
 作者: 佚名 编辑:
一夜之间,宁波的陈女士成了银行“信用不良人士”,自己的工资卡、信用卡相继被冻结,名下还莫名其妙多了30余万元的欠款。 经本报报道后,陈女士的遭遇得到了社会的广泛关注。 她的信用危机该如何解决?本报记者追随她,开始了维权的第一天。 闺蜜小金: 露面五分钟 陈女士口中失联多日的闺蜜小金,昨天一早终于露面了。 在自己单位的门口,陈女士见到了小金。她坐在一辆陌生的黑色丰田车里,整个人有些憔悴。陈女士说,车子不是她的,司机是一个陌生男子。 小金下车后,没有过多寒暄,就说:“这个月25日前,会有笔钱,我会尽快还的。” 陈女士问:“能不能全部处理?” 小金说:“没钱,等钱到了,先还信用卡。” 之后,她匆匆接了个电话,就上车走了。 陈女士说,两人见面的整个过程也就五分钟,“她可能被追债了。“ 据陈女士介绍,小金的公司——宁波鄞州区祥源汽车配件有限公司,是2013年3月成立,注册资金50万。经营状况大概不太好。之所以会答应小金办卡发工资,正因为公司牵涉多个官司,公司名下的车辆、房产都被冻结了。 这次匆匆而冷淡的重逢,也让她有了疑心:一年前借身份证说是办法人更名,究竟怎么回事? 昨天,在工商局网站上,记者查询到,该公司的投资人一栏,除了小金,还有一位“陈连梅”。 在工商变更一栏中,投资人(股权)变更,曾出现过一位胡姓男子,后来,他的90%股权转给了小金,而10%仍然在陈连梅名下。 整个公司的变更中,并没有出现陈女士的名字。 很显然,陈女士被骗了。 陈女士说,“陈连梅”就是小金的母亲。 民生银行: 确认小金是贷款实际使用人 如今,深受其害的陈女士,只能奋起维权。事关两个银行,陈女士都向银监部门发起了投诉。 银监部门的工作人员表示,目前正在对工商银行进行内部调查,是否存在工作人员的失职等,会在有了调查结论后联系陈女士。 陈女士现在最想搞清楚的,就是她名下在民生银行的那笔20万贷款,是怎么办出来的? 在银监部门的沟通下,昨天下午2点,记者陪同陈女士再次来到民生银行江北支行,希望查看当初的贷款资料。前前后后历经了近1小时的等待,接待人员几番变化后,江北支行派了一位工作人员,又把我们带到了民生银行宁波分行。 几位工作人员首先拿出了一份贷款的流水。从流水单据来看,可以确认,小金就是贷款的实际使用人。从开卡当天开始,贷款的钱就转到了小金的卡上。之后的帐目,大部分都是小金的账户。 工作人员说,这些操作都是银行,绑定的号码就是152的号码。这个号码现在已经无人接听。陈女士说,这是小金母亲的曾用号码。 情况都搞清了。陈女士很关注,银行有没有责任?下一步会怎么做? 工作人员表示,这笔贷款,是银行确认的。贷款申请,材料当然要审核。这里面也牵涉两种情况,一种是提供身份证,银行给予一定的额度。还有一种情况,要求本人提供资料,确定授信。但这种审核 ,是被动式审核。申请人提供的所有原件,也不一定能确认真伪,他们只是看材料是否齐全。 工作人员表示:“陈女士最好马上起诉小金,尽快查封小金的资产。或者设法联系小金,和她一起来银行解决,承担相应的责任。不然这笔贷款逾期的话,银行按规定,还是会起诉陈女士。” 一个下午,陈女士依然没看到自己的“贷款材料”。 银监局: 贷款如果查实非本人办理,可撤销 无奈,陈女士只能继续向银监部门投诉,民生银行是否在推脱责任?自己的资料为什么本人不能查阅? 银监部门的工作人员回复,一般情况下,管理部门要求银行15天内给予客户处理结果。如果客户不满意回复,可以向银监部门信访投诉。 问起调查结果,银监局的工作人员说:”如果确实不是本人办的,债务应该能撤销。“ 工作人员表示:“我们正在联系两家银行,落实银行的处理责任。我们也要求他们配合陈女士的诉求,一旦查实,贷款确实不是陈女士本人办理的,就需要核查、撤销债务等问题。” 至于陈女士担心的信用问题,工作人员说,如果查实不是陈女士的责任,银行可以向人民银行申请,撤销她的逾期记录。 这位工作人员进一步表示:“今年以来,信用卡的投诉很多。一旦有群众反映情况,将加强监管,根据事情的程度,进行行政处罚。” 如果银行收到的陈女士“提交”的贷款资料涉嫌造假,陈女士可以起诉银行,或者向公安部门报案。银监局作为银行业界的管理部门,也将从行政监管角度,对银行进行行政处罚。 警方: 小金涉嫌妨害信用卡管理罪 昨天傍晚时分,陈女士终于等来了一个好消息——警方表示,根据她报案的情况,目前已经以小金涉嫌妨害信用卡管理罪移交经侦部门。 什么是妨害信用卡管理罪? 据了解,这是指违反国家信用卡管理法规,在信用卡的发行、使用等过程中,妨害国家对信用卡的管理活动,破坏信用卡管理秩序的行为。妨害信用卡管理罪包括了五种具体行为,其中有一种是:使用虚假的身份证明骗领信用卡。 根据陈女士的描述,小金的行为应该是符合“使用虚假的身份证明骗领信用卡”的。因此就目前的情况而言,以妨碍信用卡管理罪对小金立案是最合适的。 记者注意到,刑法规定,妨害信用卡管理罪,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处一万元以上十万元以下罚金;数量巨大或者有其他严重情节的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处二万元以上二十万元以下罚金。 陈女士的信用危机,能否解决?本报也将继续关注。记者 邹洪珊您在这里 &/&&/&全球最受欢迎的20款手机银行应用
自去年起,银行和信用社致力于满足消费者日益增长的对移动数字科技的需求。对消费者来说,他们希望随时都可以对自己的账户进行操作,并希望只用在智能手机或平板电脑上滑动一两根手指就可以完成复杂的交易。于是,大量的令人振奋的技术创新和改善如雨后春笋般出现,使得消费者在他们的电子产品上就可以理财。Mapa 调查对全球范围内几十个最具创新能力的金融机构做了持续的定性和定量的分析。“金融品牌”(The Financial Brand)展示了一些最受欢迎的移动理财应用以及他们的功能。对于那些多个银行都提供的功能,我们只选取其中一家银行做展示。每一个例子都阐释了对于一个成功的移动应用做需要的三大要素:
瑞典ICA Banken支持消费者选择可以使用其银行卡的区域
Expectations surrounding functionality within mobile banking apps are higher than ever, as consumers engage more and more with mobile and tablet devices. Banks and credit unions are trying to balance consumer desire for simplicity while providing access to tools that were once the domain of desktops. Here are the best of what we see globally.
