高中英语作文连接词 在有连词连接的情况下一个句子可以有两个谓语吗?

Do he and you eat fruits
想知道什么时候放2016年托福考位吗? ...
英语四级复习 英语四级复习 选哪个资料比...
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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display: 'inlay-fix'英语句子一个句子中不是不能有两个谓语吗 那么怎么才算一个句子.就是说 如果有逗号或者and等连接词 那是不是就可以连接两个或多个谓语.
其实我想问的就是一个。。。she inserted her key into the lock,turned it but the lock wouldn't open
这个 inserted
扫描下载二维码根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A. Goods for auction (拍卖) sales  B. Definition of bidding  C. Way to sell more goods by auction  D. Auction sales in history  E. Brief introduction to auctions  F. Making a larger profit as an auctioneer【小题1】______Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or “bids”, for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer strikes a small hammer on a table at which he stands.【小题2】 ______The ancient Roman probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning “increasing”. The Romans usually sold in this way the goods taken in war. In England in the eighteenth centuries, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.【小题3】 ______Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, skins, wool, tea, furs, silk and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art.【小题4】 ______An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by potential buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in the order of numbers: he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.【小题5】 ______The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible. He will not waste time by starting the bidding too low. He will also play on the opponents among his buyers and succeed in getting a high price by encouraging two business competitors to bid against each other.
When to hold a meeting to settle the problem haven't been
He promosied me that he will never lie to me again.
Tom never gave in any difficulties.
He worked here since graduation.
I am very sad because I have no partner to speak English.
They made up their mind to work hard.
It is a great fun to go camping with friends.
I agree with what you said but I don't agree with anything.
The policeman couldn't see which direction the car went.
After he failed once, he tried the second time.
June 5 is World Environment Day. This makes us pay more attention to our environment and the need to protect it.
&& When Wang Boxuan, a Beijing high schoolboy, uses up his exercise books, he does not throw them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books given by other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.
The paper is recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school. At the same time, the money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for planting trees and grass. This place is one of the sources of the sandstorms that often attack Beijing during springtime.
Wang’s school is one of the schools in the capital that take part in the “Green Promise” —environmental protection activity. So far, nearly 210,000 students have taken part in the activity, collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.
Students are eager to help make the capital a more pleasant place.
What do Wang Boxuan and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?
A. Throw them away.   &&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Store and sell them.
C. Cut them into pieces.&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia.
What is the money used for?  
A. Buying new exercise books.  &&&& B. Helping poor students.
C. Planting trees and grass.    &&&& D. Being stored.
What can we infer from the third paragraph? 
A. Students will have no exercise books to use in many years.
B. There will be no waste paper in many years.
C. The sandstorms will be weaker in Beijing in many years.
D. Beijing will be much dirtier in many years.
Choose the right order according to this passage?
1&&&& Trees and grass were planted.
2&&&& Schools in Inner Mongolia received the money.
3&&&& Students collected waste paper.
4&&&& Students sold the paper to a paper making factory.
A.③②④①  &&& B.②①④③  &&& C. ③④②①  && D.③②①④
Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Planting Trees.       &&&&& B. Green Promise.
C. Collecting Waste Paper.    &&&&& D. Making Money.
June 5 is World
Environment Day. This makes us pay more attention to our environment and the need
to protect it.
&& When Wang
Boxuan, a Beijing high schoolboy, uses up his exercise books, he does not throw
them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books
given by other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.
The paper is recycled
and used again by students and teachers in the school. At the same time, the
money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for planting
trees and grass. This place is one of the sources of the sandstorms that often
attack Beijing during springtime.
Wang’s school is one
of the schools in the capital that take part in the “Green Promise”
—environmental protection activity. So far, nearly 210,000 students have taken
part in the activity, collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.
Students are eager to
help make the capital a more pleasant place.
1. What do Wang Boxuan
and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?
A. Throw them away.   &&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Store and sell them.
C. Cut them into
pieces.&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia.
2. What is the money
used for?  
A. Buying new exercise
books.  &&&& B.
Helping poor students.
C. Planting trees and
grass.    &&&& D.
Being stored.
3.What can we infer
from the third paragraph? 
A. Students will have
no exercise books to use in many years.
B. There will be no
waste paper in many years.
C. The sandstorms will
be weaker in Beijing in many years.
D. Beijing will be
much dirtier in many years.
4.Choose the right
order according to this passage?
1&&&& Trees
and grass were planted.
2&&&& Schools
in Inner Mongolia received the money.
3&&&& Students
collected waste paper.
4&&&& Students
sold the paper to a paper making factory.
A.③②④①  &&& B.②①④③  &&& C. ③④②①  && D.③②①④
5. Which is the best
title for the passage?
A. Planting Trees.       &&&&& B.
Green Promise.
C. Collecting Waste
Paper.    &&&&& D.
Making Money.高考英语语法题抢分技巧(8)_英语语法网
精彩纷呈 全心打造英语第一品牌!
【字体: 】
B. find&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. to finding&&&&&&&&&&&& D. finding
B. whose&&& &&&C. which&&&&& D. that
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