most of them have moved是什么意思 into new flat now that改为非

Planet phpMyAdmin
Planet phpMyAdmin
May 24, 2016
There has been some silence on the
release front and it's time to change that. Today all ,
have been released. As you might guess all are bugfix releases.
List of changes for
Improved support for Huawei E398.
Improved support for Huawei/Vodafone K4505.
Fixed possible crash if SMSD used in library.
Improved support for Huawei E180.
List of changes for
Fixed error when creating new contact.
Fixed possible testsuite errors.
List of changes for
Fixed crash with unicode home directory.
Fixed possible crashes in error handler.
Improved error handling when scanning for Bluetooth devices.
All updates are also on their way to Debian sid and .
Would you like to see more features in ? You an support further Gammu development at
Filed under:
Another week is over and it's time to report contributions from it. Issue wise not much things were fixed, but quite a lot of time was spent on reviewing reported issues.
Another continued effort was migrating content from wiki to [our documentation] Unfortunately this is also not yet completed as some of the documents have diverged quite a lot and integrating them back is not as straightforward as I'd like it to be.
Handled issues:
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May 19, 2016
, a command line utility for , has been just released. This is probably first release which is worth using so it's probably also worth of bigger announcement.
It is built on
introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development. Several commands from wlc will not work properly if executed against Weblate 2.6, first fully supported version will be 2.7 (current git is okay as well, it is now running on both
How to use it? First you will probably want to store the credentials, so that your requests are authenticated (you can do unauthenticated requests as well, but obviously only read only and on public objects), so lets create ~/.config/weblate:
url = = APIKEY
Now you can do basic commands:
$ wlc show weblate/master/cs
last_author: Michal ?iha?
last_change: T15:59:25
revision: 62f038bb0bfedee30fd9d
total: 1361
total_words: 6144
translated: 1361
translated_percent: 100.0
translated_words: 6144
You can find more examples in .
Filed under:
May 17, 2016
After week of vacation I got back to work. There was lot of bug screening this week, it seems that people are finally migrating to 4.6 and discovering new problems there. Fortunately 4.6.1 has been released fixing most annoying issues.
Several issues were quite tricky to debug issue happening solely on Windows servers and looked quite tricky from beginning (breaking utf-8 chars). It turned out to be caused by preg_replace calls on the content, which could break utf-8 chars in some cases.
Handled issues:
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May 14, 2016
Today it's fifteen years from my first contribution to free software. I've changed several jobs since that time, all of them involved quite a lot of free software and now I'm .
The first contribution happened to be on
and did consist of Czech translation:
Subject: Updated Czech translation of phpMyAdmin
From: Michal Cihar &
Date: Mon, 14 May :36 +0200
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]
I've updated (translated few added messages) Czech translation of phpMyAdmin.
I send it to you in two encodings, because I thing that in distribution
should be included version in ISO-8859-2 which is more standard than Windows
Michal Cihar
Many other contributions came afterwards, several projects died on the way, but it has been a great ride so far. To see some of these you can look at
which contains both current and past projects and also includes later opensourced tools I've created earlier (mostly for Windows).
These days you can find me being active on , ,
Filed under:
May 12, 2016
After getting complains from apt and users, I've finally decided to upgrade signing key on
to something more decent that DSA. If you are using that repository, you will now have to fetch new key to make it work again.
The old DSA key was there really because my laziness as I didn't want users to reimport the key, but I think it's really good that apt started to complain about it (it doesn't complain about DSA itself, but rather on using SHA1 signatures, which is most you can get out of DSA key).
Anyway the new key ID is DCE7B04E7C6E3CD9 and fingerprint is E CD1A
1F24 DCE7 B04E 7C6E 3CD9. It's signed by my GPG key, so you can verify it this way. Of course instruction on
have been updated as well.
Filed under:
May 02, 2016
Last week was quite split into many smaller tasks - working on our libraries (both
got new releases with bug fixes), fixing bugs for upcoming 4.6.1 and working on documentation.
From the libraries side, probably most visible is release of , just to claim it's now stable enough. Let's see if somebody else will pick it up as well or it will stay only for our use.
