hΦyer motors 腰带h是什么品牌牌

    本人翻译水平很渣,只是受惠于国关网友良多,蹭饭多了,这么多人给了我玉米棒子,如今我想回馈一套房,希望是城关镇CBD,虽然简陋,但这是我的一个心意。  不想和人卷入争论,我已经在国关争论累了,喷子来了,我自动消失。  我水平太渣,网友们指出我的错误,那是我非常高兴的一件事,闻过则喜是一个中年男人难得的一个态度,虽然我还未能接近这一态度,但是心向往之。  第二楼开始贴,共计305个跟帖,没有删除一个,不定时更新,毕竟好心情难找。因为估计不到30楼喷子就会出现,那我就没心情翻译了,如今的国关,能有效的减少祖国的人口,毕竟坏心情是健康的大杀器。我不能为了大家的看帖,而戕害自身健康,毕竟生命只有一次,再来一次又怕轮回到三哥家用左手擦屁股,吃飞饼,顺恒河而下,逝者如斯夫。
  China probe flies around moon and back in first such mission since 1970s  /science/2014/nov/02/chinese-probe-flies-around-the-moon-and-back-first-such-trip-since-1970s#comment-  billzzz 46m ago  So much for the starving millions in China. In another Guardian article Zoe Williams critcises the failed Branson rocket thing saying the money could be better spent. In this article the Guardian is lauding the same thing. So which is it, is space travel something for rich people at the expense of poor people or is it justified if the word science is inserted into the story? It is not only the money, there is also the scientific effort. If the Chinese govt spent the money and resources on aids or ebola research, would we now have some cures fir these conditions or diseases?  (东林党喷子,译者注)中国还有数百万挨饿的。《卫报》佐伊?威廉姆斯写的另一篇文章评论布兰森火箭失败说:钱可以有更好的用途。对中国的探索也如此(何必乱花钱)。所以太空旅行是为富人的,以牺牲穷人为代价,合理吗?浪费的不仅是钱,还有科学的努力。如果中国政府把在资金和资源用在艾滋病或埃博拉病毒的研究,我们现在有这些疾病吗?  LearningTruth 1h ago  Congradulations!  what the aricle does not say is that China successfully practiced a new sophisticated Return technology--- the Capsule bounced several times before back into the atmosphere, significantly reduced the speed.  Pure amazing technology.  祝贺!  文章并没有说这是中国成功地实行一个新的复杂的飞船返还技术- - -在进入大气层之前,飞船显著降低了速度,多么令人惊叹的技术。  mrwillcoles 4h ago  Lots of dull comments (from dull people?) along the lines of 'been there, done that'. I'm guessing there's still a lot more to learn about the moon, our moon, that we haven't been back to in over four decades, not because it got boring but because it was sending the US & USSR broke!  Besides, 'slow & steady wins the race', just because the US got to the moon first (don't forget the Russians won the space race!) doesn't mean the 'race' is over. Still no moon base even attempted, maybe that defines the 'winner'.  很多无聊的评论(从乏味的人那里发出来的?)总是从“我们到过那里,我们已经干过了”的角度出发来瞎喷。我猜月球还有更多未了解的秘密,我们再也没有回到40多年前我们(曾经去过)的月球了。不是因为它无聊,而是因为这是美国和苏联争霸!  此外,“稳健的步伐,不疾不徐的做法”赢得了比赛,只是因为美国先到月球(别忘了俄罗斯赢得了太空竞赛!)并不意味着“竞赛”结束了。目前仍然没有月球基地,也许,它(月球基地)定义了啥是“赢家”。  RobertofNorfolk 4h ago  The European space agency and Chinese space agency have in common with each other compared to Russia and American agencies they didn't rely on Nazi scientists for there technology to start exploring space.  欧洲航天局和中国航天局俄罗斯和美国机构相比,共同点是他们不依赖于纳/粹科学家技术探索空间。  john_lucas 5h ago  Good on them . Congratulations  干得不赖,祝贺中国.  IDh ago  This I can believe, but did they actually land a rover on the moon back in Dec 2013! The rover pictures looked very cgi.  这我相信,但实际上他们早在2013年12月就把一辆玉兔漫步车送上月球!探测器的照片看上去非常的惹火。  Luana Fredris
