
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there
are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank
w ith the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Everyone in business has been told that success is all about
attracting and retaining (留住) customers. It sounds simple
and achievable. But,
words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted
customers they often
&the second half of the story. In the excitement
of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing
orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried
away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of
business—& 52&
&that the customer remains a customer.
&to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting
customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has
been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 per
cent of its customers every years. In constantly changing
this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few
companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.
Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to those lost
opportunities and calculate the
implications. Cutting down the number of customers a company
loses can make a big
&in its performance. Research in the US found that
a five per cent decrease in the number of defecting
(流失的) customers led to
&increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.
In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is
worth more than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a
poor quality product or service on their first visit and
&never returns, is losing the company thousands of
dollars in &
&profits (more if you consider how many people
they are likely to tell about their bad experience).
The logic behind cultivating customer
&is impossible to deny. “In practice most
companies’ marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with
little attention paid to
&them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’
School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close
relationship between retaining customers and making profits.
&customers tend to buy more, are predictable and
usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they
tend to be less price
and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers
also makes it
&for competitors to enter a market or increase
their share of a market.
50.&& A. in
D. first of all
D. believe
D. proving
D. Failing
D. expenses
D. economical
&D. differe nce
58.&& A. as a
D. on the contrary
D. attracting
D. Unexpected
&D. convenient
&&& Everyone
in business has been told that success is all about attracting and
retaining customers. It sounds reassuringly simple and achievable.
But, in reality, words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies
have attracted customers they often overlook the second half of the
equation. In the excitement of beating off the competition,
negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product,
managers tend to become carried away. They forget what they regard
as the humdrum side of business—ensuring that the customer remains
a customer.
Failing to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting
customers costs businesses huge amounts of money annually. It has
been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 per
cent of its customers every year. In constantly changing markets
this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few
companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.
Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to these lost
opportunities and calculate the financial implications. Cutting
down the number of customers a company loses can make radical
difference in its performance. Research in the US found that a five
per cent decrease in the number of defecting customers led to
profit increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.
Rank Xerox takes the question of retaining customers so
seriously that it forms a key part of the company’s bonus scheme.
In the US, Domino’s Pizzas estimates that a regular customer is
worth more than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a
poor quality product or service on their first visit and as a
result never returns, is losing the company thousands of dollars in
potential revenue (more if you consider how many people they are
liable to tell about their bad experience)
The logic behind nurturing customer loyalty is impossible to
refute. ‘In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on
getting customers, with little attention paid to keeping them’,
says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’s School of Management
and author of The Essence of Services Marketing. ‘Research suggests
that there is a high degree of correlation between customer
retention and profitability. Established customers tend to buy
more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new
customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price sensitive, and
may provide free word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. Retaining
customers also makes it difficult for competitors to enter a market
or increase their share of a market.’
Payne points to a ladder of customer loyalty. On the first rung,
there is a prospect. They are then turned into a customer, then a
client then a supporter and finally, if the relationship is
successful, into an advocate persuading others to become customers.
Developing customers so they travel up the ladder demands thought,
long-term commitment and investment.
