景观规划规划Mac Book pro与Dell precision 5510 评测M5510怎么选择

景观规划设计工作用&br&Dell:20000&img src=&/8cf0bcaee6_b.png& data-rawwidth=&483& data-rawheight=&290& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&483& data-original=&/8cf0bcaee6_r.png&&&br&&ul&&li&15.6& UltraSharp(TM) UHD () 触控,宽视角,LED背光,完美面板保证 2X2 天线&br&&/li&&li&英特尔(R) 至强处理器 E3-1505M v5 (四核 2.80GHz, 3.70GHz Turbo, 8MB 45W, 含英特尔HD显卡 P5&/li&&li&8GB (1x8G) 2133MHz DDR4 内存 非 ECC&br&&/li&&li&256GB M.2 PCIe 固态硬盘, MPWS&br&&/li&&li&1TB 2.5英寸SATA (5400 Rpm)硬盘, MPWS&br&&/li&&li&Nvidia(R) Quadro M1000M 含 2GB GDDR5&/li&&/ul&苹果:22000&img src=&/cb81acac0fe_b.png& data-rawwidth=&494& data-rawheight=&295& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&494& data-original=&/cb81acac0fe_r.png&&&br&&ul&&li&15 英寸配备 Retina 显示屏的 MacBook Pro&br&&/li&&li&2.8GHz 四核 Intel Core i7,Turbo Boost 高达 4.0GHz&br&&/li&&li&16GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM&br&&/li&&li&基于 PCIe 的 1TB 闪存&br&&/li&&li&Intel Iris Pro Graphics + AMD Radeon R9 M370X,配备 2GB GDDR5 显存&br&&/li&&/ul&常用软件 ADOBE系列 Autodesk系列 Rhino(grasshopper) ArcGis Erdas &br&觉得:&br&&blockquote&M5510:4k屏幕还是adobe rgb窄边屏幕还有由于是10月份新款是ddr4内存 配的专业卡 &b&但是&/b& 内存和ssd略小 太轻薄 散热不知什么情况&br&Mac Book Pro:屏幕不差 系统挺好看 内存和ssd都扩大了一倍 &b&但是&/b& 工作环境不太好而且还是ddr3的内存硬盘总共才512GB略小 还不是专业卡 散热已经确定渣了&/blockquote&两者差2000大洋,戴尔现在订购送个23寸屏幕送个包送个1t硬盘。不知道新款的MAC什么时候发售需不需要观望
景观规划设计工作用Dell:2000015.6" UltraSharp(TM) UHD () 触控,宽视角,LED背光,完美面板保证 2X2 天线英特尔(R) 至强处理器 E3-1505M v5 (四核 2.80GHz, 3.70GHz Turbo, 8MB 45W, 含英特尔HD显卡 P58GB (1x8G) 2133MHz DDR4 内存 非 ECC…
看来要给傻多戴充值些信仰了。。。其实还是要看你用的什么软件居多,你是景观的话要是常用lumion的估计5510的quadro M1000有点吃力,毕竟lumion原理跟游戏渲染相同,专业图形显卡并不适合。笔电上个GTX970m才无压力,那可以等新一代mbp了。平时要是建模工作量大,效果图外包的话那果断妥妥的5510。(当然要是你追求续航和系统的话,出门左转mbp忘记傻多戴吧。。。)其实你可以考虑7510啊,M2000的显卡估计跑lumion也没压力了
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大D消息:划时代的移动工作站DELL Precision 5510
初级会员, 积分 1.2, 距离下一级还需 2.8 积分
技术分1.1 分
资产值747 nb
本帖最后由 song_1118 于
07:49 编辑
10月即将来临,这个月份注定不平静:intel 6代CPU上市,带来号称5年来最大的革新。
& && & 作为PC细分市场的龙头,移动工作站自然当仁不让,联想新推出的p50/p70早就按捺不住,爆出产品细节已经一个月之久。& && & 作为移动工作站市场占有率王者的戴尔(DELL),却始终保持沉默,将大家胃口吊得老高;& && & 经过不懈的沟通努力,我们终于能拿出一些带有官方性质的消息来满足大家的好奇心了!
