what iwhat s his namefate?句式对不?

A person‘s fate is determined by his/her personality.What is your view on this saying?400字左右,求思路或高手出马.
In my opinon,A person's fate is determined by many factors,such as talent,braveness,confidence,luck,opportunity and so on.Obviously,a peroson's success is very complex,and this sentence is one-sided.However,there is no doubt that personality is one of the most important conditions for success.Dickens once said:"a sound personality,than a hundred wisdom is more strength." Character directly affects a person's behavior ,habits and so on .A good character allows you to have more opportunities,better psychological,more comfortable environment,closer to the success .In fact,a person's character does not matter good or bad,as well as the fate this determines ,.We can only say that a person should understand their nature,and live the life which is most suitable for himself,.I think it will be the best life and the best fate for him.I believe that everyone has the value of its existence,As long as you admit defeat,failure would not be the outcome of your life.Personality is just one reason of fate,don’t change youselves for others,just be yourself!
Are you joking ,10 marks only ?
&&&& Computer programmer David Jones earns $35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot found a bank ready to let him have a credit card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David's firm releases(推出) two new games for the fast growing computer market each month.
&&& But David's biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage(抵押货款),or get credit cards. David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,” he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.
“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school,” he said, “But I had been studying is in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway.” David added: “I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know when the market might disappear.”
In which way is David different from people of his age?
A. He often goes out with friends.
B. He lives with his mother.
C. He has a handsome income.
D. He graduated with six O-levels.
What is one of the problems that David is facing now?
A. He is too young to get a credit card.
B. He has no time to learn driving.
C. He has very little spare time.
D. He will soon lose his job.
Why was David able to get the job in the company?
A. He had done well in all his exams.
B. He had written some computer programs.
C. He was good at playing computer games.
D. He had learnt to use computers at school.
Why did David decide to leave school and start working?
A. He received lots of job offers.
B. He was eager to help his mother.
C. He lost interest in school studies.
D. He wanted to earn his own living.
I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I shall be with you again on holiday. I have enjoyed my stay in England very much indeed. Mr Brown and classmates are nice to me, but, as they say in England, “There’s no place like home.” and I think you feel this above all at Christmas time.
I am leaving here early on Thursday, the 23rd, and I shall arrive in Basle on Friday morning, so I shall be home somewhere about lunchtime. Can you meet me at the station, as I shall have a lot of luggage?
In some of my earlier letters I have told you all about the other students here. Well, I want to ask my Polish friend Jan to come and spend Christmas with us. Will that be all right? His father and mother died last year, he can go home for Christmas, and he has no friend in England except the Browns. He is a nice boy. I know you all like him, and I feel sure he will enjoy Christmas with us. It is very short notice, but you are always pleased, I know, if we bring our friends home. however, I have not yet invited him, as I thought it was better to ask you first. Please let me know as soon as possible if it will be all right.
The writer was very excited at the thought that ________.
A. she would be back home with her new friend
B. she would be with her parents in another week
C. her parents wanted to see her very much
D. she would go on staying in England
She wanted some one to meet her because ________.
A. she was told to do so&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. she would be tired out after the trip
C. she would carry a pile of things&&&&&&&&&&& D. she didn’t know where the station was
The underlined sentence “There’s no place like home” means ________.
A. There is not a place that the writer likes&&&&&
B. There is no place that the writer can live in
C. The writer’s home is not in London in fact&&&
D. East and west, home is best
These paragraphs are taken out of a ________.
A. magazine&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. letter&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. book&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. newspaper
1.As he has no opportunity to achieve his a________, he intends to leave from the company.
2. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ________ (有益的) to people.
3. I’m interested in the classical ___________(文学) of France.
4. I offer you my hearty c______________ on your success.
5. They& will __________(宣布)& the results of the election soon.
6. Tom and Jane want to get d__________ .That means they intend to end their marriage.
7.To his ______________ (满意), he passed the examination.
8.His strength was s__________ to death.
9. The clouds were r______________& in the lake. Didn’t you see them?
10.The sailor had to a___________ the sinking ship.
&&&&&& Harald Kaas was sixty. His back became rounded, and he bent a little. His forehead, always of the broadest-no one else’s hat would fit him - was now one of the highest, that is to say, he had lost all his teeth, which were strong though small, and blackened by smoking. Now, instead of “deuce take it” he said “deush take it”. He had always held his hands half closed as thoug now they stiffened so that he could never open them fully. The little finger of his ldft hand had been bitten off. According to Harald’s version of the story, the fellow swallowed the piece on the spot.
&&&&&& He was fond of showing off the ldft part, and it often served as an introduction to the history of brave adventures, which became greater and greater and greater as he grew older and quieter. His small sharp eyes were deep set and looked at one with great intensity. There wsa power in his individuality. He has no lack of self-respect.
&&&&&& His house, raised on an old foundation, looked out to the sou farther out were more islands and the open sea. Its eastern wing was barely half furnished, and the western inhabited by Harald Kaas. These wings were connected by a gallery, behind which were the fields and woods to the north.