IDh ago  Not another conspiracy nut.  不是另一个阴谋论。  Erik1234 9h ago  Meanwhile NASA is on Mars so /yawn.  可是NASA已经在火星了耶,瞌睡先!  Mark Saunders
Erik1234 8h ago  Are you certain about that?  楼上的不会真的相信了吧?  SirRammickHobbs 9h ago  The trouble with sending one Chinese mission to the moon & back is that 15 minutes later you want another one...  发送一个中国登月任务并返回的麻烦是15分钟后你想要另一个(类似的胜利)……  Bobshaw2
SirRammickHobbs 9h ago  Shouldn't laugh, shouldn't laugh....  不应该笑。
  advanceswine 9h ago  Proud of being Chinese  作为华人真自豪啊。  Mark Saunders
advanceswine 8h ago  Good on yer. Your country will contribute a lot to space travel I think.  祝福你们,我想中国会为探索宇宙做出更大的贡献。  minivanman 9h ago  That's taken a year to get there and back, which is almost as quick as those ebay orders from Hong Kong or Singapore, so good going guys!  只花了一年时间就可以完成从发射到回收的任务,快如从香港或鼻屎国网购一个东西,干得好哇伙计。
  advanceswine 9h ago  Proud of being Chinese  作为华人真自豪啊。  Mark Saunders
advanceswine 8h ago  Good on yer. Your country will contribute a lot to space travel I think.  祝福你们,我想中国会为探索宇宙做出更大的贡献。  minivanman 9h ago  That's taken a year to get there and back, which is almost as quick as those ebay orders from Hong Kong or Singapore, so good going guys!  只花了一年时间就可以完成从发射到回收的任务,快如从香港或鼻屎国网购一个东西,干得好哇伙计。  smellybeard 10h ago  Hmmm... A double-dip reentry after an uneventful trip around the moon?Additionally, that reentry vehicle is far larger than would be launched by a sample-and-return mission.  This was a a technology test for a manned mission.  嗯…平安无事绕月后的一个二次再入?此外,再入飞行器远远高端于发射简单的取样返回任务。  这是一个试验载人任务技术的预演。  EmergingMaster
smellybeard 9h ago  It's planned to 2025  是啊,楼上的,为2025年做准备。  abridge 10h ago  So Jade Rabbit worked for a few weeks and stopped? Sounds familiar.  于是玉兔工作了几周就停工了?好熟悉的桥段。  quarrytone
abridge 9h ago  What, with your iPhone, Samsung TV, fridge, microwave, bed, clothes, furniture, shoes, just about anything you buy? Do wake up, this isn't 1997 anymore.  啥?楼上的,你的肾机,三星电视,冰箱,微波炉,床上用品,衣服,家具,鞋子,你能买到任何东西?醒醒吧,这不是1997年了。  turnip2 10h ago  Good on the Chinese but that looks like a burnt toaster.  干得好中国,但这玩意儿看起来像一个烧焦的烤面包机。  zelazny 11h ago  While the west has privatized its space program, leading to spectacular disasters like Branson's crash this week, China steadily moves ahead with government sponsored science to benefit all of society. The west wants to make space the plaything of the rich with $250,000 seats, while China continues to act as a united nation.  In every area, China outshines the west. From cell phones to electric cars to high speed trains and now to moon shots.  