谁知道电气竖井接地做法工程上FEB箱什么 以及做法

Chengtao Wu has been conducting research at the department of CSE since 2012. Before joins& SJTU, he was a research assistant in Virginia Commonwealth University (USA) where he earned a&PHD. His research spans the field of semantic file and storage systems, storage cache, high performance, high reliable and high scalable storage systems and cloud storage& systems
Li Rui holds a BS degree from Qingdao University, a MS degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University. Besides conducting research at Zhejiang University, he has been a visiting scholar at the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory in ETH, Switzerland. Before he joins the EE department of SJTU as an assistant research, he was a postdoctoral associate in the same department. His current research interests focus on the application of power electronics in power quality control and renewable energy conversion.
Zeng-Hui Zhang received the B.S. degree in applied mathematics, M.Sc. degree in computational mathematics, and Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering from the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in , and 2008, respectively. From 2008 to 2012, he was a lecture at the Department of Mathematics and System Science of NUDT. Since 2013, he has worked at the SEIEE, SJTU. His main research interests are radar signal processing, compressed sensing theory and applications.
研究方向: 雷达信号处理、压缩感知理论及应用
办公室:&&& 微电子楼301F
联系方式:& 021-
Yubin Xia joins in Institution of Parallel And Distributed Systems, SJTU in 2012 as a lecturer. He received a PHD from Beijing University. His research interests include operating system, virtualization, computer architecture and security.
Homepage: http://ipads.se./yubin_xia
Danping Zou joins SJTU as a research associate, he earned a PHD from Fudan University in 2010, he was formerly a post-doctoral researcher at the National University of Singapore. He conducts research in real-time localization based on 3D computer vision., object tracking and recognition.
博士毕业学校: 复旦大学
专业方向:&&&& 计算机应用技术
联系方式:&&&& 021-
陈超平毕业于上海大学(学士、2004)、韩国釜山大学(博士、2009)。年分别于昆山龙腾光电与上海天马微电子研发部担任高级工程 师和资深工程师。2012年至今,任上海交通大学助理研究员。研究方向为全息显示,液晶显示,三维显示,新型显示。发表论文50余篇,其中SCI 16篇,EI 3篇,国际会议邀请报告4次,论文被引用次数超过70次。拥有美国专利2项,韩国专利2项,中国发明专利20余项。陈超平博士曾获2008年国家优秀自费 留学生基金;2010年度江苏省“企业博士集聚计划”;2010年江苏省(龙腾)平板显示技术研究院TRIZ发明专利竞赛一等奖。
Chaoping Chen received the B.S. degree in 2004 from Shanghai University and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2006 and 2009, respectively, from Pusan National University, South Korea. He worked at Infovision Optoelectronics and Shanghai Tianma for 3 odd years before he joined the faculty of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an assistant professor in 2012. His research interests include liquid crystal display, holography, 3D display, and solid state lighting.
To date, Dr. Chen has published 16 journal papers, 34 conference papers (4 invited talks), and 20 patent applications (5 granted). He is currently the member of Society for Information Display (SID) and the program sub-committee member of International Meeting on Information Display (IMID).
Address:&& SEIEE-1-202
张媛媛研究方向为计算机系统安全和无线网络安全。2002年和2005年毕业于武汉大学计算机科学与技术系,分别获得工学学士和工学硕士学位,2009年 毕业于上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系,获得工学博士学位。曾任职华东师范大学计算机系讲师。2010年至2012年期间于法国国立科学应用学院 Telecommunication系CITI实验室从事博士后工作。中国计算机学会YOCSEF分会委员、中国密码学会会员。目前工作于LoCCS实验 室GoSSIP研究组。小组研究方向包括Android系统安全研究、程序自动化分析等。
Yuanyuan Zhang received my Ph.D in 2009 from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. During , She worked as post-doc at CITI lab in INSA de Lyon. She is currently working as an assistance professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests include computer system security and computer network security, specifically, memory encryption supported program confidentiality and integrity, and network coding supported security.
