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Such sectarian rift has also reached the Christian minority in Syria that supports the regime particularly out of worries about the show of force by ultraconservative Islamists.
,The latest setback for Sarkozy came on Tuesday when far-right leader Marine Le Pen refused to endorse him and announced she would cast a blank vote. But on Tuesday he also staged a huge rally that attracted hundreds of thousands of supporters at the Trocadero square.The Iranian military official criticized the presence of foreign forces in the region and said non-regional troops will not only fail to contribute to the regional peace and security but also disturb them.、。
Kerry said he expected stronger leadership from the two countries in shifting away from intensive, high-polluting energy consumption.,Fighter jets of the air forces and vessels of the Yemeni navy were supporting the army forces, according to military officials.I hope the new president can restore peace and stability in our life. Our economy has suffered from continuous chaos and violence, we want the new president to revive our economy, make our life easier and bring back the good reputation and great influence Egypt used to have, said Fatah.,Greeks already experience a kind of default with the reduction of incomes by some 30 percent on average in two years amidst heavy recession, he argued.
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WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 () -- U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Wednesday met with his Republic of Korean (ROK) counterpart Kim Kwan-jin at the Pentagon, and agreed to focus on a joint deterrence policy against nuclear threats on the Korean Peninsula.,Earlier on Sunday, Obama declared a state of emergency for Maryland, making federal aid available for local response.,BEIJING, Nov. 8 () -- Paying high attention to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the international media said Thursday that the event is of great significance and will have a far-reaching influence on the world.。
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Such export of arms has a defensive nature and doesn't contract any international conventions, said the top Russian diplomat.
East China's Shandong, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces will follow suit in 2014, the Beijing News reported Friday.,CAIRO, Nov. 23 () -- Thousands of Egyptian protestors flood to Cairo's center Tahrir square Friday to take part in demonstrations rejecting the new constitutional declaration issued by President Mohamed Morsi Thursday.,Wen's remarks and proposals showcased China's image as a responsible global player and boosted confidence among ASEM partners to overcome current economic difficulties, Yang said.。
But with trade protectionism escalating in these two major markets, many Chinese solar energy companies like Yingli Green Energy are trying to expand their businesses at home and in other emerging markets.,At the invitation of the Bangladesh Awami League party, Li arrived in Dhaka on Saturday afternoon, kicking off his two-day official visit to the country.。
CAIRO, Nov. 22 () -- Egypt's presidency spokesman Yasser Ali said Thursday that President Mohamed Morsi has issued a new constitutional declaration.,The solution in Syria has been determined for a long time by President Bashar al-Assad, he said, adding that the solution is for all the parties to embark on a national dialogue instead of sitting in five-star hotels.,It also urged the international community to assume its responsibility to protect the Palestinians.。<input type="hidden" name="header" value='' />
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