Over the past year, banks and credit unions have focused their efforts on trying to keep up with the demands of the highly mobile digital consumer, who wants access to their accounts 24/7 and the ability to perform more and more sophisticated transactions on a smartphone or tablet with one or two taps of a finger. The result has been a plethora of exciting innovations and enhancements to the way consumers bank with their mobile device. Using examples culled from Mapa Research, who conducts ongoing quantitative and qualitative analysis of dozens of the most innovative financial institutions worldwide, The Financial Brand has compiled some of the best examples of great mobile banking apps and functionality. While some of the functions are provided by multiple banks, we show only one institution as an example. Each example illustrates the importance of the three pillars of any successful mobile app:
Simplicity: The ability to remove steps or make a current process easier to perform
Engagement: The ability to encourage greater user involvement that will increase loyalty
Contextuality: The ability to leverage user insight to improve the functionality of an app
Mobile Banking Trends
In the Mapa Research report entitled, ‘Mobile Banking Series: State of the Market 2014,’ an analysis of current mobile banking functionality found the following trends:
Consumers expectations around mobile banking are higher than ever as use of mobile banking increases at the expense of desktop banking.
100% of the banks surveyed support both iPhone and Android devices, with 60% supporting Windows and fewer financial institutions investing in Blackberry support.
24% of banks surveyed allow balances to be viewed before login, 29% allow mobile blocking of a credit or debit card, and 68% allow the viewing of future transactions post login.
72% of banks allow a user to save their ID on the mobile app while only 26% require mobile specific login details.
While the vast majority of banks integrate savings, overdraft and credit cards within the mobile banking app, far fewer include loans or investments.
91% of banks allow consumers to make payments to an existing payee, roughly half allow the payment to a new payee or mobile phone number, while only 14% allow payment to an email address and 2% using social media.
Sales and marketing as well as the ability to buy products within the mobile banking app is available at fewer than 30% of the banks monitored.
Secure messaging is available at 30% of the organizations, with live chat only provided by 7% of the institutions.
Overall, the Mapa Research report found that while many innovations have been introduced in the past 12 months, other mobile banking functionalities that were once considered ‘new’ are now simply table stakes in the competition to improve the consumer experience.
Enhanced Mobile Banking Engagement
From account opening to the login and home screen, financial institutions are working on new ways to create a simple and engaging first step for the mobile banking customer. As more institutions are providing easy ways to leverage the camera within a smartphone to facilitate account opening, others are providing more functionality prior to login (such as viewing balances) and are redesigning their home pages to generate greater engagement using icons, personalization options and visuals.