(2009江西高考)完形填空Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they know it would be more 36&&& to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys& 37&& with their tent and food. &Carrying their heavy 38& , the two brothers walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down. . They were eager to reach their 39& before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to 40& close to the river at the edge of the woods, 41& Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. 42& Peter followed his brother deeper into the 43 . “This really is a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They 44 the tent , and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way 45& to the river to catch some fish. &“Are you sure that this is the right 46& ?” whispered Peter shakily. “I’m sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago. ” Paul walked 47& silently. “Look, there it is again. We’re lost, aren’t we?” complained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didn’t know where they were. 48& , they were a long distance from where they were 49 to be. They were not even 50& of where they had set up their camp. They set in 51 for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why don’t we look for clues(线索) the way trackers 52 in the movies? We weren’t careful about how we walked, so I’m sure we would have left 53 some broken tree branches and leaves. ” &Carefully, the boys 54 the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off 55 the direction of the river. &What would their parents think of their adventure? &36. A. surprising&B. exciting&C. annoying&D. frightening&37. A. went round&B. went back&C. went away&D. went though &38. A. load&B. torn&C. food&D. storage &39. A. grassland&B. destination&C. field&D. river &40. A. live&B. lie&C. wait&D. stay &41. A. but&B. and&C. or&D. so &42. A. Unconsciously&B. Unfortunately&C. Unwillingly&D. Uninterestingly &43. A. woods&B. farm&C. setting&D. camp &44. A. put off&B. put on&C. put down&D. put up &45. A. forward&B. near&C.& back&D. further &46. A. place&B. mark&C. way&D. time &47. A. alone&B. about&C. in&D. on &48. A. After all&B. At last&C. Above all&D. At first &49. A. discovered&B. encouraged&C. persuaded&D. supposed &50. A. afraid&B. sure&C. informed&D. reminded &51. A. enjoyment&B. satisfaction&C. disappointment&D. imagination &52. A. appear&B. do&C. work&D. behave &53. A. behind&B. out&C. aside&D. amount &54. A. fetched&B. watched&C. followed&D. collected 55. A. for&&&&&&&&&& B. to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. at&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. in 本文讲述了两个冒险的男孩去大森林里宿营后迷路,用通过寻找留下来的痕迹找到宿营地的一段经历。整个故事娓娓道来,叙述非常清晰,易于学生把握文章内容。36.&【答案】B&& 【解析】对于这两位爱冒险的男孩子而言,在河那边的林子里宿营自然是令人激动了“exciting”,根据后面一句excitedly 也可知。37.&【答案】C&& 【解析】go away 离开了38.&【答案】A&& 【解析】根据上一段的tent and food 可知选load ,一车(或一船等)货物。这里是指所带的tent 与food 等物品,概括了选项B和C。39.&【答案】B&& 【解析】reach their destination 到达了目的地40.&【答案】D&& 【解析】stay close to 靠近而居,相比stay 短暂居住而言,live 是指长久的生活是不大可能的。41.&【答案】A&& 【解析】but 表示转折42.&【答案】C&& 【解析】从上句but 便可知,弟弟Peter 是想住在河边,但哥哥Paul并不同意,所以只好Unwillingly “不情愿”地跟在后面。43.&【答案】A&& 【解析】从41空前面的一句提示woods 可知。44.&【答案】D&& 【解析】put up 搭起 ; put off 推迟; put on 穿上; put down 放下。45.&【答案】C&& 【解析】find one’s way back 找到回来的路。46.&【答案】C&& 【解析】the right way 正确的路/ 方向47.&【答案】D&& 【解析】walk on 继续往前走48.&【答案】A&& 【解析】迷路后,Paul 也不得不承认自己也不知道他们在哪儿。毕竟“after all” 他们已经远离了他们应该 “be supposed to be “ 在的地方。49.&【答案】D&& 【解析】be supposed to be 应当是50.&【答案】B&& 【解析】be sure of 确信 他们甚至都不敢确信他们宿营在哪。51.&【答案】C&& 【解析】迷路了一时也想不出办法所以就失望地 “in disappointment” 坐在那儿。52.&【答案】B&& 【解析】do 代替主句的look for53.&【答案】A&& 【解析】leave sth behind 遗留54.&【答案】C&& 【解析】follow 跟随55.&【答案】D&& 【解析】in the direction of 朝着……方向&第三部分& 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
