. I have liked tochallenge people and "shake them up".B. I have liked tocomfort people and calm them down.30.A. I have generallybeen an outgoing, sociable person.B. I have generallybeen an earnest, self-disciplined person.31.A. I've wanted to"fit in" with others -- I get uncomfortable when I stand out toomuch.B. I've wanted tostandout from others -- I get uncomfortable when I don't distinguish myself.32.A. Pursuing my personalinterests has been more important to me than having stability and security.B. Having stability andsecurity has been more important to me than pursuing my personal interests.33.A. When I've hadconflicts with others, I've tended to withdraw.B. When I've hadconflicts with others, I've rarely backed down.34.A. I have given in tooeasily and let others push me around.B. I've been toouncompromising and demanding with others.35.A. I've beenappreciated for my unsinkable spirit and resourcefulness.B. I've beenappreciated for my deep caring and personal warmth.36.A. I have wanted tomake a favorable impression on others.B. I have cared littleabout making a favorable impression on others.
37.A. I've depended on myperseverance and common sense.B. I've depended on myimagination and moments of inspiration.38.A. Basically, I havebeen easy-going and agreeable.B. Basically, I havebeen hard-driving and assertive.39.A. I have worked hardto be accepted and well-liked.B.Being accepted andwell-liked has not been a high priority for me.40.A. In reaction topressure from others, I have become more withdrawn.B. In reaction topressure from others, I have become more assertive.41.A. People have beeninterested in me because I've been outgoing, engaging, and interested in them.B. People have beeninterested in me because I've been quiet, unusual, and deep.42.A. Duty andresponsibility have been important values for me.B. Harmony andacceptance have been important values for me.43.A. I've tried tomotivate people by making big plans and big promises.B. I've tried tomotivate people by pointing out the consequences of not following my advice.44.A. I have seldom beenemotionally demonstrative.B. I have often beenemotionally demonstrative.45.A. Dealing with detailshas not been one of my strong suits.B. I have excelled atdealing with details.46.A. I have oftenemphasized how different I am from most people, especially my family.B. I have oftenemphasized how much I have in common with most people, especially my family.47.A. When situations havegotten heated, I have tended to stay on the sidelines.B. When situations havegotten heated, I have tended to get right into the middle of things.48.A. I have stood by myfriends, even when they have been wrong.B. I have not wanted tocompromise what is right even for friendship.49.A. I've been awell-meaning supporter.B. I've been ahighly-motivated go-getter.50.A. When troubled, Ihave tended to brood about my problems.B. When troubled, Ihave tended to find distractions for myself.51.A. Generally, I've hadstrong convictions and a sense of how things should be.B. Generally, I've hadserious doubts and have questioned how things seemed to be.52.A. I've createdproblems with others by being pessimistic and complaining.B. I've createdproblems with others by being bossy and controlling.53.A. I have tended to acton my feelings and let the "chips fall where they may"B. I have tended not toact on my feelings lest they stir up more problems.54.A. Being the center ofattention has usually felt natural to me.B. Being the center ofattention has usually felt strange to me.55.A. I've been careful,and have tried to prepare for unforeseen problems.B. I've beenspontaneous, and have preferred to improvise as problems come up.56.A. I have gotten angrywhen others have not shown enough appreciation for what I have done for them.B. I have gotten angrywhen others have not listened to what I have told them.57.A. Being independentand self-reliant has been important to me.B. Being valued andadmired has been important to me.58.A. When I've debatedwith friends, I've tended to press my arguments forcefully.B. When I've debatedwith friends, I've tended to let things go to prevent hard feelings.59.A. I have often beenpossessive of loved ones — I have had trouble letting them be.B. I have often"tested" loved ones to see if they were really there for me.60.A. Organizing resourcesand making things happen has been one of my major strengths.B. Coming up with newideas and getting people excited about them has been one of my major strengths.61.A. I've tended to bedriven and very hard on myself.B. I've tended to betoo emotional and rather undisciplined.62.A. I have tried to keepmy life fast-paced, intense, and exciting.B. I have tried to keepmy life regular, stable, and peaceful.63.A. Even though I've hadsuccesses, I've tended to doubt my abilities.B. Even though I've hadsetbacks, I've had a lot of confidence in my abilities.64.A. I generally havetended to dwell on my feelings and to hold onto them for a long time.B. I generally havetended to minimize my feelings and not pay very much attention to them.65.A. I have provided manypeople with attention and nurturance.B. I have provided manypeople with direction and motivation.66.A. I've been a bitserious and strict with myself.B. I've been a bitfree-wheeling and permissive with myself.67.A. I've beenself-assertive and driven to excel.B. I've been modest andhave been happy to go at my own pace.68.A. I have been proud ofmy clarity and objectivity.B. I have been proud ofmy reliability and commitment.69.A. I have spent a lotof time looking inward — understanding my feelings has been important to me.B. I have not spentmuch time looking inward — getting things done has been important to me.70.A. Generally, I havethought of myself as a sunny, casual person.B. Generally, I havethought of myself as a serious, dignified person.71.A. I've had an agilemind and boundless energy.B. I've had a caringheart and deep dedication.72.A. I have pursuedactivities that had a substantial potential for reward and personalrecognition.B. I have been willingto give up reward and personal recognition if it meant doing work I was reallyinterested in.
