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&李经理 &&:027- &&&&&&&QQ:
潘托拉唑钠英文名称:Pantoprazole Sodium
Pantoprazole Sodium
李经理 &&:027- &&&&&&&QQ:
a. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 1000 mg 阿莫西林 × 2次/日 + 500 mg 克拉霉素×2次/日
b. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 500 mg甲硝唑×2次/日 + 500 mg克拉霉素×2次/日
c. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 1000 mg阿莫西林×2次/日 + 500 mg甲硝唑×2次/日
肾功能受损和老年患者每日泮托拉唑的剂量一般不应超过40mg,但有些情况例外,即为根除幽门螺杆菌感染而使用联合疗法时,老年患者在1周治疗中也使用常规剂量(40mg ×2/日)的泮托拉唑。
a. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 1000 mg 阿莫西林 × 2次/日 + 500 mg 克拉霉素×2次/日
b. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 500 mg甲硝唑×2次/日 + 500 mg克拉霉素×2次/日
c. 1片泮托拉唑肠溶片×2次/日 + 1000 mg阿莫西林×2次/日 + 500 mg甲硝唑×2次/日
肾功能受损和老年患者每日泮托拉唑的剂量一般不应超过40mg,但有些情况例外,即为根除幽门螺杆菌感染而使用联合疗法时,老年患者在1周治疗中也使用常规剂量(40mg ×2/日)的泮托拉唑。
由于长期用药的经验有限,疗程不宜超过8周。剂型:片剂 不良反应:1.消化系统
泮托拉唑的活性成分在肝脏内通过细胞色素P450酶系代谢, 因此凡通过该酶系代谢的其它药物均不能除外与之有相互作用的可能性。然而对许多这类药物进行专门检测,如卡马西平、咖啡因、安定、双氯芬酸、地高辛、乙醇、格列本脲、美托洛尔、萘普生、硝苯地平、苯丙香豆素、苯妥英、吡罗昔康、茶碱、华法林和口服避孕药等,却未观察到泮托拉唑与之有明显临床意义的相互作用。
泮托拉唑在胃壁细胞的酸性分泌小管中被激活,再特异性地与胃酸分泌的最终环节-质子泵(即H+,K+-ATP酶)结合,抑制胃酸分泌。 抑酸效应呈剂量相关性,能够有效抑制基础、夜间胃酸分泌。与其他质子泵抑制剂和H2受体拮抗剂一样,泮托拉唑可降低胃酸分泌,刺激胃泌素水平相应升高,这种效应是可逆的。本品能够有效抑制基础、夜间及24小时胃酸分泌,抑酸效应呈现出剂量相关性。
本品药代动力学呈线性特征,静脉输入或口服10-80 mg后,AUC( 浓度时间曲线下面积)和Cmax(血药浓度峰值)均随剂量的增加而成比例上升。其表观分布容积为 0.15 L/kg , 清除率为0.1L/h/kg, 清除半衰期( t1/2 )约为1小时,血浆蛋白结合率为98%。
药物代谢 本品几乎均在肝脏内经细胞色素P450酶系代谢, 并另有II期代谢的途径。主要代谢物为泮托拉唑去甲基硫酸酯,其大部分(约80%)由肾脏排出,其余由胆汁分泌从粪便中排出。潘妥洛克咨询评价用前咨询用后评价全国药店位置筛选:江西全部极速送药潘妥洛克生产企业:Takeda GmbH production site Oranienburg温馨提示:请留下您的信息,我们会尽快与您联系价
注:仅支持汉字、字母、数字、-#,最多可填写300个字符提示:商品均来自正规合法药房,您成功提交后,专业药师会根据审核结果主动与您联系。急速送药提交失败信息提交失败,请关闭重新填写秒钟后该页面自动返回急速送药提交成功已成功提交,10分钟内给您回复。秒钟后该页面自动返回温馨提示:晚上6点后提交的需求将在次日早上10点前回复& Pantoprazole sodium, DZ-2352a, B-8510-29(free acid), By-1023
Pantoprazole sodium, DZ-2352a, B-8510-29(free acid), By-1023
摘 要:Pantoprazole sodium, DZ-2352a, B-8510-29(free acid), By-1023/SK&F-96022(free acid), B-8610-23/SK&F-96022-Z, Pantorc, Rifun, Pantozol, Zurcal, Ulcotenal, Inipomp, Pantecta, Anagastra, Pantoloc, Pantopan, Inipomp, Peptazol, Protonix, Protium,-
【药物名称】Pantoprazole sodium, DZ-2352a, B-8510-29(free acid), By-1023/SK&F-96022(free acid), B-8610-23/SK&F-96022-Z, Pantorc, Rifun, Pantozol, Zurcal, Ulcotenal, Inipomp, Pantecta, Anagastra, Pantoloc, Pantopan, Inipomp, Peptazol, Protonix, Protium
【化学名】5-(Difluoromethoxy)-2-(3,4-dimethoxypyridin-2-ylmethylsulfinyl)-1H-benzimidazole sodium salt
【CAS登记号】-1, -7 (free acid), -2 (sesquihydrate)
【原研厂家】Altana Pharma (Originator), Recordati (Not Determined), Abbott (Licensee), Daiichi Pharmaceutical (Licensee), Madaus (Licensee), Nycomed Pharma (Licensee), Pfizer (Licensee), Ravizza (Licensee), Roche (Licensee), Sanofi-Synthlabo (Licensee), Schwarz (Lic
【作用类别】Anti-Helicobacter Pylori Agents, Antiulcer Drugs, Esophageal Diseases, Treatment of, Gastric Antisecretory Drugs, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Agents for, GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS, H+/K+-ATPase Inhibitors