In the gallery itself were heads of bears, wolves, foxes and lynxes and stuffed birds from land and sea. Skins and guns hung on the walls of the front room. The inner rooms were also full of skins and filled with the smell of wild animals and tobacco-smoke. Harald himself called it “man-smell”; no one who had once put his nose inside could ever forget it. Valuable and beautiful skins hung on the walls and sat, and walked on skins, and each one of them was a subject of conversation. Harald Kaas, seated in his log chair by the fireside, his feet on the bearskin, opened his shirt to show the scars on his hairy chest (and what scars they were) which had been made by a bears teeth, when he had driven his knife, right up to the end, into the monster’s heart. All the tables, and cupboards, and carved chairs listened in their silence.
68.Who or what most probably bit harald Kaass’ little finger off?
&&&&&& A.On of his fellow hunters
B.An adversary in a boxing match
C.A wild animal&
D.One of his hunting dogs
Makoto、Mr. Zheng、Mr. Zhu、Jack 和Xiao Wang 正在广州寻找合适的餐厅,第61-65题是对他们个人情况的介绍。阅读下列餐厅的信息(A、B、C、D、E、F),选出符合他们各人需要的最佳选择。选项中有一项是多余的。【小题1】Makoto is a Japanese tourist who has stayed in Guangzhou for a few days. He wants to make a tour of North China but unfortunately he has no time. So he would like to find a restaurant where he can taste northern food and experience the life in the north.【小题2】Mr. Zheng was born in Hunan but went to Japan at an early age. This time he came to Guangzhou to deal with some business affairs. Coming back to his homeland after being away for about 20 years, he hopes to find a restaurant serving food of his home town.【小题3】It is the first time for Mr. Zhu, who comes from the northeast of China, to visit Guangdong Province. He is interested in traditional Cantonese food and Cantonese lifestyle.【小题4】 Jack is a successful businessman. He is flying to Guangzhou to meet some people, who are likely to sign a contract with him. He wants to find a high quality restaurant. Of course, it is the quality rather than the price that he cares about.【小题5】 Xiao Wang, a migrant worker in Guangzhou, plans to hold a party with his 10 friends. All of them are fond of the Sichuan cuisine. Xiao Wang hopes to spend less than 600 yuan for the dinner.ANanhai Yucun RestaurantFounded in 1986, Nanhai Yucun Restaurant has always been
one of the gourmets’ choices in Guangzhou.Prices are high, but so is the quality. Just loo the King and Queen of Spain, South Korea’s Prime Minister and his
wife have eaten here, along with lots of local famous people.&BDongbeirenDongbeiren is meant for northerners. The decoration is
basically red—from the paper cuts and the curtains to the Kang (a bed with a
table where people can sit comfortably without shoes and with their legs
folded). It is perhaps a way to remind the northerners of home or for other
people to get in touch with the north.&&CTaotaoju RestaurantTaotaoju Restaurant is one of Guangzhou’s most well-known
traditional Cantonese restaurants, located in a historic building in the
heart of the city’s Xiguan District.You can’t get any more traditional Guangzhou than this,
which is a great place for dim sum and seafood. You haven’t lived in
Guangzhou until you’ve eaten dim sum in a true local place like Taotaoju.
It’s also a popular spot for parties.&DChongqing Xiaodongtian RestaurantIt’s one of the top Sichuan cuisine restaurants in
Guangzhou, featuring Chongqing flavor.It is a group of chain restaurants in Guangzhou. The food
is Sichuan style, but the decoration and surroundings are a bit old.Like most Sichuan restaurants, the pleasant smell of
their traditional hot pot spreads throughout the whole place.Food here is medium-priced, around 50 RMB per person.&EMaojia ReastaurantMaojia Reastaurant is a local favorite for
strong-flavored Hunan dishes.It has a strong cultural atmosphere related to Chairman
Mao and also introduces Maojia dishes characteristic of tasty Hunan local
flavors, which are a bit softer than the traditional Hunan flavor.&FEnmi Japanese ReastaurantThe decoration here is beautiful and peaceful.A small “courtyard of bamboo” is refreshing while the
space between tables is large and comfortable. The diverse sashimi (raw fish
slices) is a must-try here.The food, however, is served slow and the regulated tow
hours for ordering is strange.
1.How are you? 你好?
当两个相识的人见面时,其中通常有一个人说此语来询问对方的身体健康情况。这时的How are you?=are you well?
fine,thanks.或I'm very
well,thank you.实例:
--Mr.Smith,how are you?
--Fine,thank you.And you?
--How,are you?
--Very well,thank you.
--Mr.Wang,how are you?
--Fine,thanks,And you?
--Just fine,Where are you going?
--To the library.
--Ok,I'll see you later.So long.
--So long.
2.How is everything with you? 你一切都好吗?
此句型表示双方见面后,一方问对方各方面情况,仍为客套话。类似的说法还有How are things with you? 你一切都好吗?实例:
--Hi,Fred!How is everything with you?
--Everthing is fine,thank you,What about you?
--Quite well.