Most time was however spent on our documentation. We've agreed to move wiki from
and reduce content available on the wiki. So far it's really mixture of user documentation, notes and developer documentation. The final shape should be that wiki will contain only developer documentation and all end user documentation will go to . So far I've gone through about half of user docs pages, deleted duplicated ones and moved content to our documentation. It is most visible on the
which now contains way more information and hopefully it will get more complete in near future.
Handled issues:
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April 28, 2016
Going back to faster release cycle,
has been just released. There is improved support for Python 3 or brand new HTTP REST API.
Full list of changes for 2.6:
Fixed validation of subprojects with language filter.
Improved support for XLIFF files.
Fixed machine translation for non English sources.
Django 1.10 compatibility.
Added categories to whiteboard messages.
If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our .
You can find more information about
on , the code is hosted on . If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on . You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user.
is also being used
as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.
Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to
or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.
Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people , thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The
is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by .
Filed under:
April 27, 2016
After two months since
I think it's good time to release 1.0 version of . This release doesn't bring any major changes, it's more to indicate that the library is stable :-).
is a translation library used in current phpMyAdmin master (upcoming 4.7.0) with focus on speed and memory usage. It uses Gettext MO files to load the translations. It also comes with testsuite () and .
Recommended way to install it is using composer from :
composer require phpmyadmin/motranslator
The Debian package will be available probably at point phpMyAdmin 4.7.0 will be out, but if you see need to have it earlier, just let me know.
Filed under:
April 26, 2016
Last week was again focused on bug fixing due to increased amount of received bug reports on 4.6.0 release. Fortunately most of the annoying bugs are already fixed in git and will be soon released as 4.6.1.
Another bigger task which was started last week was wiki migration. So far we've been using
and we're migrating it to . The wiki on GitHub is way simpler, but it seems as better choice for us. During the migration all user documentation will be merged into , so that it's all in one place and wiki will be targeted on developers.
Handled issues:
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April 20, 2016
While reviewing comments on phpMyAdmin wiki (which we're shrinking down to developer documentation and moving end user documentation to proper documentation) I've noticed that people complained there on broken links in our documentation. Indeed there was quite some of them as this is something nobody really checks. It seems like obvious task to automate.
It seemed to me as obvious as somebody had to do it already. Unfortunately I have not found much, but at least there was . This helps with the build warnings, but unfortunately I found no integration for the . Fortunately it's quite easy with the
to write custom parsers and to parse linkcheck output as well.
The Sphinx output parser based on above link can be configured like:
Regular Expression:
^(.*):(\d+): \((.*)\) (.*)
Mapping Script:
import hudson.plugins.warnings.parser.Warning
String fileName =
String lineNumber =
String category =
String message =
return new Warning(fileName, Integer.parseInt(lineNumber), "sphinx", category, message);
Example Log Message:
Percona-Server-1.0.2-3.rst:67: (WARNING/2) Inline literal start-string without end-string.
The Sphinx linkcheck output is quite similar:
Regular Expression:
^(.*):(\d+): \[([^\]]*)\] (.*)
Mapping Script:
import hudson.plugins.warnings.parser.Warning
String fileName =
String lineNumber =
String category =
String message =
return new Warning(fileName, Integer.parseInt(lineNumber), "sphinx-linkcheck", category, message);
Example Log Message:
faq.rst:793: [broken] &urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution&
All you need to do now is to enable these in your Jenkins project, let the Sphinx parse output and the Sphinx linkcheck one file generated by linkcheck (usually _build/linkcheck/output.txt). The result can be found on the .
Filed under:
April 19, 2016
After weeks of bugfixing my focus has again shifted to refactoring and code cleanups.
One big area was charsets and collations, which were cached in the session data so far. This had bad effect of making the session data quite huge leading to performance loss on every page, while the cached information is needed only on few pages. I've removed this caching, cleaned up the code and everything seems to be behave faster, even the pages which used cached content in the past.
Second area was handling of file uploads. Historically we had two copies of code doing almost the same thing. I've tried to merge them and use File class for all the operations. However this code was built to handle lot of corner cases, so I'm a bit afraid of breaking some special setups.
