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反弹无法持续日 10:32|浏览2430手机客户端 |扫码下载中金网APP摘要:加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)周五(9月2日)撰文指出,欧元近期受益于美元的偏弱和欧元区经常帐盈余良好,欧元过去一个月无视银行业问题及英国退欧,表现较为满意。此外,欧元区二季度GDP年率也上升了1.6%,从历史角度来看似乎不是什么很强的数据,但和美国的1.2%比比也不错了。
  09月02日讯,加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)周五(9月2日)撰文指出,近期受益于的偏弱和欧元区经常帐盈余良好,欧元过去一个月无视银行业问题及英国退欧,表现较为满意。此外,欧元区二季度GDP年率也上升了1.6%,从历史角度来看似乎不是什么很强的数据,但和美国的1.2%比比也不错了。  但对于欧元/美元后市走向分析时,CISC的得出的结论却并不乐观:  事实上,欧元区并非一片兴兴向荣之景。意大利经济疲软,11月还有重要的宪法改革。这个宪法改革其实就是对现总理伦齐的信任公投,可能给意大利民粹主义“五星党”出位的机会。  在货币政策方面,欧洲央行在QE资产购买方面唯唯诺诺,特别是在德国国债问题上,欧银已经不能买德国国债了,因其失业率低于-0.40%。因此,欧银可能改变购买目标,来达成其单月800亿欧元的宽松目标。此外,英国退欧在秋季也将是个大问题。QE政策的调整在债券收益率上的影响可能比欧元大。  但是,市场对美联储政策仍很有信心,因此欧美利差会持续利空欧元。虽然经常帐盈余会缓和部分影响,但预计欧元/美元未来几个月仍将走低。  本行欧元/美元的年末目标指向1.08水平。  中金网数据显示,截至北京时间11:15,报1.1198。
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02:30 07:12 16:56 07:08 07:04
星期二距离 下次数据 公布时间:1小时50分钟07:01英国前值:+1.1%预测:---17:00欧元区前值:-0.1%预测:--公布:+1.1%17:00欧元区前值:+1.7%预测:--公布:+2.9%16:30欧元区前值:4.2预测:--公布:5.616:30英国前值:47.4预测:--公布:52.916:20台湾前值:4340.9预测:--公布:4358.6
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官老师260%CIBC Mobile Banking iOS版|CIBC Mobile Banking iPhone版 4.1 下载_太平洋下载中心
CIBC Mobile Banking软件简介
The CIBC Mobile Banking? App for iPhone/iPad has been redesigned to offer a unique banking experience on the iPad.
Rich graphics, including support for Retina display, and interactive charts make it simpler to manage your finances on your iPad.
Check balances
Check account balances on all of your eligible CIBC products.
For the iPad: Easy-to-understand charts give you a consolidated view of all your CIBC holdings.
Review recent transactions
Review details of your recent transaction history for deposit, credit cards and other eligible credit accounts.
For the iPad: Interactive bar graphs show your spending and saving behaviour.
Review upcoming transactions
Upcoming transactions, including bill payments and transfers, are available for review and cancellation if necessary.
For the iPad: Double-check and manage upcoming payments and transfers with the new transactions calendar.
Easy bill payments
Pay your bills now or schedule a post-dated payment on your registered bills. Set up new payees in addition to those already existing in Online Banking.
For the iPad: Pay up to 5 bills at one time quickly and conveniently, all on one screen.
Transfers funds
Transfer funds between your eligible CIBC accounts. Send an INTERAC e-Transfer?¹ to anyone on your existing recipient list or create new recipients using CIBC Mobile Banking.
For the iPad: When adding recipients from your contact list, pictures for you contacts will be displayed in the app *.
Search or use the built-in GPS on your iPhone or iPad to find nearby branches, bank machines and CIBC Mortgage Advisors.
For the iPad: The location of branches, bank machines and CIBC Mortgage Advisors is available as a list and on a map, all on one screen.
As long as you're currently enrolled in CIBC Online Banking, you can use the same card number, password and personal verification questions to sign on to CIBC Mobile Banking for the iPhone/iPad.
You can be reassured that your privacy and security is protected with the CIBC Online Security Guarantee.
Although CIBC will not charge any fees in addition to your service plan to access mobile banking, additional service fees may be charged by your service provider. Check with your service or hardware provider if you have questions about your specific device.
*When sending e-Transfers, you can have the App access information from your contact list to fill in the required recipient information. At no time is that contact list data transmitted or shared with CIBC.
? Trademark of CIBC.
?¹ Trademark of INTERAC Inc.; CIBC authorized
user of mark.
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CIBC:数据迟早转弱 英镑看向1.20
(原标题:CIBC:数据迟早转弱 英镑看向1.20)
FX168财经报社(香港)讯 加拿大帝国商业银行()周一(8月22日)撰文就/美元走向进行分析。内容如下:在今年多数时间和去年许多时间,英镑表现和经济并没什么相关性。投资者关注的是退欧公投,以及英国央行对此的反应,经济数据的趋势性被大幅忽略了。这种情况可能会发生改变,因为市场现在关注经济数据是否会令货币政策出现修正。因此,上周意外向好的英国7月就业及零售数据对英镑构成支撑。但是,我们认为英国经济数据走软只是时间问题,英镑/美元还是会跌至1.20水平附近。
(英镑与英国经济数据 来源:CIBC、FX168财经网)北京时间8月22日10:29,英镑/美元报1.3053/56。校对:TIER


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