a map is a raw typeyou___hed

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a map of是什么意思
a map of是什么意思 a map of在线翻译 a map of什么意思 a map of的意思 a map of的翻译 a map of的解释 a map of的发音 a map of的同义词
a map ofa map of 双语例句1. And it is far from finished, as such is the difficulty of map-making a path to a new destination.&&&&这是向一个新目标切割地图路径的艰难。2. 2. The first part of this document introduces the development background and gives a short introduction to the system. The second part includes the system instructions and technical details (including WebLogic Server, AGCGIS and J2EE). The third part introduces the main functions and includes an instruction map of the system. And the final chapter describes the design and application of the main system parts, summarizes the characteristics of the system, and details system limitations.&&&&在本文中,首先介绍系统的开发背景、系统概述、实现意义等内容;接着对系统的结构进行描述;对开发本系统相关的技术说明,其中主要包括WebLogic Server、ARCGIS、J2EE;然后介绍本系统实现的主要功能及其系统结构图;最后介绍本系统几个重要部分的设计和实现,最后总结本系统实现特点及不足。3. To supercharge the impact of the blog, you should also link to a site map on your site.&&&&博客来增压的冲击,你也应该挂一幅地图,你地盘。4. 4. You can also put in the address, location, and a link to a map from one of the mapping services like Google Maps.&&&&你也可以把地址,位置,并提供连结到地图,从其中的测绘服务,如Google地图。5. a map of的翻译5. Build a site map with a link to each of your pages. Keep it up to date.&&&&创建一个站点地图,包含站内所有的页面连接。6. Based on the analysis of Google Map and Ajax, a new framework of vector WebGIS mode is designed, and its function is realized too.&&&&本文在分析Google Map实现原理基础上,结合未来网络图形的发展趋垫,提出了一种新的基于Ajax的矢量WebGIS模式,并实现了相应的系统动能。7. The most important thing while taking on a journey is to read a map and know the basics of navigation.&&&&最重要的旅行途中工作,是看地图,知道航行的基本知识。8. 8. Class Four have a map of China.&&&&四班有一张中国地图。9. When you open a map, you may find the Sahara Desert is about the size of the US&&&&当你打开地图时,就会发现撒哈拉沙漠大约和美国的面积一样大。10. After WCG, in SW2, he said no LS, but I didn't get use to that, for in notional matches or in Asian Ladder, or in HF(a favourite game platform in China), people never agreed to play without it. So I told him to let us decide the map first, and the result was EI at that moment. Both of us were glad.&&&&WCG后SW2上他说了要去掉闪电盾,我当时就很不习惯,因为无论是在中国的比赛还是在亚洲BN上的练习赛,就是在HF上打,也从没有人说过要去掉这个东西,所以我很不习惯,我就告诉他我们先决定地图吧,当时决出来的地图是EI。11. Map as a symbol of social civilization and mapping of the end product, has a profound historical value and cultural value.&&&&&&地图作为社会文明的象征和测绘的终端产品,具有深厚的历史价值和文化价值。12. The map is a carrier of visualization for geographical information, and map symbol is main expression of map data.&&&&&&地图是地理信息可视化的载体之一,而地图符号是表达地图内容的主要形式。13. The earliest use of this map symbol, map design is a major initiative in the history.&&&&&&这幅地图最早采用写景式符号,是地图设计史上的一个重大创举。14. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD14. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.&&&&&&角度谱就是利用快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一空间点求出快慢横波的相似系数或快慢横波的振幅比值随着时间和角度的变化而形成的谱值图,拾取其极大值就得到该空间点某一时间的角度值;在研究中发现分离不同偏振方向的快慢横波应该采用不同的旋转公式,推导出了利用顺时针旋转和逆时针旋转分离快慢横波的八个公式,并给出了能量分配准则和相位一致性准则两个判别准则,在实际计算中利用这两个判别准则能唯一地确定分离快慢横波的旋转公式;根据快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一给定点和给定时窗内最大相似系数对应的延迟时间就是快慢横波的延迟时间,随着空间点的移动和时窗的滑动就可以得到快慢横波延迟时间的剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间与慢横波传播时间的比值定义为裂缝密度,并求出了裂缝密度剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间纵向上的变化值的大小反映了纵向上裂隙层对快慢横波影响的大小,定义为各向异性系数,并求出了各向异性系数的剖面图。15. a map of的近义词15. Introduce according to the personage inside course of study, electronic map is the industry of a high investment, high threshold, at present home has the unit of navigation electron cartography of first class aptitude to be 11 only, and be about every year to get on 100 million yuan with the cost that replaces at safeguarding.