what we dodoyouwean是什么意思

--What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the baseball game.---_____.Whatever yo..._百度知道
--What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the baseball game.---_____.Whatever yo...
Whatever you want to do is fine with me
--What do you want to do next.---_____?We have half an hour until the baseball game
好吧,可知应选B. Glad to hear that听到这个很高兴。It just depends视情况而定;It’s up to you由你决定。根据Whatever you want to do is fine with me;All right 
出门在外也不愁Do what you love, love what you do: An omnipresent mantra that&s bad for work and workers.
Stop Saying “Do What You Love, Love What You Do.” It Devalues Actual Work.
Stop Saying “Do What You Love, Love What You Do.” It Devalues Actual Work.
The DWYL-inspired apartment of designer Jessica Walsh.
Photo courtesy Mario de Armas/
&Do what you love. Love what you do.&
The command is framed and perched in a living room that can only be described as &well-curated.& A
and has been pinned, tumbl&d, and liked thousands of times. Though it introduces exhortations to labor into a space of leisure, the &do what you love& living room is the place all those pinners and likers long to be.
There&s little doubt that &do what you love& (DWYL) is now the unofficial work mantra for our time. The problem with DWYL, however, is that it leads not to salvation but to the devaluation of actual work&and more importantly, the dehumanization of the vast majority of laborers.
Superficially, DWYL is an uplifting piece of advice, urging us to ponder what it is we most enjoy doing and then turn that activity into a wage-generating enterprise. But why should our pleasure be for profit? And who is the audience for this dictum?
DWYL is a secret handshake of the privileged and a worldview that disguises its elitism as noble self-betterment. According to this way of thinking, labor is not something one does for compensation but is an act of love. If profit doesn&t happen to follow, presumably it is because the worker&s passion and determination were insufficient. Its real achievement is making workers believe their labor serves the self and not the marketplace.
Aphorisms usually have numerous origins and reincarnations, but the nature of DWYL confounds precise attribution. Oxford Reference links the phrase and variants of it to Martina Navratilova and Fran&ois Rabelais, among others. The Internet frequently attributes it to Confucius, locating it in a misty, orientalized past. Oprah Winfrey and other peddlers of positivity have included the notion in their repertoires for decades. Even the world of finance has gotten in on DWYL: &If you love what you do, it&s not &work,&& as the co-CEO of the private equity firm Carlyle Group .
The most important recent evangelist of DWYL, however, was the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. In his graduation speech to the Stanford University Class of 2005, Jobs recounted the creation of Apple and inserted this reflection:
You&ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
In these four sentences, the words &you& and &your& appear eight times. This focus on the individual isn&t surprising coming from Jobs, who cultivated a very specific image of himself as a worker: inspired, casual, passionate&all states agreeable with ideal romantic love. Jobs conflated his besotted worker-self with his company so effectively that his black turtleneck and jeans became metonyms for all of Apple and the labor that maintains it.
Do what you love. Wear what you love.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
But by portraying Apple as a labor of his individual love, Jobs elided the labor of untold thousands in Apple&s factories, hidden from sight on the other side of the planet&the very labor that allowed Jobs to actualize his love.
This erasure needs to be exposed. While DWYL seems harmless and precious, it is self-focused to the point of narcissism. Jobs& formulation of DWYL is the depressing antithesis to Henry David Thoreau&s utopian vision of labor for all. In &Life Without Principle,& Thoreau wrote:
& it would be good economy for a town to pay its laborers so well that they would not feel that they were working for low ends, as for a livelihood merely, but for scientific, even moral ends. Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the love of it.&
Admittedly, Thoreau had little feel for the proletariat. (It&s hard to imagine someone washing diapers for &scientific, even moral ends,& no matter how well paid.) But he nonetheless maintains that society has a stake in making work well compensated and meaningful. By contrast, the 21st-century Jobsian view asks us to turn inward. It absolves us of any obligation to, or acknowledgment of, the wider world.
One consequence of this isolation is the division that DWYL creates among workers, largely along class lines. Work becomes divided into two opposing classes: that which is lovable (creative, intellectual, socially prestigious) and that which is not (repetitive, unintellectual, undistinguished). Those in the lovable-work camp are vastly more privileged in terms of wealth, social status, education, society&s racial biases, and political clout, while comprising a small minority of the workforce.
In ignoring most work and reclassifying the rest as love, DWYL may be the most elegant anti-worker ideology around.
Photo by Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images
For those forced into unlovable work, it&s a different story. Under the DWYL credo, labor that is done out of motives or needs other than love&which is, in fact, most labor&is erased. As in Jobs& Stanford speech, unlovable but socially necessary work is banished from our consciousness.
Think of the great variety of work that allowed Jobs to spend even one day as CEO. His food harvested from fields, then transported across great distances. His company&s goods assembled, packaged, shipped. Apple advertisements scripted, cast, filmed. Lawsuits processed. Office wastebaskets emptied and ink cartridges filled. Job creation goes both ways. Yet with the vast majority of workers effectively invisible to elites busy in their lovable occupations, how can it be surprising that the heavy strains faced by today&s workers&abysmal wages, massive child care costs, etc.&barely register as political issues even among the liberal faction of the ruling class?