Address: && SEIEE-3-337
吴侃于2006年和2009年获上海交通大学电子工程系学士和硕士学位,2013年获新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位。主要从事光纤激光器,低噪声微波频率合 成和光计算等研究。获奖包括:2012年中国国家优秀自费留学生奖,2012 SPIE奖学金,2011 IEEE R10学生论文评比二等奖等。曾参与新加坡DIRP专项研究项目,低抖动高重复频率光纤激光器的研究工作。在激光器噪声形成机理,基于锁模激光器的微波频 率合成和光计算等方向取得多项成果。论文发表于Optics Letters, Optics Express等多个国际期刊,总引用超过100次,同时还是Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Lightwave Technology等期刊的审稿人。
Kan Wu received his bachelor and master degrees from department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. In 2013, he received PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His main research interests include mode-locked fiber lasers, low-noise microwave synthesis and optical computing. His awards include 2012 China Excellent Oversea Students Scholarship, 2012 SPIE Scholarship and 2nd Prize in 2011 IEEE Region 10 SAC paper competition. Kan Wu participated in Singapore DIRP research project and worked in the field of low-jitter and high-repetition-rate mode-locked fiber lasers. He has published many results on the mechanism of laser noise formation, microwave synthesis and optical computing on the journals such as Optics Letters and Optics Express with total citation over 100. He is also the peer reviewer of Optics Letters, Optics Express and Journal of Lightwave Technology.
舒汀2004年和2006年分别获南京理工大学电子信息工程专业学士学位和通信与信息系统专业硕士学位,2010年获上海交通大学信号与信息处理专业博士 学位。,就职于华为公司上海研发中心无线产品线,任基带系统设计师。,就职于上海交通大学电信学院,任博士后研究 员。研究方向:雷达系统射频综合仿真、雷达实时信号处理系统开发与设计、高分辨雷达成像、相控阵雷达数字波束形成等等。
Ting Shu received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering (EE) from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and Ph.D. degree in EE, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2010. From 2010 to 2011, he worked as the system engineer in the Wireless Department of Huawei Technologies, responsible for the HSDPA baseband system design for the UMTS evolution. He joins SJTU in July, 2013. His current research interests include the hardware-in-loop simulation of radar and EW systems, R&D of radar realtime signal processing, SAR/ISAR imaging, and adaptive array for modern phased array radar system.
田晓华, 电子系讲师(教学科研并重型岗位)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
SEIEE Buildings 5 E-A-301, Shanghai, China
Tel: 86-21-3
Research Interests:Wired/W mobile Internet, new networking services and applications
2007年东南大学测试计量技术与仪器专业博士毕业,年,在芬兰大地测量研究所导航定位部门分别任博士后、高级研究员、资深研究员。2013年8月加入上海交通大学北斗导航与位置服务上海市重点实验室。主要研究方向包括:室内外无缝导航与定位、无线定位、卫星定位与导航、多网络多传感器定位、普适计算、情景感知、三维个人导航、位置服务与空间行为分析、智能认知手机、移动地理信息系统等。研究成果2010年在全球导航学术界与工业界最为知名的GPS World杂志作为封面专题(Cover story)进行介绍。指导Aalto大学研究生完成的研究成果在2012年再次被GPS World杂志选为封面专题。2013年Inside GNSS 杂志Cover Story将本人的研究成果----运动情境感知辅助个人导航列为未来个人导航十大方向之一。学术方面,发表SCI&EI索引论文20余篇,在由IEEE AESS 以及ION 举办的导航领域最重要的国际会议(PLANS和ION GNSS)上发表10余篇论文。总计发表学术论文以及著作50余篇。专利6项。
Dr. Ling Pei (born 1977.09) is a research scientist in Shanghai Key Laboratory of Navigation and Location Based Service at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has authored or co-authored over 50 scientific papers. He is also an inventor of 6 patents and pending patents. Since 2007 he had worked as a specialist research scientist at Finnish Geodetic Institute, where his research interests include indoor/outdoor seamless positioning, ubiquitous computing, wireless positioning, mobile computing, context-aware applications and location-based services. The excellence research work Dr. Pei involved has been recognized to the public via e.g. a cover story in the most popular navigation magazine "GPS World" twice (Feb. Issue 2010, and Oct. Issue 2012). The cover story of Inside GNSS of 2013 March/April issue namely The PNT booming cited his research as one of ten PNT trends. Nowadays, he has been an advisory committee and technical program committee member of the International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications. Moreover, he is an editorial board member of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems Editorial Board, and the International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications, and an editor of the International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA) , a paper reviewer for IEEE Pervasive Computing magzine (SCI Impact factor 2.615) , Sensors (SCI Impact factor 1.95), International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI Impact factor 1.533) ,and various IEEE international conferences.