〖来源〗J Label Compd Radiopharm
〖标题〗The synthesis of [14C]pantoprazole - SK&F 96022Z - An H+/K+ ATP inhibitor
〖合成方法〗A new synthesis of [14C]-labeled pantoprazole has been described:
The cyclization of potassium [14C]-ethylxanthate (I) with the diaminobenzene (II) by means of NaOH gives the imidazole (III), which is condensed with 2-(chloromethyl)-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (IV) by means of NaOH in ethanol to afford the sulfide (V). Finally, this compound is oxidized with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (mcpba) in dichloromethane.
〖作者〗Saunders, D.; Lawrie, K.W.M.; Crowe, A.M.; Johnston, C.E.A.
〖参考〗Saunders, D.; Lawrie, K.W.M.; Crowe, A.M.; Johnston, C.E.A.; The synthesis of [14C]pantoprazole - SK&F 96022Z - An H+/K+ ATP inhibitor. J Label Compd Radiopharm , 409
〖出处〗J Label Compd Radiopharm):409
〖备注〗A new synthesis of [14C]-labeled pantoprazole has been described:
1) The cyclization of potassium [14C]-ethylxanthate (I) with the diaminobenzene (II) by means of NaOH gives the imidazole (III), which is condensed with 2-(chloromethyl)-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (IV) by means of NaOH in ethanol to afford the sulfide (V). Finally this compound is oxidized with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (mcpba) in dichloromethane (Scheme a).
2) Using [14C]-labeled (IV)in the preceding synthesis, pantoprazole labeled in the methylene was obtained. Intermediate (IV) labeled in the methylene attached to the pyridine ring can be prepared as follows:
The reaction of 2-bromo-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (V) with [14C]-labeled CuCN gives 3,4-dimethoxypyridine-2-carbonitrile (VI), which is hydrolyzed with NaOH and methylated with diazomethane to the methyl ester (VII). Finally this compound is reduced with LiAlH4 to the corresponding alcohol and treated with SOCl2 to give the chloromethylpyridine (IV*) with the [14C] label. Then this compound is condensed with benzimidazole (III) as usual.(Scheme a).
〖来源〗J Label Compd Radiopharm
〖标题〗The synthesis of [14C]pantoprazole - SK&F 96022Z - An H+/K+ ATP inhibitor
〖合成方法〗Using [14C]-labeled (IV) in the preceding synthesis, pantoprazole labeled in the methylene was obtained. Intermediate (IV) labeled in the methylene attached to the pyridine ring can be prepared as follows:
The reaction of 2-bromo-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (V) with [14C]-labeled CuCN gives 3,4-dimethoxypyridine-2-carbonitrile (VI), which is hydrolyzed with NaOH and methylated with diazomethane to the methyl ester (VII). Finally, this compound is reduced with LiAlH4 to the corresponding alcohol and treated with SOCl2 to give the chloromethylpyridine (IV*) with the [14C] label. Then this compound is condensed with benzimidazole (III) as usual.
