
apple id 密码提示问题 怎么修改_百度知道天气逐渐转冷,娱乐精神依然炙热,接近年关无论游戏/影视/生活百态都会引来一大波的爆...
随页游兴盛的 VIP 模式也注定要随着页游而死,哪怕藏在手游里,它也命不久矣?
相信有不少的朋友还是会对“巨大”的 iPad Pro 情有独钟。
iPhone 7系毫无疑问是苹果有史以来防水性能最佳的iPhone。
这款采用了匹配的铝合金风格,造型更薄,目前已经在亚马逊上市,售价 39.99 美元。
现在在游戏世界里,我们同样可以感受到那种天马行空的快乐。本周,游戏开发商Weedo Te...
《NBA 2K17》无疑是目前最为精致的篮球游戏,而也正是这份精致让它即便是在移动平台也...
前暴雪工作人员 Till Aschwanden 和 Rainer Zottl 在离职之后组建了属于自己的独立游...
这款采用了匹配的铝合金风格,造型更薄,目前已经在亚马逊上市,售价 39.99 美元。
不得不说,这个Note 7爆炸的梗还可以玩很久。
这款 Auxillite 拥有一个非常迷你的机身,其左右两侧向用户提供有 Lightning 和 3.5mm...
oZoKase 拥有一个可以滑动的前置摄像头,它采用的是 1600 万像素感光元件,同时还配有...
有记者走访了美国当地的一些苹果零售店后发现,两款新的Apple Watch相当抢手。
IPHONE 4 不开机,黑屏无限DFU,可连电脑,刷机可显示,到进度条不动,有图
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间187 小时 UID
小苹果, 积分 23, 距离下一级还需 27 积分
妖机 16G有锁,掉过地之后黑屏,试过ITUNES、红雪、刷机助手,刷机好多次,几天一直在刷,每次都是出现进度条就不动,试过几台电脑,几条数据线,还是一样,不知道是不是硬件问题,硬件的话坏那里?
爱思助手 刷机&&助手显示(正在发送Restore配置文件............................),手机屏幕白苹果下面有进度条, 也就不动了,搞了好几次都是一样
iPod Touch4
[ 11:04:34 ]
[ 11:04:35 ]
产品类型: iPhone3,1
设备型号: iPhone4
[ 11:04:38 ]
[ 11:04:38 ]
[ 11:04:38 ]
[ 11:04:38 ]
[ 11:04:38 ]
正在加载DFU Loader.......................成功!
[ 11:04:41 ]
[ 11:04:49 ]
正在加载DFU Loader.......................成功!
[ 11:04:51 ]
[ 11:04:59 ]
正在加载DFU Loader.......................成功!
[ 11:05:02 ]
[ 11:05:35 ]
[ 11:05:36 ]
[ 11:05:36 ]
[ 11:05:59 ]
[ 11:05:59 ]
[ 11:06:04 ]
[ 11:06:25 ]
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间286 小时 UID
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间346 小时 UID
专营沁人牌 黛安芬 内
引用第1楼kaimin007于 11:25发表的
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间0 小时 UID
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间2063 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间286 小时 UID
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间187 小时 UID
回 5楼(kaimin007) 的帖子
引用第5楼kaimin007于 11:30发表的
:要不下载爱思助手试试,更新了好多刷机错误的,手机如果之前装了好多东西的话,就多等等,......爱思助手 刷机
助手显示(正在发送Restore配置文件............................),手机屏幕白苹果下面有进度条, 也就不动了,,,,,搞了好几次都是一样
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间131 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间630 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间55 小时 UID
沪公网安备 29号 | 沪ICP备号-1
Powered by Discuz!iphone4s升级ios7失败用爱思刷机总是发送Restore配置文件失败...,白苹果了,开不_百度知道天气逐渐转冷,娱乐精神依然炙热,接近年关无论游戏/影视/生活百态都会引来一大波的爆...
随页游兴盛的 VIP 模式也注定要随着页游而死,哪怕藏在手游里,它也命不久矣?