In ignoring most work and reclassifying the rest as love, DWYL may be the most elegant anti-worker ideology around. Why should workers assemble and assert their class interests if there&s no such thing as work?
&Do what you love& disguises the fact that being able to choose a career primarily for personal reward is a privilege, a sign of socioeconomic class. Even if a self-employed graphic designer had parents who could pay for art school and co-sign a lease for a slick Brooklyn apartment, she can bestow DWYL as career advice upon those covetous of her success.
If we believe that working as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur or a museum publicist or a think-tank acolyte is essential to being true to ourselves, what do we believe about the inner lives and hopes of those who clean hotel rooms and stock shelves at big-box stores? The answer is: nothing.
Nowhere has the DWYL mantra been more devastating to its adherents than in academia.
Photo by iStockphoto/Thinkstock
Yet arduous, low-wage work is what ever more Americans do and will be doing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the &projected until 2020 are &personal care aide& and &home care aide,& with average salaries in 2010 of $19,640 per year and $20,560 per year, respectively. Elevating certain types of professions to something worthy of love necessarily denigrates the labor of those who do unglamorous work that keeps society functioning, especially the crucial
of caregivers.
If DWYL denigrates or makes dangerously invisible vast swaths of labor that allow many of us to live in comfort and to do what we love, it has also caused great damage to the professions it portends to celebrate. Nowhere has the DWYL mantra been more devastating to its adherents than in academia. The average Ph.D. student of the mid-2000s forwent the easy money of finance and law (now slightly less easy) to live on a meager stipend in order to pursue his passion for Norse mythology or the history of Afro-Cuban music.
The reward for answering this higher calling is an academic employment marketplace in which about &contract instructors who usually receive low pay, no benefits, no office, no job security, and no long-term stake in the schools where they work.
There are many factors that keep Ph.D.s providing such high-skilled labor for such low wages, including , but one of the strongest is how pervasively the DWYL doctrine is embedded in academia. Few other professions fuse the personal identity of their workers so intimately with the work output. Because academic research should be done out of pure love, the actual conditions of and compensation for this labor become afterthoughts, if they are considered at all.
In &Academic Labor, the Aesthetics of Management, and the Promise of Autonomous Work,&
of academic faculty, &[O]ur faith that our work offers non-material rewards, and is more integral to our identity than a &regular& job would be, makes us ideal employees when the goal of management is to extract our labor&s maximum value at minimum cost.&
Many academics like to think they have avoided a corporate work environment and its attendant values, but Marc Bousquet
that academia may actually provide a model for corporate management:
How to emulate the academic workplace and get people to work at a high level of intellectual and emotional intensity for fifty or sixty hours a week for bartenders& wages or less? Is there any way we can get our employees to swoon over their desks, murmuring &I love what I do& in response to greater workloads and smaller paychecks? How can we get our workers to be like faculty and deny that they work at all? How can we adjust our corporate culture to resemble campus culture, so that our workforce will fall in love with their work too?
No one is arguing that enjoyable work should be less so. But emotionally satisfying work is still work, and acknowledging it as such doesn&t undermine it in any way. Refusing to acknowledge it, on the other hand, opens the door to exploitation and harms all workers.
Ironically, DWYL reinforces exploitation even within the so-called lovable professions, where off-the-clock, underpaid, or unpaid labor is the new norm: reporters required to do the work of their , publicists expected to pin and tweet on weekends,
expected to check their work email on sick days. Nothing makes exploitation go down easier than convincing workers that they are doing what they love.
Fashion, media, and the arts are industries with employees willing to work for social currency instead of actual wages, all in the name of love.
Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
Instead of crafting a nation of self-fulfilled, happy workers, our DWYL era has seen the rise of the adjunct professor and the unpaid intern: people persuaded to work for cheap or free, or even for a net loss of wealth. This has certainly been the case for all those interns working for college credit or those who actually purchase ultra-desirable fashion-house internships at auction. (Valentino and Balenciaga are among a handful of houses that . For charity, of course.) As an &reveals, the unpaid intern is an ever-larger presence in the American workforce.
It should be no surprise that , including fashion, media, and the arts. These industries have long been accustomed to masses of employees willing to work for social currency instead of actual wages, all in the name of love. Excluded from these opportunities, of course, is the overwhelming majority of the population: those who need to work for wages. This exclusion not only calcifies economic and professional immobility, but it also insulates these industries from the full diversity of voices society has to offer.
And it&s no coincidence that the industries that rely heavily on interns&fashion, media, and the arts&just happen to be the feminized ones, . Yet another damaging consequence of DWYL is how ruthlessly it works to extract female labor for little or no compensation. Women comprise the majority of the low-wage as care workers, adjunct faculty, and unpaid interns, they outnumber men. What unites all of this work, whether performed by GEDs or Ph.D.s, is the belief that wages shouldn&t be the primary motivation for doing it. Women are supposed to do work because they are natural nurturers and after all, they&ve been doing uncompensated child care, elder care, and housework since time immemorial. And talking money is unladylike anyway.
