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1、HIV is transmitted by unprotected maybe ver or by overt bloodstream exposure to infected blood or secretions, of the sort that occurs by blood transfusion or sharing drug injection equipment. The virus does not survive in the environment. If HIV could be transmitted by the kind of superficial skin pricks and injuries you describe here or in your other questions, it would be many times more common than it is and would not be classified as a sexually transmitted or blood-borne infection. HIV通过无保护的YINDAO交或者肛门交传播;可能非常少数的通过KJ;或者通过明显的血流暴露给别的血或者分泌物感染,这种情况发生在输血或者共用du ping注射装备。病毒在一般环境下不能生存。如果HIV可能通过你在这描述的或者在其他问题中说的表皮皮肤的刺破破损传播的话,HIV会更普遍,就不会分类为性传播或血液感染。
2、I do believe there is no appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex. Despite the fact that some overly conservative experts say that HIV could be transmitted by giving or receiving oral sex, as you point out, there are no cases is which that has been proven to be the case. My advice would be to not worry. We do not recommend HIV testing following oral sex because we consider it a no risk act.
3、HIV is NOT spread through oral sex and it is uncommon for other STDs to be spread in this way too.
4、Please educate yourself about STD/HIV transmission, which requires a bare penis (no condom) inside another person's vagina, rectum or, rarely, mouth.
5、The risk of transmission from any single vaginal sex event, female to male if the woman has HIV, has been estimated to average 1 in 2,000.
6、(WTXJ) Acute HIV infection, when it causes symptoms at all, typically causes fever (usually quite high), sore throat (usually severe), and a body-wide skin rash, all starting 10-15 days after exposure and lasting 2-4 weeks.
7、but the consensus is that 80-90% of people with new HIV infections have symptoms. 但是一致认为的是80-90%的新HIV感染者有症状。 Most pertinent to your concerns, lymph node inflammation and enlargement (lymphadenopathy) are rarely if ever the only symptom. When lymphadenopathy occurrs, it usually is accompanied by fever (over 101 degrees), sore throat (often severe), and a non-itchy skin rash, 70% of symptomatic persons have all 3, with or without lymphadenopathy.
8、It is probable that in the entire world, nobody in the past 10-15 years (maybe longer) has been infected with HIV through a medical procedure in a doctor's office.
9、the risk of getting HIV in the unlikely circumstance that your partner had HIV is low was well- HIV is transmitted, on average, only once in every
acts of sexual intercourse.
10、Is it possible to acquire HIV through vaginal secretions onto open/fresh cuts/nicks from shaving?
&Possible& to acquire HIV that way? Perhaps. But if so, it would be exceedingly unlikley, as discussed above.
11、The notion that immune deficiency delays test results is mostly theoretical, with very few if any proved cases in which it actually happened
If there is any effect at all, it is only with potent cancer chemotherapy and very powerful immunosuppressive drugs in high dose.
如果有影响(指的是免疫缺陷推迟检测),它只是在有效地肝化疗和非常强大的抑制免疫力的药物du ping上。
12、At two weeks a standard HIV antibody test will detect over 50% of recently acquired infection and a combined HIV p24 antigen/HIV antibody (&DUO&) test will detect more, closer to 80%. At 4 weeks the DUO test results are definitive and standard antibody tests detect over 90% of infection. At 8 weeks standard antibody test results will be definitive.
13、Precisely what proportion of DUO tests are positive among infected persons at 3 weeks is not well known however since over 50% of persons with HIV have positive antibodies (1 part of the DUO test) at 2 weeks, even more at 3. As for the other part of the test, the p24 antigen test, this adds to the sensitivity. It is safe to say that your 3 week test would have detected well over 80% of HIV infections, had you gotten HIV.
14、Your risk of infection to start with, before any testing was tiny and at 3 weeks the HIV antibody tests would be expected to detect the majority (probably over 75%) of recently acquired infection.
15、A negative combo txest any time after 4 weeks always overrules exposure history and symptoms (But the exposure was zero risk anyway, and HIV is not a possible cause for a single inflamed lymph node.) 1个在4周后的联合测试的阴总是否决了之前的接触和症状(无论如何你的接触0风险,并且HIV不可能引起单一的淋巴结发炎红肿)
16、Here is EVERYTHING you need to know aboutnsecuL transmission of HIV: if a bare penis (no condom) doesnt get inside another person's vagina, rectum or (very rarely) mouth, there is no chance of transmission. 这些是所有你需要知道的关于性传播HIV的情况:如果无安全套的JJ不插入另一个人的阴道,直肠或者(非常之少的情况)嘴巴,那是无传播的机会的。
17、HIV is difficult to transmit. Even with unprotected vaginal sex with an infected partner, the virus is passed an average of once for every 1,000-2,000 exposures. There is no risk from kissing, hand-genital contact, fingering, or superficial bites that do not even break the skin. Cuts and nicks on the fingers etc make little or no difference: still no risk. Receiving oral sex may carry a slight risk, some experts believe it is no risk at all. HIV很难传播。甚至是无保护和一个感染者阴道交,病毒在次中传播1次。接吻无风险。手与生殖器接触,手淫,表面的舔咬没弄破皮肤,都没风险。在手上或别处的切口缺口有一点点或者跟前几个一样:无风险。收到口交有轻微的风险,但是极低,一些专家认为这完全没有风险。
18、First, saliva is not infectious for HIV,
saliva kills HIV (one reason oral sex and kissing carry little or no risk of transmission). Second, eye exposure to HIV-infected blood or secretions is one of those theretical transmission modes often listed as risky, but for whcih, to my knowlege, no actual transmissions have been reported. 首先,唾液不是传染性的对于HIV,或者仅仅是最低限度的;唾液杀死HIV(这是口交和接吻有很少或者无风险的一个原因)。第二,眼睛暴露给有HIV的血液和分泌物是一个被罗列出来的理论上的传播模式,但是这样在我的知识中,没有真实的这种传播的报告。
19、The difference between a 7 and 8 week test is small. Remember, well over 95% of persons who acquire HIV will have a positive test at 6 weeks- at 7 weeks the figure is even higher making the odds very much in your favor.
20、Bottom line: select your partners with care and common sense, and always use condoms for vaginal or anal sex. Then stop worrying about HIV. 结果是:小心的用常识选择你的同伴,总是选择使用安全套阴道交或者肛交。然后不用担心HIV。
21、In addition, HIV is not spread in inanimate materials such as a towel or in liquids such as water, massage oil (this is a general statement, I understand that you brought your own). thus this was an entirely no risk encounter. 另外,HIV不通过无生命的材质像毛巾,液体水,按摩油传播。因此这是一个完全的无风险接触。
22、Your sexual exposures were condom protected and condom protected sex is safe sex. As for your unprotected oral sex, the quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex (giving or receiving) with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral sex. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex.
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艾滋病知识科普动画教程(斯坦福大学教育学院制作) 关键词:艾滋...
恐艾必读:美国马塞诸塞州官方 网站 对艾滋病窗口期的阐述窗口期 ...
图解不同暴露途径的HIV感染风险来源于美国CDC:...Please click
if you are not redirected within a few seconds.
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