相信有不少的朋友还是会对“巨大”的 iPad Pro 情有独钟。
iPhone 7系毫无疑问是苹果有史以来防水性能最佳的iPhone。
这款采用了匹配的铝合金风格,造型更薄,目前已经在亚马逊上市,售价 39.99 美元。
现在在游戏世界里,我们同样可以感受到那种天马行空的快乐。本周,游戏开发商Weedo Te...
《NBA 2K17》无疑是目前最为精致的篮球游戏,而也正是这份精致让它即便是在移动平台也...
前暴雪工作人员 Till Aschwanden 和 Rainer Zottl 在离职之后组建了属于自己的独立游...
这款采用了匹配的铝合金风格,造型更薄,目前已经在亚马逊上市,售价 39.99 美元。
不得不说,这个Note 7爆炸的梗还可以玩很久。
这款 Auxillite 拥有一个非常迷你的机身,其左右两侧向用户提供有 Lightning 和 3.5mm...
oZoKase 拥有一个可以滑动的前置摄像头,它采用的是 1600 万像素感光元件,同时还配有...
有记者走访了美国当地的一些苹果零售店后发现,两款新的Apple Watch相当抢手。
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间3 小时 UID
红苹果, 积分 250, 距离下一级还需 250 积分
最近springboard经常崩溃 求大神分析
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[2]=& 0x0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[1]=& 0x1C0706
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[0]=& 0x48081B8
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: pmu wake events: menu
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMobileADBE0::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 0 -& 0 fDisplay: 0 -& 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleOscarProcessor[0xffffff8]::setPowerStateGated: 41: setting power state powerStateOrdinal=1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 649 wlan.N[2754] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():& &powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff (this 1, provider 0)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 668 wlan.N[2755] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOnSystem():&&: Powering On
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 674 wlan.N[2756] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn():&&stateFlags(20001)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 684 wlan.N[2757] AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSIC::doReconnectBus():&&Port Action ACTION_START
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleD2045PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleD2045PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: sleeping waiting for endpoint to wake up again.
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone CommCenter[23]: Telling CSI to exit low power.
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[780]: uh-oh, the device went to sleep without disabling matching... forcibly re-enabling.
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone wifid[75]: _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 1, reason -, subreason 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone configd[36]: store_notifier: changedKeys &array& {
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone configd[36]:& &0 : State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone configd[36]: }
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone powerd[64]: Wake [CDNVA]&&: Using BATT (Charge:66%)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: IO80211VirtualInterface::handleSIOCSIFFLAGS: ( flags & IFF_UP ) = true, _controllerLostPower = 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg =
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMobileADBE0::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 0 -& 1 fDisplay: 0 -& 1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Wrap
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 789 wlan.N[2758] AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSIC::attachBusGated():&&AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSIC (0xffffff) --&&-- AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceHSICShim (0xffffff809b4e6a00)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 054 wlan.C[2759] AppleBCMWLANPacketTransmitter::enablePropTxStatus():&&Proptx state 1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: IO80211VirtualInterface::handleSIOCSIFFLAGS: ( flags & IFF_UP ) = true, _controllerLostPower = 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: IO80211VirtualInterface::handleSIOCSIFFLAGS: ( flags & IFF_UP ) = false, _controllerLostPower = 0
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255-&6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone CommCenter[23]: Release assertion for reason: operation queue is empty
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone cplogd[1006]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.appsupport.cplogd [cplogd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone cplogd[1006]: Starting.
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&6
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -& 1
Jan 27 09:49:19 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x227)
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&3
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidUnlock] &UB-------&
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: keytrace -[UbiqitousKVSProxy processKeyChangedEvent:] &UB-------& handled:&&null:&&pending:
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone profiled[1008]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.managedconfiguration.profiled [profiled] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:21 wenbo-de-iPhone profiled[1008]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone ReportCrash[1010]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [ReportCrash] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone ReportCrash[1010]: ReportCrash acting against PID 780
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone ReportCrash[1010]: Formulating crash report for process SpringBoard[780]
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: System app &com.apple.SpringBoard& has died. Waiting for it to spawn again...
