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最近在看《英语的原理》这本书,启发良多,跟大家分享一下。&br&1.动作的表达。以人为中心的汉语中,最为发达的是表达人行为的动词;而在倡导人和事物平等的英语里,表现人或事物的名词自然是相对来讲使用频率比较高的词了。所以说基本动词have,take,make,get之后紧跟名词的形式是英语中常用的语法,而且在名词前,可以自由加上修饰的形容词。比如,have a bath, take a shower, make a decision, take a short shower, make a quick decision.&br&2.介词的使用。汉语经常把人的动作直接表现出来,而英语经常使用表现空间指向的介词和名词相结合的词组形式来表现人的动作。比如,on the line, on a diet, on medicine.英语也会用这种搭配表示状态。比如,be on edge, be on bins and needles.在英语口语中,相对于高难度的动词,老外们喜欢化难为易,使用一些简单不及物动词+介词的词组表达,比如,look up to, look through, look into, ask around, hang around, nose around.&br&对照平常自己总是用中文的思维来表达英文的习惯还真的是要多加注意!
最近在看《英语的原理》这本书,启发良多,跟大家分享一下。 1.动作的表达。以人为中心的汉语中,最为发达的是表达人行为的动词;而在倡导人和事物平等的英语里,表现人或事物的名词自然是相对来讲使用频率比较高的词了。所以说基本动词have,take,make,get…
社交帐号登录Developing a standalone Java application for WebSphere MQ
J2EE applications that use Java Messaging Service (JMS) messaging are
common, and there's plenty of documentation on how to make them work well.
What is less well-documented is how to make a Java 2 Standard Edition
(J2SE) application -- one without the benefits of an application server --
using a JMS messaging provider. This article shows how to make a
standalone Java application work with WebSphere MQ as a JMS and JNDI
client. Such an application can still take advantage of JMS asynchronous
messaging without having to be deployed in a J2EE application server, such
as IBM WebSphere Application Server.Why a standalone
application?The first question one might ask is: Why configure a standalone application
to use asynchronous messaging? J2SE is designed for developing simple
applications that usually run in a single Java virtual machine (JVM) on
one computer. The applications that generally use messaging are developed
on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform, which provides a variety
of services for enterprise applications, including messaging. Messaging is
provided by JMS, which includes a standard API for accessing messaging
systems. JMS applications also use the Java Naming and Directory Interface
(JNDI) API to access the messaging system's managed resources, namely
connection factories and destinations.Even an application designed to run for a single user on the desktop may
need to integrate with other applications and services. Such an
application can benefit from using asynchronous messaging to do so, and,
as a Java application, should use the JMS API (with JNDI) to perform
messaging.Standalone JMSYou may already have an application written that uses JMS and JNDI. This
article includes a
containing a
simple example of JMS clients which run via main() methods. While this is
hardly a useful application, it is adequate to demonstrate messaging. We
will walk through how we modified the sample application to work with
WebSphere MQ; you would make similar changes to your application.The sample application works much like a J2EE program in that it uses JNDI
to access managed resources (connection factories and destinations) from
the JMS provider, and uses JMS to send and receive messages. (The
application does not use message-driven beans because those are a type of
Enterprise JavaBean™, and would require this application to be a
J2EE application.)The configuration shown in this article makes the following
assumptions:You are using WebSphere MQ V5.3 for Microsoft® Windows®.
Versions for other platforms should work as well but have not been
tested.WebSphere MQ is installed on your local machine (which is referred to
in the URLs as localhost).Your WebSphere MQ installation has a queue manager named
QMGR whose TCP listener is running on port
1414.If your WebSphere MQ installation is different, you will need to modify
these instructions and samples accordingly.Developing
point-to-pointFirst we will look at how to set up point-to-point messaging using queues.