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  [](A)  &&&&&& People wear hats for three main reasons: protection, communication, and decoration.  &&&&&& Protection. People first began to wear hats to ___1___ themselves from the climate. In hot, sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide ___2___ from the sun. In cold climates, people often wear wool hats. In some regions, people wear a variety of protective hats, ___3___ the season. They may wear a wool hat in winter, a rain hat in spring or fall, and a wide-edged hat in summer. Hats also provide protection in certain ___4___. Construction workers, football players, military personnel, and people in many other fields wear metal or plastic helmets(头盔)for protection from ___5___.  &&&&&&& Communication. Hats can communicate various things about the people who wear them. The hats of coal miners, cowboys and firemen indicate the wearer's ___6___. Students may wear a mortarboard (学位帽) to show they are graduating from high school or college.  &&&&&&& Decoration. Most people wear a hat that they believe makes them look attractive, ___7___ the hat's main purpose may be protection or communication. Many protective hats are attractive and stylish. Even the caps of police officers and military personnel are designed to ___8___ the wearer's appearance. Certain decorative hats are worn as a (n) ___9___. In Scotland, for example, people wear a cap called a tam-o'-shanter that is part of their national costume (服装). Many people change their style of hat from time to time because they feel more ___10___ when keeping up with the latest fashion.  1. A. defend& &&B. protect&& &&C. prevent&& &D. hide  2. A. shade&&& &&B. shadow&& &C. security&& &D. cover  3. A. resulting from&B. basing upon&C. relating to& &D. depending on  4. A. seasons &&B. climates &&C. activities &&D. communities  5. A. injury&& &&B. destruction&& &C. harm &&D. pollution  6. A. experience&&&& &B. occupation &C. personality&D. education  7. A. as&&&&&& &&B. unless&&& &&C. though&&& &D. because  8. A. change& &&B. increase&& &C. display&& &&D. improve  9. A. tradition &&B. label&&&&& &C. honour&& &&D. fashion  10. A. sociable& &&B. informal& &&C. attractive& &D. noble  1-6 BADCAB&&& 7-10CDAC&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   人们为什么要带帽子?告诉你三大原因--保护,和装饰,。  题号&答案&考查内容  解题依据&解题  1&  B&  逻辑推理前后照应词义比较&人们戴帽有保护、交流和装饰三个原因。开始时,人们戴帽是为了保护自己免遭季节气候的伤害。与前面的Protection(其名词形式)一致,与后文的protective一致,且后文竟出现了also provide protection。对后几句。defend防护, 辩护, 防卫;protect保护; 保卫;&保护……以免遭受危险或伤害等&;prevent 防止, 预防; 指&采取预先行动或用障碍物使不发生或停止&;hide 隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰。  2&&词义辨析逻辑推理&夏日,宽沿的帽子遮挡的光,提供荫凉。shade荫处,阴暗(部分); 阴凉的地方;shadow阴影, 影子, 隐蔽处, 阴暗;security平安; ;cover掩饰, 保护, 掩护。  3&D&逻辑推理词义比较&在有些地区,人们视季节的不同而戴各式各样的起保护性作用的帽子,如冬季戴羊绒帽,春秋两季戴帽,夏季戴宽沿帽。resulting from由……产生,原因是……;basing upon以……为根据; relating to与……有关/联系;depending on依赖于……,视……而定。  4&C&逻辑推理  前后照应&人们在一些特定中也戴帽子以得到保护。后文列举了这样的一些活动内容。seasons 季节;climates气候;activities活动,行为;communities团体,。  5&A&词义辨析&injury 伤害,侮辱,一般指对人所造成的身心方面的伤害;destruction 破坏,毁灭,一般指对物件或设施所带来的无法挽救的毁灭性的损失。harm 伤害,损害,通常有于抽象的表达方式中。pollution 污染,玷污。  