73.A. Fulfilling socialobligations has seldom been high on my agenda.B. I have usually havetaken my social obligations very seriously.74.A. In most situations,I have preferred to take the lead.B. In most situations,I have preferred to let someone else take the lead.75.A. Over the years, myvalues and lifestyle have changed several times.B. Over the years, myvalues and lifestyle have remained fairly consistent.76.A. Typically, I havenot had much self-discipline.B. Typically, I havenot had much connection with people.77.A. I have tended towithhold my affection, and have wanted others to come into my world.B. I have tended togive my affection too freely, and have wanted to extend myself to others.78.A. I have had atendency to think of worst case scenarios.B. I have had atendency to think that everything will work out for the best.79.A. People have trustedme because I am confident and can look out for them.B. People have trustedme because I am fair and will do what is right.80.A. Often, I have beenso involved in my own projects that I have become isolated from others.B. Often, I have beenso involved with others that I have neglected my own projects.81.A. When meeting someonenew, I have usually been poised and self-contained.B. When meeting someonenew, I have usually been chatty and entertaining.82.A. Generally speaking,I have tended to be pessimistic.B. Generally speaking,I have tended to be optimistic.83.A. I have preferred toinhabit my own little world.B. I have preferred tolet the world know I'm here.84.A. I have often beentroubled by nervousness, insecurity, and doubt.B. I have often beentroubled by anger, perfectionism, and impatience.85.A. I realize that Ihave often been too personal and intimate.B. I realize that Ihave often been too cool and aloof.86.A. I have lost outbecause I have not felt up to taking opportunities.B. I have lost outbecause I have pursued too many possibilities.87.A. I have tended totake a long time to get into action.B. I have tended to getinto action quickly.88.A. I usually have haddifficulty making decisions.B. I seldom have haddifficulty making decisions.89.A. I have had atendency to come on a little too strong with people.B. I have had atendency not to assert myself enough with people.90.A. Typically, I havebeen even-tempered.B. Typically, 1 havehad strong changes of mood.91.A. When I've beenunsure of what to do, I've often sought the advice of others.B. When I've beenunsure of what to do, I've tried different things to see what worked best forme.92.A. I have worried thatI would be left out of other's activities.B. I have worried thatothers' activities would distract me from what I had to do.93.A. Typically, when Ihave gotten angry, I have told people off.B. Typically, when Ihave gotten angry, I have become distant.94.A. I've tended to havetrouble falling asleep.B. I've tended to fallasleep easily.95.A. I have often triedto figure out how I could get closer to others.B. I have often triedto figure out what others want from me.96.A. I have usually beenmeasured, straight-talking, and deliberate.B. I have usually beenexcitable, fast-talking, and witty.97.A. Often, I have notspoken up when I've seen others making a mistake.B. Often, I have helpedothers see that they are making a mistake.98.A. During most of mylife, I have been a stormy person who has had many volatile feelings.B. During most of mylife, I have been a steady person in whom "still waters run deep".99.A. When I have dislikedpeople, I have usually tried hard to stay cordial — despite my feelings.B. When I have dislikedpeople, I have usually let them know it — one way or another.100.A. Much of mydifficulty with people has come from my touchiness and taking everything toopersonally.B. Much of mydifficulty with people has come from my not caring about social conventions.101.A. My approach hasbeen to jump in and rescue people.B. My approach hasbeen to show people how to help themselves.102.A. Generally, I haveenjoyed "letting go" and pushing the limits.B. Generally, I havenot enjoyed losing control of myself very much.103.A. I've been overlyconcerned with doing better than others.B. I've been overlyconcerned with making things okay for others.104.A. My thoughtsgenerally have been speculative—involving my magination and curiosity.B. My thoughtsgenerally have been practical—just trying to keep things going.105.A. One of my mainassets has been my ability to take charge of situations.B. One of my mainassets has been my ability to describe internal states.106.A. I have pushed toget things done correctly,even if it made people uncomfortable.B. I have not likedfeeling pressured, so I have not liked pressuring anyone else.107.A. I've often takenpride in how important I am in others' lives.B. I've often takenpride in my gusto and openness to new experiences.108.A. I have perceivedthat I've often come across to others as presentable, even admirable.B. I have perceivedthat I've often come across to others as unusual, even odd.
