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杨志法1, 胡维东2, 张路青1, 曾庆利1, 郭改梅1, 高丙丽1
1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京100029;
2. 台州黄岩石窟旅游开发有限公司,台州318020
YANG Zhifa1, HU Weidong2, ZHANG Luqing1, ZENG Qingli1, GUO Gaimei1, GAO Bingli1
1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029;
2. Taizhou Huangyan Grotto .,Taizhou 318020
Panlongdong Cave,located at Huangyan county of Zhejiang Proveince,is a large-scale underground cave group left by ancient quarrying,and has been explored to be Jinxiu-Huangyan scenery site.Indicated by practical measurements,the No.3 cave of the cave group is up to the height of 64.3m,which is the highest one of known large-scale ancient underground projects in the world.In the present paper,the authors analyze possible reasons of the ancient project maintaining several hundred years of stability,and discover some ancient simple scientific ideas and lofty quarrying techniques contained in this ancient project.
作者简介: 杨志法,主要从事岩石力学、地质工程等方面的研究.Email: egml@ mail.
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