Do what you love and you&ll never work a day in your life! Before succumbing to the intoxicating warmth of that promise, it&s critical to ask, &Who, exactly, benefits from making work feel like nonwork?& &Why should workers feel as if they aren&t working when they are?& In masking the very exploitative mechanisms of labor that it fuels, DWYL is, in fact, the most perfect ideological tool of capitalism. If we acknowledged all of our work as work, we could set appropriate limits for it, demanding fair compensation and humane schedules that allow for family and leisure time.
And if we did that, more of us could get around to doing what it is we really love.
This piece is adapted from an essay that .英语听力 What do we know about the man?B/He works for a magazine.C/He comes here for business.答案是B为什么不是C呢,听力原文是这样的Were you there for business?Yeah,I‘m an art director at a fashion magazine.
首先肯定B是对的.问题在于,问句里有“for business”就先给人以假象了,紧接着答语里又出现了“Yeah”,这听起来很容易犯混.实际上,在口语中,“Yeah”不仅可以表达“yes”的含义,还有“no”的意思.尤其是后面紧跟了的一句.因此例句可译为:——你去哪儿做生意吗?——“哦,我在一家时尚杂志社当艺术总监.”不知解释妥否,权当相互学习吧.
扫描下载二维码您的位置:&&&&&&&&& & 正文
For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words .
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the criteria of judging a person are extremely complex.Various as the standards might be, judging a person by appearance is the most unreliable one. As a famous saying goes, it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. This proverb aims to deliver the message that in order to truly know a person, we need to go beyond their looks and dresses and focus on more profound aspects.
There are several reasons supportive of this statement. Firstly, people are so diverse that some of them are not willing to demonstrate themeselves by their appearance because they may dedicate more time to their work and their hobbies. Moreover, it is too busy for the modern urban people to maintain their appearance. If we judge a person by their appearance when he or she is in a bad state, we might lose a possible good friend or an opportunity. For instance, yesterday the dean of our department, on his way to the teaching building for an emergent meeting with an important investor, fell to the ground and got very dirty. But the new security, taking him for a beggar or a vendor, didn&t allow the dean to enter the building. Finally, the security was fired for his arbitrary judgment.
To conclude, judging a person by their appearance is highly undependable. Therefore, we&d better draw a conclusion about a person through a long period of observations, interactions, and communication.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that we need to have a plan B when we are doing important things. As a famous proverbs goes, it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. This saying obviously aims to deliver the message that in order to avoid possible failures and setbacks, we ought to make adequate and flexible preparations.
Nobody can be certain of what is going to
therefore, we all need to have different plans and prepations in case of undesirable outcomes. Then, the losses and risks can be tremendously reduced. For instance, a decade ago, chinese stock market was extremely profitable and made numerous people millionnaires just overnight. One day, my uncle came to my home and he intended to borrow money from my parents. He promised that he would return the money plus the interest in two years. But my father was dicreet and he only loaned him a few. Then, he deposited some in the bank, invested some in the national bond, and spent the rest on a new apartment. Two years later, chinese stock market crashed and my uncle nearly lost all his fortune. Luckily, my father&s decision made more money for us.
To conclude, it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs in just one basket. Not only will this give rise to the unexpected and unaffordable result, but we will be inclined to be irrationale and unreasonable.
Living in an age when the adolescents are lack of the necessary guidance and supervision, we can never fail to figure out the fact that teenagers are becoming especially self-conscious. Under this circumstance, the youngsters are more likely to believe in what they have listened or seen instead of thinking twice before drawing their conclusions, which is pathetically and undoubtedly considered controversial or even unreasonable.
The reasons why I insist on the viewpoint that we should never directly and irresponsibly come to conclusions only by listening or seeing mainly lie in the following two aspects. To begin with, it is an invariable law to every existence in the world that nothing will stay still even for just one second.So are the things happening around us. What we see or listen may be just some particular period of the development of things, which proves unstable and changeable. In addition, the perspectives we conclude just through seeing or listening are usually one-sided. Drawing conclusions rashly is not objective enough to make our statements persuasive.
To sum up, it is unwise for us to define any thing as what we assume or imagine at first sight. Only by our serious thinking and accurate analyzing
can we come up with more rational and reasonable conclusions.
1. 参考原文:
M: Look at these low prices at these fashionable TV sets. Something is fishy, don&t you think so?
W: Well, there have been a lot of robberies recently. Some of the stolen goods may have landed here。
Q: What does the woman imply about the low price television sets?
点评:本题考察语义推断。考点第二个说话的女士。对应选项A They might be stolen goods.
2. 参考原文:
M: I&ve been assigned to cover the governess speech today. What about you?
W: Nothing is grand as yours. I have to do an interview for the evening news about a man with dozens of cats。
Q: What do we learn about the speakers?