Handled issues:
Filed under:
April 14, 2016
have been released. As usual it collects bug fixes and minor improvements.
Full list of changes in 1.37.1:
Properly report errors in HEX encoded strings from SMSD SQL backends.
Configurable SMSD table names.
Improved support for Huawei E303.
Improved support for Vodafone K4511.
Improved support for Telit M2M modules.
Full list of changes in 1.37.2:
Fixed compilation of SMSD.
Would you like to see more features in ? You an support further Gammu development at
Filed under:
April 13, 2016
Last week was focused on our
as several issues have been found there.
If was for me also first release of SQL parser to .
Besides code changes, there was quite some time spent on reviewing incoming issues. Most of they have been already fixed and users will get fixes in the 4.6.1 release.
Handled issues:
Filed under:
April 08, 2016
During the period, my focus was solely on bus fixes. This was mostly due to the continuous stream of bugs we were receiving and most of the bugs were related to the newly released 4.6 version. Following are the bugs fixes during the period.issue #12092 Rename exported databases/tables doesn't seem to workissue #12099 Undefined index: controllinkissue #12094 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function __()issue #12116 Fulltext indexes are not copied when using copy database functionissue #12125 Cannot highlight a column if I scroll down from the top of the tableissue #12132 Can not open table with JSON fieldissue #12143 Cannot login with certain passwordAdditionally, I attended to the following bugs.issue #12088 Improper comment creation and escaping with Percona 5.7 (` instead of ', extra "AS")issue #12091 Import file does not working when data have \' (4.6.0rc2)issue #12101 Change or remove "Slave replication" "Reset slave"issue #12104 Copy Database no longer workingissue #12115 Relations vs Orphansissue #12139 Import Export errorissue #12130 Error for Browser when got error 500issue #12149 Class 'PMA_Util' not foundMoreover, I attended to following pull requests as well.issue #12113 Add new server variablesissue #12136 Fix offering JSON datatype in incompatible MySQL versions
April 06, 2016
The long requested feature for
is here - it now has API which you can use to control it. It's scope is currently limited, but it will expand in future releases. The API is currently available in Git, deployed on both
and , our . It will be also part of 2.6 release, which should be released by end of April.
Anyway the API now provides basic operations up to translation level - you can not edit individual translations, handle suggestions or other advanced features. However what you can do includes:
Manipulating with the underlaying VCS repository (commit, push, pull, reset)
Download or upload translation files
Get information about translations, components, projects and languages
Lock or unlock components for translation
As you can see this really covers the basic operations which were most frequently requested, more will come in future. You can see more detailed .
Filed under:
April 05, 2016
Last week was mostly vacation for me, so I'm publishing this report more for not missing one rather than to provide real report.
I've spent only little of time on last Tuesday on reviewing issues and there was no coding involved.
Handled issues:
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April 04, 2016
There were quite some translation and code fixes in the repository, so I guess it's time to release it as well. So here comes
1.5, released almost four years since last release.
Full list of changes:
Translations update.
Changed licence to GPL 3 or later.
Various code cleanup.
Development moved to GitHub.
PS: I don't plan any further development of this tool, this is just to bring all (few) users to current code in git.
Filed under:
March 29, 2016
Last week we've finally released . That also means that 4.5.5 is out of maintenance now (however 4.4.15 and 4.0.10 are still supported if you're stuck with older PHP or MySQL versions for some reason).
The biggest focus was spent on handling incoming issues and checking if they are still present in 4.6.0 what in most cases proven not to be true.
Handled issues:
Filed under:
March 24, 2016
For quite some time I maintain . I think it's time to make it easily available to others as well, so it has seen
after the code is almost 10 years old.
The project originally started for , but over the time support for more sources have been introduced and you can generate StarDict dictionaries from many other sources. So we now have
as well. There is also support for
which provides many bilingual dictionaries, unfortunately it's license doesn't allow to distribute them.
Filed under:
March 22, 2016
Last week was a bit less working for me as I had few days off. The 4.6.0 is about to be released in the time as this blog post will be published, so the focus was obviously on fixing bugs.