& && & 6代平台产品起,戴尔的移动工作站系列更新Xeon E3 v5(skylake平台)CPU,全线支持DDR4 ECC内存;& && & 由于新平台引入了这些更新,导致移动平台与塔式/机架式平台在性能上日趋弥合,更多意义上只是形而非性的区别,因此Precision 系列移动工作站全部取消“M”(即Mobile首字母)的前缀,从此代表移动站终于能够全方位与传统平台相抗衡,戴尔已经认为移动工作站不需要再加M表达身份,终于跻身一线工作站行列。
=========================分割线:科普一下=============================& && & 在这里首先纠正大家心理的一个思维定势:移动工作站性能羸弱,事实并非如此!& && & 要知道占塔式工作站多数的实际上还是E3平台,显卡上到K620一类就算很不错了。& && & 其实这两项指标在移动站面前根本不算什么:移动站的四核CPU到4810这一款就已经和E3性能类似,4940mx更是比市面上常见到的E3 CPU毫不逞让。& && & 至于显卡,移动平台的入门卡,例如K1100m一类基本是中端台式卡K2000的性能;旗舰卡基本上能做到非移动平台次旗舰的性能,参考:K5100m参数与K5000完全相同。& && & 实际上限制移动工作站普及的最大因素还是内存无法支持ECC且容量偏小(ECC内存支持校验,可以很大程度上避免内存溢出错误,极大增强平台长期高负载运行的稳定性。)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& && & 做了以上科普,就可以说Dell Precision 5510是划时代的移动工作站了:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& && &1、第一次在移动平台引入四核 至强(Xeon)CPU,全面支持DDR4 ECC内存,目前最大容量可达16*2=32G内存;& && &2、采用了全新USB3.1 type C接口,兼容雷电3接口,大大扩展外周设备接入兼容性与传输稳定性;& && &3、在极轻薄——17mm、1.7kg——的机身融入K2200m(大致上游戏性能等效于游戏卡GTX960m超频5%)级别专业显卡,在上一代M3800基础上,相信散热稳定性更加不会让人失望;& && &4、在介于13到14寸的机身融入15寸屏幕(没错,就和新XPS13那样的超极窄的屏框!);& && &5、可选的触摸屏,再也不用担心镜面在野外闪瞎眼啦。& && &6、微边框IGZO IPS 15.6寸屏幕(、两种可选分辨率),还可选触摸屏;
231507lsg89aog0u0oshuu.jpg (40.97 KB, 下载次数: 0)
23:39 上传
左侧依次是电源孔,USB3.0支持关机充电、HDMI2.0、USB3.1 type C/雷电3/miniDP三合一接口、耳机孔,非常惊人的轻薄:
231508ozu5mhqqi5ckuq4c.jpg (31.62 KB, 下载次数: 0)
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vtiytriddq8x8u.jpg (46.77 KB, 下载次数: 1)
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更大的好消息是:& && & 全新5510支持选配i5 i7、 e3、至强(Xeon)三种cpu,甚至微软首次允许戴尔(其原因似乎是因为戴尔退市私有化时,微软有投入戴尔20亿美元作为无表决权股东参股)为移动工作站预装Windows家庭版(价格只要十几块钱--美金?人民币?),大大降低5510的入手门槛,照顾了部分用户的使用习惯----------相信很多机友们被m3800高昂的起始价格吓到过。
技术分 +0.1
入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
技术分0 分
资产值668 nb
作为工作站,第一这个机子接口太少,第二性能肯定不咋样,这么高性能的CPU装在这么轻薄的壳子里可想而知。 ...
技术分135 分
资产值9268 nb
初级会员, 积分 1.2, 距离下一级还需 2.8 积分
技术分1.1 分
资产值747 nb
初级会员, 积分 2.5, 距离下一级还需 1.5 积分
技术分0 分
资产值23189 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值1741 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
技术分0 分
资产值1036 nb
初级会员, 积分 1.2, 距离下一级还需 2.8 积分
技术分1.1 分
资产值747 nb
技术分7.4 分
资产值6487 nb
初级会员, 积分 1.3, 距离下一级还需 2.7 积分
技术分0 分
资产值12508 nb
好像很牛牛屄的样子& &
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值1971 nb
dell 员工机的差价能有多少?或者官翻便宜多少?
初级会员, 积分 1.8, 距离下一级还需 2.2 积分
技术分1 分
资产值3254 nb
技术分137.1 分
资产值15087 nb
& && & hechengg的呢?
技术分137.1 分
资产值15087 nb
10月即将来临,这个月份注定不平静:intel 6代CPU上市,带来号称5年来最大的革新。
& && & 作为PC细分市场 ...