点评:本题考察人物身份。从 &cover the governess speech&(cover表示报道) &do an interview&可以推测,两人都是记者。对应选项C They are news reporters.
3. 参考原文:
W: Didn&t I see you going into the administration building this afternoon?
M: I needed to switch my computer class to the 950 section。
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
点评:本题考查事实细节。考点在第二位男士所说的话。对应选项D : The man went to change the time of his computer class 选项中change是对switch的同义改写。
4. 参考原文:
W: I guess you watch the quiz show on television last night. What did you think about it?
M: Well, it&s great. The first four contestants won only small prizes, but the fifth left with a new luxury car。
Q: What does the man say about the quiz show?
点评:本题考察转折关系。考点在第二位男士。男士觉得智力竞赛节目不错,前4个人只赢得了小奖品,但是第五个人赢得了一辆豪车。对应选项B:The fifth contestant won the biggest prize 选项中的biggest prize是对only small prizes的反向改写。
5. 参考原文:
W: I can&t find the arrival time of the New York to Boston Express on this schedule。
M: Look for New York in the left-hand column and follow it across until you find the hour listed in the Boston column。
Q: What are the speakers most probably doing?
点评:本题考察对话主题。必须要结合二人谈话的内容才能推测出来。根据 &New York to Boston Express&(express 表示特快列车)&schedule& &the hour&可以推测,两人正在寻找火车时刻表,对应选项B Looking for a railway timetable.
6. 参考原文:
W: You look different today, but Ican&t quite put my finger on what it is。
M: Oh, yesterday I finally got around to that new barbershop in the mall and enjoyed their services。
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
点评:本题考察事实细节。考点在第二位男士。从&new barbershop&可以推测,答案为D: He had his haircut yesterday.
7. 参考原文:
W: What do you think Picasso&s painting exhibited in the city museum?
M: Personally I can&t quite see the meaning in his modern works. Most of them remind me of the stuff my nephew brings home from the kindergarten。
Q: What does the man mean?
点评:本题考察态度观点。考点在第二位男士。从 &I can&t quite see the meaning in his modern works& 可以推测,男士并不喜欢当代艺术,对应选项A:He cannot appreciate the Picasso exhibition
8. 参考原文:
W: Rod said he wanted to get involved in student government this year。
M: But he hasn&t gone through a single meeting, has he?
Q: What does the man imply about Rod?
点评:本题考察语义推断,考点在明显信号词but之后。女士说Rod想要参与学生政府,男士反问:但是他并没有通过任何一次会议吧?言下之意,Rod参与过许多次会议,但一直没有通过。对应选项D He has been long involved in student government.
Conversation 1
M:Good morning! Madam. Can I help you?
W: Oh, I do hope so. I have to get to Manchester today and my own car has broken down. Do you by any chance have a car available?
M:For how many days?Madam.
W: Three,just until the weekend.
M: And what sort of car did you have in mind?
W: Well.That depends a little bit on the price. But I normally drive a Chevrolet. Do you have anything like that?
M:Yes,Certainly. That&s group C which includes Chevrolet and sea-arrows.
W:How much are they?
M:Well,for three days, you would have to have it under the unlimited mileage conditions. Which will work out cheaper for Manchester anyway.
Let&s see, Group C, three to five days hire with unlimited mileage is 53 pounds per day.
W:I see. Does that include everything?
M:It Includes third party insurance, but it&s not include value-added tax,patrol or CDW.
M:CDW? Oh, that&s the cover you in case you damage the hire car. Third party insurance only covers you for damage two another vehicle.For Group C cars is 6 pounds per day.
W:OK. I think I&ll have the Chevrolet.
M:All right. Could I have your driving license please?
W:Certainly. Here we are.
M:So, it&s Ms.JB.couty.
W:Yes.That&s right.
M:And the number is cs, expiring the 1st,July,2015.And you want to take it immediately?
W:Yes, I do ,please.
M:Lovely.Well you could just initial that box there for the CDW.And that box there to confirm you have known driving convictions,thank you,And then sign there.Great!That&s it!
Q9:Why does the woman want to hire a car?
Q10:What is the woman&s main consideration in hiring a car?
Q11:What does the daily charge included?
9.点评:根据女士所说的 &my own car has broken down& 对应选项B Something went wrong with her car.
10.点评:根据女士所说的 &That depends a little bit on the price.&& 以及后文反复出现的询价,可知本题对应选项D: Cost
11.点评:根据男士所说的 &It Includes third party insurance& 可知答案对应选项A: Third-party insurance.
Conversation 2
12. C Where to locate their plant.
13. D Their basic facilities are good.
14. A Try to avoid making a hasty decision.
15. C Road and rail links for small towns.
In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra Gold of the Duke Center for the study of aging and human development found that about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers. Reasons for this ranged from inheritance disputes to hostility between spouses. But, many of those who had poor relationships felt guilty. Although most people admitted to some lingering rivalry, it was rarely strong enough to end the relationship. Only four out of the 54 people interviewed had completely broken with their sisters and brothers and only one of the four felt comfortable with the break. As sisters and brothers advanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalry diminishes, explains VC, a psychologist at Purdue University. Most of the elderly people he interviewed said they had supportive and friendly dealings and got along well or very well with their sisters and brothers. Only 4% got along poorly. Gold found that as people age, they often become more involved with and interested in their sisters and brothers. 53% of those she interviewed said that contact with their sisters and brothers increase innate adulthood. With family and career obligations reduced, many said that they had more time for each other. Others said that they felted with time to heal wounds. A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there&s something that lets older people to put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it&s sisters and brothers.