〖作者〗Saunders, D.; Lawrie, K.W.M.; Crowe, A.M.; Johnston, C.E.A.
〖参考〗Saunders, D.; Lawrie, K.W.M.; Crowe, A.M.; Johnston, C.E.A.; The synthesis of [14C]pantoprazole - SK&F 96022Z - An H+/K+ ATP inhibitor. J Label Compd Radiopharm , 409
〖出处〗J Label Compd Radiopharm):409
〖备注〗A new synthesis of [14C]-labeled pantoprazole has been described:
1) The cyclization of potassium [14C]-ethylxanthate (I) with the diaminobenzene (II) by means of NaOH gives the imidazole (III), which is condensed with 2-(chloromethyl)-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (IV) by means of NaOH in ethanol to afford the sulfide (V). Finally this compound is oxidized with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (mcpba) in dichloromethane (Scheme a).
2) Using [14C]-labeled (IV)in the preceding synthesis, pantoprazole labeled in the methylene was obtained. Intermediate (IV) labeled in the methylene attached to the pyridine ring can be prepared as follows:
The reaction of 2-bromo-3,4-dimethoxypyridine (V) with [14C]-labeled CuCN gives 3,4-dimethoxypyridine-2-carbonitrile (VI), which is hydrolyzed with NaOH and methylated with diazomethane to the methyl ester (VII). Finally this compound is reduced with LiAlH4 to the corresponding alcohol and treated with SOCl2 to give the chloromethylpyridine (IV*) with the [14C] label. Then this compound is condensed with benzimidazole (III) as usual.(Scheme a).
〖来源〗J Med Chem
〖标题〗(H+,K+)-ATPase inhibiting 2-[(2-pyridylmethyl)sulfinyl]benzimidazoles. 4. A novel series of dimethoxypyridyl-substituted inhibitors with enhanced selectivity. The selection of pantoprazole as a clinical candidate
〖合成方法〗3-Methoxy-2-methylpyridine (VII), prepared by methylation of 2-methyl-3-pyridinol (VI), was converted to the N-oxide (VIII) employing peracetic acid. Nitration of the pyridine N-oxide (VIII) with concentrated nitric acid gave the 4-nitro derivative (IX). Subsequent displacement of the nitro group of (IX) by sodium methoxide led to the dimethoxypyridine N-oxide (X). Rearrangement of the N-oxide group of (X) in hot acetic anhydride produced the acetoxymethyl pyridine (XI). After basic hydrolysis of the acetate ester (XI), the resultant hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII) was chlorinated by SOCl2, yielding chloride (XIII). Condensation between mercapto benzimidazole (V) and the chloromethyl pyridine (XIII) in ethanolic NaOH led to the sulfide adduct (XIV). This was finally oxidized to the desired sulfoxide by using meta-chloroperbenzoic acid in CH2Cl2. The oxidation of sulfide (XIV) has also been performed employing sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate in the presence of ammonium molybdate, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of vanadyl acetylacetonate.
〖作者〗Kohl, B.; Sturm, E.; Senn-Bilfinger, J.; Simon, W.A.; Krger, U.; Schaefer, H.; Rainer, G.; Figala, V.; Klemm, K.
〖参考〗Kohl, B.; Sturm, E.; Senn-Bilfinger, J.; Simon, W.A.; Krger, U.; Schaefer, H.; Rainer, G.; Figala, V.; Klemm, K.; (H+,K+)-ATPase inhibiting 2-[(2-pyridylmethyl)sulfinyl]benzimidazoles. 4. A novel series of dimethoxypyridyl-substituted inhibitors with enha (free base)/li>
li>??p耀?Losartan potassium, L-158086, MK-0954, E-3340, MK-954, Ex-89(f
〖出处〗J Med Chem):1049
〖备注〗The synthesis of IY-81149 can be obtained according to Scheme a. The oxidation of 2,3-lutidine (I) with hydrogen peroxide in acetic acid affords 2,3-dimethylpyridine-N-oxide (II), which is treated with sulfuric acid and nitric acid to give the corresponding nitro compound (III). The treatment of (III) with NaOH in methanol gives 2,3-dimethyl-4-methoxypyridine-N-oxide (IV), which is reacted with acetic acid and acetic anhydride and oxidated in refluxing NaOH, yielding 3-methyl-4-methoxypyridine-2-methanol (V). The chlorination of (V) with thionylchloride in CH2Cl2 affords 3-methyl-4-methoxy-2-chloromethylpyridine (VI). The reaction of 2-mercapto-5-nitrobenzimidazole (VII) with iron and concentrated HCl in refluxing ethanol and water gives monoamine (VIII), which by condensation with 2,5-dimethoxytetrahydrofuran (IX) in acetic acid yields 2-mercapto-5-(1-pyrrolyl)benzimidazole (X). The condensation of (VI) with (X) by means of NaOH in methanol gives 2-[(4-methoxy-3-methyl-2-pyridinyl)methylsulfanyl]-5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-1H-benzimidazole (XI), which is finally treated with m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (m-CPBA) in chloroform.