The west has become a conglomeration of atomized individuals, with a handful owning almost all the wealth. While China has worked hard to eliminate poverty, understanding that culture requires all people, not just masters.  当西方私有化其太空计划,导致本周壮观的在布兰森的飞船爆炸,中国稳步推进政府赞助的科学计划来造福整个社会。西方国家想弄250000元一个空间席位富人的玩物,而中国将继续作为一个统一的国家来干自己的事。  在每一个区域,中国以外的西方。从手机到电动汽车,高速列车,现在探月。  西方已经成为个人主义至上的单个人的集合体,少数人拥有几乎所有的财富。然而中国一直在努力消除贫困,理解所有人的文化需求,而不仅仅是为有钱人。  (译者注:这是哪个位面的中国,夸过头了吧?虽然是事实。)  Guthrum
zelazny 11h ago  The Virgin project is not a privatised part of any national space programme. It's a commercial venture started from scratch, which grew out of the successful winning of the Ansari X Prize. Suggest you read about the European Space Agency for an example of a successful Western collective partnership, not to mention its cooperation with other agencies, such as NASA, the Russians and, yes, the Chinese.  If China has become such an egalitarian society, why is the government having to fight so hard against corruption in high places, while it has a GDP per capita of less than $7,000, ranked 82nd in the world?  维珍的项目不是私有化国家太空计划的一部分。这是白手起家的一个商业风险,成功赢得了安萨里X奖。建议你看看欧洲太空总署的一个西方集体合作的成功例子,更不用说与其他机构的合作,如美国国家航空航天局、俄罗斯,是的,还有中国。如果中国已成为你吹嘘的一个平等的社会,为什么政府要努力打击腐败,你不知道它人均国内生产总值不足7000美元,排在世界第82位吗?
zelazny 10h ago  It's good the Chines someone has to. But this is not a very big step, seeing as it replicates achievements from 50 years ago. The Indian Mars probe was more impressive by far, especially considering its budget.  Anyway, Branson's company is a hobby effort. An expensive one, to be sure, but foolish in many ways. Ballistic tourism is just plain silly as a concept. There are other more serious and successful firms, like SpaceX.  中国依然在太空前进真的太棒了,世界总得有人来干这些事。但这步子迈得并不大,看起来像是50年前的复制品。印度火星探测器更令人印象深刻,特别是考虑到其微薄的预算。  Bondogg
zelazny 9h ago  There have been plenty of disasters in state run space programmes including 2 space shuttle failures. One disintegrated and the other exploded. In both incidents the crews were killed.  俺们美国可不止上周这两次失败,还有几次解体了,成员都牺牲了。  Danial Moses Lim 12h ago  Pretty fitting they landed Chang'e and her jade rabbit on the moon. Very imaginative and cute names.  嫦娥着陆装置和玉兔太棒了,富有想象力,名字取得也很棒。  Liofa73 13h ago  Perhaps they were just checking the back of the moon for for a Nazi colony.... Or an American one...  也许他们想到月背去找纳/粹的基地,或者核实俺们美国以前发射的东东。  LikeitHot
Liofa73 12h ago  Or even checking if anyone has ever set foot on the moon.  或者是去核实究竟有人登月没有。  Anerdsham 13h ago  When the Chinese release photographs of the American lunar landing sites only then will I believe that this mission actually happened.  只有中国人刊登了美国登月的照片,我才相信美国真的登月了。  UnApCon