16. What does the study by Debra Gold find about older people?
17. What has probably caused closeness to increase among sisters and brothers according to VC?
18. What did the man who had recently reconciled with his brother tell Debra Gold about older people?
16. 点评:本文第一句话就是考点,根据 &about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers& 得出本题答案为选项A: One fifth of them were on bad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, &be on bad terms with&是对 &hostile or indifferent to&的改写。
17. 点评:考点信息来自文章中间, &As sisters and brothers advanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalry diminishes, explains VC& 得出本题答案为选项C: Advance in age.
18. 点评:考点信息来自文章最后, &there&s something that lets older people to put aside(放到一旁) bad deeds(不好的行为) of the past and focus a little on what we need now& 得出本题答案为选项B: They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs.
Passage 2:
Monarch butterflies, the large origin black insects, are common summer sights in northern United States and Canada. They brighten in parks and gardens as they fly among the flowers. What makes monarch butterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to California or Mexico in back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this. Every year in the late summer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi region. And then they fly to go across Mexico into Texas. Once in Mexico, they establish themselves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. Each side provides the winter home for millions of monarchs. The butterflies are so numerous that they often cover the entire trees. When spring comes, they began their long journey north. The question is often asked whether every butterfly makes the round trip journey every year. And the answer is no. The average monarch lives about nine month. So when fly the north, they might lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be found in Kentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michigan. The last generation of the season about the forth may make the journey back in Mexico and restart the cycle. Scientists learn about the monarch butterflies& migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags in the insects. By recapturing the attempt of the monarch and noting where they came from, the next scientist can figure out things like butterfly&s age and its routing
Question 19 to 22
19. what is the unique about the monarch butterfly according to the speaker?
20. where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration?
21. what does the speaker say about the monarch butterflies& reproduction?
22. what is the talk mainly about ?
19. 点评:本题无法直接得出答案。第3、4句话说,&What makes monarch butterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to California or Mexico in back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this.& 第4句中的 &the only insect that does this&就是19题题干的出处,而&this&指的是上文提到的他们迁徙的方式。由此得知,令monarch butterflies独一无二的是它们的迁徙方式。对应选项C: They are the only insect that migrates along fixed routes. Fixed routes表示 固定路线,是对原文 &all the way to California or Mexico in back&的概括性改写。
20. 点评:本题来自文章中间。 &Once in Mexico, they establish themselves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. & 所谓的establish oneself in some place就表示在某处安家。对应选项D In a Mexican mountain forest.
21.点评:本题无法直接得出答案,答案是对文章尾部三句话的概括性总结: &So when fly the north, they might lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be found in Kentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michigan. The last generation of the season about the forth may make the journey back in Mexico and restart the cycle.&对应选项C Each generation in a cycle lays eggs at a different place.
22. 点评:由于本文从头到尾都在介绍的迁徙模式和特点,因此容易得出答案为选项C Migration patterns of monarch butterflies.
People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more limited. Compared with early generations we spend more and more time working and have less and less free time to engage in leisure pursues. But this premise turns out to be an illusion. The most comprehensive data from major Time Use Service suggests, if anything, Americans today have more free time than the early generations. The number of hours we work has not changed much, but we spend less time now on home tasks. So we have a great amount of time for leisure than in decades past. so why do we feel like time so scare. One problem is that time becomes more valuable and time becomes more worth money. we feel like we have less of it. workers who bill or get paid by the hour, think employer and fast-food workers, report focusing more on pursuing more money than those who get paid by salary and the fact has been fast. In one experiment, people were told to play the role of consultant and bill their time by either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour. When people billed their time by ninety dollars an hour they report feeling far more priced for time. Thinking about our time as money, changes are our behavior as well. in one study, people who were instructed to think about money before entering a cafe spent less times chatting with the other patrons and more time working. Those who are thinking their time did reverse spending time socializing instead of working.
23. what does the speaker say now people feel about time?
24. what do the data from time use service show?
25. what happen when we think our time about our as money?
23. 点评:本题就是对文章第一句话进行提问, &People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more limited.& 对应选项A. Time has becomes more limited.
24. 点评:本题可以直接得出答案,考察信息为 & &data & suggests& Americans today have more free time than the early generations& 对应选项B. Americans today have more free time than earlier generations.
25. 点评:本题考察的是文中所提到的一个实验的结论,即 &Thinking about our time as money, changes are our behavior as well.& 对应选项D. Our behavior is changed.