Most of annoying issues I've fixed were caused by our
which we need to generate some export statements and which didn't properly understand some more complex syntax. Most of the export issues are now fixed, but there are still situations where it doesn't parse the query right, usually this is true for nested SELECT statements or some more complex constructs (CASE). Anyway it's being improved and works better with every release.
Handled issues:
Filed under:
March 15, 2016
Last week was quite equally split between refactoring and bug fixing. As we're getting closer to 4.6.0 release more people give feedback on it and some corner case issues are being discovered.
However the biggest challenge was strange bug that was reported long time ago - it affected only Italian translation on Windows server. After lot of debugging, I've realized that trying to encode Cardinalità&/td& to json (using json_encode) causes this problem. Obviously there have to be more conditions met as this string only doesn't cause it, however removing it or placing x between à and & fixes the problem. In the end I've workarounded it in our code and hopefully I will get to create proper bugreport for php so that it can be fixed upstream as well.
The refactoring was mostly focused on encoding conversion part which is now all embedded in the Encoding class. It was quite simplified and should also speed up pages a bit as it does the initialization only when needed not on every phpMyAdmin's page.
Handled issues:
Filed under:
March 13, 2016
Bugs fixedissue #12073 Hide edit and delete buttons when the results are not related to a tableissue #12085 Like search strings being escaped incorrectlyBugs attendedissue #12071 Syntax error in PMA, not at command line clientissue #12074 Invalid exportissue #12087 Add support for JSON data type (in MySQL 5.7)I went on to refactor the code that handled bookmarks. I used object orientation and updated the existing unit tests to suit the refactored code. Moreover, I updated the metro theme to be compatible with the upcoming 4.6.0 version, so phpMyAdmin has, at least, one additional theme compatible with the new version.RefactoringClean up dead codeRefactor bookmark handling codeOther improvementsUpdate metro theme to be compatible with 4.6.0
March 10, 2016
After almost six months of development
has been released. It brings lot of improvements and it's quite hard to point few ones. The most important ones include support for Python 3, reports generators, placeables highlighting, extended keyboard shortcuts, configurable dashboard or group based ACLs.
Full list of changes for 2.5:
Fixed automatic translation for project owners.
Improved performance of commit and push operations.
New management command to add suggestions from command line.
Added support for merging comments on file upload.
Added support for some GNU extensions to C printf format.
Documentation improvements.
Added support for generating translator credits.
Added support for generating contributor stats.
Site wide search can search only in one language.
Improve quality checks for Armenian.
Support for starting translation components without existing translations.
Support for adding new transations in Qt TS.
Improved support for translating PHP files.
Performance improvements for quality checks.
Fixed sitewide search for failing checks.
Added option to specify source language.
Improved support for XLIFF files.
Extended list of options for import_project.
Improved targeting for whiteboard messages.
Support for automatic translation across projects.
Optimized fulltext search index.
Added management command for auto translation.
Added placeables highlighting.
Added keyboard shortcuts for placeables, checks and machine translations.
Improved translation locking.
Added quality check for AngularJS interpolation.
Added extensive group based ACLs.
Clarified terminology on strings needing review (formerly fuzzy).
Clarified terminology on strings needing action and not translated strings.
Support for Python 3.
Dropped support for Django 1.7.
Dropped dependency on msginit for creating new Gettext po files.
Added configurable dashboard views.
Improved notifications on parse erorrs.
Added option to import components with duplicate name to import_project.
Improved support for translating PHP files
Added XLIFF export for dictionary.
Added XLIFF and Gettext PO export for all translations.
Documentation improvements.
Added support for configurable automatic group assignments.
Improved adding of new translations.
If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our .
You can find more information about
on , the code is hosted on . If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on . You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user.
is also being used
as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.
Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to
or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.
Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people , thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The
is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by .
Filed under:
March 09, 2016
Sometimes you don't realize how does the time go until something reminds it to you. For me it when I've received some stuff from Marc, long term admin of the
project. He had decided to leave some time ago and yesterday I've just received stuff he had collected at home including several awards.
Looking at the awards is sometimes funny. For example in 2008 we got "Most Likely to Be the Next $1B Acquisition" :-).