Anerdsham 13h ago  I am sure the Chinese are in a rush to produce such photos to convince you because they are extremely concerned whether you believe them or not.  楼上的,你要这么说,我相信中国正在加班加点的PS美国登陆的照片,反正中国人特别关心你是不是相信登月的 事。  PhilPharLap
Anerdsham 12h ago  It is good that people like Anerdsham are so cautiously skeptical about such achievements but I am surprised he lost touch with the fact that unfortunately the Hollywood back block studios in which the moon landings were filmed were dismantled after the last moonwalk, the props being stored in Area 51  I have heard that the patent on an American flag that can fly in a vacuum lapsed some years ago. It never worked that well anyway and I have heard that they are about to patent a new model made using a 3D printer, with hinges powered by nano motors along the stripes so it can flap ceremoniously even in the absence of wind.  The American space programme is indeed continuing in this proud fashion. The West will long have a flapping vacuum flag before any Asian nation - and most especially a communist one.  All this should reassure, and stir the heart of Anersham.  楼上的楼上怀疑登月,我感到很欣慰啊,怀疑论者,不过丫居然不去好莱坞的影棚看看道具,51区有推进项目(难翻,胡乱翻译了一点)  abridge
PhilPharLap 11h ago  There is a rumour that Britain's HS 2 is actually going to the moon and not Birmingham and will therefore go even further and faster than any other countries trains.  谣传英国的HS 2也到了月球,而不是伯明翰,速度和旅程比外国的火车强多了。(译者注:黑得好)  IrascibleOldGit 13h ago  Free trajectory - didn't even go into orbit.  These guys are nowhere near a manned landing.  自由轨道—还没有进入轨道。  这家伙现在接近人工着陆场。  laserprinter
IrascibleOldGit 12h ago  They are closer than the UK or the US to a manned landing.  他们比英国人或美国人更靠近人工着陆场。  robm2001
laserprinter 11h ago  The US already did it - in 1969 - 45 years ago !  哼,美国69年就着陆了,45年前。  minivanman
robm2001 9h ago  Apparently, :D  很明显嘛,呵呵。
  friztofratzo 13h ago  Make no mistake. The U.S. will defend its 1969 claim. Of course, I'm sure nobody wants to see it go that far: a war over the moon. But it's not just about territory. I'm sure our allies in the West will support us in ensuring the moon remains free and democratic for the next generations.  毫无疑问。美国将捍卫自己1969年的申索。当然,我相信没有人愿意看到它走到那一步:战争在月球上发生。但它不仅仅是领土。我相信我们的西方盟友会支持我们在确保月球仍是未来自由和民主的几代人所有。  alfredwong
friztofratzo 13h ago  China would recognize the US's claim if and only if the US is returned to its natives.  中国将承认美国的申索当且仅当返回美国原住民时。  FrogStar
alfredwong 11h ago  Well ... we all came from Africa, way back ...  可是,我们都是起源于非洲啊,咋回去啊。  Guthrum