26. taking into consideration
27. literary
28. imposed
29. anticipate
30. violations
31. financial
32. avenue
33. amended
34. in the wake of
35. interpret
Millions of Americans are entering their 60s and are more concerned than ever about retirement.
36. N) spoiling
本空与前面的spend构成spend time doing的搭配,需要动词ing形式。备选的有illustrating(阐述)和spoiling(宠爱),能与空后的grandkids构成合理搭配的明显只有spoiling,意为&花更多时间去宠孙子&。
37. K) radically
本空所在句不缺主干成分,且本空是修饰different ideas,因此需要副词。备选的有mysteriously(神秘地)、radically(根本地)和separately(分开地)。能与different ideas构成合理搭配的只有radically,这里做程度副词,表示丈夫与妻子有着&根本上不同的观点&。
38. C) disagree
39. O) underestimate
40. I) optimistic
本空为表语,且被副词slightly修饰,空气还有more,提示了应为形容词。备选的又confidential(机密的)、forthcoming(即将到来的)和optimistic(乐观的)。注意本空形容的是空后的standard of living(生活标准),能构成合理意思的只有optimistic,意为丈夫比妻子&对于生活标准要略微乐观一些&。
41. M) separately
42. A) assume
43. L) reality
44. E) forthcoming
本空是在形容retirement date(退休日期),需要形容词。备选的有confidential(机密的)和forthcoming(即将到来的)。能构成合理意思的只有forthcoming,意为&常常是马上就要来临的退休日成为了退休规划的催化剂&,即人们只有接近退休的时候才会被迫开始做规划。
45. J) package
空前的an后面需要可数名词单数,但early-retirement并非可数名词单数,因此本空才应当是被an限定的可数名词单数。备选的有formula(公式、方案)和package(包裹)。这里意思更合理的是package,这个词可以表示&一揽子计划&,early-retirement package意为&提前退休计划&。
Lessons from a feminist paradise on Equal Pay Day
By Christina Hoff Sommers
本文选自日的 American Enterprise Institute
46. Sweden has done more than other nations to close the gender gap, but it continues to exist.
解析:&has done more than other nations&对应第一句&has gone farther than any other nation&, &close the gender gap&对应倒数第二句&close the gender divide&,&it continues to exist&对应最后一句&the divide persists&
47. Sweden is one of the most competitive economies in the world and its people enjoy the greatest life satisfaction.
解析: &one of the most competitive economies in the world&对应第二句 &the world&s third most competitive economy&, &&enjoy the greatest life satisfaction&对应第三句&& also leads the world in life satisfaction and happiness&
48. More American women hold elite job positions in business than Swedish women.
解析: &elite job positions& 对应第一句&elite competitive positions&, &More American&than Swedish women&对应第一句瑞士的政策正在&reducing the number of women in elite positions&,结合后文提到美国的情况,得出更多美国女性拥有高级职位。
49. Swedish family-friendly policies tend to exert a negative influence on women&s career.
解析: &Swedish family-friendly policies&对应第一句&Generous parental leave policies and readily available part-time options&,&a negative influence&指的就是第二句提到的&they appear to weaken it&,这里的it指的是前文提到的&women&s attachment to the workplace& 。
50. The quota system in Sweden ensures women&s better representation in government.
解析: &The quota system in Sweden&对应第四句&an unofficial quota system&,&representation in government& 对应后来提到的&45 percent of positions in the Swedish parliament& 。
51. Though the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents, it may not be accepted by them in its entirely.
解析:&the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents&对应倒数第二句&Swedish system might work well for a majority of American parents&,&may not be accepted by them in its entirely&对应最后一句&unlikely to fully embrace the Swedish model&。
52. Swedish women are allowed the freedom and opportunity to choose their own way of life.
解析:瑞典的女性有更多自由和机会来选择想要的生活。该句直接对应M段倒数第3句话:& the Swedish policies have given them the freedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer.&
53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women for full-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.
解析:因为家庭友好型政策,瑞典的雇主们在雇佣全职女性时会有顾虑。对应E段第一句话,& they make employers wary of hiring women for full-time positions at all.&句中 they 指的就是family-friendly policies,而be hesitant about是对be wary of的改写。
54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.
解析:根据 &Gender-awareness education&对应到A段第3句话:&state-subsidized preschools where, gender-awareness education is increasingly common.& 而 &more and more popular&就是对 &increasingly common&的改写。
55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderless pronouns be used in the Swedish language.