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_cleanup_client:505 cleaned up client 0x with pid 780, connection 0x
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SpringBoard[780]): (com.apple.SpringBoard) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone sharingd[67]: XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone imagent[43]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &The operation couldn,??t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone imagent[43]: [Warning] Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.apple.private.icfcallserver&&((null):780)
Jan 27 09:49:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilemail[0x2d1c][794]): (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilemail[0x2d1c]) Could not terminate job: 3: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilemail[0x2d1c][794]): (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilemail[0x2d1c]) Using fallback option to terminate job...
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilemail[0x2d1c]. Error: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xafa2][822]): (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xafa2]) Could not terminate job: 3: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xafa2][822]): (UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xafa2]) Using fallback option to terminate job...
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xafa2]. Error: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.tencent.mqq[0xab9]. Error: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.apple.MobileSMS[0x6602]. Error: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.tencent.pao[0xdc4f]. Error: No such process
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.springboard [SpringBoard] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: Entering Safe Mode
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process &unknown process& (process ID = 780)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process &unknown process& (process ID = 780)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone CMFSyncAgent[356]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &The operation couldn,??t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MobileSafety.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone CMFSyncAgent[356]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &The operation couldn,??t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector touchesEnded:withEvent:
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector mouseDown:
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _updateTimeString
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _finishUnlockWithSound:unlockSource:isAutoUnlock:
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockSource:
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockType:
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone CMFSyncAgent[356]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &The operation couldn,??t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: message not found [SBIconController showInfoAlertIfNeeded]
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector maxIconColumns
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIImage defaultDesktopImage]
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector tile
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: Telling the system app that it can start immediately
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone CMFSyncAgent[356]: [Warning] Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.municationsfilter&&((null):822)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone ReportCrash[1010]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/SpringBoard_-094922_wenbo-de-iPhone.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone MGLocHelper[1014]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.MobileGestalt.MGLocHelper [MGLocHelper] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Loaded logger: SBAppInstallationLog
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Loaded logger: SBIconLog
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Loaded logger: SBWorkspaceLogging
Jan 27 09:49:22 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: -[BKSystemAppSentinel lock_notePresenceOfSystemApp:] Now monitoring &com.apple.SpringBoard&
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string SBNonDefaultSystemAppTag is not a valid gestalt question
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string hidden is not a valid gestalt question
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: any-telephony is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: magnetometer is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: nike-ipod is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Missing or invalid box size, using 8 (downsample factor = 4)
Jan 27 09:49:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: (Note ) MC: Locking device immediately.
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3-&6
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: lockdown says the device is: [Activated], state is 3
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: lockdown says we've previously registered: [1], state is 1
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: connection 0x13fe19a30 to daemon created
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: listener connection 0x13fe355d0 created
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fe39b10 xpc send -& client create
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fe39b10 create xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fe39b10 xpc send -& destroy client
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fe39b10 destroy xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: cleaning up connection 0x13fe19a30 to daemon
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: cleaning up listener connection 0x13fe355d0
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: releasing client 0x13fe39b10
Jan 27 09:49:23 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1017]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [voiced] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:24 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Using your own bundle identifier as an NSUserDefaults suite name does not make sense and will not work. Break on _NSUserDefaults_Log_Nonsensical_Suites to find this
Jan 27 09:49:24 wenbo-de-iPhone CommCenterMobileHelper[1019]: MS:Notice: Injecting: mcentermobilehelper [CommCenterMobileHelper] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:24 wenbo-de-iPhone vsassetd[1015]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [vsassetd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone touchsetupd[207]: WPTransfer deallocing
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_event_callback:1683 REMOVE event 0x0 with token 5
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_event_callback:1697 ADD event with pid 1012, msg_type 1, token 6
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_client_add:471 adding client 0x with pid 1012, connection 0x
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:__spd_get_listener_connection_block_invoke:1642 listener 0x got peer 0x (pid 1012)
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:25 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Jan 27 09:49:26: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x17023bce0)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion&&(asserttype:5245592 with error 1)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1012 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: launchd[1021] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/-CF7B-4EB7-812C-CA17 (sandbox)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: connection 0x13fd853d0 to daemon created
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: listener connection 0x13fd0bab0 created
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fd4ca70 xpc send -& client create
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fd4ca70 create xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fd4ca70 xpc send -& destroy client
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: client 0x13fd4ca70 destroy xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: cleaning up connection 0x13fd853d0 to daemon
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: cleaning up listener connection 0x13fd0bab0
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1012]: releasing client 0x13fd4ca70
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: WiFi: Consulting &no-sdio-devices& property.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: WiFi: &no-sdio-devices& property not found.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion&&(asserttype:5245592 with error 1)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: SIMToolkit plugin for SpringBoard initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: Sharing Plugin initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: WiFi: Consulting &no-sdio-devices& property.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: WiFi: &no-sdio-devices& property not found.