Configuring the application and the messaging system requires the
following steps:The code modifications necessary are minimal, and in fact can be limited to
modifying a jndi.properties file if your code uses one. The
main change related to your code is to modify the script for running the
code so that it has the necessary Java application resource (JAR) files on
its classpath.1. Obtain and install support
pacs for WebSphere MQThis example uses WebSphere MQ Version 5.3. Out of the box, this version
does not provide everything you need to support a JMS program. It includes
an implementation of the JMS interface, but not the JNDI interface. To add
support for JNDI to WebSphere MQ, you need to install support pac
ME01 (WebSphere MQ Initial Context), which in turn requires
support pac MS0B (MQSeries Java classes for PCF). (See .)To install these support pacs, simply unzip them. Each contains a JAR file
you'll need later. (The sample scripts assume you add the JAR files to the
WebSphere MQ Java\lib directory.) Other than making sure you
have the JAR files available and reading the accompanying documentation,
there's no further installation to perform.2. Modify your application's JNDI
code to use the support pacsIn a J2EE application, using JNDI is pretty easy. You simply create an
InitialContext (with no parameters) and start using it. This
is because the J2EE container manages the JNDI contexts, including the one
for the component (Web application or EJB class) that contains your code. For a J2SE (standalone) application, there is no J2EE container managing
the JNDI contexts, just a simpler J2SE container (basically a plain JVM).
The component model is much simpler -- no Web applications, no EJBs -- so
all code has the same JNDI context. Therefore, establishing an initial
JNDI context requires more work in J2SE.In J2EE, you can usually simply say: Context context = new InitialContext();with no parameters and get the JNDI context you need. In J2SE, creating the initial context is a little more difficult. You need
to use a different constructor, InitialContext(Hashtable),
like this:Properties env = new Properties();
// fill in the context properties
Context context = new InitialContext(env);The context properties tell JNDI what context you want so that it can
create the right one for you. In this case, we want one for accessing
WebSphere MQ, namely the instance we have installed. To do so, we use code
like this:Properties env = new Properties();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:1414/SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN");
Context context = new InitialContext(env);This code sets a pair of context properties:INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY The name of the class
JNDI we will use to create the InitialContext. Because we want to
access WebSphere MQ through JNDI, the initial context factory we use
is a WebSphere MQ class. (This class is provided by the ME01 support
pac described above.)PROVIDER_URLSpecifies how to find our running
WebSphere MQ installation. Much like the URL for an HTML file or a
JDBC data source, the information in this URL tells JNDI how to find
and access WebSphere MQ using the implementation provided by the
support pac.Your PROVIDER_URL may need to differ from the value shown here. If your
WebSphere MQ install is on a different computer from the one you will run
your client application on, you need to change localhost to
the hostname or IP address of the WebSphere MQ machine. Likewise, port
1414 is the default listener port number for the first queue
manager in WebSphere MQ. If your install's port number is different, or
you want to use a different queue manager, you need to specify its
port.And that's it. That's all the code you need to change, the code for
instantiating an initial JNDI context. From there, your code works the
same. It uses JNDI to access the JMS connection factory and JMS queue, and
uses them to send and receive messages. You can even store these JNDI
context properties in a properties file (the standard name is
jndi.properties) and then modify them without having to
change (and recompile and re-JAR) any code at all.3. Modify the administration tool
to use the support pacsThe JMS administration tool for WebSphere MQ is called
JMSAdmin.bat, located in the Java\bin directory
of the MQ install directory. It needs to be modified to use the
MS0B and ME01 support pacs.Modify the script's classpath to add the support pacs'
com.ibm.mq.pcf.jar and mqcontext.jar JAR files,
something like this (if the JAR files were in the bin directory, which
isn't really a good place):set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;mqcontext.com.ibm.mq.pcf.jarThe script will use the new classpath when it runs the administration
class, com.ibm.mq.jms.admin.JMSAdmin.The JMS administration tool's configuration file,
JMSAdmin.config, also needs to be modified. Add lines to the
file (and comment out any corresponding lines) to make the following
PROVIDER_URL=localhost:1414/SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONNAgain, the URL for your installation may be different. In any case, these
values are the same as what you used in your application's JNDI code.