& && &4、在介于13到14寸的机身融入15寸屏幕(没错,就和新XPS13那样的超极窄的屏框!);
& && &5、可选的触摸屏,再也不用担心镜面在野外闪瞎眼啦。
& && &6、微边框IGZO IPS 15.6寸屏幕(、两种可选分辨率),还可选触摸屏;
& && &这配置+这屏幕+这边框+这重量,确实令人期待!
初级会员, 积分 3.8, 距离下一级还需 0.2 积分
技术分0 分
资产值36482 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.3, 距离下一级还需 0.7 积分
技术分0 分
资产值2552 nb
Dell Precision 5510是存在的吗 怎么搜索一篇报道都没有的
入门会员, 积分 0.9, 距离下一级还需 0.1 积分
技术分0 分
资产值7990 nb
中级会员, 积分 6.2, 距离下一级还需 1.8 积分
技术分4.6 分
资产值15361 nb
中级会员, 积分 6.2, 距离下一级还需 1.8 积分
技术分4.6 分
资产值15361 nb
中级会员, 积分 6.2, 距离下一级还需 1.8 积分
技术分4.6 分
资产值15361 nb
zbook g3了吧?还没信哎,是不是憋着放大招
入门会员, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
技术分0 分
资产值335 nb
我觉得 分辨率的应该会淘汰的,采用的是4K吧
中级会员, 积分 4.7, 距离下一级还需 3.3 积分
技术分2 分
资产值26242 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值2006 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.4, 距离下一级还需 0.6 积分
技术分0 分
资产值3219 nb
这个命名规则是啥& &和前面的机子没啥关系的感觉&&求科普&&多谢
初级会员, 积分 1.3, 距离下一级还需 2.7 积分
技术分0 分
资产值12807 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
技术分0 分
资产值908 nb
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值2006 nb
初级会员, 积分 1.7, 距离下一级还需 2.3 积分
技术分0 分
资产值14764 nb
高级会员, 积分 11.1, 距离下一级还需 4.9 积分
技术分0.2 分
资产值101826 nb
& && &4、在介于13到14寸的机身融入15寸屏幕(没错,就和新XPS13那样的超极窄的屏框 ...
就看硬盘是否是pcie 2.0以上了 xps13就是弱在了硬盘上面
入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
技术分0 分
资产值570 nb
dhluser 发表于
初级会员, 积分 1.2, 距离下一级还需 2.8 积分
技术分1.1 分
资产值747 nb
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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.Dell Precision 5510 Review - Full Review and Benchmarks
With its XPS 13 and XPS 15 consumer-focused notebooks, Dell found a winning laptop formula: pack powerful components into a beautiful, slim chassis, and use a vibrant Infinity display with almost no bezel. With an optional 3840 x 2160 display, a powerful Intel Core Xeon processor and Nvidia Quadro graphics, Dell's Precision 5510 (starting at $1,399; $2,603 as reviewed) brings this award-winning design and display to a workstation-class business laptop, with fantastic results. Specs
It's easy to mistake the Precision 5510 for Dell's consumer-oriented XPS 15, but that's not a bad thing. Like the XPS 15, the 5510's lid and bottom are made of dark-silver aluminum. Inside, there's a carbon-fiber deck with a comfortable, soft-touch finish. The Precision 5510 also includes Dell's Infinity display technology, with a bezel so slim that it's almost unnoticeable around the 15.6-inch display. It may not be an original design, but it's certainly one that works. The computer tapers down toward the front, making it look light and sleek. It weighs 4.6 pounds, which is about average for a workstation this size. In comparison, the
is chunky, at 5.47 pounds, while both the
are slightly lighter, at 4.36 pounds and 4.4 pounds, respectively.
The Precision 5510's 15.6-inch display is packed into a fairly small package, at 14.06 x 9.27 x 0.66 inches, which is identical to the size of the Dell XPS 15. You really notice the small size when you compare it to the MSI WS60's 15.35 x 10.47 x 0.78-inch footprint.
Keyboard and Touchpad
The Precision 5510's keyboard is a bit shallow, but with help from its comfortable, soft-touch deck, I got used to it and typed at my normal pace. The keyboard has 1.33 millimeters of travel -- just less than 2 mm shy of our preferred 1.5 mm. The keys require 61 grams of force to press down, making them feel nice and clicky. On
typing test, I typed 99 words per minute with a roughly 1 percent error rate. That's just one word under my usual rate on an office keyboard. Coated with a soft-touch material, the 4.1 x 3.1-inch touchpad on Dell's workstation proved comfortable and reliable. It responded to Windows 10 gestures quickly and accurately, including scrolling, swiping forward and back in Web browsers, and swiping three fingers down to clear the desktop.