解析:根据&lawmakers&对应到L段第一句&legislators&,&the genderless pronouns& 对应 &replacing male and female pronouns with a neutral alternative&。
第一篇:Texting LOL
本文选自日TIME的Is Texting Killing the English Language? 作者是John McWhorter。
56. C. It will ruin the written language.
解析:题干问到批评者对短消息的评价,这出现在首段首句。这里批评者哀叹短消息是downfall of the written word(书面文字的衰落)。downfall对应ruin(毁坏、堕落),written word对应written language。
57. A. It is crafted with specific skills.
解析:题干所问的书面语与的区别出现在第二段。本段,作者用两者历史长短的差异引出了两者特点的差异:书面语是出现在口语之后的一种工艺(writing is just a craft that came along later)。下文具体举例,体现了书面语突出句子的技术性(crafting long-winded sentences)。这都对应A选项。C选项所说的&书面语历史不如口语久&(It does not have as long a history)在本段有提及,但并非是作者强调的两者的区别。其它选项未提及。
58. A. It brings texters closer to each other.
解析:题干问到LOL在短信中的功能,出现在第四段。该段开头指出LOL并不是简单的字面意思(doesn&t mean&in a literal sense anymore),而是演变为了更微妙、复杂的含义(evolve into something much subtler and sophisticated)。我该段中间进一步举例指出,LOL可以消除对话双方的紧张、创造公平感(easing tension and creating a sense of equality)。这即被改写为brings texters closer(将双方拉得更近)。
59. D. the gradual change of word meaning
解析:题干问到meat和silly的例子被引用是为了说明什么。文中meat和silly出现在第五段末的破折号后,而破折号前即是这两个词作为例子要论证的观点:词与表达的意思会随着时间变化(Over time, the meaning of a word or an expression frits)。这对应的即是D选项。
60. B. It is a new form of verbal communication.
解析:本题所问的作者对短信息的观点集中出现在末段。末段首句作者提出发短信并不会导致写作技能的衰退(there is no evidence that texting is ruining composition skills)。第二句提到发短信事实上是一种用手指说话的方式(is actually a way of talking with your fingers),这对应的就是B选项的意思。
第二篇:Oprah Winfrey and Harvard
本文选自日TIME: Oprah as Harvard&s Commencement Speaker Is an Endorsement of Phony Science (by Erika Christakis and Nicholas A. Christakis).
61. B. She worked her way to success in the entertainment industry.
解析:文章首段介绍了关于Oprah Winfrey的信息。首段末提到她为one of the world&s most successful entertainment icons(世界上最著名的娱乐偶像之一),这对应的就是B选项。其它几个选项,A称其为&哈佛大学法学院&的著名毕业生(a distinguished graduate of Harvard School of Law),但首段首句明确提出哈佛只是给她办法荣誉博士学位(honorary doctor of law degree),可知她本人并非哈佛毕业。C说她曾&虐待自己的小孩&(abuse her children),但首段末句只是提到她本人曾被虐待、且曾是一位年轻的母亲(this former abused teenage mother)。D称她通过长期支持伪科学而有名(achieved her fame through advocacy of fake science)。第二段第四句确实提及Opera支持伪科学理论,但这并非她成名之道;她是由娱乐界的身份而成名的。
62. B. She was known as a supporter of fake science.
解析:题干问到作者认为哈佛不应该给Oprah颁发荣誉学位的原因,作者在第二段第三句中提到了这个观点(Oprah&s particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit)。原因出现在第四句,作者提出Oprah一致相当拥护伪科学理论(Oprah&s passionate advocacy extends to a hearty embrace of fake science)。这对应的即是B选项。
63. A. He was strongly against it.
解析:题干问到的Harry Lewis在Blog spot中对哈佛行为的评价出现在文章第四段第二句,这里明确说道Harry表示了他对此行为的反对(objection),并举他具体的话强调了他认为哈佛决定的不妥以及不合时宜。这对应的是A选项。其它选项都无法体现Harry的强烈负面态度。
64. A. They show inadequate respect for evidence-based inquiry.
解析:题干问到作者对许多美国大学的遗憾,这直接对应第六段段首的unfortunately,其后面的内容应该就是令作者感到遗憾的事。这里作者提到许多美国大学只忙于维护品牌,对追求知识的保护则不足够(not busy enough protecting the pursuit of knowledge)。这里的not enough即对应inadequate。考虑到上段末作者曾提到哈佛这类大学应该要公开肯定基于证据的质询(public affirmation of evidence-based inquiry),而affirmation对应respect。结合上述信息与本段首的unfortunately,可知这里作者想表达的也就应该是这些大学对于evidence-based inquiry的肯定做得不够。
65. D. Pursuit of knowledge and truth.
解析:题干问到作者认为像哈佛这种著名大学应该关注的方面是什么,这对应末段首句作者提到的primary mission(首要任务),因此这里提到的produce and spread knowledge(制造与传播知识)即应该是正确答案信息,对应的也只有D 选项。
土豪以前指欺压佃户和仆人的乡村地主,现在用于指花钱如流水或喜欢炫耀财富的人, 也就是说,土豪有钱,但是没有品位。大妈是对中年妇女的称呼,但是现在特指不久前金价大跌时大量购买黄金的中国妇女。
The Chinese heated words usually reflect social changes and culture, some of which are increasingly popular with foreign media. Tuhao and dama, for example, are both old words, but they get different meanings now.
The word tuhao used to mean rural landlords who oppress their tenants and servants, while now it refers to people spending money without limits or those showing off all around. That is to say, tuhao owns money rather than taste. The word dama is used to describe middle-aged women. However, it is regarded as a special word to call those Chinese women who rushed to purchase gold when the gold price decreased sharply not long ago.