friztofratzo 11h ago  The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 (Article II) stipulates that no nation can lay claim to the Moon or any other celestial body. The USA and China are both ratified signitories.  基于67年的外太空条约,没有人能将月球或其他天体作为申索主张对象。中美都是签约国。  bertiemee71 14h ago  Thanks Chairman Mao for putting your country on the path of Communism and holding you back all those years, where would China might be now if it had chosen democracy?  感谢毛主席将中国领上GC道路,并阻碍了这么多年,啥时候能进入MZ政体啊?  quarrytone
bertiemee71 13h ago  Probably where India is.  那到印度去找吧,楼上的哥们儿。  JCDavis
bertiemee71 13h ago  Where would the US be if we had not given it up?  如果我们没有放弃,那就是我们美国的表演场。
  中国网友的评论~不好意思~俺的~哈哈哈  这次成功的意义,不是成功本身,而是提前知道成功的概率几乎百分之百!  公开发新闻、公开携带发射两个外国的微型设备、发送完返回舱后服务舱继续工作、要求外国测控站一起协助,其实就是给歪果仁们参观学习一下罢了!哈哈哈~多牛逼的兔子啊~  这么难的事,兔子都敢玩的这么高调啊~出一点状况~就会被歪果仁挖苦嘲笑滴哦!兔子这么高调的搞,潜台词就是小意思~洒洒水啦~哈哈哈  】】】最关键的是第一次就能保证成功!基础是什么?歪果仁们想去吧!  估计下一步就是神马机器人啊、神马3D打印机啊,可劲往月球上招呼,建立基地!  三站联合接力跟踪引领嫦娥安全回家 | 爪游控  /481182.html  (祁登峰 姜宁)你能想象一张纸的厚度和一个篮球的尺寸大小吗?如果把地球比作一个篮球,那么这次“嫦娥”姑娘回家的安全通道——“返回走廊”的大小,就只有一张纸的厚度。  在直径为38万公里的地月空间里,要想让“嫦娥”准确进入“返回走廊”,无疑比百步穿杨难上百倍。而尽可能提高轨道测量精度就是完成这一高难度动作的前提条件。
  海外:探测器再入返回步履艰-国际频道-新华网  /world//c_.htm  】】】老鹰不敢重返月球的原因找到了喔,是因为返回太难了!  1999年的返回成功,2001年的返回失败。过去了30年,还是这50%的成功率呢~哈哈哈~载人登月把把成功?骗鬼去吧!  探月返回器今日返回 采用美阿波罗13号返回轨道 _国内 _光明网  //content_.htm  】】】这流氓兔太坏了!专打老鹰的碧莲啊~
  无奖瞎猜 6楼
10:51:26  中国网友的评论~不好意思~俺的~哈哈哈  -----------------------------  目前还没有翻译到这一条,如果看到了,会向仁兄致敬。
  无奖瞎猜 6楼
10:51:26  中国网友的评论~不好意思~俺的~哈哈哈  -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿 8楼
10:53:22  目前还没有翻译到这一条,如果看到了,会向仁兄致敬。  -----------------------------  这是我的评论~如果有可能,请翻译过去~谢谢。
  Desmond Miles
bertiemee71 11h ago  Thanks Chairman Mao for putting your country on the path of Communism and holding you back all those years, where would China might be now if it had chosen democracy?  Mao eradicated footbinding in a single generation. Imagine a situation where anyone could actually end FGM overnight.  感谢毛主席将中国领上GC道路,并阻碍了这么多年,啥时候能进入MZ政体啊?  ==============  哥们。毛泽东在一代人时间内根除缠足等陋习。想象这样一个情况:某地的任何人都可以会在一夜之间被切割女性生殖器。  Lance Young 14h ago  Congratulations to China. You don't have to be the first to make a statement. Be patient and learn until your day comes.  祝贺中国,没必要纠结是否是第一个,按照自己的步伐稳健的来。  minivanman
Lance Young 9h ago  Indeed, but give it 30 minutes and they will want to send another one up!  事实上,再给中国三十分钟,他们还能发射一个。  TheDepotCat 14h ago  Don't forget that India, having sent a probe to the moon, now has a space craft orbiting Mars.  别忘记了印度,他们已经发射了一个月球探测器,还发了一个火星轨道器。  quarrytone
TheDepotCat 13h ago  Well that's because NASA helped India look impressive and trump China, China has had to do it on its own. The US embargoes China on space tech, but not India. Meanwhile India has yet to send up an astronaut or space station.  楼上的,那是美国扶持印度,以便打压中国的名望。中国只能自己单干。美国对中国实行禁运,但是支持印度。印度自己也发射呢一个空间站。  Danial Moses Lim
TheDepotCat 12h ago  Haven't heard from it since. Is it still around?  楼上的,不会吧,没听说过,还在轨吗?