--How are you getting(on,along)with your
--Very(pretty,quite)well,thank you.
3.Hello! 你好!(喂!)
--Hello!How are you?
--I'm very well,thank you.
--Hello,may I speak to Betty, please?
--Hello!what's this?
--Oh,it's a present for my birthday.
--Hello!May i come in?Is anybody here?
--Come in,please.
4.Hi! 喂,你好!
多用于非正式场合,Hi比Hello使用时更随便,在比较正式的场合可用Good morning,Good afternoon 等代替Hello,是Hello 作“你好”解时的近义表达。实例:
--Hello there,Jim!
--Hi,Martin from
Los Angeles, USA.
--Hi,Carol Rudie from Florida.
--I'm here for tourism.What about you?
--On business.
5.How do you do? 你好!
--Tom,this is Jim,my friend.
--How do you do,Tom?
--How do you do,Jim
--Mum,this is Mr.Wang.
--How do you do?
--How do you do?Pleased to meet you.
6.Lovely day,isn't it? 天气真好,是不是?
当对天气,地方,某物表示满意、喜悦或赞赏时常用此语来表达。此语虽然是疑问句的形式,但实际是惊叹的语气,应读降调。回答用Yes,isn't it? 也应读降调。实例:
--Good afternoon,Mr.Zhang.
--Good afternoon,Mr.Wang.Lovely day,isn't it?
--Yes,isn't it?
--Have you been out for a walk?
--Yes,it's such a fine day that I thought I'd go out for some fresh
7.Isn't it a lovely day? 多麽晴朗的天啊!
虽然这句听上去是问句,但是它是有倾向性的问句,通常表示赞赏,有时也表示厌恶或婉转,其作用相当于Lovely day isn't it?和What a lovely day it is!
--Isn't it a lovely day?
--yes,isn't it?
--why not go swimming with your friends?
8.I'd like you to meet sb. 我想让你见见某人。
当人们想把自己的朋友介绍给某人时常用此语表示。I'd like 是 I want 的委婉用语。I'd like sb to meet
sb.是想把某人介绍给某人的习惯用语。双方被介绍者通常用How do you do? 或(I'm) pleased/glad to meet you.作应答。实例:
--Mrs Hughes, I'd like you to meet my friend
Dr.Peter Brown.
--How do you do ,Dr.Brown?
--How do you do ? I am new here.Be sure to give me some advice
9.Let me introduce you to... 让我把你介绍给....
--Hi,Xiao Li,Let me introduce you to Mr.Welson,a
teacher of mine.He is from England.
--How do you do,Mr.Welson? Please give me some help in english,
--How do you do,Xiao Li.i will,but please give me a hand in
--Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
Black-Bob Black.I come from Ontario,Canada.
--Welcome to China!
10.I'm glad/nice/pleased to meet you.
此语为初次(多用于被介绍相识后)见面时的寒暄。意为:很高兴认识你。glad、nice和pleased 这三个形容词中 glad 最常用,它适用于一切场合。nice
--Hi,I'm Meg,(I'm) glad to meet you! What's your
--Hi,I'm peter,glad to meet you,too!
--Do you like the job, here?
--Yes,very much.
--Good ,Jim.I'm glad to have met you.(或Nice to have met you.)
11.Goodbye! 再见!
--I hope you can come next time.
--I hope so, too.Goodbye!
--I won't keep you then.It was nice of you to come
to see me.
--It has been a pleasure.Goodbye!
12.So long!再见!
--Let's call it a day,shall we?
--All right,my fellow.
--So long!
--So long!
--Mummy,I am going to the park with my classmates
this afternoon.We are to meet at the gate at 3 o'clock. I must be
--Take care !Bye!
14.See you later.回头见!
--There is a ball at the Globe Hotel tonight.Would
you like to go there?
--Let me see.Oh,yes,nothing special tonight.
--All right.Shall we meet at the gate at 7 o'clock?
--Great!See you later!
--See you later!
15.Good night.晚安!
--Tommy,time for sleep.
--Mummy, I haven't finished my homework yet.
--But you won't get up as early as 7 o'clock tomorrow
--I would rather not be late for class.Good night ,mummy.
--Good night.
16.I must be going. 我该走了。
这是客人向主人告别时的用语。有时也说I must go now.或I must be leaving now.或 I've got to go now.等实例:
--I must be going .I've got a
--Oh,it's five o'clock already.I must be
--Can't you stay a little longer?
--I've got to be going now. I have a few things to
do .So long!
--So long!
17.Give my (best) regards to sb.
--Oh,it's nine o'clock. I've got to go.
--Give my best regards to your wife.
--Alice,it is so nice to have worked with you so
long.After I get home,I will miss you very much.
--There, there, We will have another chance to meet later. Please
give my best regards to your family.
18.Remember me to....代我向.....问候。
--Oh,it's late,I must be going.
--Remember me to your parents,Hope to see them soon.
--Darling,if only I were not a salesman! I would
live together with you.Cwalk and dine with you. I am
now in Singapore.There is an exhibition in HongKong next month.I
will be there.Anything you want me to buy? I have to drop my pen so
soon.Do remember me to your parents.