Pale yellow crystalline powder, m.p. 152-5 C.
〖来源〗EP 0134400; JP ; JP ; US 4555518
〖标题〗Antisecretory substd. pyridylmethylthio-(or sulfinyl)benzimidazoles
〖合成方法〗The precursor 5-(difluoromethoxy)-2-mercaptobenzimidazole (V) was prepared by the following route. Nitration of N-(p-difluoromethoxyphenyl)acetamide (I) provided nitro anilide (II), which was hydrolyzed to the corresponding nitro aniline (III) employing methanolic NaOMe. Reduction of (III) to the phenylenediamine (IV) was performed by catalytic hydrogenation over Pd/C. Then, cyclization of diamine (IV) with potassium O-ethyl dithiocarbonate gave rise to the benzimidazole (V).
〖作者〗Rainer, G.; Riedel, R.; Senn-Bilfinger, J.; Klemm, K.; Schaefer, H.; Figala, V. (Altana Pharma Deutschland GmbH )
〖参考〗Rainer, G.; Riedel, R.; Senn-Bilfinger, J.; Klemm, K.; Schaefer, H.; Figala, V. (Altana Pharma Deutschland GmbH ); Antisecretory substd. pyridylmethylthio-(or sulfinyl)benzimidazoles. EP 0134400; JP ; JP ; US 4555518
〖出处〗EP 0134400; JP ; JP ; US 4555518,,():
〖来源〗AU 8543640; EP 0166287; JP ; US 4758579
〖标题〗Dialkoxypyridines, process for their preparation, their use and medicines containing them
〖合成方法〗The precursor 5-(difluoromethoxy)-2-mercaptobenzimidazole (V) was prepared by the following route. Nitration of N-(p-difluoromethoxyphenyl)acetamide (I) provided nitro anilide (II), which was hydrolyzed to the corresponding nitro aniline (III) employing methanolic NaOMe. Reduction of (III) to the phenylenediamine (IV) was performed by catalytic hydrogenation over Pd/C. Then, cyclization of diamine (IV) with potassium O-ethyl dithiocarbonate gave rise to the benzimidazole (V).
〖作者〗Kohl, B.; Sturm, E.; Klemm, K.; Riedel, R.; Figala, V.; Rainer, G.; Schaefer, H.; Senn-Bilfinger, J. (Altana Pharma Deutschland GmbH )
〖参考〗Kohl, B.; Sturm, E.; Klemm, K.; Riedel, R.; Figala, V.; Rainer, G.; Schaefer, H.; Senn-Bilfinger, J. (Altana Pharma Deutschland GmbH ); Dialkoxypyridines, process for their preparation, their use and medicines containing them. AU 8543640; EP 0166287; JP -7 (free base)
〖出处〗AU 8543640; EP 0166287; JP ; US 4758579,,():
〖来源〗WO 9947514
〖标题〗Chemical process for the production of sulphinyl derivs. by oxidation of the corresponding co-derivs. with perborates
〖合成方法〗3-Methoxy-2-methylpyridine (VII), prepared by methylation of 2-methyl-3-pyridinol (VI), was converted to the N-oxide (VIII) employing peracetic acid. Nitration of the pyridine N-oxide (VIII) with concentrated nitric acid gave the 4-nitro derivative (IX). Subsequent displacement of the nitro group of (IX) by sodium methoxide led to the dimethoxypyridine N-oxide (X). Rearrangement of the N-oxide group of (X) in hot acetic anhydride produced the acetoxymethyl pyridine (XI). After basic hydrolysis of the acetate ester (XI), the resultant hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII) was chlorinated by SOCl2, yielding chloride (XIII). Condensation between mercapto benzimidazole (V) and the chloromethyl pyridine (XIII) in ethanolic NaOH led to the sulfide adduct (XIV). This was finally oxidized to the desired sulfoxide by using meta-chloroperbenzoic acid in CH2Cl2. The oxidation of sulfide (XIV) has also been performed employing sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate in the presence of ammonium molybdate, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of vanadyl acetylacetonate.