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: WiFi picker plugin initialized
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: {MediaLibrary} Database validation succeeded
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1012 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone DuetLST[1022]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [DuetLST] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:26 wenbo-de-iPhone passd[1024]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.passd [passd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1017]: {MediaLibrary} Database validation succeeded
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: received an event from daemon to register w/ locationd
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone locationd[44]: Launch Services: Registering unknown app identifier com.apple.PassKit failed
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone locationd[44]: Launch Services: Unable to find app identifier com.apple.PassKit
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone accountsd[156]:
09:49:27.216 accountsd[156:15991]: Cannot check access to a private account type: (null)
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: ALS: Esensor: 2655.00 Luser: 79.6331 Eth_dyn=300.00 _Mmax=1.5915 _Mmin=0.0637 slope=0.0637
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x17023ca20)
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1012]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion&&(asserttype:5245592 with error 1)
Jan 27 09:49:27 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1012 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Jan 27 09:49:28 wenbo-de-iPhone syncdefaultsd[1026]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.syncdefaultsd [syncdefaultsd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:29 wenbo-de-iPhone syncdefaultsd[1026]: (Note ) SYDAccount: no account
Jan 27 09:49:32 wenbo-de-iPhone calaccessd[1028]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.calaccessd [calaccessd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:33 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:33 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1
Jan 27 09:49:33 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidLock] &LB-------&
Jan 27 09:49:35 wenbo-de-iPhone mDNSResponder[46]: WiFiD2D_startBrowsingForKey: 0
Jan 27 09:49:35: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:35 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 502 wlan.N[2760] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests() Added Browsing Service
Jan 27 09:49:35 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 531 wlan.N[2761] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::interfaceStateChange(): Interface link is down, nothing to do source Mdns
Jan 27 09:49:35 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 832 wlan.N[2762] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests() Added Browsing Service
Jan 27 09:49:35 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 853 wlan.N[2763] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::interfaceStateChange(): Interface link is down, nothing to do source Mdns
Jan 27 09:49:37 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:37 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
Jan 27 09:49:37 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[779]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&3
Jan 27 09:49:37 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidUnlock] &UB-------&
Jan 27 09:49:37 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: keytrace -[UbiqitousKVSProxy processKeyChangedEvent:] &UB-------& handled:&&null:&&pending:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1017]: Error (hex) (int)- at /SourceCache/VoiceServices/VoiceServices-225.1/Daemon/VSSpeechServer.m:1286 (destroying TTS instance)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process voiced (process ID = 1017)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process &unknown process& (process ID = 1017)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone sharingd[67]: XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_cleanup_client:505 cleaned up client 0x with pid 1012, connection 0x
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone imagent[43]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 &The operation couldn,??t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)&
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone imagent[43]: [Warning] Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.apple.private.icfcallserver&&(SpringBoard:1012)
Jan 27 09:49:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::swapping_client_will_stop(IOMobileFramebufferUserClient *), AppleMobileADBE0, client (0x0xffffff809ac34400) going to wait on swap
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::swapping_client_will_stop(IOMobileFramebufferUserClient *), AppleMobileADBE0, client (0x0xffffff809ac34400) exiting wait on swap
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone mDNSResponder[46]: WiFiD2D_stopBrowsingForKey: 0
Jan 27 09:49:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 283 wlan.N[2764] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests() Deleted Browsing Service
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 303 wlan.N[2765] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::interfaceStateChange(): Interface link is down, nothing to do source Mdns
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 450 wlan.N[2766] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests() Deleted Browsing Service
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: 460 wlan.N[2767] IO80211AWDLPeerManager::interfaceStateChange(): Interface link is down, nothing to do source Mdns