GoBank pre-login balance inquiry
Societe Generale visual balance and icon login
Barclays mobile app with personalization option
BNP Paribas allows customers to have multiple mobile users on one device
Capital One eliminates forgotten passwords with Sure Swipe
USAA provides members hands-free voice command capability
LaCaixa has moved to icon-based login screen
Improved Mobile Banking Payment Functionality
One of the key drivers of increased usage of mobile banking apps is the ability for customers to do more within the app. Greater self-servicing capability, payment functionality and account integration are all moving from the desktop to the mobile device. As functionality increases, so does the challenge of maintaining a good user experience as the mobile applications begin to feel busy. In the past year, banks seem to have focused primarily on adding functionality, but future spoils will go to those who are able to combine increased functionality with an improved user experience through better navigation and design.
Moven provides instant digital receipts
Kaching provides several one-touch payment options
Barclays provides integrated borrowing calculator within mobile app
Bank of America provides mobile billpay payee additions
ICA Banken allows customers to select regions where cards can be used
Expanded Mobile-First Capabilities
Using the GPS and photo capabilities inherent within a smartphone, many banks are now providing unique capabilities that enhance the customer experience and provide potential revenue opportunities for financial institutions. These are apps that many believe are the future of mobile banking because of the ease of use and digital value provided. A small number of banks have been introducing digital storage where consumers can store important information, usually pertaining to accounts held at the bank, but sometimes expanding to insurance documents, etc. Barclays is one of the first provider to introduce Cloud Storage. The usefulness and logistics of digital storage is still being evaluated by many banks and credit unions.
Bank AmeriDeals can leverage location to pinpoint reward offers
Augmented reality is used for new home finder app at Halifax in the UK
Barclays provides a digital lockbox for important documents
Customers of Natwest can make cardless withdrawals at ATMs
Improved Sales and Service
Despite all of the improvements to mobile banking over the past couple of years, mobile sales and service has lagged. This is the key to a true omnichannel experience, however, as financial institutions hope to migrate more costly transactions from the branch or call center to more of a self-service mode. Calculators and comparison tools have been introduced in the past 9 months, but sales and monetization in the app are still not common. It is believed that part of the reason for lack sales integration is related to the challenge of selling within a limited space and at the same time not being too intrusive or disturbing to the consumer. One functionality with great growth potential is allowing the consumer greater access to customer support from the secure site either via live chat or a secure click to call. At this point, most mobile customer service is done through text messaging.
USAA is one of only a few banks that integrate sales messages within the mobile app
Lloyds provides product comparison charts within mobile app
Wells Fargo allows customers to set appointments using their mobile device
ASB has developed a virtual branch to field inquiries from customers
About The Report
The 80-page Mapa Research report entitled, ‘Mobile Banking Series: State of the Market 2014,’ provides an extremely in-depth analysis of mobile banking trends and innovations worldwide. 48 banks were researched in depth, providing the basis for the data presented throughout the report. In addition, other banks and financial service providers were used to provide additional insights in this report.
自去年起,银行和信用社致力于满足消费者日益增长的对移动数字科技的需求。对消费者来说,他们希望随时都可以对自己的账户进行操作,并希望只用在智能手机或平板电脑上滑动一两根手指就可以完成复杂的交易。于是,大量的令人振奋的技术创新和改善如雨后春笋般出现,使得消费者在他们的电子产品上就可以理财。Mapa 调查对全球范围内几十个最具创新能力的金融机构做了持续的定性和定量的分析。“金融品牌”(The Financial Brand)展示了一些最受欢迎的移动理财应用以及他们的功能。对于那些多个银行都提供的功能,我们只选取其中一家银行做展示。每一个例子都阐释了对于一个成功的移动应用做需要的三大要素:
瑞典ICA Banken支持消费者选择可以使用其银行卡的区域
Expectations surrounding functionality within mobile banking apps are higher than ever, as consumers engage more and more with mobile and tablet devices. Banks and credit unions are trying to balance consumer desire for simplicity while providing access to tools that were once the domain of desktops. Here are the best of what we see globally.
Over the past year, banks and credit unions have focused their efforts on trying to keep up with the demands of the highly mobile digital consumer, who wants access to their accounts 24/7 and the ability to perform more and more sophisticated transactions on a smartphone or tablet with one or two taps of a finger. The result has been a plethora of exciting innovations and enhancements to the way consumers bank with their mobile device. Using examples culled from Mapa Research, who conducts ongoing quantitative and qualitative analysis of dozens of the most innovative financial institutions worldwide, The Financial Brand has compiled some of the best examples of great mobile banking apps and functionality. While some of the functions are provided by multiple banks, we show only one institution as an example. Each example illustrates the importance of the three pillars of any successful mobile app:
Simplicity: The ability to remove steps or make a current process easier to perform
Engagement: The ability to encourage greater user involvement that will increase loyalty
Contextuality: The ability to leverage user insight to improve the functionality of an app
Mobile Banking Trends
In the Mapa Research report entitled, ‘Mobile Banking Series: State of the Market 2014,’ an analysis of current mobile banking functionality found the following trends:
Consumers expectations around mobile banking are higher than ever as use of mobile banking increases at the expense of desktop banking.