〖作者〗Brennan, J.P.; Turner, A.T. (Abbott Laboratories Inc.)
〖参考〗Brennan, J.P.; Turner, A.T. (Abbott Laboratories Inc.); Chemical process for the production of sulphinyl derivs. by oxidation of the corresponding co-derivs. with perborates. WO 9947514
〖出处〗WO 9947514,,():
〖来源〗ES 2163372; WO 0168594
〖标题〗Method for oxidizing a thioether group into a sulfoxide group
〖合成方法〗3-Methoxy-2-methylpyridine (VII), prepared by methylation of 2-methyl-3-pyridinol (VI), was converted to the N-oxide (VIII) employing peracetic acid. Nitration of the pyridine N-oxide (VIII) with concentrated nitric acid gave the 4-nitro derivative (IX). Subsequent displacement of the nitro group of (IX) by sodium methoxide led to the dimethoxypyridine N-oxide (X). Rearrangement of the N-oxide group of (X) in hot acetic anhydride produced the acetoxymethyl pyridine (XI). After basic hydrolysis of the acetate ester (XI), the resultant hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII) was chlorinated by SOCl2, yielding chloride (XIII). Condensation between mercapto benzimidazole (V) and the chloromethyl pyridine (XIII) in ethanolic NaOH led to the sulfide adduct (XIV). This was finally oxidized to the desired sulfoxide by using meta-chloroperbenzoic acid in CH2Cl2. The oxidation of sulfide (XIV) has also been performed employing sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate in the presence of ammonium molybdate, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of vanadyl acetylacetonate.
〖作者〗Coppi, L.; Campon Pardo, J.; Berenguer Maimo, R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA)
〖参考〗Coppi, L.; Campon Pardo, J.; Berenguer Maimo, R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA); Method for oxidizing a thioether group into a sulfoxide group. ES 2163372; WO 0168594
〖出处〗ES 2163372; WO 0168594,,():
〖来源〗ES 2171116; WO 0179194
〖标题〗Method for obtaining derivs. of [[pyridyl substd.)methyl]thio]benzimidazol
〖合成方法〗3-Methoxy-2-methylpyridine (VII), prepared by methylation of 2-methyl-3-pyridinol (VI), was converted to the N-oxide (VIII) employing peracetic acid. Nitration of the pyridine N-oxide (VIII) with concentrated nitric acid gave the 4-nitro derivative (IX). Subsequent displacement of the nitro group of (IX) by sodium methoxide led to the dimethoxypyridine N-oxide (X). Rearrangement of the N-oxide group of (X) in hot acetic anhydride produced the acetoxymethyl pyridine (XI). After basic hydrolysis of the acetate ester (XI), the resultant hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII) was chlorinated by SOCl2, yielding chloride (XIII). Condensation between mercapto benzimidazole (V) and the chloromethyl pyridine (XIII) in ethanolic NaOH led to the sulfide adduct (XIV). This was finally oxidized to the desired sulfoxide by using meta-chloroperbenzoic acid in CH2Cl2. The oxidation of sulfide (XIV) has also been performed employing sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate in the presence of ammonium molybdate, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of vanadyl acetylacetonate.
〖作者〗Coppi, L.; Berenguer Maim? R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA)
〖参考〗Coppi, L.; Berenguer Maim? R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA); Method for obtaining derivs. of [[pyridyl substd.)methyl]thio]benzimidazol. ES 2171116; WO 0179194
〖出处〗ES 2171116; WO 0179194,,():
〖来源〗WO 0262786
〖标题〗Processes for the production of substd. 2-(2-pyridylmethyl) sulfinyl-1H-benzimidazoles
〖合成方法〗3-Methoxy-2-methylpyridine (VII), prepared by methylation of 2-methyl-3-pyridinol (VI), was converted to the N-oxide (VIII) employing peracetic acid. Nitration of the pyridine N-oxide (VIII) with concentrated nitric acid gave the 4-nitro derivative (IX). Subsequent displacement of the nitro group of (IX) by sodium methoxide led to the dimethoxypyridine N-oxide (X). Rearrangement of the N-oxide group of (X) in hot acetic anhydride produced the acetoxymethyl pyridine (XI). After basic hydrolysis of the acetate ester (XI), the resultant hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII) was chlorinated by SOCl2, yielding chloride (XIII). Condensation between mercapto benzimidazole (V) and the chloromethyl pyridine (XIII) in ethanolic NaOH led to the sulfide adduct (XIV). This was finally oxidized to the desired sulfoxide by using meta-chloroperbenzoic acid in CH2Cl2. The oxidation of sulfide (XIV) has also been performed employing sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate in the presence of ammonium molybdate, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of vanadyl acetylacetonate.
