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本页主题: 给不懂什么叫LO的人扫盲
级别: 侠客
经常有人说什么LO就是不经过放大的信号,所以失真小,音质好云云!特发此贴给小白扫盲,另不准备用标准的专业术语,请不要在用词上挑刺:1,什么是LO, LO是LINE OUT的缩写。LO都是模拟音频信号!2,LO 信号的用途,LO为不同音频设备间传输音频信号用,比如LO常见的用途& &
连接到录音设备,功率放大器,调音台,前级等设备。3, LO的特性, LO信号一般有幅度的要求,比如2V RMS就是一个比较工业化的标准,这样便于不同音& & 频设备间可以方便地连接而不需要额外调整电平。同时,LO一般对负载有一定的要求,一般要求负载&
阻抗大于10K 欧姆;4,LO 在一般的数码音频设备中是怎么得来的?& & D/A转化器---低通滤波器---线路放大器, 可参考链接里的图片和说明,那个是SONY公司的D50& & 的;5, LO不可以从D/A直接引出吗?& &
人不可以从100楼跳下吗?当然可以,你愿意就可以! 6,为什么都说LO信号比PO信号好?& & A,一般LO是为高阻负载设计的,PO是为低阻设计的。低阻实际上意味着负担重,世界短跑冠军& & &
背个100公斤肯定跑不过你;实际上,PO接高阻设备,失真,信噪比,频响客观指标都会大幅& & &
度改善!& & B, 一般LO的输出电平比PO大!输出电平高,在同等噪声水平下,意味着动态范围要高一些!& & C,& 一般功率放大器的性能,差于线路放大器的性能。但这不是必然的。很多功率放大器的性能,音质& & & & 要高于很多音频设备的线路放大器,举个例子,很多dvd的线路输出用的是普通的4558运放,基本& & &
上,从数据上比较,要弱于绝大多数耳放的数据!7, 更重要的是,一般有LO的播放器通常都是比较专业的,因为LO是用于录音啊,接前级等什么的干活& & &
的。所以有LO的机器一般本身素质都比较好!你见过山寨MP3, 国产MP3(台电T51除外)有LO输出& & &
吗?你一个用RK NANO的,就算引出LO, 有用吗,反过来,很多老外都证明了SANSA CLIP+的& & &
级别: 骑士
发帖: 1951
金钱: 1721
级别: 侠客
发帖: 1675
金钱: 1399
耳机:K501 HD600& Z1000
耳放:神秘版本336 M600
级别: 侠客
Quote:引用第2楼黑色波澜于 13:16发表的& :炒吧…最后一句才是最终目的,虽然我也觉得那玩意还过得去。你就是一个2B, SANSA都不在国内卖!啥都是枪!不和自己意的是枪!抢了你主子的生意了吗!
级别: 侠客
Quote:引用第3楼gzstone于 15:17发表的& :你就是一个2B, SANSA都不在国内卖!啥都是枪!不和自己意的是枪!抢了你主子的生意了吗!taobao上一堆ylj
级别: 侠客
TAOBAO上一堆不错! 问题是SANSA国内就没有代理,我枪了有什么好处?我给所有淘宝的SANSA卖家做枪?没脑袋!有什么技术问题可以探讨!别动不动就枪的!
级别: 侠客
发帖: 1675
金钱: 1399
耳机:K501 HD600& Z1000
耳放:神秘版本336 M600
Quote:引用第3楼gzstone于 15:17发表的& :你就是一个2B, SANSA都不在国内卖!啥都是枪!不和自己意的是枪!抢了你主子的生意了吗!原来你主子是洋狗腿子你是4B吧?四B你好四B再见
级别: 侠客
发帖: 1675
金钱: 1399
耳机:K501 HD600& Z1000
耳放:神秘版本336 M600
Quote:引用第3楼gzstone于 15:17发表的& :你就是一个2B, SANSA都不在国内卖!啥都是枪!不和自己意的是枪!抢了你主子的生意了吗!谁家的宠物放在这儿乱吠啊,切我咋还和你一般见识了呢,切的确啊,你要不叫唤两声,我还懒得理你
级别: 骑士
发帖: 1260
级别: 骑士
发帖: 3633
金钱: 3468
音源:U2 D9&
耳放: XP-7
级别: 骑士
发帖: 3633
金钱: 3468
音源:U2 D9&
耳放: XP-7
级别: 骑士
发帖: 1948
金钱: 2087
音源:zk f805
LS各种喜感` 看国人对骂永远是最素质最happy的
级别: 骑士
发帖: 1960
金钱: 1947
~魔鬼复活中 98.5%~
级别: 贵宾
发帖: 15327
威望: 8852
金钱: 22140
耳放:C&C TU2
级别: 侠客
级别: 骑士
发帖: 3633
金钱: 3468
音源:U2 D9&
耳放: XP-7
级别: 侠客
如果用生活中的事物来比喻,最简单的就是D/A直接出来的信号,就像是一级一级的台阶!大家都知道数字音频的基础就是0,1. 是开关量。所以不管是再高的音频规格,放大了看,都是一样的。这个是数字音频的原理决定的;经过低通滤波器后,会将波形圆滑起来,波形就像是自然界中的海浪一样是连续的!非常平滑!大家所说的数码味,其实很大部分原因就是因为此。即使加了滤波。由于滤波器的设计,以及即使是完美的滤波器,经过平滑后的波形,相对原始的声音信号,也是失真的了!数字音频,只能有限度地保真!就像再高规格的数码相机,即使是1亿像素的,放大到一定程度,也只能看到一个个色块,而真实的世界,是无限可放大的!当然,由于人的听力所限,到一定程度后,数字音频的失真和缺陷已经无法分辨了,但是,d/a直接出来的信号,相对经过低通的线路信号,这个差异是任何听力正常的人都分辨的出来的,关键是,有些人把差的信号当做了好的信号!