地址:电信群楼2-528室&& Email:
Yiyin Wang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2002, the M.S. degree (cum laude) in microelectonics from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Fudan Univerisity, Shanghai, China, in 2005, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2011. She is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Prior to that, she was a Postdoc Fellow at Delft University of Technology from 2011 to 2012, and a Postdoc fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA., from 2012 to 2013.
Her research interests lie in the area of signal processing for wireless sensor networks, wireless communications and networking, and broadband systems (e.g. ultra-wideband (UWB)), employing tools from linear algebra, digital and statistical signal processing, and optimization.
9.7,香港理工大学研究助理,主要研究基于CAA(Component Application Architecture, 简称CAA)的虚拟建筑原型技术
0.6, 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院博士生,主要研究一些智能算法及其应用
Xundi Diao, born in Zhenjiang city of Jiangsu province, BSc in Mathematics, MEng in System Engineering, PhD in Management Science and Engineering.
Previous academic positions held (with dates):
9.7, Research Assistant, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Research on construction virtual prototyping technologies based on CAA(Component Application Architecture, CAA)
0.6, PHD Candidate, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Research on some intelligent algorithms and their application.
3.3, Post-doctoral Fellow, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Research on financial engineering.
2013.4--, Lecturer, Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
My present research interest lies in extreme theory, risk management and stochastic optimization. That is, I mainly focus on solving financial problems by use of quantitative methods. Up to now, I presided over the projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.) respectively, and participated in many projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, etc.) and the Hong Kong Research Fund projects.
Office: 2-528
2.09&& & 日本千叶大学 (Chiba University)& & & 专业: 电子电气工程&&&&&&&&&& 博士
9. 07&&& 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 (SIC CAS)& 专业: 材料学&&&&&&&& & & & & 硕士
6. 07&&& 安徽工业大学 (AHUT)&&&&& &&&&& & & & 专业: 无机非金属材料工程&&&&& 学士
Education Background
6.06 &&B.S. in Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials and Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui, China
9.06 &M.S. in Material Science (Supervisor: Prof. Haosu Luo), in Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China
2.09 &&Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Ken-ya Hashimoto) in Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Japan
Research Interests
1).Synthesis and characterization of ferroelectric condensed materials
2).Design, simulation and fabrication of acoustic wave devices, including SAW resonators & filters and Ultrasonic transducers
3).Simulation of FBAR, and suppression Lamb wave in the FBAR device
刘庆文, 特别副研究员
2005年、2007年在天津大学先后获得学士和硕士学位, 2012年在日本东京大学获得博士学位,2013加入上海交通大学,任特别副研究员。研究方向包括高性能光纤光栅传感器、全分布式光纤传感器、超短激光脉冲技术等。曾获得国家奖学金一等奖、日本政府文部科学省奖学金、SPIE学会优秀发表奖等。
Dr. Qingwen Liu received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Tianjin University in 2005 and 2007, and his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 2012, respectively. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2013 as an associate professor. His research interests include ultra-high resolution fiber Bragg grating sensors, distributed optical fiber sensors, ultra-short laser techniques. He had been awarded the first class National scholarship, the Japanese Government scholarship, SPIE best student paper awards, etc.


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