
n. [数] 集合;一套;布景;[机] 装置
vt. 树立;点燃;点缀;
vi. (日,月)落沉;凝固;结果
adj. 固定的;规定的;固执的
n. (Set)人名;(瑞典)塞特;(俄)谢特
考 研 CET6
放置,设置,布置,安排来自古英语 settan,使坐下,放置,建造,来自 Proto-Germanic*satjan,使坐下,来自 PIE*sed, 坐下,词源同 sit,session.引申诸相关词义。 一套,一副,一组来自古法语 sette,顺序,次序,来自拉丁语 secta,追随,组织,过去分词格于 sequi,跟随,追 随,词源同 sect,sequence. 字母 c 脱落,比较 saint,sanctify.引申词义集中的东西,一套,一
set: English has two words set. The verb [OE] is simply the causative version of sit. That is to say, etymologically it means ‘cause to sit’. It comes from a prehistoric Germanic *satjan (source also of German setzen, Dutch zetten, Swedish s?tta, and Danish saette), which was a causative variant of *setjan, ancestor of English sit. Set ‘group’ [14] is essentially the same word as sect.It comes via Old French sette from Latin secta, source of English sect. It originally meant strictly a ‘group of people’, and its far broader modern application, which emerged in the 16th century, is no doubt due to association with the verb set and the notion of ‘setting’ things together.=& ; Old English settan (transitive) "cause to sit, put in some place, build, appoint, assign," from Proto-Germanic *(bi)satjan "to cause to sit, set" (cognates: Old Norse setja, Swedish s?tta, Old Saxon settian, Old Frisian setta, Dutch zetten, German setzen, Gothic satjan), causative form of PIE *sod-, variant of *sed- (1) "to sit" (see
(v.)). Also see
 Intransitive sense from c. 1200, "be seated." Used in many disparate senses by Middle E sense of "make or cause to do, act, start" and that of "mount a gemstone" attested by mid-13c. Confused with sit since early 14c. Of the sun, moon, etc., "to go down," recorded from c. 1300, perhaps from similar use of the cognates in Scandinavian languages. To set (something) on "incite to attack" (c. 1300) originally was in reference to hounds and game."fixed," c. 1200, sett, past participle of setten "to set" (see
(v.)). Meaning "ready, prepared" first recorded 1844."collection of things," mid-15c., from Old French sette "sequence," variant of secte "religious community," from Medieval Latin secta "retinue," from Latin secta "a following" (see ). "[I]n subsequent developments of meaning influenced by SET v.1 and apprehended as equivalent to 'number set together'" [OED]. The noun set was in Middle English, but only in the sense of "religious sect" (late 14c.), which likely is the direct source of some modern meanings, such as "group of persons with shared status, habits, etc." (1680s).
 Meaning "complete collection of pieces" is from 1680s. Meaning "group of pieces musicians perform at a club during 45 minutes" (more or less) is from c. 1925, though it is found in a similar sense in 1580s. Set piece is from 1846 as "grouping of people in " from 1932 in reference to literary works." condition of being set" (of a heavenly body), mid-14c., from
(v.) or its identical past participle. Many disparate senses collect under this word because of the far-flung meanings assigned to the verb: 
 "Action of hardening," 1837; also "manner or position in which something is set" (1530s), hence "general movement, direction, tendency" (1560s); "build, form" (1610s), hence "bearing, carriage" (1855); "action of fixing the hair in a particular style" (1933).
 "Something that has been set" (1510s), hence the use in tennis (1570s) and the theatrical meaning "scenery for an individual scene in a play, etc.," recorded from 1859. Other meanings OED groups under "miscellaneous technical senses" include "piece of electrical apparatus" (1891, first in telegraphy); "burrow of a badger" (1898). Old English had set "seat," in plural " stable," but OED finds it "doubtful whether this survived beyond OE." Compare
 Set (n.1) and set (n.2) are not always distingui OED has them as two entries, Century Dictionary as one. The difference of opinion seems to be whether the set meaning "group, grouping" (here (n.2)) is a borrowing of the unrelated French word that sounds like the native English one, or a borrowing of the sense only, which was absorbed into the English word.Egyptian god, from Greek Seth, from Egyptian Setesh.
1. We post up a set of rules for the house.
我们张贴了一份房屋生活守则。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.
将煎蛋饼放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。 来自柯林斯例句 3. She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.