级别: 骑士
发帖: 3633
金钱: 3468
音源:U2 D9&
耳放: XP-7
Quote:引用第16楼gzstone于 22:11发表的& :如果用生活中的事物来比喻,最简单的就是D/A直接出来的信号,就像是一级一级的台阶!大家都知道数字音频的基础就是0,1. 是开关量。所以不管是再高的音频规格,放大了看,都是一样的。这个是数字音频的原理决定的;经过低通滤波器后,会将波形圆滑起来,波形就像是自然界中的海浪一样是连续的!非常平滑!.......那M0D出来的信号应该都是通过低通的,不知道这个信号和NJB3带运放出来的L0信号有什么驱别比如幅度以及对后级的要求,NJB3L0孔信号幅度大对对录线的要求是否会低点,曾经见过排序NJB3c4M0D>>NJB3BGMoD&zENc4MoD&NJB3Lo&NJB3Po有道理吗?NjB3有L0了,还须要M0D吗?M0D出的声音比L0强?
级别: 侠客
IPOD MOD 玩的是用各种不同的电容来调音,因为ipod内部空间太小了,很多电容式放不下去的。接了电容后,相当于接了一个无源的低通(和耳放的输入电阻共同构成一个低通滤波),这种音色上的变化是很明显的。和经过低通,和放大出来的LO信号相比,在驱动能力肯定有差别,音源输出的信号幅度越大,在一定程度上对整个系统是好的,特别是对动态来说!但是,后面接的耳放也要能够处理那么高幅度的信号才行!信号幅度约高,音源的输出阻抗越低,对对录线的要求就越低!很多发烧电容,实际上相当于做菜时放了不同的调料!玩起来还是有意思的!发烧在于折腾!呵呵!所以,MOD出的声音,从高保真的角度,如果是简单的MOD,肯定不如LO强,但是从主观来说,那就不一定了!大部分人玩的不是HI-FI,只是不同味道的声音而已!但是他们并不会这么认同的!严格的HIFI,现在只有专业的监听设备才算,D50为啥得到了很多的认同,也是这个原因,其实D50本来就是专业用途的,不是给普通烧友设计的!
级别: 侠客
第7条是真扫盲了,SANSA CLIP+真是神器啊,真是NB啊
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《耳机大家坛》图形LOGO及文字均为注册商标高中物理 COOCO.因你而专业 !
一静止的Po核在衰变中放出粒子后变成Pb,已知Po原子核质量为209.982 87 u, Pb原子核的质量为205.97446 u,He原子核的质量为4.00260 u,(已知l u=931.5 MeV,且核反应释放的能量只转化为动能)。
&& (3)计算粒子从Po核中射出的动能及反冲核的动能.
(1)该衰变方程为& PoPb + He&&&
(2)衰变过程中质量亏损=209.982 87 u-205.97446 u-4.00260 u=0.00581 u,衰变过程中释放的能量=0.0.5 MeV=5.412 MeV&&
(3)因衰变前后动量守恒,故有=,又有核反应释放的能量只转化为动能可得:=+ =5.412 MeV,联解得=5.309 MeV,=0.103 MeV
bo 我们老师也是这样念的!
