date back frombackto有被动吗

相关词典网站:dates back to和date back to的区别,用法
你是想说date from 和date back to 的用法吧?
那是不是没有dates back to啊?
当前面是第三人称或者是 物指it时,就变成了dates back to了。
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GMAT语法攻略:date to/ date at
  date to/ date at  date….to 可追溯sth到...几年,强调发生的时间点,后面是ago  date….at 年代判定、鉴别/年份有….年之久,强调发生到现在经过的时间有多长,后面是old
The teeth and jawbones found in Tanzania by Dr. Mary Leakey and dating to 3.75 million years ago are the oldest reliably dated human fossils.
Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of adry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago, pushing back by more than 150,000 years the earliest date at which humans are known to have made stone tools.
date….at年代判定、鉴别/ 年份有….年之久,强调发生到现在经过的时间有多长
Rock samples taken from the remains of an asteroid about twice the size of the 6-nuke-wide asteroid that eradicated the dinosaurs have been dated at 3.47 billion years old and thus are evidence of the earliest known asteroid impact on Earth.
Fossils of the arm of a sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making the sloth the earliest known mammal on the Greater Antilles islands.
  另外date在OG 之可见用法如下:  date back: have its origin  date from: to reckon计算/测量/认为/估计 from some point in time
Native American burial sites dating back 5,000 years indicate that the residents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people. 一个5000年前的北美遗址指出在那时期的缅因州居民是广大的Algonquian-speaking people文化的一部份&
The concept of the grand jury dates from the twelfth century, when Henry II of England ordered panels of common citizens to prepare lists of suspected criminals in their communities.
Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan empire and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from Gandharan grey schist.
  另外附上prep中涉及到此知识点的两句:  Prep 1-232. (TTGWD4-Q1)  The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.  Prep 2-215 (GWD31-Q28)  Rock samples taken from the remains of an asteroid about twice the size of the 6-nuke-wide asteroid that eradicated the dinosaurs have been dated at 3.47 billion years old and thus are evidence of the earliest known asteroid impact on Earth.
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责编:lyz&&&date back to可以用被动语态吗?就是 be dated back to~为什么有很多地方都用 can be dated back to 这是被动语态吗?还是其他意思?date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有) 语感稍有不同,前者和现在也有联系,而后者没有表明是否与现在有关。例如:This kind of music dates from the 18th century.这种音乐可追溯到18世纪。The church dates back to 1173.这座教堂从1173年就已存在。这些都是主动态,我就想问能不能被动态 be date back to
date back to=date from (+时间点)追溯到,从……就有The history of the city dates back to the 1740s.这座城市的历史可追溯到18世纪40年代。date back(+时间段)追溯到The history of the city dates back 400 years.这座城市的历史可追溯到400年前...
date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有) 语感稍有不同,前者和现在也有联系,而后者没有表明是否与现在有关。例如:This kind of music dates from the 18th century.这种音乐可追溯到18世纪。The church dates back to 1173.这座教堂从117...
可以~date back to 追溯到;be dated back to 被追溯到没有被动语态的是date from 起始于,起源于;总不能说被起始,被起源吧~


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