她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。 来自柯林斯例句 4. Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.
大火当时有可能把货船上的油罐烧漏了,从而引燃原油。 来自柯林斯例句 5. The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.
设立了安全区以防止游击队员的渗入。 来自柯林斯例句set的中文解释
英音 [ set ] ; 美音 [ set ]
及物动词:1.放,置;竖立2.(只用被动语态)使坐落;使处于特定位置3.安装4.安排5.使接触(to)6.【主美】放(火);点燃(火)7.打上(印记);签(名),盖(章)(to)8.配置,部署(岗哨等);派遣,委派9.使就座10.使(鸡)孵卵;使(卵)受孵11.种,植12.镶嵌;点缀13.使朝特定方向;使移动,推动;运送14.倾注,集中(心思等)15.使处于特定状态;使开始16.使着手(做)17.(set oneself)(赛跑时)使(自己)就位;使(自己)作好准备;使(自己)致力于;使(自己)下决心18.使(牛奶等)凝结;使(胶水等)凝固19.用针固定(昆虫等)做标本20.使(染料、颜料)颜色固定不变21.卷(或做)(头发),使具有所需要的发型22.使(脸等)现出坚定不移的表情23.确定,决定(时间);规定(限度、指标、标准、界限、条件、价格、金额等);估定(价值);制定(规则等)24.确定,决定(事件)的发生时间;规定...的价格(或金额);估计(损失等);评价不及物动词:1.(日、月等)落,下沉;(势力等)衰落2.凝结;凝固3.(燃料、颜料)固着,固定4.(头发)被卷(或做)成所需要的发型5.(金属)变形6.(脸)现出坚定不移的表情;沉下;(眼睛等)变得呆滞,变得固定不动7.搁住8.(起跑前)就位9.(衣着)合身;(举止等)适合10.(鸡)孵卵11.(潮水等)流动;(风)吹;具有特定倾向12.(花、果树)结果;(果实)结成13.(身体等)成熟,定型14.(方形舞、乡村舞中与舞伴)相对而舞a.1.(时间等)预先确定的,约定的;规定的2.(书本等由教师或主试人为学生)指定的3.凝结的;凝固的4.固定不动的;呆滞的5.固定不变的;固执的6.坚决的7.习用的;老一套的8.故意的9.作好准备的10.很有可能的,即将发生的11.顽强的;(天气)持续的12.(机器等)不能移动的;成为物件的固定部分的13.两军对阵的14.位置(或身材)...的15.(饭店供应的饭菜)定菜定价的n.1.一套,一副,一组;整套用具2.集子3.一群人;一帮人4.【美口】街头团伙5.【英】(学生按能力分的)组,教学班6.(蛋的)一窝;一窝蛋7.电气(或电子)器械8.(连续演奏的)爵士(或流行)乐组9.(方形舞、乡村舞中舞蹈者排列的)基本队形10.【诗】(日月等的)沉落,下沉11.凝结;凝固12.卷头发,做头发;做成的发型;头发定型液13.(身体或其部位的)姿势,形状,模样14.(尤指衣着穿戴在身上时的)样子15.(舞台、电影等的)布景16.苗,秧,插条17.(墙壁上的)最后一道灰泥18.(煤矿巷道的)支架,棚子19.(金属等因受压力而形成的)变形;弯曲;倾斜;(锯齿的)倾角20.(水流、风等的)方向21.趋势;倾向;爱好
More worship the rising than the setting sun.
a manicure set
Set a plough
A set of stamps
Download Settings
Set as homepage
set as homepage
A set of encyclopedia.
Olympic set
Set a razor
being below the horizon
fixed and unmoving
set down according to a plan:
(usually followed by to' or for') on the point of or strongly disposed
converted to solid form (as concrete)
set in type
apply or start
adapt for performance in a different way
put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground
fix in a border
n. 六重唱曲,十四行诗
n. 古代罗马的货币单位
n. 古代罗马的货币单位
  give away赠送、分发
  give back还给
  give in让步、投降
  give off散发出
  give out分发、发放
  give up放弃
  He has failed several times, but he won‘t_____。
  A.go e on C.get up D.give up
  a set of一套 set an example树立榜样
  set fire to对……放火 set off动身、激起、引起
  set up建立、创立、开办
  The Chinese Communist Party was____in 1921。
  A.put up B.taken up C.made up D.set up


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