  无奖瞎猜 6楼
10:51:26  中国网友的评论~不好意思~俺的~哈哈哈  -----------------------------  丐帮苏灿
10:53:22  目前还没有翻译到这一条,如果看到了,会向仁兄致敬。  -----------------------------  无奖瞎猜 9楼
10:57:44  这是我的评论~如果有可能,请翻译过去~谢谢。  -----------------------------  恕我不敬,我无法做到这一点。见谅。
  楼主:@丐帮苏灿 时间: 10:58:18   印度自己也发射呢一个空间站。  回复  印度空间站。在恒河
  无奖瞎猜 6楼
10:51:26  中国网友的评论~不好意思~俺的~哈哈哈  -----------------------------  丐帮苏灿
10:53:22  目前还没有翻译到这一条,如果看到了,会向仁兄致敬。  -----------------------------  无奖瞎猜 9楼
10:57:44  这是我的评论~如果有可能,请翻译过去~谢谢。  -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿 11楼
10:59:30  恕我不敬,我无法做到这一点。见谅。  -----------------------------  做不到好啊~让歪果仁们继续睡觉去吧~
  waunarlwydd 15h ago  Well, I think we are now rapidly approaching that point were China takes over from the USA as the world's leading power... Both here on Earth and in space.  嗯,我认为我们现在正迅速接近这一点:即中国是代替美国作为世界领先的力量……在地球上和太空。  Unconstituted
waunarlwydd 14h ago  A non-interventionist world power like China would be much needed right now.  The yanks will not let go easily though. I'm sure they have several more 'conflicts' already being brewed.  一个持不干涉主义的世界强国中国是现在世界急需的。虽然洋基佬不会轻易放手。我肯定他们已经在酿造更多的“冲突”。  TheDepotCat
Unconstituted 14h ago  China "non-interventionist"? They are disputing the ownership of islands with their smaller neighbours, setting up no fly zones in international air space and their army crossed the border into India during the visit of the Chinese president Xi Jinping. They have invested in countries around the world. Perhaps one day they'll be forced to protect those interests. They are just getting started.  中国“不干涉”?他们与小邻居在岛屿的所有权有争议,设置航空识别区,在中国国家主席习近平访问印度期间,他们的军队越过边境进入印度,。他们在世界各国投资。也许有一天他们会被迫保护这些利益。他们是刚刚开始(走上帝国的道路)。  Guthrum
Unconstituted 14h ago  China non interventionist - since when? Suggest you read about the South China Sea, or their spending in Africa.  中国持不干涉主义?什么时候?建议你看看南海、在非洲,或者他们的军费支出。
  sickandbloodytired 15h ago  Britain can't organise train lines around the country while the Chinese fly around the Moon and back.  Sooooo, which system of government is winning now?  Fake democracy and corrupt capitalism of The West are being overtaken.  Maybe the Middle East needs communism and an appointed council to run everything rather than America's dictatorially imposed democracy which is only there to be manipulated by..... America.  Nee How. :)  英国不能组织运筹、优化全国各地的火车线路,但是中国飞去月球并返回。  因此,哪种政体政府系统赢了?  假民主和腐败的西方资本主义正在被超越。也许中东需要共产主义,而不是美国的独裁地实施民主,以管控国家的一切。  美国,自己看着办吧。  Guthrum
sickandbloodytired 14h ago  Suggest you underestimate the complexity of running a national rail network, as opposed to using known and established technology to throw a small object very hard in a certain direction.  建议你低估经营全国铁路网络的复杂性,与之相反,使用已知和已有的技术很难将一个小物体在一定的方向上发射(译者注:意思是更难)。  quarrytone
Guthrum 14h ago  You mean like China's network more than 20 times bigger than ours and the world's fastest to boot?  你的意思是中国的火车网络比我们的大20多倍,且是世界上最快的吗?  Liofa73
quarrytone 12h ago  I've been to Central China and I've seen the construction of these super trains. It's pretty shoddy work, an engineer friend of mine advised me not to go on it for at least 5 years after it opened.  Also, whilst China does have some decent motorways, you barely see anyone on them as they are toll roads. If you're a pensioner and want a job, you can walk the motorways and pick up litter... One car every 10 minutes makes the job quite safe.  我去过中国的华中,我看到这些超级列车的建设过程。很粗劣的工作,我的一个工程师朋友劝我在其开放5年内不要去乘坐。而中国确实有一些不错的高速公路,你在公路上几乎没有看到任何人,因为是收费公路。如果你是一个老人,想要一份工作,你可以走高速公路,拾垃圾……每隔10分钟才一辆车通行,捡垃圾很安全的。