泊 pō 湖泽。如:梁山泊;罗布泊;湖泊;血泊;泊子(湖泊);泊洑(沼泽地)
bo 是人都这么念
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, March 2015, Pages 84–86
Technical noteConfirmation of 20% error in the 209Po half-life, , , , a European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgiumb Jo?ef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia&Measured half-life of 209Po is 120 (6) a.&The formerly recommended value was in error by 20%.&Measurement results using 209Po as a tracer are affected.&The error persisted for half a century.First results of a half-life measurement of 209Po show 20% discrepancy with the formerly recommended value of 102&(5)&years, which was based on a single experiment performed in 1956. After one year of measurement, a statistical uncertainty on T1/2 of 3.5% has been reached and effects of long-term instability are assumed to be less than 5%. The preliminary half-life value obtained in this work, 120 (6)&years, supports the newly determined value of 125.2 (33) years by . The 20% error in the half-life has an impact on numerous measurements in which aged 209Po solutions were used as a tracer.KeywordsHalf-life; Tracer; 209Po; 210Po; Error; Uncertainty; Radioactivity; Environment published an alarming technical note stating that the widely adopted value of 102 (5) years for the half-life of 209Po may be in error by roughly 25%. Despite its metrological importance, the 209Po half-life had never been measured directly. The sole available half-life value was determined relatively to the 208Po half-life, based on mass spectrometric measurement of 209Po/208Po atom ratios and on measurement of 209Po/208Po activity ratios in a proton-irradiated bismuth sample (). The recommended value of 102&(5)&years resulted from a re-evaluation using an updated value for the 208Po half-life ().Suspicion of a considerable error in the 209Po half-life value rose from inconsistencies in the decay-corrected massic alpha particle emission rate of a standardised 209Po solution (SRM 4326) that was tracked between 1993 and 2006 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). As part of a re-certification of the 209Po solution, the emission rate was re-measured using the same standardisation technique, but after decay correction a discrepancy of 1.6% was found. The apparent increase in activity was tentatively explained as due to an error in the decay correction. Data consistency would require adoption of a longer half-life of 128.3 (7) years (). Also other inconsistencies in various laboratories have led to suspect that the 209Po half-life has been greatly underestimated ().Recently,
performed a third standardisation of the same reference material and established an improved 209Po half-life value of 125.2 (33) years. This result was derived from a large data set of liquid scintillation measurements of nearly 50 aliquots of the same solution in various measurement conditions during five periods in , 2005, and 2013, i.e. ranging over 20.7 years. Its robustness relies on the stability of the 209Po solution and the trueness and repeatability of liquid scintillation counting () used as a primary standardisation technique ().The main metrological importance of 209Po lies in its abundant use as a tracer for 210Po in geophysical studies (), since both isotopes each emit alpha particles at different characteristic energies (4.884 MeV for 209Po and 5.304 MeV for 210Po) which are clearly distinguishable in an alpha spectrum. The 209Po activity concentration value of a standardised solution can be used for decades, provided that correction is made for decay since the reference date. A significant error in the 209Po decay correction propagates directly to the derived 210Po activity. An error of 20% on the 209Po half-life corresponds to about σAA&λtσT1/2T1/2=0.115% error on the decay correction per elapsed year ().Different measurement techniques are applied for the measurement of nuclear half-lives (). A commonly used technique is repeated activity measurements of a mononuclidic source under stable conditions and fitting an exponential function to the decay curve to obtain the decay constant from its slope. For half-lives longer than hundreds of years it is not feasible to measure accurately the decrease in counting rate over a reasonable length of time. In such cases, a measurement of specific activity may be resorted to, which implies three main stages: absolute measurement of activity concentration in the source material, weighing of the source mass and determination of the isotopic composition. The mass determination can be skipped by means of a relative measurement of two (or more) isotopes in one material, a strategy also followed by .In this work, the decay curve method is used in spite of the inconvenient half-life, since the attainable accuracy suffices to solve the huge discrepancy between the published data. The pure 209Po material in 2 M HCl solution was provided by Analytics, Inc. (Atlanta, GA, USA), with a calibration certificate stating that impurity levels are less than 0.1% at reference date 27 Nov 2007. Two 209Po sources of roughly 13 and 18 Bq were made at IJS: the first by spontaneous deposition on a silver disk and the other by electrodeposition on a stainless steel disk. The sources, in particular the one on a silver disk, tended to emanate some polonium and were therefore covered by two VYNS foils, after which no material loss could be observed.At IRMM, two ion-implanted silicon detectors (PIPS&) with 900 mm2 sensitive area were used for the detection of alpha particles, both equipped with a metal source holder placed directly on the housing and the sources positioned face down in a central recess. Thus, the space between source and silicon crystal was small and the subtended solid angle was nearly 2π&sr. The measured initial count rates were 4.6 s&1 and 8.0 s&1, respectively.The measurements were run continuously and a spectrum was saved on a daily basis. A sample spectrum in
shows the clear separation between the alpha signals and the detector noise, which ensures a low sensitivity to electronic drift. The spectrum does not show alpha peaks at energies above 4.9 MeV, thus excluding the presence of 208,210Po impurities. The amplification and energy cut-off were left unchanged and the sources were never physically moved. The spectral shape and in particular the tailing fraction remained unchanged, which is an indicating that no additional counts were lost due to diffusion of Po in the backing. The count rates were corrected for dead time (&0.016%) using a live-time technique, and an average background rate of 0.002 s&1 was subtracted for both counters.Fig. 1. A typical 209Po spectrum taken with counter 2. The signals below channel 1000 are excluded from counting.
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