19.Say hellow to sb. for me.代我向某人问好。
--Please say hellow to Mr.Brown and
--I'll do that.Thank you.
--I am going to Mr.Smith's office for some
--cheerio.Say hellow to him.
--Say good-bye to the rest of the family for me, will you?
20.Thank you(very much).(非常)感谢。
当别人为你做了事、帮了忙、让路、送给你礼物、赞扬了你等时,都应说Thank you.或Thanks.来表示谢意。实例:
--Thank you very much for all you have done for
--It's pleasure.
--Mr.Smith,here's a present for you form our
--Oh,thank you!It's very kind of you.(Unwraps a box) Ah,it's a
porcelain vase.
21.You're welcome. 不用客气(不必谢)。
welcome.来应答。意思是:不用客气!不用谢!在很多情况下,You're welcome 与That's all right.或Not at all.通用。实例:
--Thank you for everything you have done for me
during my stay here.
--You're welcome.
--The dinner was delicious.Thank you for your
--You're entirely welcome.
--Thank you for your advice.
--Not at all.
22.Not at all.不用客气。
此句型常用来回答thank you 等感谢语言,相当于Don't thank me at
all.还可以回答Would you
mind...?的问话,相当于I Don't
mind at all.实例:
--Thank you for your advice.
--Not at all.
23.Think nothing of it.没关系。
--Is this chair taken?I see a coat on it.
--Oh,that's mine.Let me take it.
--Are you sure it's all right if I sit here?
--Sure.Be my guest.
--Well,OK.then.Thank you.
--Think nothing of it.
--I've make a mistake about you.I'm sorry for
--Think nothing of it.
24.It's my pleasure.愿意为您效劳。
--It's very kind of you to help me with my luggage
and it's quite a long way.
--It's my pleasure.By the way, What are you here for?For tourist or
on business?
--For tourism. What about you?
--I live here.Drop in if you have time.Here's the address.
--Thank you very much.
25.Don't mention it.没什麽,别客气。
--I'm sorry I stepped on your toe.
--It's OK.Don't mention it.
--Are you sure you're OK?
--Yes.I'm fine .Thank you.
--Thank you for helping me last night.
--Don't mention it.
--You're a good friend.
--I'm glad you feel that way.
26.Is that you...? 你是...吗?
当你打电话问你要找的人,常用Is that you...? 这一句型,即“你是.....吗?”实例:
--Hello.Is that you, Mr.Smith?
--No,I'm afraid you have the wrong number.This is the Grand Guest
--Is that you Mary?
--Yes,this is Mary speaking.
--This is Mike speaking.Mr.Smith,please.
--Hold the line.I'll see if he is in.
27.You're wanted on the phone. 你的电话。
此句型用来表示有某人的电话,在口语里常使用。表示此意也可以说:A phone for you./It's for
--Hello,is Mr.Baker in?
--Just a minute...Mr.Baker, it's for you.
--Is Mr.Wang there ,please?
--Hang on a moment, please...Mr.Wang, you're wanted.
28.May I speak to sb? 我可以同.....通话吗?
当你要某人与你通话或你找某人接电话,常用May/Could I speak to sb?表达,有时也说
May /Could I talk to
--May I spease to Mr.Smith, please?
--I'm sorry,Mr.Smith isn't in just now.
--Hello.may I speak to Mr.Smith ?
--I'm sorry,He has gone shoppoing.
--Do you know when he will be back?
--This afternoon.You can reach him then.
--But I'm anxious to talk to him.
29.This is sb.speaking. 我是.....。
--Is that you,Jane?
--Yes.this is Jane speaking.
--This is Betty.I just want to tell you that the ball for this
afternoon has been put off till Friday evening.
--May I speak to Henry,please?
--Good morning Henry. This is Mike speaking. I'm calling to ask if
you are free this Saturday.
--Let me see.Not in the morning, I'm afraid,but I'll be free in the
30.Hold the line,please. 请等一下。
接到电话后,自己不是对方要找的人,让对方等一下,然后去找接电话的人,Hold the
line,please.是接电话用的一句常用语,近义的表达还有Hold on pleae,Hold on a second,please.等。实例:
--Is Mr.Wang in?
--Hold the line,please. I'll see if he is in.
--May I speak to Mike ,please?
--Just a moment(=Hold the line).I'll see if he is in.
31.Who's that speaking,please? 请问你是谁?
--Is Mr.Zhang in?
--No,he's out.Who is that speaking,please?
--John Smith.
--May I speak to Henry,please?
--Sorry,he is out.Who is this/that speaking,please?
32.Who's that? 您是哪位呀?
--Hello,who's that?
--Anderson speaking.
--Where're you now?
--I'm at Kean's.Will you come and join us?
--I'm afraid I can't.I'm busy preparing for the final
--That's a pity.Bye.
33.Would you like to leave a message?
May I speak to sb
--May I speak to Mike,please?
--I'm sorry,he is out(not in).Would you like to leave a
--Could I speak to Henry, please?