100% of the banks surveyed support both iPhone and Android devices, with 60% supporting Windows and fewer financial institutions investing in Blackberry support.
24% of banks surveyed allow balances to be viewed before login, 29% allow mobile blocking of a credit or debit card, and 68% allow the viewing of future transactions post login.
72% of banks allow a user to save their ID on the mobile app while only 26% require mobile specific login details.
While the vast majority of banks integrate savings, overdraft and credit cards within the mobile banking app, far fewer include loans or investments.
91% of banks allow consumers to make payments to an existing payee, roughly half allow the payment to a new payee or mobile phone number, while only 14% allow payment to an email address and 2% using social media.
Sales and marketing as well as the ability to buy products within the mobile banking app is available at fewer than 30% of the banks monitored.
Secure messaging is available at 30% of the organizations, with live chat only provided by 7% of the institutions.
Overall, the Mapa Research report found that while many innovations have been introduced in the past 12 months, other mobile banking functionalities that were once considered ‘new’ are now simply table stakes in the competition to improve the consumer experience.
Enhanced Mobile Banking Engagement
From account opening to the login and home screen, financial institutions are working on new ways to create a simple and engaging first step for the mobile banking customer. As more institutions are providing easy ways to leverage the camera within a smartphone to facilitate account opening, others are providing more functionality prior to login (such as viewing balances) and are redesigning their home pages to generate greater engagement using icons, personalization options and visuals.
GoBank pre-login balance inquiry
Societe Generale visual balance and icon login
Barclays mobile app with personalization option
BNP Paribas allows customers to have multiple mobile users on one device
Capital One eliminates forgotten passwords with Sure Swipe
USAA provides members hands-free voice command capability
LaCaixa has moved to icon-based login screen
Improved Mobile Banking Payment Functionality
One of the key drivers of increased usage of mobile banking apps is the ability for customers to do more within the app. Greater self-servicing capability, payment functionality and account integration are all moving from the desktop to the mobile device. As functionality increases, so does the challenge of maintaining a good user experience as the mobile applications begin to feel busy. In the past year, banks seem to have focused primarily on adding functionality, but future spoils will go to those who are able to combine increased functionality with an improved user experience through better navigation and design.
Moven provides instant digital receipts
Kaching provides several one-touch payment options
Barclays provides integrated borrowing calculator within mobile app
Bank of America provides mobile billpay payee additions
ICA Banken allows customers to select regions where cards can be used
Expanded Mobile-First Capabilities
Using the GPS and photo capabilities inherent within a smartphone, many banks are now providing unique capabilities that enhance the customer experience and provide potential revenue opportunities for financial institutions. These are apps that many believe are the future of mobile banking because of the ease of use and digital value provided. A small number of banks have been introducing digital storage where consumers can store important information, usually pertaining to accounts held at the bank, but sometimes expanding to insurance documents, etc. Barclays is one of the first provider to introduce Cloud Storage. The usefulness and logistics of digital storage is still being evaluated by many banks and credit unions.
Bank AmeriDeals can leverage location to pinpoint reward offers
Augmented reality is used for new home finder app at Halifax in the UK
Barclays provides a digital lockbox for important documents
Customers of Natwest can make cardless withdrawals at ATMs
Improved Sales and Service
Despite all of the improvements to mobile banking over the past couple of years, mobile sales and service has lagged. This is the key to a true omnichannel experience, however, as financial institutions hope to migrate more costly transactions from the branch or call center to more of a self-service mode. Calculators and comparison tools have been introduced in the past 9 months, but sales and monetization in the app are still not common. It is believed that part of the reason for lack sales integration is related to the challenge of selling within a limited space and at the same time not being too intrusive or disturbing to the consumer. One functionality with great growth potential is allowing the consumer greater access to customer support from the secure site either via live chat or a secure click to call. At this point, most mobile customer service is done through text messaging.
USAA is one of only a few banks that integrate sales messages within the mobile app
Lloyds provides product comparison charts within mobile app
Wells Fargo allows customers to set appointments using their mobile device
ASB has developed a virtual branch to field inquiries from customers
About The Report
The 80-page Mapa Research report entitled, ‘Mobile Banking Series: State of the Market 2014,’ provides an extremely in-depth analysis of mobile banking trends and innovations worldwide. 48 banks were researched in depth, providing the basis for the data presented throughout the report. In addition, other banks and financial service providers were used to provide additional insights in this report.
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