Tuhao and dama may be included in the new Oxford dictionary. Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been added to it, becoming a part of English language.
1中文热词通常反映社会变化和文化,有些(The Chinese heated words usually reflect social changes and culture, some of which),这里考查的语法知识很典型,属于非限定性定语从句,从句中的which 指代Chinese heated words。如果基础不好的同学也可以不用从句而直接用and 连接两个简单句的翻译方法,比如(social changes and culture, and some of them )。
2愈来愈流行 (increasingly popular) 这里属于&越来越+形容词&的考查点如果基础不好的同学可以用最朴素的more and more +adj. 来替换,这里不像写作,只需要你能翻出来正确的表达就ok 。
3例如 (for example )注意举例子在翻译中是非常常见的知识点,所以同学们一定要多积累一些举例的方法。 以下列出一些常用的表达: like ,such as ,for example , for instance 。
1 定语从句 :指欺压佃户和仆人的乡村地主 (rural landlords who oppress their tenants and servants) 考查标志词&的&,在翻译中遇到&V.+n.+的+n.& 这样的表达时我们可以考虑使用定从来翻译。比如我们看这句话后面的一部分 &现在用于指花钱如流水或喜欢炫耀财富的人& 这里的&喜欢炫耀+财富+的+人&符合我们的模式,我们可以这样翻译:people who spend money without any limits or like to show off around 。 当然范文中使用的是分词做定语(people spending money without limits or those showing off all around) 基础好的同学可以用这样的翻译方法,但实在不能掌握的用定语从句也是很好的。
2 解释,描述性的词语:本段多处用到描述的词语而在翻译中描述的词汇也是极其常考的,希望同学们多做积累。这里列出一些描述,解释性的词语供大家参考:mean ,refers to ,that is to say,describe ,be regarded as .
3状语从句:(现在特指不久前金价大跌时大量购买黄金的中国妇女。)这句话是定语从句+状语从句的考查,考查的是when 引导的时间状语。对于这种从句复合式的考法同学们要理清思路,只要思路清晰翻译起来很好拿分。 这里定语从句的判断还是服从我们讲过的&v.购买+n.黄金+的+n.妇女& 模式 。
1 多动词的翻译:一句话中若有多个动词那这句话的翻译时动词的翻译一定是重点考查对象。(土豪和大妈可能会被收入新版的牛津(OXford)英语词典,至今约有120中文加进了牛津英语词典,成了英语语言的一部分。 )
此句中第一第二个动词已经被至今这个时间状语所分割开来,所以没有什么好讲的,而第二个动词与第三个之间没有明显的衔接或分割,那么我们就要注意要么用连词连接成为两个简单句(比如Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been added to it, and become a part of English language).要么使用其他的方法讲起成为一个句子,而这里我们使用的是将第三个动词用分词形式来出现。(Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been added to it, becoming a part of English language.)以上两种翻译方法都是可行的。
最近中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Science )出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的年度系列报告。系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告,高技术发展报告,中国可持续战略报告。第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破。该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。
Chinese Academy of Science recently published an annual report about its latest scientific findings and the prospect of the next year. The report consists of three parts: science development, more advanced technology development and the sustainable strategy of China. The first one includes the latest findings of Chinese scientists, such as the research of new particle and the breakthrough in the study of H7N9 virus. Furthermore, it highlights some problems we need to focus in next few years. The second one announces some heated fields in applied science. For example, the 3-dimension print and the study of artificial human organs. The third one suggests people enhance the top design in order to get rid of the structural obstacles in industrial upgrading and to promote the energy-saving and emission-reduction.
解析:第一句,修饰成分较长,注意分清主干(中国科学院出版了年度系列报告);第二句,句式简单,考察词汇;第三句考察同义词包括(include,consist of)替换;第四句无难度;第五句结构和第三句一致,考察专业词汇的翻译(应用科学,3D); 第六句考察suggest后虚拟语气用should do, do 通常省略,另外考察词汇节能减排。
Beijing is going to invest 760 billion yuan in next three years to control pollution, beginning with cutting down the emission of PM 2.5 . This newly announced project aims to reduce four major sources of pollution, including exhaust from 5000 thousand motor vehicles, coal-burning in surrounding areas, sandstorms from the north and local construction dust. Another 85 billion yuan is used to build or upgrade the facilities of disposing garbage and sewage of the city. In addition, 30 billion to support afforestation programs in next three years.
The municipal government also plans to construct some plants to use cycle water, banning illegal constructions to modify the environment. Furthermore, Beijing will punish those who violate the rules of emission-reduction more severely.
解析:第一句包含两个简单句,两句主语一致,所以可以将后半句改为非谓语形式; 第二句,考察词汇尾气、燃煤、沙尘暴、建筑灰尘;第三句和第四句都是简单句,考察垃圾处理、污水处理、植树造林的表达;第五句两项政府举措,仍然将第二句用非谓语表达。最后一句注意定语从句的使用。
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