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process &unknown process& (process ID = 1012)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process &unknown process& (process ID = 1012)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.backboardd[779]): (com.apple.backboardd) Exited: Terminated: 15
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.backboardd [backboardd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.springboard [SpringBoard] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/AppList.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/CCSettings.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: objc[1031]: Class SBControlCenterSectionView is implemented in both /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard and /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/CCSettings.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 5 HID plugins
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/DockShift.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/HiddenSettings7.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255-&0 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/LocalIAPStore.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isSubscriptionActive:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isFeaturePurchased:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector hasConfigurationError
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector hasClientError
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector hasServerError
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector transactionVerified
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector transactionIsDuplicate
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector clientServerTimeMismatch
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector validationExpired
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isTestDevice
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isJailbroken
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector objectWithString:error:
Jan 27 09:49:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector getState
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector subscribed
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector hasReceipt:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isFree
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector parseJSON:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector isFree
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector validateStatus
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector canStartDownloading
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setObject:forKey:
Jan 27 09:49:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: message not found [NSObject setObject:forKey:]
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setObject:forKey:
Jan 27 09:49:39 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/PhoneLocationLite.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: __hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x pthread_self=0x
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: ____IOHIDSessionScheduleAsync_block_invoke: thread_id=0x
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: ALS: open: legacy auto brightness plugin _plugInEnabled=false
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: open
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: _backlight=0x19303
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: scheduleWithDispatchQueue
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: scheduleWithDispatchQueue: 0x
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: HID: Display IOHIDDisplaySetProperty: LogLevel = 6
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: HID Session async scheduling complete.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone locationd[44]: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: __hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x pthread_self=0x
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone biometrickitd[186]: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: Migration complete (if performed). (Elapsed time: 0.01 seconds)
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RocketBootstrap.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: -[BKSystemAppSentinel lock_bootstrap]: Telling the system app that it can start
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone MGLocHelper[1035]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.MobileGestalt.MGLocHelper [MGLocHelper] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Loaded logger: SBAppInstallationLog
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Loaded logger: SBIconLog
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Loaded logger: SBWorkspaceLogging
Jan 27 09:49:40 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: -[BKSystemAppSentinel lock_notePresenceOfSystemApp:] Now monitoring &com.apple.SpringBoard&
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string SBNonDefaultSystemAppTag is not a valid gestalt question
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string hidden is not a valid gestalt question
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: any-telephony is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: magnetometer is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: nike-ipod is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Missing or invalid box size, using 8 (downsample factor = 4)
Jan 27 09:49:41: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: (Note ) MC: Locking device immediately.