--I'm sorry,he is on another phone just now.Do you want to leave a
34.May I take a message for you?
当接电话的人发现打电话要找的人不在时,常用此语回答。给某人留口信通常除了可以说give sb.a message/take a message for sb./pass on a
message to sb.之外,还可以说:May I take a message for you? 我给你带个口信好吗?实例:
--Hello,This is Dr.Hunter's House.Mary
--Oh,hello.I wanted to speak to Dr.Hunter.
--I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment.May I take a message for
--Sure.There is a concert tonight. He is wanted to be present as a
member of the performance committee.He is expected to be at the
entrance at 7:15 pm.
35.The line is busy. 占线。
当你打电话你先要总机,如要找的人正在和别人通话时,接线员通常说The line is busy.意为:占线。实例:
--Hello,operator.Can you transfer this to Ext.103
--I wish I could,but the line is busy.Just hold on, please.
--Operator,I want to make a person-to-person call
to Miss.Marilyn Peters in Washington D.C.the number is
--One moment, please.Sorry.The line is busy.
36.Operator,please put me through to Empire
5-4093. 接线员,请给我接帝国 5-4093。
--Operator,please put me through to International
--One moment,please.
--Operator!We've been disconnected.Will you put me
through again?
--Just a minute,please.I'll see if I can connect you again.
--hello? Marilyn,are you there now?
--yes,Frank.Now what were you saying about a baseball game?
37.Congratulations! 祝贺(恭喜)你!
--I've passed the examination.
--You got married?Congratulations!
--Thank you.
--I'm the general manager now!
38.I'm just very lucky.我只是十分幸运罢了。
当别人向你表示祝贺时,你可用此语表示应答,这样显得谦虚或客气。有时也用Thank you.Same to you.或 Do you really think so?/Thank you.I didn't expect
--I haven't see you for a long time .I've heard you've got a
promotion. Congratulations!
--Thank you.I'm just very lucky.
--Hello,henry.I've heard you've been the
--Thank you.I'm just very lucky.
39.Will you please do sth.? 请你.....好吗?
--Will you please lend me your dictionary?
--Certainly.Here you are.
--Thank you.I just want to look up a few words.
--There's no hurry.Take your time .I'm not useing it now.
--(after useing it)Thanks.
--You're welcome.
40.Would you please do...? 请您干.....好吗?
Would you (please)do
sth.? 比 Will you please
do sth.? 要客气些,都是请求用语。Could you do sth.?
--Would you please drop in at the post office on
your way home and send off this book for me?
--Sure.I'd be glad to.
--Thanks a lot.
41.May I ask you a favour?
此语用来请求别人帮助做某事。有时也说Would you do me a
--May I ask you a favour?
--Yes,what is it?
--I received a letter from my pen-pal in Japan. My Japanese is not
very good.Can you help me to figure it out?
-- All right.Let me try.
--Would you do me a favour,George?
--This box is too heavy.Please lend me a hand?
42.Would you mind doing sth.? 做.....你介意吗?
--Would you mind opening the windows?
--Not at all.
--Would you mind carrying the heavy box for
--Of course I would,mother.
43.Would you mind if...? 要是.....您不介意吧?
--Would you mind if I turn off the radio?
--Not at all.Just go ahead.
--Oh,it's so crowded in the bus.Would you mind if
I take this seat?
--Of course not.Please do.
44.Would you mind me(my)doing sth.?
--It's rather hot in here.Would you mind my
opening the door?
--Of course not.
--Lily,it's too noise.Would you mind me turning
down the music sound?
--Not at all.
45.Certainly (not). 当然(不行/能)。
当对某人的请求表示肯定时用Certainly 或Sure 等回答,表示否定时用Certainly not 回答。实例:
--May I use your car a second?
--Could you spare me some matches?
--Sure/Certainly.Here you are.
--Would you do me a favour?
--I will if I can.
46.Would you like me to do sth.?
当你想了解对方的意愿可用这一句型进行询问。意为:你想让我...?它比Do you want me to do sth.?客气些。实例:
--Would you like me to post the letter for
--Thanks, if it's not too much bother.
--Would you like me to call a taxi for you?
--It's very kind of you,but they're sending a car for me. Thank you
just the same.
--Would you like me to fetch some water?
--No,thanks,Much enough.
47.Let me..... 让我来。
Would you like me to.....这个句型用于询问对方的意愿。如果估计不必询问时,可说
Let me.....
--Oh,just a minute!Let me open the door for
--Thank you.
--Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to the
Triumph Hotel?
--Oh,let me show you to the gate.
No,thanks.用于谢绝对方的好意,有时也可以说 No,thank
--Would you like another helping?
--What a lift?
--No,thank you.
--Would you like me to fill your thermos for
--No,thanks.It's still almost full.
49.No more,thanks.不再要了,谢谢。
No more,thanks.表示说话者已经吃、喝的差不多了,而服务员又给送上,此时可用此句型。实例:
--Would you like to have another beer,sir?
--No more,thanks.
--Another piece of bread?
--No more,thank you.