(JMSAdmin is just another WebSphere MQ client, just like your
application.)4. Configure WebSphere MQ with
the necessary JMS resourcesThe JMS administration tool runs interactively, but it is easier to have it
process a script that can be edited and run repeatedly. The script's
file by convention, the extension is .scp. In this
example, the filename is sampleconfig.scp. The two lines of interest right
now are these:def qcf(SampleQCF) qmgr(QMGR) tran(client) chan(SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN) +
host(localhost) port(1414)
def q(SampleQueue) qmgr(QMGR) qu(SAMPLE.QUEUE)These two lines create a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory with
the JNDI name SampleQCF and a javax.jms.Queue
named SampleQueue. This script assumes the queue manager is
named QMGR; modify the script if your queue manager is named
differently. Like the PROVIDER_URL value used earlier, if
your install is running on a different machine or your queue manager is
running on a different port, you will need to modify these settings in
your script.Once the script is ready, you run it from a command line like this:C:\WebSphere MQ\Java\bin& JMSAdmin -v & sampleconfig.scpIn the WebSphere MQ Explorer, you should now see a queue named SampleQueue
in the Console Root\WebSphere MQ\Queue Managers\QMGR\Queues folder.5. Create or modify an
application execution script that uses the support pacsThe sample scripts for running the JMS clients require these items in the
classpath:JMS API:%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/lib/jms.jarJ2EE Connector API:
%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/lib/connector.jarWebSphere MQ client:
%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/lib/com.ibm.mq.jarWebSphere MQ JMS implementation:
%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/lib/com.ibm.mqjms.jarMS0B support pac JAR file: com.ibm.mq.pcf.jarME01 support pac JAR file: mqcontext.jarAs explained earlier, the application's JNDI code must set the
If those settings are being read from a jndi.properties file, it will need
to be in the application's classpath as well.6. Run the applicationNow we're ready to test the application. Open two command windows, one for
the sender and one for the receiver. Go to the directory with the sample
code, and run the sender and receiver. Then type in a message like,
this is a test. You should see this in the sender window:C:\standalonewmq& StandaloneSender
java -cp "standalonewmq.. . ." com.ibm.examples.StandaloneSender
Sender started.
Enter a message: this is a test
Sent message &this is a test& with ID &ID:414d5120. . .&
Enter a message:
Sender stopped.
C:\standalonewmq& And this is what you should see in the receiver window:C:\standalonewmq& StandaloneReceiver
java -cp " standalonewmq.. . ." com.ibm.examples.StandaloneReceiver
Receiver started.
Received message &this is a test& with ID &ID:414d5120. . .&
Receiver stopped.
C:\standalonewmq&The result shows that a message containing this is a test with
an ID ending in
was sent and received. The example
publish/subscribeThe sample application also includes a publisher and subscriber for a
topic. This publish/subscribe example assumes you have already done the
setup for point-to-point messaging. The following additional steps are
required:We already performed the other steps when we setup WebSphere MQ for the
point-to-point part of the example. 1. Obtain and install the
publish/subscribe support pac for WebSphere MQWebSphere MQ V5.3 does not include support for publish/subscribe. For that,
you need to add support pac MA0C (WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) -
Publish/Subscribe). The latest fix packs for WebSphere MQ V5.3 (such as Fix Pack 8, CSD08)
include MA0C, so if you already have a recent fix pack installed, you can
skip installing MA0C. If you're not sure whether or not you have the
support pac installed, go ahead and try to install it. If it is already
installed, the installer will simply tell you so and then automatically
exit.To install the support pac, download it (see ), run it, and follow the instructions in the
wizard.2. Configure WebSphere MQ for
publish/subscribe and start the brokerOnce you have the publish/subscribe support pac installed, you need to
configure and start it. At this point, if you were to try running the
publisher or subscriber (go ahead and try, if you like), you would get
this error:javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS5087: Unexpected error 2085
accessing internal queue SYSTEM.JMS.REPORT.QUEUEThis error indicates that the internal queues WebSphere MQ requires to
support JMS publish/subscribe have not been created. To create these
queues, run the program runmqsc in the WebSphere MQ bin
directory (not the Java\bin directory) with the configuration file
MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc on the appropriate queue manager (again,
assuming your queue manager is named QMGR). When you run the command, you
should see output like this:C:\WebSphere MQ\bin& runmqsc QMGR & MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc
8 MQSC commands read.
No commands have a syntax error.
