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SmartViper &. All rights reserved. Version dkv760107
SmartViper &. All rights reserved. Version dkv760107ICSEEA 2015Paper Submission | 2015 15th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2015)
Author’s kit & guidelines
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit full papers for review. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Papers accepted and presented at the symposium be sent to the IEEE Xplore.
Technical papers must be submitted electronically via EDAS.
Manuscript must be prepared in English with a maximum length of four (4) printed pages IEEE format (ten-point font) including figures. The symposium maintains the right to refrain from reviewing papers that are longer than 4 pages. For your submission you can use the standard IEEE conference templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats which can be found at .
The format for the manuscript must satisfy the following requirements:
The manuscript must follow IEEE two-column format with single-spaced, ten-point font in the text.
The maximum manuscript length is four (4) pages. All figures, tables, references, etc. are included in the page limit.
Papers must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Paper size must be US letter (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 (210mm x 297mm).
Authors must submit their papers electronically via EDAS.
IEEE policies
As ISCIT 2015 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the symposium (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the symposium.
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and IEEE will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.
Camera-Ready Submission Guidelines
Please read and carefully follow the guidelines in the steps below for submitting the camera ready of the accepted papers.
Deadline for the camera-ready submission
The camera-ready deadline is 21st July, 2015 3rd August, 2015.
Each accepted paper needs at least ONE early full registration other than student registrations, otherwise the paper cannot be included in the symposium proceedings. Please carefully check the registration guideline . In addition, do not forget to enter your Paper ID in the registration form.
Formatting and IEEE Xplore compliance
All camera-ready submissions MUST be checked for IEEE Xplore compliance before submission. Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus site at
and open an account by following the link “New Users – Click Here”. You will need the Conference ID which is &#XP”. Then submit your paper(s), to get feedback about their compliance with IEEE Xplore. If not compliant, address the comments on the feedback, and retry until you have produced compliant documents.
Paper submission
After completing the IEEE Xplore compliant PDF, please send it by e-mail.
Submission e-mail address:
(Only for submission. If you have any questions, please contact secretary@iscit2015.org)
Subject of submission e-mail:
The subject field should include the 10-digit EDAS paper ID and 6-digit registration inquiry number, for example, please make the subject as “[ISCIT2015] Camera ready submission (EDAS paper ID 15701XXXXX, Inquiry No. 000XXX)”. If you don’t know how to confirm the Inquiry number of the registration, please see .
The paper submission must include the camera-ready PDF file and the above two numbers, otherwise, the technical program committee will not receive the camera ready submission.
IEEE Copyright Form (Under construction)
Authors are required to transfer the copyright of their accepted papers to IEEE. This has to be done electronically via EDAS. Log onto EDAS and follow the instructions. Once you finish that process, EDAS will show the type and date of copyright submission on your paper page. (There is currently a problem uploading the Copyright From. We are now tackling it, and will inform you as soon as the system is available)
ISCIT 2015 is technically co-sponsored by , , and
ISCIT 2015 is supported by .
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