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 0-&255
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: lockdown says the device is: [Activated], state is 3
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: lockdown says we've previously registered: [1], state is 1
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: connection 0x13ce507f0 to daemon created
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: listener connection 0x13ce50560 created
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13ce51030 xpc send -& client create
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13ce51030 create xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13ce51030 xpc send -& destroy client
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13ce51030 destroy xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: cleaning up connection 0x13ce507f0 to daemon
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: cleaning up listener connection 0x13ce50560
Jan 27 09:49:41 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: releasing client 0x13ce51030
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1036]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [voiced] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Using your own bundle identifier as an NSUserDefaults suite name does not make sense and will not work. Break on _NSUserDefaults_Log_Nonsensical_Suites to find this
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone CommCenterMobileHelper[1038]: MS:Notice: Injecting: mcentermobilehelper [CommCenterMobileHelper] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone touchsetupd[207]: WPTransfer deallocing
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_event_callback:1683 REMOVE event 0x0 with token 6
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_event_callback:1697 ADD event with pid 1031, msg_type 1, token 7
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_client_add:471 adding client 0x with pid 1031, connection 0x
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:__spd_get_listener_connection_block_invoke:1642 listener 0x got peer 0x (pid 1031)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Jan 27 09:49:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255-&6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: connection 0x13e81d550 to daemon created
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: listener connection 0x13cda1590 created
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13cd26450 xpc send -& client create
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13cd26450 create xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13cd26450 xpc send -& destroy client
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: client 0x13cd26450 destroy xpc response received
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: cleaning up connection 0x13e81d550 to daemon
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: cleaning up listener connection 0x13cda1590
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[1031]: releasing client 0x13cd26450
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x170a2aec0)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion&&(asserttype:5180056 with error 1)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1031 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: launchd[1040] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/-CF7B-4EB7-812C-CA17 (sandbox)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&6
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: WiFi: Consulting &no-sdio-devices& property.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: WiFi: &no-sdio-devices& property not found.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion&&(asserttype:5180056 with error 1)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: SIMToolkit plugin for SpringBoard initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: Sharing Plugin initialized.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: WiFi: Consulting &no-sdio-devices& property.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: WiFi: &no-sdio-devices& property not found.
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone MobileMail[1040]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.mobilemail [MobileMail] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:42 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: WiFi picker plugin initialized
Jan 27 09:49:43 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1031 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Jan 27 09:49:43 wenbo-de-iPhone SpringBoard[1031]: {MediaLibrary} Database validation succeeded
Jan 27 09:49:43 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1036]: {MediaLibrary} Database validation succeeded
Jan 27 09:49:49 wenbo-de-iPhone calaccessd[1041]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.calaccessd [calaccessd] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&255
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidLock] &LB-------&
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1d7)
Jan 27 09:49:51 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=0
Jan 27 09:49:52 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:52 wenbo-de-iPhone aggregated[29]: hidd died. Reestablishing connection.
Jan 27 09:49:52 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMobileADBE0::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 1 -& 0 fDisplay: 1 -& 0
Jan 27 09:49:52 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -& 0
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMobileADBE0::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 pendingSwap: 0x0 fController: 0 -& 1 fDisplay: 0 -& 1
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone wirelessproxd[76]: CoreBluetooth[WARNING] &CBCentralManager: 0x& is not powered on
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255-&6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&6
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -& 1
Jan 27 09:49:55 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x20e)
Jan 27 09:49:56 wenbo-de-iPhone voiced[1036]: Error (hex) (int)- at /SourceCache/VoiceServices/VoiceServices-225.1/Daemon/VSSpeechServer.m:1286 (destroying TTS instance)
Jan 27 09:49:56 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process &unknown process& (process ID = 1036)
Jan 27 09:49:56 wenbo-de-iPhone medialibraryd[193]: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process &unknown process& (process ID = 1036)
Jan 27 09:49:57 wenbo-de-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]:&&LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Jan 27 09:49:57 wenbo-de-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
Jan 27 09:49:57 wenbo-de-iPhone backboardd[1033]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6-&3
Jan 27 09:49:57 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidUnlock] &UB-------&
Jan 27 09:49:57 wenbo-de-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[363]: keytrace -[UbiqitousKVSProxy processKeyChangedEvent:] &UB-------& handled:&&null:&&pending:
Jan 27 09:49:58 wenbo-de-iPhone MobilePhone[1043]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.mobilephone [MobilePhone] (847.21)
Jan 27 09:49:58 wenbo-de-iPhone MobilePhone[1043]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/PhoneLocationLite.dylib
Jan 27 09:49:58 wenbo-de-iPhone MobilePhone[1043]: (Error) [ABLog]: ABPeoplePickerNavigationController does not support subclassing in iOS 7.0 and later. In the future, a nil instance will be returned.
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这样之前安装的什么插件呢,Wen Bo童鞋?把它卸载掉试试
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