  LikeitHot 15h ago  I am surprised they were allowed to fly in the international air space.  我很惊讶他们被允许在国际领空飞行。  Asteri11 15h ago  Well done to the chinese! I am not sure why no more humans have not thought of exploring the moon more for minerals etc!  中国做得好!我不明白为什么没有更多的人没有想到去探索月球矿物啊!  Guthrum
Asteri11 14h ago  Because the sheer cost of getting there and back makes it economically not viable.  因为成本使其在经济上不可行。  Unconstituted 15h ago  Excellent, well done guys.  Love the cute name they gave the probe too.  好。  大爱这些中国人的探测器取的名字。  boolybooly 16h ago  Good luck to China's space program, I bet they want to complete a manned moon landing. Prestige is a thing.  The bigger concern though, for the global community in relation to space technology, is keeping the planet safe from asteroid collision. I hope everyone can cooperate to do that, please.  中国空间计划,祝好运。我打赌他们已经做好了人工月球着陆器,只不过顾忌声誉(而谨慎行事)。  对于地球村,我希望大家联合起来,使地球更美好,应对太空垃圾。  TheDepotCat
boolybooly 14h ago  You've been watching too much trash churned out by Hollywood. I wouldn't worry yourself with such things.  楼上的,好莱坞大片看多了吧,我从来不担心这些问题。  jdanforth 16h ago  The USSR's success with the Sputnik in 1957 drove the American bourgeoisie into a panic. They substantially increased the education budget at that point, -the last time they ever did so.  Maybe this new development will inspire Obama to stop dismantling public education, but it seems unlikely. American newspapers reacted to the Sputnik with giant banner headlines of alarm. Clearly, China's new success is not as big an event, but I'm still happy to read about it.  1957年苏联的人造卫星的成功刺激了美国资产阶级陷入恐慌。他们针对这点大幅度增加教育预算——上次他们已经这么做了。  也许中国这新的发展将激励奥巴马停止摧毁公共教育,但这似乎不太可能。显然,中国新的太空探索成功不是那么大一个事件,但我仍然高兴读到这个新闻。  ConDemNation
jdanforth 16h ago  Nah he's too busy golfing.  哈,当然了,奥巴马正忙着打高尔夫。  jdanforth
ConDemNation 15h ago  Golfing and dismantling public education (not to mention waging war). When he began his first term at the White House, he said he wanted to close 5,000 schools. He is now somewhere near that number.  打高尔夫和摧毁公共教育。他第一任任期就说要关闭5000个学校。顾忌快达到目标了。
  Most Arab states share Isis’s ideology. They’re trying to have it both ways  很多阿拉伯国家分享ISIS的理念,他们想左右逢源  /commentisfree/2014/oct/28/arab-states-share-isis-ideology-islam  PeterS378 5d ago  because most Arab states – including several members of the military coalition against it – share Isis’s approach to compulsion in religion.  I'm sure many Arab states could do more, but this is a disgusting slur.  Isis's approach to compulsion in religion is to kill you if you do not convert to their version of Islam. As far as I am aware, no Arab state does that.  因为大多数阿拉伯国家——包括反对Isis的军事联盟的一些成员,利用Isis的理念去强制信仰宗/教。  我相信许多阿拉伯国家可以做得更多,但这是一个令人讨厌的污点。  Isis强迫信仰宗教的方法就是如果你不皈依伊/斯/兰/教,就杀了你。据我所知,没有一个阿拉/伯国家这样做。  solfish
PeterS378 5d ago  Yes we have to be fair, they only want to kill you if you convert away from their religion.  That's why in many cases we are great mates with some of these states. Lovely guys.  是的,我们必须公平,如果你将远离他们的宗教,他们只想杀了你。  这就是为什么在很多情况下,我们与这些国家是伟大的伙伴。可爱的家伙。
  熟人留名。  帮帮主顶上去。  一条条都看了。
  专家揭秘“嫦娥”地月往返的“旅游攻略”—新闻—科学网  /htmlnews/587.shtm  】】】哈哈哈,兔子又得瑟了啊~难怪第一次返回地球实验就这么高调呢~还帮歪果仁发送两个微型设备~百分百成功~必须的!


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