109.A. I have mostly donewhat I had to do.B. I have mostly donewhat I wanted to do.110.A. I have usuallyenjoyed high-pressure, even difficult, situations.B. I have usuallydisliked being in high-pressure, even difficult, situations.111.A. I've been proud ofmy ability to be flexible—what's appropriate or important often changes.B. I've been proud ofmy ability to take a stand—I've been firm about what I believe in.112.A. My style has leanedtoward sparseness and austerity.B. My style has leanedtoward excess and over-doing things.113.A. My own health andwell-being have suffered because of my strong desire to help others.B. My relationshipshave suffered because of my strong desire to attend to my personal needs.114.A. Generally speaking,I've been too open and naïve.B. Generally speaking,I've been too wary and guarded.115.A. I have sometimesput people off by being too aggressive.B. I have sometimesput people off by being too "up-tight".116.A. Being of serviceand attending to the needs of others has been a high priority for me.B. Finding alternativeways of seeing and doing things has been a high priority for me.117.A. I've beensingle-minded and persistent in pursuing my goals.B. I've preferred toexplore various courses of action to see where they lead.118.A. I have frequentlybeen drawn to situations that stir up deep, intense emotions.B. I have frequentlybeen drawn to situations that make me feel calm and at ease.119.A. I have cared lessabout practical results than about pursuing my interests.B. I have beenpractical and have expected my work to have concrete results.120.A. I have had a deepneed to belong.B. I have had a deepneed to feel balanced.121.A. In the past, I've probablyinsisted on too much closeness in my friendships.B. In the past, I'veprobably kept too much distance in my friendships.122.A. I've had a tendencyto keep thinking about things from the past.B. I've had a tendencyto keep anticipating things I'm going to do.123.A. I've tended to seepeople as intrusive and demanding.B. I've tended to seepeople as disorganized and irresponsible.124.A. Generally, I havenot had much confidence in myself.B. Generally, I havehad confidence only in myself.125.A. I've probably beentoo passive and uninvolved.B. I've probably beentoo controlling and manipulative.126.A. I've frequentlybeen stopped in my tracks by my self-doubt.B. I've rarely letself-doubt stand in my way.127.A. Given a choicebetween something familiar and something new, I've usually chosen something new.B. I've generallychosen what I knew I already liked: why be disappointed with something I mightnot like?128.A. I have given a lotof physical contact to reassure others about how I feel about them.B. I have generallyfelt that real love does not depend on physical contact.129.A. When I've needed toconfront someone, I've often been too harsh and direct.B. When I've needed toconfront someone, I've often "beaten around the bush" too much.130.A. I have beenattracted to subjects that others would probably find disturbing, even frightening.B. I have preferrednot to spend my time dwelling on disturbing, frightening subjects.131.A. I have gotten intotrouble with people by being too intrusive and interfering.B. I have gotten intotrouble with people by being too evasive and uncommunicative.132.A. I've worried that Idon't have the resources to fulfill the responsibilities I've taken on.B. I've worried that Idon't have the self-discipline to focus on what will really fulfill me.133.A. Generally, I'vebeen a highly intuitive, individualistic person.B. Generally, I'vebeen a highly organized, responsible person.134.A. Overcoming inertiahas been one of mv main problems.B. Being unable toslow down has been one of my main problems.135.A. When I've feltinsecure. I've reacted by becoming arrogant and dismissive.B. When I've feltinsecure, I've reacted by becoming defensive and argumentative.136.A. I have generallybeen open-minded and willing to try new approaches.B. I have generallybeen self-revealing and willing to share my feelings with others.137.A. I've presentedmyself to others as tougher than I really am.B. I've presentedmyself to others as caring more than I really do.138.A. I usually havefollowed my conscience and reason.B. I usually havefollowed my feelings and impulses.139.A. Serious adversityhas made me feel hardened and resolute.B. Serious adversityhas made me feel discouraged and resigned.140.A. I usually have madesure that I had some kind of "safety net" to fall back on.B. I usually havechosen to live on the edge and to depend on others as little as possible.141.A. I've had to bestrong for others, so I haven't had time to deal with my feelings and fears.B. I've had difficultycoping with my feelings and fears, so it's been hard for me to be strong forothers.142.A. I have oftenwondered why people focus on the negative when there is so much that'swonderful about life.B. I have oftenwondered why people arc so happy when so much in life is messed up.143.A. I have tried hardnot to be seen as a selfish person.B. I have tried hardnot to be seen as a boring person.144.A. I have avoidedintimacy when I feared I would be overwhelmed by people's needs and demands.B. I have avoided intimacywhen I feared I would not be able to live up to people's expectations of me.
这套144题的测试的名称是The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator,就是里索出的。我上传的书里有一本叫做Discovering Your Personality Type.mobi,其中就有这个测试的标准答案。
谢谢“此生唯61”提醒,我重新对照了The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (Version 2.5),确认如下:27 我要依靠我的朋友,并且他们知道他们可以依靠我。[6号]我不依靠别人并独立做事。[3号]98 在生活中的绝大多数时间里,我是情感激烈的人,会产生许多易变的情感 [7号]在生活中的绝大多数时间里,我是很稳定的人,我会“心如止水” [9号]59 我常常占有所爱的人——我不能放任他们 [2号]我常常“考察”所爱的人,想确定他们是否爱我 [6号]
53我倾向依靠感觉行事,任事物自然发展。498 在生活中的绝大多数里,我是情感激烈的人,会产生许多易变的情感 。4楼主觉得呢


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