50.Excuse me.对不起。
Excuse me.通常用于引起别人注意或请求让路、让人躲开时。实例:
--Excuse me.
--You are wanted on the phone.
--Excuse me,are you Mr. Robinson from
--I'm Tom Brown from IBM.
--Excuse me.Can you tell me the time ?
--Yes,it's three o'clock.
51.Excuse me.对不起。
向别人问路或打听消息时,常用Excuse me.在席间或宴会上等如离开一会时也可以使用。实例:
--Excuse me,but could you tell me where the cinema
--Oh,it's over there.
--Excuse me,Mr.Smith.May I have a word with
--Please excuse me for a moment.I won't be
--May I be excused?
52.Excuse me.对不起。
--Excuse me.
--That'all right.
--Excuse me.
Sorry或I'm sorry.通常用于以下场合:打扰了别人,做错了事,惹怒了人等。实例:
--I'm sorry.
--That's all right.
--I'm really sorry.
--Don't worry about it.
--I'm sorry to give you so much trouble.
--No trouble at all.
--I'm terribly sorry.I lost the magazine you lent
me the other day.
--It dosen't matter,It was a back number anyway.
54.I'm sorry.对不起/很难过。
I'm sorry 也可以在别人说到自己的伤心的事或是倒霉的事时用,表示同情。实例:
--You don't look very well this morning! What's
--My mother is ill in hospital.
--I'm sorry.
--Why were you absent for the last few days?
--My grandpa died three days ago.
--I'm sorry to hear that.
55.Could you tell me the way to...?
--Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the
--Certainly.Take a No.7 bus to the post office and chang there to a
No.10 bus...
--Excuse me,can you tell me the shortest way to
the Capital Theatre?
--Just go straight along this street(pointing) and you'll come to
56.Could you tell me how can get to...?
询问去某地的路怎麽走时,常用此句型。本句型还可以说成:Could you tell me how to can get
--Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the
post office?
--Certainly.Go that way for two blocks,then turn left...
--Hi!Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the
railway station?
--Sure.Take first turning on the left.And then go straight
--Thank you very much.
57.Go down this street. 沿着这条街走。
--Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to the
--Go down this street and then turn left.
--Excuse me. Could you tell me where the hospital
--Certainly.Just go along this road until you come to a place where
the road forks.....
58.Come this way.从这边走。
本句型常常用来表示为别人带路或带领来人参观某地。也可以简说为:This way,please!实例:
--Oh,what a large factory!Will you show me
--Certainly.This way,please!
--Excuse me,I'm a new-comer here.I want to see
your manager.
--He is in his office.This way,please!
59.Can I help you? 你要什麽?
当售货员问你“你买什麽?”或“你要什麽吗?”时多用此句型。也可以用Anything I can do for
--Yes,sir,can/may I help you?
--A carton of Winstons,please.
--Anything I can do for you,madam?
--I'd like to have 5 Kg.of these apples.
60.What can I do for you? 你要买什麽?
--Good afternoon,sir.What can I do for you?
--One pound of apples and three pounds of tomatoes.
--Here you are.Five dollars and a half.
--Thank you.
--What can I do for you,sir?
--I'd like to buy a book on mechanics
61.May I try it/them on? 我试穿一下可以吗?
当你想试穿要买的东西时,常对售货员说这句话。try on
意为:试穿,通常用于试穿衣服、鞋等,它与名词连用时,可将名词放在副词on之前或之后;如与代词连用,其代词必须放在副词on之前,不可放在副词on 之后。实例:
--Can I help you?
--I'd like new shoes.May I try them on?
--Look,Helen!Here's a new shirt.
--May I try it on,Mum?
62.How much does it cost? 这个花多少钱?
当你询问物品的价格是多少时可用此句型。有时也说How much is it?或How much?实例:
--Will you show me that cap?
--How much does it cost?
--Twenty yuan.
--It's certainly nice,but it's a bit more than I was thinking of
paying. I don't think I'll take it.
--How much?
--Oh,it's cheap.I'll have it.
63.What's the price of...?
当你询问物品的价格是多少时可用此句型。有时也说How much is it
--How much is the book worth?
--It's worth ten yuan.
--Is there anything I can do for you,madam?
--Yes,I'd like to have two pounds of lamb.
--Here you are.
--What's the price?
--$3.5 a pound.
64.It cost me twenty dollars. 这东西花了我20美元。
--Hi,lily.I bought a new T-shirt yesterday.
--Oh,really? How much?
--It cost me eleven dollars.
--This is computer was made in early 80's.How much
is it worth now?
--It costs $50.00 at the most.
65.I paid $200.00 for a CD-Rom.
--Mathilde,how much did you pay for the
--I paid three thousand and six hundred francs for it.
--Oh,dear.Mine is made of glass. It cost 100 francs at the
--It's a new type of video-player,isn't it? What
is the price?
--I paid over four thousand yuan for it.
66.I'll take it/them. 我买了。
当你认为某种东西称心,价格合理,决定要买时,可用I'll take it(them).或I'll have it(them).有时还可以在这两个句型后加上一个副词then(那麽)。实例:
--How much is the bike?
