英语作文云南山歌 污旅污下次再约

The summer of 2000 I and father and mother go to Yunnan tourism,the way we see a lot of beautiful scenery:the beautiful scenery of Butterfly Spring,with beautiful Ashima,there is a beautiful legend,but I was the most memorable we climb Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is located in the picturesque Lijiang,its highest peak five thousand meters above sea level,snow all the year round,is in the summer peak temperature of only 1.About C.We take the cable car to the half began to climb.Although summer is still dressed in a sweater,each carrying a bag of oxygen.Because of climbing higher and higher,the air gets thinner,we began to have a reaction to high altitudes:dizziness,nausea,legs.It chills the body began to sweat,we sat down to a few smoke oxygen,eat a few pieces of chocolate to replenish physical strength and energy,and then continue to climb.Several times,I really do not want to climb,the kind of hard feeling is never,I said to my father:"Dad,I really can't hold on,we do not climb the bank?" My father helped me to sit down,love said to me:"good kid,just hold on a little longer,we soon reach the peak,insisted that victory!" In this way,we three people encourage each other,help each other,to overcome various difficulties,and finally climbed the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,I also become the tour only climb to the child.Listen to the Naxi said:"Jade Dragon Snow Mountain mountain is the dwelling places of the gods." And when I climb to the top of the mountain I felt at that moment,there should be strong willed can reach the place winner.So the three of us hand in hand,with the joy of success,with the self timer has captured a symbol of victory,photo,it will encourage me to not be afraid of difficulties,march forward courageously.——————————————————————————————————————————2000年暑假我和爸爸妈妈去云南旅游,一路上我们看到了很多美丽的风景:有风光秀丽的蝴蝶泉,有漂亮的阿诗玛,还有一个个美丽动人的传说,但是我最难忘的还是我们爬玉龙雪山的情景.玉龙雪山坐落在风景如画的丽江,它最高的山峰有海拔五千多米,常年积雪,就是在夏天山顶的气温也只有1.c左右.我们坐缆车坐到一半就开始向上爬.虽然是夏天身上还穿着毛衣,每个人都背着一个氧气袋.由于越爬越高,空气越来越稀薄,我们开始有了高山反应:头晕、恶心、腿脚发软.本来发冷的身体也开始出汗了,我们就坐下来吸几口氧气,吃几块巧克力以补充体力和能量,然后又继续往上爬.有几次我真的不想爬了,那种辛苦的感觉是从来没有过的,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,我真的坚持不住了,我们不爬了行吗?”爸爸扶我坐下,疼爱地对我说:“好孩子,再坚持一会儿,我们很快就到达顶峰了,坚持就是胜利啊!”就这样,我们三个人互相鼓励、互相帮助,克服了种种困难,最后终于爬上了玉龙雪山,我也成为了所在旅游团中唯一一个爬上去的小孩子.听纳西人说:“玉龙雪山的山顶是神灵居住的地方.”而当我爬上山顶的那一刻感觉到,这里应该是意志坚强的胜利者才能到达的地方.于是我们三个人手拉手,带着成功的喜悦,用自拍器拍下了一张象征着胜利的相片,它将激励我不怕困难、勇往直前.
扫描下载二维码英语作文:标题:An unforgettable tirp .假如你是约翰,上周末你和父母去某地旅_百度知道用一般将来时写一篇关于旅行的英语作文0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 60词左右,大概意思是:假设你是Tom,你想约好朋友John一起去旅行,请你以email的方式向他发出邀请 要点提示:1给他发出邀请2简单介绍一下你的旅行计划,包括活动内容 目的 时间 地点3提醒他准备需要准备的东西4约会出发时间和出发地点.
Hello,Jim,my dear!I was,this Sunday,I'd like to invite you to go to the seaside barbecue,with my father,mother,sister,and grandma,because my sister from the United States,you want to come back in a play,get together,so I have invited you and we come together.We agreed to my leg on Sunday morning at seven o 'clock,note:you need to take an umbrella,maps,telescope,cameras,hope we have a happy weekend!Love you,Tom亲爱的吉姆,我是,这个星期天,我想邀请你去海边烧烤,随行的还有我的爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,以及奶奶,因为我姐姐从美国留学回来,大家想在一起玩一玩,聚一聚,所以我特意邀请你和我们一起聚会.我们约定星期天上午七点到我家回合,注意:你需要带雨伞,地图,望远镜,照相机等,希望我们有个快乐的周末!爱你的汤姆
I get to know Disneyland a year ago, at the time, my mother took me to Hong Kong, I was so happy, we went to Disneyland, I saw many lovely cartoon characters. I saw them when I was watching TV, I felt so happy, I told my mother I wanted to come to here again soon. I like Disneyland so much, I want to live in theDisneylandworld.


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