6&B&词义比较常识运用&矿工、牛仔、救护队员的帽子显示出他们各自的,职责(occupation),而非其(experience)、(personality)或是所受的教育(education)。  7&C&语句连贯&虽然帽子的重要用途是保护和交流作用,但许多人戴帽子是为了好看。表示让步关系,用though。  8&D&逻辑推理常识运用词义辨析&即便是警官和军人的帽子也是特别设计出来以达到改进增强穿戴者的外观。change 改变,,可能向好的方向,也可能向坏的方向变化;increase 增加, 增大,通常指在数量、体积程度上的提高;display 陈列,展览,显示;improve 改善,改进,通常指朝好的有益的方向发展,《》()。 ◆分享好文◆  9&B&常识运用词义比较&人们戴某些装饰性的帽子是作为某一标志。如苏格兰人的一种特别的帽子是其民族服饰的组成部分A. tradition 传统,惯例;label 标签,标志;honour 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉;D. fashion流行, 风尚。  10&C&前后照应逻辑推理&许多人不时地变换帽子的款式以跟上最新的时尚,使他们感觉更为迷人漂亮(attractive)。与前文的Decoration 一致。A. sociable 好交际的,友善的;informal不正式的,不拘礼节的;吸引人的,有魅力的,noble高尚的,高贵的。  (B)  &&&&&& In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great ___11___ since adding a few new students to her class - five Labrador puppies and their father.  &&&&&& The seven ___12___ students in Smith's class have a history of discipline ___13___. But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own ___14___ has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds ___15___ the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning, ___16___ a parent would take a child to day care.  &&&&&& Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how ___17___ her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, ___18___ they took the idea-- along with letters from students ___19___the programme -- to the school board. A pet therapist said, &What you are trying to teach is ___20___ and that there are consequences for the decisions you make.&  11. A. promotion&& &B. progress&&&& &C. disturbance& &D. disappointment  12. A. human& &&B. dog&&&&&& &C. new&& &&D. Labrador  13. A. problems&&B. questions&&C. issues& &&D. troubles  14. A. habit&&& &&B. attitude&&& &C. action &&D. behaviour  15. A. guides&& &&B. teaches&& &&C. permits&& &D. aids  16. A. such as& &&B. much as& &&C. so that &&D. even if  17. A. well&&&& &&B. quickly&& &&C. poorly& &&D. carelessly  18. A. but&&&& &&B. so&&&&&& &&C. and&&&& &&D. because  19. A. revising&&& &B. describing&& &C. opposing&& &D. supporting  20. A. self-criticism&B. self-respect&& &C. self-control&D. self-importance  11-16 B AADBB&&& 17-20 ACDC   让小孩子饲养小狗有好处,这有什么稀奇的呢?稀奇的是这样做!  题号&答案&考查内容  解题依据&解题分析  11&B&词义比较前后照应&有说自从Smith班上增添了几个新的学生--拉布拉多猎狗和它们的后,她就看到班上有了很大的起色。 promotion促进,提升;progress进步, 发展;disturbance骚动,干扰;disappointment失望。  12&A&常识运用&Smith班上的七个学员,是狗(dog,Labrador)的人(human)。这篇文章中一定要注意代词所指,是指狗,还是指训练狗的学员。  13&A&词义辨析&Smith班上的七个学员过去有违纪问题的历录。problems问题,难题,总是与&困难&相联系着,一般指有待解决的问题;questions问题, 总是与&疑问&相联系,一般指有待回答的问题;issues问题,一般指引起&争端的问题;troubles问题,一般指待来&麻烦,&的问题。  14&D&词义辨析&从这七个学员训练狗顺从中,他们自己的行为也有了改进。A. habit,习性,癖好,指经过长养成的行为习惯;attitude态度,意见,指人们对某件事的心理取向;action 动作,行动;behaviour 行为, 举止, 习性,指人们的日常行为,举止。  15&B&逻辑推理词义比较&训狗师教(teach)给学员一个新的技术,学员们就用在狗身上。guide指导,带领;permit 许可, 允许, 准许;aid,援助。  16&B&常识运用词义比较&早晨,被训练的狗出门去,就非常象(much as)带着孩子到托儿所去一样。such as诸如此类的东西;so that为了,以便,表示目的意义;even if即使,即便,表示让步关系。  17&A&逻辑推理常识运用&Smith说当她的狗有了小狗崽,她自己的孩子对这些小狗崽作出了很乖(well)的反应,她因而有了这样的想法。  18&C&语句连贯&她请教了学校的心理学家,学校把她的想法提交到了学校董事会。前后表示顺承递进关系,故选and。But表示转折关系;so,because表示因果关系。  19&D&逻辑推理前后照应&同时还把赞同这个的学员的信件上交学校董事会。与文章第一段联系起来。象Smith小孩一样的学员无法修订、校订(revise)和描述(describe),当然不会反对(oppose),而是支持、拥护(support)这个计划。  20&C&逻辑推理词义比较&宠物临床医学家说,你现在教给学生的就是让学员学会控制(self-control),你作出的决定很有重要性。self-criticism自我;self-respect自我尊重自尊, 自重;self-importance自尊, 自负, 自大。  〔2004年高考英语真题完形填空题?完全解析上海〕随文赠言:【不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。――荀况】
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