A nearly invisible bezel, a high resolution, a bright backlight and a wide color gamut make the Dell Precision 5510's display look fantastic. I watched a trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and saw detail I didn't remember from the theater. I could make out specks of sand from the planet Jakku on Finn's sweaty, battle-worn face, and small red sparks exploding from Kylo Ren's lightsaber. I would rewatch the movie on this screen.
At 322 nits on our light meter, the Precision 5510's 3840 x 2160 touch-screen display is brighter than those on competitors like the Lenovo W550s (312 nits) and the MSI WS60 (216 nits), as well as the category average of 293 nits. Viewing angles were spectacular -- I could see the screen clearly until I reached 90 degrees.
A nearly invisible bezel, a high resolution, a bright backlight and a wide color gamut make the Dell Precision 5510's display look fantastic.
The Precision 5510 covers an excellent 177 percent of the sRGB spectrum, which is much higher than the MSI WS60's 78 percent. It also has a fairly accurate display, with a Delta-E color accuracy score of 2.6 (the closer to zero, the better), which is better than the Lenovo ThinkPad W550S (2.72) and far better than the MSI WS60 (11.6).
The dual speakers on the Dell Precision 5510 pack a surprising punch. I went into one of our conference rooms and turned on the Broadway cast soundtrack to "Hamilton," and I was surprised to hear so much bass coming from a laptop. The snapping that serves as the backdrop to "Wait For It" was thunderous, standing up to high acoustic sounds. The vocals faded a bit among all of the instruments, but it filled the room with clear audio. Dell's preinstalled audio software includes MaxxAudio Pro sound tools for adjusting the sound to your liking. You can drag several sliders, such as Bass or Dialogue, to adjust for optimal sound, and I was able to make the bass even stronger just by dragging the bar a few notches to the right.
With a 2.8-GHz Intel Core Xeon E3-1505M processor, 16GB of RAM, an Nvidia Quadro M1000M GPU with 2GB of graphics memory and a 512GB PCIe SSD, our review configuration of the Precision 5510 provided snappy, responsive performance. Even when I ran two HD videos (one from YouTube and one from Hulu) simultaneously, this workstation didn't slow down.
The Precision 5510 scored 14,136 on Geekbench 3, a synthetic test that measures a computer's overall performance. That's higher than the category average of 11,329 and the second-best Dell XPS 15, which scored 13,502.
The SSD in the 5510 is insanely fast, taking just 9 seconds to copy 4.97GB of mixed media files, for a speed of 565.48 MBps. That's significantly faster than the competition, including the WS60 (363.5), the W550s (159) and the XPS 15 (254). The average speed for a desktop replacement's hard drive is 413 MBps.
Dell's workstation completed the Laptop Mag Spreadsheet Test, which uses OpenOffice to match 20,000 names with their addresses, in 3 minutes and 30 seconds -- just 4 seconds behind the Dell XPS 15. The MSI WS60 finished the test in 3:53, while Lenovo's W550s took an extra minute, finishing at 4:43. The category average for a workstation is 3:55.
Ports and Webcam
If you need all of the latest and greatest ports, the Precision 5510 has you covered. The left side of the workstation includes the power jack, a USB 3.0 port, an HDMI port, a Thunderbolt 3 port and a combo headphone/microphone jack. On the right side, you'll find an SD card slot, another USB 3.0 port, a power indicator and a security lock slot. Because the Precision 5510 has the same Infinity display as the XPS 13 and the XPS 15, it also has the same awkward camera position that plagues its siblings. Because there is no room for a webcam above the screen, it's placed in the bottom-left-hand corner -- a perfect location for when you want your Skype partners to see up your nose. If you type while using the webcam, anyone you teleconference with will get an eyeful of your knuckles.
Even when I was lit from behind, the 720p camera managed to catch details in my face, and colors were fairly accurate. As with most laptop webcams, there was a bit of graininess in the picture.
Battery Life
This workstation can get some serious work done, but its battery life of 5 hours and 34 minutes means you likely won't be taking it far from your desk.
