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Egyptian couple horrify guests with ISIS-inspired wedding ceremony | Daily Mail Online
My Big Fat Jihadi Wedding: Egyptian couple horrify guests by being forced into a cage at knifepoint by 'fanatics' at spoof ISIS ceremony
Groom convinced best men to pretend to be ISIS terrorists at his wedding He had told wife-to-be to expect something 'different' at their ceremony Masked, knife-wielding men forced the couple in to a cage in a shocking imitation of the murder of Jordanian pilot Mu'ath Al KassasbehCouple then started dancing in the cage to the claps and cheers of guestsSome of the wedding party mistakenly thought it was a genuine attackBy
12:49 GMT, 4 March 2015
14:17 GMT, 4 March 2015
An Egyptian couple horrified guests at their wedding by hiring fake jihadis to
hijack the ceremony and force them in to a cage in a shocking imitation of the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot.The marriage ceremony was held in Menoufia, north of Cairo and saw masked men storm the venue and order the bride and groom to climb in to a cage at knife point.The only members of the wedding party who knew about the pretend 'attack' in advance were the groom, his best men and wedding photographer Ahmed Kassem - although the bride is said to have been told to expect something 'different' from the ceremony.It is unclear from the video whether the bride and groom are Muslim or Christian.Scroll down for video
Hijacked: The marriage ceremony was held in Menoufia, north of Cairo, and saw masked men storm the venue and order the bride and groom to climb in to a cage at knife point
Trapped: The fake jihadis took control of the ceremony and force the bride and groom in to a cage in a shocking imitation of the burning to death of a Jordanian pilotVideo footage of the ceremony shows one of the groom's knife-wielding best men wearing a black balaclava and
religious song - known as a nasheed - that has previously featured prominently in genuine Islamic State propaganda videos.Having stormed the stage, the men force the couple to climb in to a cage in a chilling imitation of the ISIS video that showed Jordanian pilot Mu'ath Al Kassasbeh being burnt alive earlier this year.
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Once inside the cage the couple stand up and dance while guests clap and cheer them on.Not everybody was enamoured by the proceedings, however, with the Youm7 newspaper reporting that several of the wedding guests mistakenly thought it was a genuine terrorist attack.It is believed that even the bride was unaware at what the groom had planned, and that the only people aware of the 'attack' in advance were the best men playing the roles of jihadis, and the photographer, who had been ordered to make sure everything was caught on camera.
The only members of the wedding party who knew about the pretend 'attack' in advance were the as yet unnamed groom, his best men and wedding photographer Ahmed Kassem. The bride was not aware
Once inside the cage the couple stood up and danced while guests clapped and cheered them on
Having stormed the stage, the men force the couple to climb in to a cage in a chilling imitation of the ISIS video that showed Jordanian pilot Mu'ath Al Kassasbeh being burnt alive earlier this year (pictured) The ISIS-themed wedding came just weeks after the burning to death of Mu'ath al-Kassasbeh in the terror group's power base Raqqa. Shortly afterwards ISIS militants paraded dozens of captured Peshmerga fighters in simular metal cages through the streets of northern Iraq.Last month ISIS terrorists in Libya carried out the mass beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea close to the militant-held port town of Derna.Egypt responded to the atrocity by carrying out sustained airstrikes on ISIS targets in Libya, where radical Islamist group's are increasing in both number and power amid the ongoing chaotic fallout from the 2011 death of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.Egypt is battling its own Islamic State-linked insurgency on the Sinai Peninsula, which has killed scores of people in a wave of terror attacks and mass beheadings so far in 2015.