&&&&&&据业内人士介绍,电子地图是一个高投入、高门槛的行业,目前国内具有甲级资质的导航电子地图制作单位仅为11家,且每年用于维护更新的费用就要上亿元。16. 16. After you have attended all your meetings, and denounced Communism until you can scarcely speak, after you have dealt with your apologetics, and displayed your wonderful knowledge of theology and your understanding of the times, and your complete map of the next fifty years, and after you have read all the translations of the Bible, and have shown your proficiency in a knowledge of its mechanics, I still ask you:'What about your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ?&&&&&&你什么聚会都参加了,你声嘶力竭驳斥某种政治理论,你滔滔不绝地护教卫道,精通神学,通晓时务,对未来五十年的形势了如指掌,熟读各类圣经译本,深谙个中窍妙,我还是要问你:「你跟主耶稣基督的关系如何?17. Instead of presenting known facts onto maps, it provides a mechanism for users to visually analyze and seek unknown knowledge through effective human-map interaction and navigation across different spaces.&&&&&&它通过有效的人图交互和跨空间浏览为用户提供了一种可视分析和挖掘未知信息的机制,而不是将已知的信息呈现在地图上。18. We are happy to soft-launch this project – A Map Of Our Own – Kwun Tong Culture and Histories.&&&&&&我们很开心,可以把「我们的地图﹣﹣官塘的文化与历史」作初部的发放。19. 19. A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.&&&&&&经线,纬线,经纬度地图或地球仪上的经纬线或经纬度20. a map of20. Currently, neither cloning S and Z gene nor identifying their products was successful. Phalaris coerulescens can be used as a model plant to study SI in the Poaceae. Segregating population and comparative genomics strategy were used to map S and Z, constructing high-resolution mapping of the target loci so that map base clone S and Z genes. It is a research orientation and hot spot of self-incompatibility in Poaceae.&&&&&&目前S、Z基因的克隆和编码产物的鉴定均未有成功的报道,天蓝虉草可作为禾本自交不亲和性研究的一个模式作物,运用分离群体和比较基因组学方法构建S与Z位点的精细连锁图谱,以对自交不亲和基因进行图位克隆,是当前禾本科植物自交不亲和性研究的一个方向和热点。a map of 单语例句1. By dint of hard work over the past two years, the task force has drawn a fundamental " road map " for river basin management.2. They will have to wait until the end of the month for carbon dating, although experts have said that the map is well over a century old.3. The summit and a series of ASEAN meetings on Monday and Tuesday have created a route map that details important milestones for charting development.4. Israel's Cabinet decided earlier this week to freeze implementation of the road map until Abbas orders a clampdown.5. The map is just one among a rash of new publications that have come out to coincide with the grand event.6. Various foodstuffs are set about the perimeter of the main dining area to such a degree that a map would come in handy.7. This is an exciting opportunity to put the UK well and truly on the map as a very competent host of major international sporting events.8. A map of the conservation zone and the name of the village forest committee are displayed here.9. Discussions in boardrooms worldwide focus on the question of how to map out a better corporate strategy for China.10. This " energy map " is used to determine the correct orientation of physical elements in a given time and space.a map of是什么意思,a map of在线翻译,a map of什么意思,a map of的意思,a map of的翻译,a map of的解释,a map of的发音,a map of的同义词,a map of的反义词,a map of的例句,a map of的相关词组,a map of意思是什么,a map of怎么翻译,单词a map of是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 It's wise _____ (take) a map when you are out.We should take actions _____ (improve) our lives.You should plan what you ____ (carry)during the walk.
It's wise to take(take) a map when you are out.We should take actions to improve (improve) our lives.You should plan what you are going to carry (carry)during the walk.
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