Anyway this all reminded me that I've been around
for almost 15 years now (my first contribution seems to be from 14th May 2001) and that's quite some time.
Filed under:
March 08, 2016
The last week was mostly spent on bugfixing and cleanup after security releases. Hopefully the amount of security reports will go down now.
Most of the bug fixes were in the
which influences quite a lot of parts of phpMyAdmin. It is responsible for splitting queries on import, generating queries for export or linting the queries as users type them.
Additionally Debian packages were also updated, for both
Handled issues:
Filed under:
March 01, 2016
As you could see tonight, last week was again full of security work. Mostly again XSS issues, but nothing really easily exploitable.
On the refactoring side, the most time was spent on bringing php-gettext to better shape. In the it ended up as being separate library which can be used by others as well - .
Another major task was to identify some easier tasks for prospective GSoC students and help them with implementing the changes. This worked quite well, but we will most likely loose those students as we were not selected this year to participate.
List of handled issues:
Filed under:
February 24, 2016
Since several years ago we've been using
in , but it's about time to change it. The change will not be that big, we're just moving to own fork of that library :-).
You probably ask why to fork? You will probably guess it easily, but to name some reasons:
library is not maintained anymore
It doesn't work with recent PHP version (phpMyAdmin has patched version)
It's not possible to install it using
There was place for performance improvements in the library
So I've taken existing
codebase and turned that into
and now 0.1 release of it is out. The recommended way to install it is from
and it has no additional dependencies.
What changes you can expect? First of all it supports all current PHP versions. It also performs way better - in my tests loading of mo file is 4-5 times faster and memory consumption went down about 10 percent. You can additionally use object API instead of traditional function based.
On the other side some features we don't need were removed - there is no support for using native Gettext, it doesn't do any encoding conversion (assuming that UTF-8 is on both sides these days) and it doesn't support delayed loading of messages. The last change means that it's not suitable for applications with huge MO files.
Any feedback is welcome, the code is still fresh and probably needs some polishing.
Filed under:
February 23, 2016
As the flow of incoming bugs for upcoming 4.6.0 has slowed down a bit it was more time for code cleanups and related tasks. But it's also time where potential
students come to our organization and want to get involved.
On the cleanup side the biggest was change to remove embedded PHP libraries which are available on
from our Git and use
to manage the dependencies. This change will happen in 4.7.0, so it's still some time ahead, but it's already in our master branch. There still some third party libraries which we use and can not be installed using Composer, so we keep these for now.
Besides the usual bug fixing stuff, I've noticed that we lack issues which can be easily understood and fixed by potential . We require them to get involved before the program starts, so that we can see they are capable of useful contributions and also to see how they behave if asked for patch improvements. To fix this deficit we're prepared , where the students can show their skills.
All handled issues:
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February 16, 2016
As we're getting closer to release of new major release (4.6.0), the focus moves to the bug fixing.
Most of the fixed issues came from our error reporting server, which collects error reports from the installations. Vast majority if bugs were affecting older releases as well, so these were fixed for upcoming 4.5.5 as well.
Besides bugfixing there was also some cleanups in the master branch - shared code for processing sprites and covering it by tests and removed caching of MySQL server information as that didn't bring any speed improvements and lead to cache consistency issues.
All handled issues:
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February 15, 2016
During the last days I've completed quite long time challenge - make
compatible with Python 3. It's probably still not in shape you would use it on production server, but it runs fine and the testsuite completes without errors.
As usual, the major obstacle are dependencies. The
doesn't support Python 3 in any released version, so you need latest Git snapshot. Another problematic bit is Mercurial, which . But in case you need it, you can still install Python 2 version and use it from Weblate (it uses command line interface).
The porting was mostly dealing with encoding mess - in Python 2 you really didn't have to distinguish between binary and text data, while Python 3 quite enforces that. This turned out to be especially tricky with CSV files where csv module expects text streams in Python 3, while translate-toolkit CSV parser expects binary ones.
All this has one downside as well - the
got bigger again, what makes the testsuite run longer with 5 workers available.
While doing these changes, I've also decided to drop support for Django 1.7, this will allow us to get rid of lot of deprecation warnings in Django 1.9 and prepare codebase for Django 1.10.