That time is higher than the category average of 4:30 and the MSI WS60 Workstation's paltry 3:05, but it falls way short of the Lenovo W550s, which lasted a whopping 15:52 on a charge with its extended battery.
The Precision 5510's Nvidia Quadro M1000M graphics chip is built for 3D applications, but when you're done doing some graphic design, AutoCAD or other intensive work, it's good enough to run some games on your workstation.
It's easy to mistake the Precision 5510 for Dell's consumer-oriented XPS 15, but that's not a bad thing.
On low settings, the 5510 ran Rainbow Six Siege and Metro: Last Light at 1080p without a hitch, registering frame rates of 61.6 fps and 64.4 fps, respectively. On high settings, the 5510 couldn't keep up, with Rainbow Six Siege stuttering along at 26.4 fps and Metro: Last Light hitting only 14.02 fps. On 3DMark Fire Strike, a synthetic benchmark that measures overall graphics prowess, the Dell Precision 5510 scored 3,379, which beats both the MSI WS60 and the Lenovo W550s. However, Dell's own XPS 15, with its Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M GPU, scored 3,949 and played Metro: Last Light at a smooth 75 fps on low settings at 1080p.
The Dell Precision 5510 managed to stay mostly cool in our testing. When we streamed HD video from Hulu for 15 minutes, the touchpad hit 85 degrees, and both the underside of the laptop and the keyboard hit 90 degrees. The only concerning spot was next to the left Shift key, which reached 102 degrees -- 7 degrees over our comfort level.
Software and Warranty
Fortunately, the Dell Precision 5510 doesn't come with much bloatware. It does have some useful Dell software on it, however, including a power manager, Waves MaxxAudio and Dell PremierColor, which lets you tune your laptop display's color temperature and brightness, and even pick the appropriate color gamut for what you're working on. A free one-month trial of Microsoft Office 365 also comes preloaded.
The base warranty for the Precision 5510 is a one-year limited warranty on parts and labor. If you need more time, you can extend the warranty to three years for an additional $114.80. Dell also offers accidental damage protection and extended 24/7 support.
Our $2,603 review configuration of the Dell Precision 5510 came tricked out with an Intel Core Xeon E3-1505M processor, an Nvidia Quadro M1000M graphics card with 2GB of video RAM, a 3840 x 2160 ultra-HD touch screen, a 512GB PCIe SSD and 16GB of RAM. It costs $2,603 as reviewed, but there are multiple configurations to choose from, and they won't all perform as well as our tricked-out setup. The $1,399 base configuration comes with a Core i5-6300HQ 8GB of RAM; an Nvidia Quadro M1000M GPU with 2GB and a 500GB, 7,200-rpm hard drive. It comes with a 15.6-inch 1920 x 1080 full-HD display and a three-cell (56Wh) battery that will almost certainly require a charger nearby. There is also an option for a Core i7-6820HQ processor, along with hard drives in a variety of sizes. You can get a 500GB or 1TB hard drive, SATA solid-state drives between 256GB and 512GB, and PCIe SSDs between 256GB and 1TB.
Bottom Line
Dell's Precision 5510 is a premium 15-inch workstation that offers powerful performance, an eye-popping ultra-HD screen and an attractive, lightweight body. If you don't need the power of a workstation but still want a 15-inch computer with the beauty of the Precision 5510, check out the Dell XPS 15, which is almost exactly the same on the outside but offers better battery life. However, if you want to do professional 3D work or high-end calculations on the go, the Precision 5510 is hard to beat.
More on Laptops
Gorgeous, D A Blazing-fast SSD
Awkw Modest battery life
Both beauty and the beast, the Dell Precision 5510 combines high-end workstation performance with a gorgeous screen and a sexy chassis.
Intel Xeon CPU E3-1505M v5 @ 2.8GHz
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro
RAM Upgradable to
Hard Drive Size
Display Size
Native Resolution
3840 x 2160
Graphics Card
Nvidia Quadro M1000M
Video Memory
Bluetooth 4.1
Touchpad Size
4.1 x 3.1 inches
Ports (excluding USB)
Ports (excluding USB)
SD card slot
Ports (excluding USB)
security lock slot
Ports (excluding USB)
Thunderbolt 3
Ports (excluding USB)
Ports (excluding USB)
Combo Headphone/Mic Jack
Card Slots
SD/SDHC Card reader
One-year limited warranty
14.06 x 9.27 x 0.66 inches
4.6 pounds
Company Website}


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