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Balls and holes wheels和 lucifer怎么解锁Obama pushes new gun control law that could take the right to bear arms away from 4.2 million Social Security recipients | Daily Mail Online
Obama pushes new gun control law that could take the right to bear arms away from 4.2 million Social Security recipients
Law could red flag during background checks owners who lack the mental faculties to handle their own money, a safeguard already used at the VABy
13:56 GMT, 20 July 2015
04:07 GMT, 24 July 2015
A new regulation proposed by the Obama administration could lead to 4.2 million Americans losing their right to own a gun.The rule would target Social Security recipients who've already been deemed to have 'marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease' during background checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).If the SSA decides who falls into this category the way the Veterans Administration already does for background checks--as anyone declared incompetent to handle their own payments--over four million Americans will lose their right to buy a gun.Scroll down for video
Gun control: A new regulation proposed by the Obama administration could lead to 4.2 million Americans losing their right to own a gunThe Social Security Administration has never before participated in the background check system, but 4.2 million is the number of recipients whose monthly benefits are managed by 'representative payees,' reports the .While it's seen as a method off fixing holes that remain in the background check system, opponents say it's far too broad a ban.
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It would affect people like Steven Overman, a 30-year-old former Marine who suffered serious head trauma from a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2007.Overman, an avid hunter, was deemed 100 percent disabled by the VA and subsequently learned he had to give up his guns.The Social Security ban would potentially affect others like Overman, who is working with a lawyer to get his guns back according to the LA Times.
4.2 million: The rule would target Social Security recipients who've already been deemed to have 'marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease' during background checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
The proposal is part of the president's gun control push made in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.Obama has been called upon throughout his presidency to help soothe the pain of communities mourning gun-related tragedies.He issued a powerful call for national unity in Tucson, Arizona, after a 2011 shooting that severely injured then-Rep. Gabby Giffords. His voice was filled with emotion in 2012 when he spoke at a prayer vigil for the elementary school students and adults killed in Newtown.He's also addressed grief-stricken communities in Fort Hood, Texas and Aurora, Colorado, as well as his own current hometown of Washington.The morning after last month's Charleston church shooting, Obama expressed his frustration with the frequency of such tragedies.'I've had to make statements like this too many times,' he said. 'Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.'
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Copy link to paste in your messageBizarre pictures of young male deer's extraordinary trick to attract females | Daily Mail Online
I'm stuck in a rut deer! The bizarre pictures of a herd hiding in their holes
11:45 GMT, 18 November 2010
It's said that there are no atheists in foxholes, but it seems that one thing you may find peeping out from a hole in the ground is a young buck.The extraordinary sight was spotted by amateur photographer Mark Bridger while he was out walking in Knole Park, near Sevenoaks, Kent.As he was wandering through the 1,000 acre park Mark had to do a double-take as he saw a disembodied head with impressive antlers that was seemingly lying on the ground.
It's not just bears: Deer dig 'toilets' in the woods which double as a musky 'body spray'
In fact the stag was resting during the mating rut in one of dozens of 'cologne' holes dug by the animals around the park.The holes are carved out of the autumn earth by the male fallow deer - who use them as combination of a latrine and 'Lynx effect'.Dad-of-one Mark, 42, said before he found out why the deer use the holes it was quite a surprise to see such a big animal disappear into the ground.
Up to his neck in it: A young male deer peeps out of his smelly lair out in search of a date
He said: "It's not something you expect to see is it?, a deer hiding in a hole in the ground.'When I first saw its head poking up I wondered if it had been chopped off, it was quite shocking.''When I was there it was during the rut and there were a lot of males using the holes.''Sometimes it looked like they were taking a rest from the action in their own mini dug outs like in a football match.'
Meet the parents: The young buck appears to have attracted a doe to his 'foxhole', but is that her dad looking on with disapproval?
Printer Mark said he loved walking in the park and was surprised to learn about the deer's unusual habit.Mark, who lives with wife and son George in West Malling, Kent, said he had never seen or heard of anything like it before.He said: 'I think the picture of the stag with its head popping up is quite funny really and I don't think its something people know about.'A spokesman for Knole Park, which is run by the National Trust, said the male deer used the holes to cover themselves in the scent of dung and urine.He said: 'It might not sound like something you or me would wear for a Saturday night out, but female deer are actually attracted to the smell.'Knole is the family home of author Vita Sackville-West and its grounds were also the setting for arguably the first ever 'pop video' - The Beatles' promotional film for Strawberry Fields Forever.
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