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February 14, 2016
Code refactoringRefactor server binary logs page to use MVC architectureIn terms of bugs, following bugs were fixed and more bugs were attended.Bugs fixed issue #11909 Can't insert row into table that contains generated columnissue #11911 Inserts via tbl_change.php in VARBINARY columns does not allow using HEX() and MD5()issue #11923 Errors on Structure tab when user only has select access on certain columnsissue #11942 Change column action takes agesBugs attendedissue #11922 Browse fails with users who have only column privileges for some columnsissue #11434 Class 'SqlParser\Lexer' not found (OS X)
February 09, 2016
Last week was really focused on code cleanups. The biggest change was removal of PmaAbsoluteUri configuration directive, which has caused quite some pain in past and is not really needed these days (when browsers support relative paths in the Location HTTP header).
This lead to cleanup in other parts as well
- support for dead Mozilla Prism is gone, used HTTPS for OpenStreetMap tiles (the map layer now works on HTTPS as well), removed ForceSSL configuration directive as this is something what really needs to be handled at web server level. To improve test coverage, several tests no longer require runkit as the header() call is wrapped within Response class and can be overridden for testing without using runkit.
The list of handled issues is not that impressive this week:
Filed under:
February 05, 2016
I've not really spent much time on
in past months and it was about time to do some basic housekeeping.
It's not that there would be too much of new development, I rather wanted to go through the , properly tag issues, close questions without response and resolve the ones which are simple to fix. This lead to few code and documentation improvements.
Overall the list of closed issues is quite huge:
Do you want more development to happen on Gammu? You can .
Filed under:
February 03, 2016
has been released. As usual it collects bug fixes. This time there is another important change as well - improver error reporting from SMSD.
This means that when SMSD fails to connect to the database, you should get a bit more detailed error than "Unknown error".
Full list of changes:
Improved compatibility with ZTE MF190.
Improved compatibility with Huawei E1750.
Improved compatibility with Huawei E1752.
Increased detail of reported errors from SMSD.
Would you like to see more features in ? You an support further Gammu development at
Filed under:
I had some pile of hosting requests in queue since half of January and my recent
had some impact on requests for hosting translations as well, so it's about time to process them.
New kids on the block are:
Second round includes:
Unfortunately I had to reject some projects as well mostly due to lack of . This is still the same topic - when translating project, please stick with some standard format. Preferably what is usual on your platform.
If you like this service, you can support it on
or . There is also option for .
Filed under:
February 02, 2016
As I've already mentioned in
we mostly had some security issues fun in past weeks, but besides that some other work has been done as well.
I've still focused on code cleanups and identified several pieces of code which are no longer needed (given our required PHP version). Another issue related to security updates was to set testing of 4.0 branch using PHP 5.2 as this is what we've messed up in the security release (what is quite bad as this is only branch supporting PHP 5.2).
In addition to this, I've updated phpMyAdmin packages in both Debian and .
All handled issues:
Filed under:
February 01, 2016
During the week, I concentrated solely on bug fixes since there were a sizable number of bugs being reported. Most of the bugs fixed were regressions. For example, #11771 and #11846 were only present in latest git version and was due to refactoring and JS library updates respectively.The complete list of bugs fixed and investigated are as follows,Bugs Fixedissue #11771 Transformation column path problemissue #11772 Table pagination does nothing when session expiredissue #11810 'Add to central columns' in tbl_structure.php (per column button) nothing happensissue #11814 SQL comment and variable stripped from bookmark on saveissue #11840 Index comments not working properlyissue #11846 Grid editing window is disabled the second timeissue #11854 Undefined property: stdClass::$releases at version check when disabled in configBugs Investigatedissue #11712 "Browse Foreign Values" Search broken across databases in 4.5.2issue #11713 Not receiving notifications for updatesissue #11842 Fractional timestamp not supportedissue #11843 Fractional timestamp causes corrupted SQL export
I contributed by fixing some vulnerabilities, testing security patches, porting some fixes done by others developers to older branches, preparing PMASAs and coordinating with the reporter, CVE team and phpMyAdmin security team.The latter part of the fortnight was spent on fixing two regressions introduced by the security releases. issue #11891 Error with PMA with PHP 5.2issue #11892 Error with PMA, following bug was fixing during the two weeks.issue #11881 Full processlist lost on refresh
I've recently bought this beast and of course want to run it on Linux. Vendor does provide
which even come with source, so that looked quite okay in the beginning.