--Two hundred yuan.
--Oh,it's cheap. I'll take it.
--How much do these books come to?
--Five hundred yuan.
--Oh,that sounds reasonable.I'll have them then.
67.What's the weather like ? 天气怎样?
--What's the weather like out?
--It's very cold.
--What was the weather like yesterday in
--It was raining all day long.
68.How is the weather? 天气怎样?
What's the weather
like?之外,还可以说 How is the
--How is the weather today?
--It's nice and warm.
--How was the weather last Sunday?
--It was snowing.We had planned to go out but failed to do
69.It's nice and...非常(很).....
and放在形容词或副词之前,是加强形容词或副词的一种语势。nice and =nicely,相当于副词very 非常。实例:
--What's the weather like today.
--It's nice and cool.
--How do you like the weather in my
--It's nice and warm.I'll stay here for two months.
70.Yes,isn't it? 是呀,可不是吗?
当对方一般性谈天气说Cold day,isn't it? /Lovely day, isn't it?
等时,你可用Yes,isn't it?
--Wonderful weather,isn't it?
--Yes,isn't it?
--It's a nice morning,isn't it?
--Yes,isn't it?
--It's a lovely day,isn't it?
--Yes,isn't it?/It certainly (sure) is!/I should say so!
71.I agree with you. 我同意你(的意见)。
--My wife is not very keen on getting a TV set.She
thinks it's bad for the children.
--She does,dosen't she? Well,I quite agree with her.I think it's a
waste of time.
--We should start off at six o'clock.
--I agree with you.
72.I agree to it.我同意这个意见。
--First,we must seize this position. And then we
will station around the town.
--We agree to this plan.
--oK, Let's put it into action.
--I was to agree to that.But I changed my mind
--I doubted about it.
73.I don't think so. 我不这样认为。
--I'm really enjoying this trip.It's quite
comfortable.Don't you think so?
--I'm afraid I can't agree with you.
--Do you think he can come here on time?
--No,I don't think so.
--I think he can pass this examination.
--I don't think so.
74.That's it 对了。/就这样。
此句型通常用于赞同或肯定对方的话,相当于That's right.说到问题的关键处,相当
--So she'll marry that millionaire?
--That's it.Some day next week.
--We need ten workmen who are good at this
--That's it.
--I just don't know who are able to do it.
--Do you know Jack?He is always saying bad things
behind us.
--That's it.(=That's right.)
75.By all means. 当然/一定。
--Can I have this one?
--Yes,by all means.
--Would it be all right if I left a bit
--Yes,by all means.
76.By no means. 当然不行!
注意含有 means 的口语句式:by no means.当然不行,绝对不可以(此句含义与by all means.相反)。实例:
--Can I go home now?
--By no means.
--Father,it's about nine o'clock. Can I go out for
--By no means.You must finish your homework first.
77.I'm afraid not. 我想不是。
--Can you go now?
--I'm afraid not.
--Hello.Could I speak to Miss Green,please?
--I'm afraid not. She's out at the moment.Can I take a message for
78.I prefer A to B. 我喜欢A不大喜欢B。
当谈及两样东西,喜欢前者不大喜欢后者时,可用此句型表示。prefer = like better,prefer A to
B,意为:更喜欢A(=like A
better)prefer.....to .....,还有取前舍后的意思。实例:
--I like meat and fish.what about you?
--I prefer fish to meat.
--Do you prefer coffee or tea?
--I prefer coffee to tea.
--I prefer doing to talking.
--I prefer death to dishonour.
79.I prefer to read rather than watch TV.
当谈及两样东西,喜欢前者不大喜欢后者时,可用此句型表示。prefer to do sth.rather than do sth
--Did you watch TV last night?
--No,I prefer to read novels rather than watch it.
--I prefer to that.
--He won't come today.Let's call him up
--I prefer to wait until evening.
80.I'd prefer you did not go there
--Dad,I want to go to the country for the
--I should prefer that you didn't go there alone.
--No,With one of my classmates.
--I should prefer that he had another try.
--No,he's failed several times.
81.I would rather die than give in.
此句型意为某人更情愿地做某事,和prefer...to...基本同义。其否定式是将not 加在rather 后面。实例:
--I have two apples.Whice one do you prefer?
--I would rather have the small one than the large one.
--Will you join us in a game of cards?
--Thank you,but I would rather not.
82.I don't care for... 我不喜欢...
--What do you think of the film?
--I think it's an old film. So I don't care for it.
--I don't care for this ring.How about that
--Ok,here you are.
--I don't care for him?
--He didn't care for this car.
--Would you care for a walk?
83.What's the matter? 怎麽了?/有什麽不舒服?
--Hello,Sergio.What's the matter?
--I'm feeling terrible.
--Oh,dear! Why don't you see a doctor?
--Perhaps I will.
--What's the matter with you? You look so
--I think I've got something wrong with my stomach, May I be
84.What's wrong with you? 你怎麽了?/你有什麽不舒服?
