
篇号:1作者:WHITNEYK.NEWEY文题:Two-StepSeriesEstimationofSampleSelectionModels杂志全名(或缩写):MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(MIT)-DepartmentofENationalBureauofEconomicResearch(NBER)Wo ...
杂志全名(或缩写): Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of E National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper Series
年份,卷(期): 起止页码: MIT Dept.of Economics Working Paper No.99-04
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A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you wil
A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.
However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.
local和logo有什么区别 loca...One university in Zhengzhou designs a program where students must clean
the campus every day and relates it to class credits. Some
people support the program while others do not. (30)
Generally, I
am in favor of the practice. To begin with, through their effort, students
provide a clean and comfortable environment, which, as a result, is an
assurance of their successful academic life. Moreover, cleaning and labor can
not only serve to build students’ character but also contribute positively to
students developing healthy routines and good sanitation habits. Last but not
least, by enjoying the fruits of others’ labor, students will develop the
awareness of gratitude and regard labor as a matter of honor.
short, carrying out the cleaning program is&crucial. The significance for students of participating in it means more
than academic success. It is part of
moral education and benefits students as well as the campus. (120)
required by one university in Zhengzhou that students should clean the campus
every morning to achieve class credits. Opinions on the practice vary widely
from person to person. (30)
I am strongly
opposed to the practice for the following reasons. First of all, cleaning tends
to take up too much time, which becomes a distraction for students and
discourages them from focusing on their academic performances. Then, students
can be encouraged to maintain clean living areas but it’s unreasonable to
relate the cleaning with the academic credits. As students, they should put
more efforts into their studies to achieve class credits instead of sweeping
the campus. Furthermore, though someone claims labor can contribute to
developing the spirit of hard work, it should by no means be achieved through
daily floor-sweeping.
conclusion, there is no sense in students sweeping the campus, for it benefits
neither their character nor study. (120)
Simon Sinek
is naturally shy and doesn’t like speaking to crowds. At parties, he says he
hides alone in the corner or doesn’t even show up in the first place. He
prefers the latter. Yet, with some 22 million video views under his belt, the
optimistic ethnographer also happens to be the third most-watched TED Talks
presenter of all time.
unlikely success as both an inspirational speaker and a bestselling author
isn’t just dumb luck. It’s the result of fears faced and erased, trial and
error and tireless practice, on and off stage. Here are his secrets for
delivering speeches that inspire, inform and entertain.
Don’t talk right away.
Sinek says
you should never talk as you walk out on stage. “A lot of people start talking
right away, and it’s out of nerves,” Sinek says. “That communicates a little
bit of insecurity and fear.”
quietly walk out on stage. Then take a deep breath, find your place, wait a few
seconds and begin. “I know it sounds long and tedious and it feels
excruciatingly awkward when you do it,” Sinek says, “but it shows the audience
you’re totally confident and in charge of the situation.”
Show up to give, not to take.
Often people
give presentations to sell products or ideas, to get people to follow them on
social media, buy their books or even just to like them. Sinek calls these kinds of speakers “takers,” and he says
audiences can see through these people right away. And, when they do, they
highly social animals,” says Sinek. “Even at a distance on stage, we can tell
if you’re a giver or a taker, and people are more likely to trust a giver ― a
speaker that gives them value, that teaches them something new, that inspires
them ― than a taker.”
Speak unusually slowly.
When you get
nervous, it’s not just your heart beat that quickens. Your words also tend to
speed up. Luckily Sinek says audiences are more patient and forgiving than we
“They want
you to succeed up there, but the more you rush, the more you turn them off,” he
says. “If you just go quiet for a moment and take a long, deep breath, they’ll wait
for you. It’s kind of amazing.”
Turn nervousness into excitement.
Sinek learned
this trick from watching the Olympics. A few years ago he noticed that
reporters interviewing Olympic athletes before and after competing were all
asking the same question. “Were you nervous” And all of the athletes gave the
same answer: “No, I was excited.” These competitors were taking the body’s
signs of nervousness ― clammy hands, pounding heart and tense nerves ― and
reinterpreting them as side effects of excitement and exhilaration.
When you’re
up on stage you will likely go through the same thing. That’s when Sinek says
you should say to yourself out loud, “I’m not nervous, I’m excited!”
Say thank you when you’re done.
Applause is a
gift, and when you receive a gift, it’s only right to express how grateful you
are for it. This is why Sinek always closes out his presentations with these
two simple yet powerful words: thank you.
“They gave
you their time, and they’re giving you their applause.” Says Sinek. “That’s a
gift, and you have to be grateful.”
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Dear Sir, I’m a student of Senior 3. I am writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether to board in the school or at home. Many or our parents and teachers ask us to board in the school. They say it will be very convenient for us to ask questions whenever necessary. Besides, they think boarding will make it possible to make full use of our time in the evening, and that we can also develop the ability to look after ourselves and be independent. However. We students have our own thoughts. On our way to school or back home, we can get relaxed. It is quiet at home and we can study efficiently. What’s more, staying at home in the evening, we are free to learn what we think we’re not good at. In my own opinion, I think it is a good idea to stay at home in the evening. When we stay at home, we can arrange our time to study certain subjects and develop some other interests. As we are leaving home to stay in college quite soon, we should value the time we can stay with our parents.Yours,Li H相关试题}


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