All valid MQSC commands were processed.Make sure the queue manager's publish/subscribe broker is running. To
check, run the dspmqbrk command. It's probably not running,
so the output looks like this:C:\WebSphere MQ\bin& dspmqbrk -m QMGR
MQSeries Publish/Subscribe broker for queue manager QMGR not activeTo start it, run the command strmqbrk:C:\WebSphere MQ\bin& strmqbrk -m QMGR
MQSeries Publish/Subscribe broker started for queue manager QMGR.If you run dspmqbrk again, this time it should say that the
broker is running. (You can stop it later by running
endmqbrk -m QMGR.)3. Configure WebSphere MQ with
the necessary JMS resourcesWe now need to configure WebSphere MQ with a topic connection factory and a
topic. If you already ran the sampleconfig.scp earlier:C:\WebSphere MQ\Java\bin& JMSAdmin -v & sampleconfig.scpthen you have already created these resources and don't need to run it
again. But let's take a look at what this part of the script is doing. The
two relevant lines from the configuration script are these (again,
assuming your queue manager is named QMGR):def tcf(SampleTCF) qmgr(QMGR)
def t(SampleTopic) topic(sampletopic)The first line creates a javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
registered in JNDI under the name SampleTCF. The second line
creates a javax.jms.Topic named SampleTopic.4. Create or modify an
application execution scriptThe sample scripts for running the JMS clients must have the classpath
items listed for point-to-point. In addition, the publish/subscribe
support uses XA (that is, distributed transactions), so the scripts also
need this item in the classpath:the JTA API:%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/lib/jta.jar5. Run the applicationWe are now ready to test publishing. Open three command windows, one for
the publisher and two for two subscribers. Go to the directory with the
sample code, and run the publisher and subscribers. Then type in a
message, like broadcast this and you should see this in the
publisher window:C:\standalonewmq& StandalonePublisher
java -cp "standalonewmq.. . ." com.ibm.examples.StandalonePublisher
Publisher started.
Enter a message: broadcast this
Published message &broadcast this& with ID &ID:414d5120. . .20005b02&
Enter a message:
Publisher stopped.
C:\standalonewmq&You should see this in one subscriber window:C:\standalonewmq& StandaloneSubscriber
java -cp "standalonewmq.. . ." com.ibm.examples.StandaloneSubscriber
Subscriber started.
Received message &broadcast this& with ID &ID:414d5120. . .&
Subscriber stopped.
C:\standalonewmq&And this in the other subscriber window:C:\standalonewmq& StandaloneSubscriber
java -cp "standalonewmq.. . ." com.ibm.examples.StandaloneSubscriber
Subscriber started.
Received message &broadcast this& with ID &ID:414d5120. . .&
Subscriber stopped.
C:\standalonewmq&The single published message was sent to both subscribers. Each
subscriber's message has a different ID because each subscriber gets its
own copy of the message.ConclusionIn this article, we've seen how a J2SE application can use WebSphere MQ
using JMS and JNDI, without needing to be deployed in a J2EE container
(such as WebSphere Application Server). We have seen:How to get the proper JNDI initial context.How to set the classpath appropriately using the JAR files included
with WebSphere MQ.What support pacs you need and how to use them.How to configure WebSphere MQ.How to administer WebSphere MQ resources so that they can be accessed
as JMS resources using JNDI.You are now prepared to convert your existing applications and develop new
Downloadable resources (StandaloneWMQCode.zip | 16 KB)Related topicsThe The
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