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deputy chief of staff是什么意思
中文翻译副参谋长:&&&&n. 1.代理,代表。 2.〔D-〕 (法、意等的)下院 ...:&&&&n. 1.首领,领袖,酋长,族长。 2.〔口语〕主管人员 ...:&&&& five minutes of four 差 ...:&&&&n. 【建筑】纤维灰浆。
例句与用法D deputy chief of staff办公室副主任Nominally , mr rove is the deputy chief of staff ; in practice , he is far more powerful than that名义上,罗夫(首席政治顾问)是副总管,实际上他的作用远超于此。 In addition , lader worked under president bill clinton as the white house deputy chief of staff and assistant as well as deputy director in the office of management and budget此外,雷德担任比尔?柯林顿总统领导下的白宫副幕僚长和助理以及管理和预算办公室副主任。 Previously , david served as deputy chief of staff of the u . s . treasury department , where he was an advisor to the secretary of the treasury and worked on a variety of economic policy issues此外还有美国电脑协会所颁发的turing award国际电信联盟颁发的银色勋章电子电机工程协会颁发的alexander graham bell勋章,以及其他无数奖项。 Washington - - june 8 , 2006 - - iraq - bush - 6 - - karl rove , white house chief policital adviser , left , stands with joel kaplan , deputy chief of staff , right , and other staff members as they watch president bush deliver a statement in the rose garden of the white house on the death of al qaeda s leader in iraq , abu musab al - zarqawi , who was killed in a u . s . airstrike north of baghdad , thursday , june 8 , 2006白宫高级政治顾问卡尔?罗夫(左)与代理参谋长乔尔?开普蓝(右)及其他内阁成员站在一起,观看总统布什在白宫玫瑰花园发表关于伊拉克阿尔凯达基地组织领导人扎卡维在美军空袭伊拉克北部中身亡的声明。 After early tours in stockholm , washington , rome and the u . s . mission to nato , in 1988 incoming nato secretary general manfred woerner appointed him as deputy chief of staff and in january 1989 as chief of staff . he advised the secretary general on all nato issues in the context of the unification of germany and the dissolution of the warsaw pact and the soviet union , and on the management of the 1 , 200 member international staff一九八八年,新任北约秘书长渥尔纳任命郭明瀚为副主管,八九年一月升为正主管,为北约秘书长在德国统一、前苏联及华沙条约解体、以及北约全体一千二百名跨国员工的管理方面提供意见。 Ambassador cunningham has spent much of his career working on european and security affairs , with broad experience in multilateral diplomacy . after early tours in stockholm , washington , rome and the u . s . mission to nato , in 1988 incoming nato secretary general manfred woerner appointed him as deputy chief of staff and in january 1989 as chief of staff早年在斯德哥尔莫、华盛顿、罗马及美国驻北约使团工作。一九八八年,新任北约秘书长渥尔纳任命郭明瀚为副主管,八九年一月升为正主管,为北约秘书长在德国统一、前苏联及华沙条约解体、以及北约全体一千二百名跨国员工的管理方面提供意见。 &&
deputy chief of staff的中文翻译,deputy chief of staff是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译deputy chief of staff,deputy chief of staff的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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chief economist是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释大投行的首席经济师首席经济学家首席经济专家总经济师:&&&&n. 1.首领,领袖,酋长,族长。 2.〔口语〕主管人员 ...:&&&&n. 1.经济学家。 2.〔古语〕节俭的人。 详细百科解释
例句与用法Mr . tim condon chief economist康迪天先生霸菱首席经济师Chief economist and director of global economic analysis of morgan stanley摩根士丹利董事总经理兼首席经济师Paul zimmerman , chief economist , designing hong kong harbour districtPaulzimmerman , “共创我们的海港区”首席经济师Speaker : dr . augustin maravall , chief economist of the bank of spain in madrid演讲者: augustin maravall博士,西班牙银行马德里首席经济师The bank ' s chief economist announced the economic growth rate in africa was expected to reach 6 percent this year银行的首席经济师宣布今年非洲的经济增长率有望到达6 % 。 The bank ' s chief economist announced the economic growth rate in africa is expected to reach 6 % this year银行首席经济专家宣布今年非洲的经济增长率有望增长至百分之六。 The bank ' s chief economist announced the economic growth rate in africa is expected to reach 6 % this year这家银行的首席经济学家宣布了今年非洲经济增长率达到了预期的6 % 。 Chief economist francois bourguignon says research at the bank is a complex process that requires compromises首席经济学家f . b .称,世行的研究工作是一复杂的需要妥协的过程。 The bank ' s chief economist announced the economic growth rate in africa is expected to reach six percent this year银行首席经济学家宣布,本年度非洲年经济增长率有望达到6 % 。 Mr . john b . menzer - - - ( executive vice president , wal - mart ) dr . erh - cheng hwa - - - ( president & chief economist , global strategic investment fund )华而诚博士- - (全球策略投资公司总裁兼首席经济学家) 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
chief economist的中文翻译,chief economist是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chief economist,chief economist的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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chief operating officer是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释百科解释首席营运官首席运营官业务总裁营运长营运总监主要业务人员主要执行人员:&&&&n. 1.首领,领袖,酋长,族长。 2.〔口语〕主管人员 ...:&&&&adj. 1.运行的;操作的;工作的。 2.关于业务的; ...:&&&&n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官 ...详细百科解释
例句与用法Zeng liqing , is the chief operating officer of the company曾李青,本公司首席运营官。 A mr . leland sun as chief operating officerA孙立勋先生出任行政总监They appointed her the chief operating officer of the company他们任命她为公司的经营主任。 Network , timo added . tony ma , chief operating officer of esd进行下载,令传送数码内容更为方便。 Appointment of ms pamela lamoreaux as chief operating officer载有关于常设计划的技术说明文件。 Vice chairman chief operating officer亚美利关怀副主席暨执行长Vice chairman and chief operating officer副会长暨总执行长President and chief operating officer总裁兼首席运营官Speaking note by the chief operating officer and executive director , sfc证监会营运总裁兼执行董事的发言稿Mr . fung cho kie , edmon chief operating officer , e - commerce logistics group网丰物流集团营运总裁冯袍期先生, 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
chief operating officer的中文翻译,chief operating officer是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chief operating officer,chief operating officer的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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All rights reserved人教版小学英语 常见缩略词的中文意思_百度文库
人教版小学英语 常见缩略词的中文意思
adj. 为首的;主要的,首要的n. 首领;酋长;族长
Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the chief Financial Officer.
Don was appointed chief engineer of the project.
The chief cause of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood.
The chief issue of stabilizing the economy is how to stabilize prices.
The great-grandson of an Indian chief from Oklahoma had become internationally famous.
The starving people cried to their chief for bread.
On this point, chief, you're nearer reason, and therefore nearer being right.
Is anything to be seen of the delaware chief?
Hey chief, where do you think we should go dancing tonight?
1.most important element
the chief aim of living
the main doors were of solid glass
the principal rivers of America
the principal example
policemen were primary targets
1.a person who is in charge
the head of the whole operation
2.a person who exercises control over workers
if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman
1.the chief editor
2.They constituted him chief adviser.
3.Indecision is his chief defect.
4.Rudeness is his chief shortcoming.
5.Wit is his chief asset.


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