What's the matter?外,还可以用
wrong?或What's up
--What's wrong with you? You don't look
--I've got a headache and feel chilly.
--I thought I heard her shouting from the bathroom
and went to see what was the matter.
--What's the matter/up with her?
85.What's happened to him? 他出什麽事了?/他怎麽了?
询问某人出了什麽事时,也可以用What's happened to him?
--Web is not here today.Do you know what's
happened to him,Bob?
--His leg is broken.
--What for?
--He had it broken when he was playing football.
--I'm sorry.But tell him we're going to have a quiz next
--Yes,I will.
86.I've caught a bad cold. 我感冒了。
当某人着凉或感冒时,常常使用动词catch/get/have 等,加上cold 表示。如果病的厉害,可在cold 前加上bad/terrible等形容词修饰。实例:
--You sound strange.What's wrong with you?
--I was caught in the rain yesterday,and I didn't happen to have my
raincoat with me.I caught a cold.
--Better go and see your doctor.
--I had some pills taken last night.It didn't work.
--You doctor has a good cure.
87.I'm coming down with...我要患.....
--What's up with you?
--I feel as if I'm coming down with a cold.
--What's wrong with you?
--I'm afraid I'm coming down with the flu.
88.I'm running a fever./I'm feverish.
本句型表示某人在发烧发热,类似的句型还有I have a fever.和I feel feverish.等。实例:
--You don't look yourself this afternoon and your
forehead feels hot.What's wrong with you?
--I am absolutely running a fever. I feel chilly.
--You'd better go and see your doctor.Let me help you to the
--Thank you.
--I feel dizzy.
--I feel feverish.
--I feel hot and cold.
89.I'll have your temperature
--I feel feverish.
--Oh,I'll have your temperature taken.
--Your face looks flushed.You look as if you have
a fever.I'll have your temperature taken.
--Thank you.
90.Have you got the time? 几点了?
--What time do you have? My watch seems to be
--It's seven minutes to nine. I must be going now.
--Excuse me. Have you got the time?
--It's half past seven.It's time you went to work.
91.What's the time,please? 请问几点了?
--Excuse me, what's the local time?
--It's eight o'clock.I'm afraid I'm late.
--Excuse me.What time is it by your watch?
--It's half past nine .It's time to go to bed.
92.What day is(it) today? 今天星期几?
--Excuse me,what day is it today?
--It's Friday.
--Excuse me,what day was the day before
--It was Wednesday.
93.What day of the week is(it) today?
询问对方今天是星期几时除了92.句型外还可以说What day of the week is it today?
--Excuse me,what day of the week will it be
--It will be Saturday.
--Hi,Jack,you've forgot what day of the week is it
today,haven't you?
--Not really.
--Why do you want to go to school then?
--I want to read books in the school library. It is open on
Saturday morning.
94.What's the date today? 今天是几号?
--What's the date today?
--It's the fifteenth of June.
--What date is it today?
--It's the third of August.
--What's the date of your birthday?
--It's the twenty-seventh of May 1976.
95.It's fifteen(minutes) to nine.
当别人向你询问 What time is it?/What's the time?/Do you
have the time?等,当你看表如果是8:45,你可用以上句式回答。实例:
--What time is it by your watch? Mine seems to be
--Let me see.It's five minutes to eleven.
--What time do you have? My watch seems to be
--Let me see.It's a quarter to ten.
96.It's five past eleven. 现在是11点5分。
表示时间(几点过几分钟)可用此句型。其句型为:It's 数字(分钟)+past+数字(小时)。实例:
--Excuse me,could you tell me the time?
--It's 8:30(eight thirty).
--What's the time,Mike?
--It's exactly eight o'clock.I must be leaving.
97.It's out of order. 它坏了(出了毛病)。
--Excuse me,could you tell me the time?
--Sorry,my watch is out of the order.
--Excuse me,can you tell me the correct
--No,I can't.My watch is out of order.
--Dose your watch keep very good time?
--Sorry,it is out of order.I must have it repaired at once.
98.It'a time to do sth. 该去做某事了。
此句型用于催促他人或自己,意为:是做某事的时候了,该去做某事了。这一句式如果需要强调某人时可说It's time for sb .to do
--What's the time,Mum?
--It's half past seven.It's time to start off.
--Excuse me.What time is it by your watch?
--Let me see.Oh,it's six o'clock.It's time for you to go
--It's time to start off.
--It's time to go to bed.
--It was time to leave London for New York.
99.It's high time you went
如果说现在是必须做某事的时候了可用It's high time...或It's time sb.did.句型。It's
--It's getting late.It's time we went home.
--OK,let's go.
--I think it's high time you bought the
--I quite agree with you.
--I think it's high time you made up your
--John's suit was old and it was high time he
bought a new one.
100.It's time for supper.该吃晚饭了。
此句型用于催促他人或自己。意为:是做某事的时候了,该去做某事了。for 后面直接加名词表示要干的事。实例:
--Hi,Jimmy!Stop reading. It's time for
--One moment, please!
--Boys and girls,it's time for class.Please be
--It's time for bed.
--It was time for harvest.


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