〖作者〗Mendelovici, M.; Avrutov, I. (Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.)
〖参考〗Mendelovici, M.; Avrutov, I. (Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.); Processes for the production of substd. 2-(2-pyridylmethyl) sulfinyl-1H-benzimidazoles. WO 0262786
〖出处〗WO 0262786,,():
〖来源〗WO 9850361
〖标题〗Synthesis of pharmaceutically useful pyridine derivs.
〖合成方法〗A related method for the preparation of the intermediate 3,4-dimethoxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)pyridine (XII) has been disclosed. 3-Methoxypyridine (XV) was chlorinated to (XVI) by refluxing in SOCl2. Radical carboxylation of pyridine (XVI) was carried out by reaction with ethyl pyruvate in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and iron(II) sulfate. The resultant ethyl 4-chloro-3-methoxypicolinate (XVII) was then converted to the dimethoxypicolinate (XVIII) by treatment with sodium methoxide. Then, ester group reduction in (XVIII) by means of DIBAL provided the target hydroxymethyl pyridine (XII).
〖作者〗Chen, L.; Zoghbi, M. (PDi-Research Laboratories, Inc. )
〖参考〗Chen, L.; Zoghbi, M. (PDi-Research Laboratories, Inc. ); Synthesis of pharmaceutically useful pyridine derivs.. WO 9850361
〖出处〗WO 9850361,,():
〖来源〗ES 2171116; WO 0179194
〖标题〗Method for obtaining derivs. of [[pyridyl substd.)methyl]thio]benzimidazol
〖合成方法〗In an alternative procedure, the nitropyridine N-oxide (IX) was rearranged to the (mesyloxymethyl)pyridine (XIX) by treatment with methanesulfonic anhydride. Condensation of mesylate (XIX) with mercaptobenzimidazole (V), with concomitant nitro group displacement in the presence of sodium methoxide led to the sulfide precursor (XIV). This was then oxidized to the title sulfoxide employing sodium percarbonate and ammonium molybdate. An analogous synthetic route starting from the chloropyridine N-oxide (XX) provided mesylate (XXI), which was condensed with (V) in the presence of Et3N, leading to the sulfide adduct (XXII). The 4-chloro group of (XXII) was then displaced by sodium methoxide producing the dimethoxypyridine derivative (XIV).
〖作者〗Coppi, L.; Berenguer Maim? R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA)
〖参考〗Coppi, L.; Berenguer Maim? R. (Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA); Method for obtaining derivs. of [[pyridyl substd.)methyl]thio]benzimidazol. ES 2171116; WO 0179194
〖出处〗ES 2171116; WO 0179194,,():
〖来源〗WO 0228852
〖标题〗A process for the preparation of pantoprazole and intermediates therefor
〖合成方法〗Similarly, rearrangement of the chloropyridine N-oxide (XX) using acetic anhydride produced acetate ester (XXIII), which was further hydrolyzed to the pyridine alcohol (XXIV). The chloromethyl pyridine (XXV), obtained by treatment of alcohol (XXIV) with SOCl2, was condensed with the mercaptobenzimidazole (V) in the presence of tetramethylguanidine producing sulfide (XXII). Conversion of (XXII) to the title compound was then performed by oxidation to sulfoxide (XXVI) employing sodium percarbonate, followed by chloride displacement with potassium methoxide.
〖作者〗Palomo Coll, A.
〖参考〗Palomo Coll, A.; A process for the preparation of pantoprazole and intermediates therefor. WO 0228852
〖出处〗WO 0228852,,():
Pantoprazole sodium, DZ-2352a, B-8510-29(free acid), By-1023


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