你们谁有这个单元的作文,在线等挺急的 小说速发

半命题作文《 的日子》 不要记叙文 挺急的,谢了。
《做一个行者》做一个行者说,十分容易;做却觉得难.所以我们不能光说,而要去做,做一个行者.“行者”二字,顾名思义,乃行动者.说着十分简单,可要去做,容易吗?李世民教育他的儿子李治道:非知之难,唯行之不易;行之可勉,唯终实难.李治常常跟在李世民身边,非常明白怎样才能当一名好皇帝,可他并没有做到.41年后,大唐被武则天的大周取代.行,更需要持之以恒,没有持之以恒,等于半途而废.西汉司马迁被人陷害,关进牢房,遭受辱骂、酷刑.可他没有放弃,反而在这样艰苦的情况下,写出了《史记》.在我们日常生活中,对人要有礼貌、注意公共卫生、要乐于助人、遵守纪律等等,我们都记在心上,也有去做,但却常常没有始终如一地坚持去做.每次犯了错误都会后悔,可又常常犯同样的错误.行,看似容易,其实难.做一名真正的行者,要靠自己不断努力,持之以恒,永不放弃.李世民还说:欲悔非于既往,唯慎过于将来.让我们用实际行动防止错误的再一次发生,做一个真正的行者!《行动的力量》世上的一些事情,在我们不了解时,我们通常会选择逃避,它就像“黔之驴”,初次看到时我们很可能会被它的声势吓倒,然后放弃常识,止步不前.但是如果你真的能常识一下,你可能会发现:嘿,不过如此.这就是行动的力量.风车只有在转动是才能磨面,轮机在转动时才发电.人,只有在前进起来才有力量.遇见困难,别发愁,别呆坐着空想.行动,只有行动起来才能接触,才能丰富,才能遇见问题.问题其实对身处困境的人来说是很重要的,特别是当一个人手足无措时,如果能找到问题并解决问题,那么困难也就被解决了.所以当你遇见困难并找不到办法时,那就找问题吧!可问题怎么找,还是行动.其实行动很容易做到,对于要做的事情,先挑容易的做,当你真正投入进去时,事情就变得好办了.若是只知道浮想联翩,就如停在铁轨上的火车头,甚至对一小块木头也无能为力.如果说成功是我们的目的地,行动就是通往那儿的车.任何一个成功只被有准备,有行动的人而得到,呆呆的守望只能为别人喝彩.我们不能只对自己的未来坐打算,不要总以时间还早为理由 ,而拒绝行动.我们这个世界缺少实干家.却从来不缺少空想家.行动可以摧毁眼前的冰山,憧憬中的海市蜃楼,可以让我们看到真实的世界,让我们从中获得更多的历练.失败并不可怕,只要你认真地努力行动过.居里夫人发现并提取镭,是世界性一个成就.在这个过程中她遇到了许多的困难和一次次的失败,她若是退缩,便不会有后来的成果,但居里夫人没有放弃而是坚持实验,一次次击破坚如磐石的阻碍.这种坚强的意志正是从行动中所获取的力量,行动也是人们战胜困难的强大动力!每一次的付出,每一次的拼搏,都让我们在行动中收获.雄鹰的翱翔,骏马的狂奔,鱼儿的畅游,都在向我们证明行动的快乐.既然成功需要行动,就让我们去行动而博得成功!
扫描下载二维码求一篇英语作文 ,挺急的 要求:根据下面这段BBC新闻,以“Why is Beijing with the highest divorce rate" 为题,陈述你的观点.According to official data.Divorce rates in China have climbed for seven years in a row.In 2012,the year-on-year rise in divorces outpaced that of marriages for the first time.The Chinese city with the highest divorce rate is Beijing,at 39 percent,according to local media.要求:1.模仿Unit 4课文模式,以报道数据作为导入,引出你的观点,然后进行陈述,最后作出总结.2.注意段与段、句与句之间的衔接.3.使用It's believed that,It's claimed that,the key to doing sth,adjust to doing sth,in order for sb to do sth,lead to,play an important role in sth等课文重点句型及词组.这是大一的英语作业 没有会的么?
It is a social phenominon that divorce rate is on the rise. At first glance, it seems a retrogression of social civilization. By further analysis, it is not hard to see the social and economic reasons for it. In the past, marriage used to be confined by family backgrounds. Some talented people could not find the spouses of their hearts because of their family origin. Some were married with reluctance in their heart to those beneath them. Such a marriage can not bring happiness.  As time edvances young people put a higher standard on marriage. They want to have more in common with their life-long companion. To them, marriage is the unity of body and soul. They associate love more with esteem and admiration than with passion. Some are too young to fall in Iove. When they are in passion, they marry each other. When the passion is gone, the marriage is over. That is an irresponsible attitude. The young people would rather separate than tolerate, so they unite easily and separate quickly.  With the open-door policy, more people are getting rich. More money brings threat to the stability of marriage. Some spend money lavishly on material comforts and seek after beautiful young women. As a result, more families are broke. Money cannot buy true love and happiness.
请告诉含义什么含义,这写的还不明白么。It is a social phenominon that divorce rate is on the rise. At first glance, it seems a retrogression of social civilization. By further analysis, it is not hard to see the social a...
It is a social phenominon that divorce rate is on the rise. At first glance, it seems a retrogression of social civilization. By further analysis, it is not hard to see the social and economic reasons for it. In the past, marriage used to be confined by family backgrounds. Some talented people could not find the spouses of their hearts because of their family origin. Some were married with reluctance in their heart to those beneath them. Such a marriage can not bring happiness.  As time edvances young people put a higher standard on marriage. They want to have more in common with their life-long companion. To them, marriage is the unity of body and soul. They associate love more with esteem and admiration than with passion. 
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