However it turned out not to be that easy. First attempt was to install the 64-bit drivers and all I got from the printer is almost blank page with:
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
Okay, that's not much helpful. Meanwhile I did install i386 system where it worked just fine. I started to smell some problems and looked at the source. It turned out to be almost complete, there was just single i386 binary, which is obviously needed by the driver.
Once realizing this, it was quite easy to make it work on 64 bit system as well:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt install libxml2:i386 libstdc++6:i386
Not that I'd be happy to run binary blob on my system, but at least printing now works.
Scanning from the device is easy - all you need to configure access to email and Samba and it works pretty without problems.
Filed under:
I've recently bought this beast and of course want to run it on Linux. Vendor does provide
which even come with source, so that looked quite okay in the beginning.
However it turned out not to be that easy. First attempt was to install the 64-bit drivers and all I got from the printer is almost blank page with:
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
Okay, that's not much helpful. Meanwhile I did install i386 system where it worked just fine. I started to smell some problems and looked at the source. It turned out to be almost complete, there was just single i386 binary, which is obviously needed by the driver.
Once realizing this, it was quite easy to make it work on 64 bit system as well:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt install libxml2:i386 libstdc++6:i386
Not that I'd be happy to run binary blob on my system, but at least printing now works.
Scanning from the device is easy - all you need to configure access to email and Samba and it works pretty without problems.
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January 28, 2016
As you can now see , we've managed to spend 9 security announcements on todays release. Hopefully it won't continue that bad in rest of the year.
Anyway receiving such extensive report was really challenging for us - correctly tracking and fixing all reported issues, discovering which versions are affected. This proven to be quite difficult given that most of the affected code has been refactored meanwhile. But I'm quite happy we've managed to fix ll issues on three supported branches in two weeks.
Another challenge (especially for Isaac) was that this all came with change of our release manager, so forgive us some minor problems with the releases (especially not updated changelogs), we will do it better next time!
PS: Updated packages are on their way to Debian and .
PS2: It seems we've messed few more things, so expect quick followup releases for older versions.
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January 26, 2016
Last week consisted mostly of code fixes. For example the code for checking latest phpMyAdmin turned out to be buggy under some PHP configurations. But most work for last week is not yet public, you will see it in upcoming security releases.
All handled issues:
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January 20, 2016
It has been quite some time since last
release and it's time to push fixes to the users.
This is really just a bugfix release collecting minor fixes and fixes testsuite with recent Gammu versions.
Full list of changes:
Compatibility with Gammu &= 1.36.7
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January 19, 2016
Last week was mostly focused on refactoring. I've completely rewritten user interface language selection and related metadata handling. The code is object based and fully covered by testsuite, what was impossible with previous one.
Besides that, there was usual amount of bug fixes and few improvements to the phpMyAdmin container for Docker.
All handled issues:
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January 12, 2016
Going back to real weekly report, this time covering first week of 2016.
The biggest task was focused on codebase cleanup. As Microsoft is ending support for old Internet Explorer version, we've decided to do same thing for next major release. This allowed us to remove some compatibility code and also upgrade jQuery to 2.x branch, which removes support for older browsers as well.
To continue in the cleanup tasks, I've revisited most of array iterating places and removed not needed reset() calls or generally cleanup up related code.
Besides working directly on the code, I've improved our infrastructure a bit as well and we now have developer documentation online at . It is generated using phpdox, but suggestions to improve it are welcome.
All handled issues:
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January 07, 2016
It seems that I did mess it up with last version of
and it was not possible to install it without error. Now comes hotfix which fixes tat.
If you don't know , it is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser.
It detects character set and
encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings using either a built-in converter or external libraries and tools like libiconv, librecode, or cstocs.
Full list of changes for 1.18 release:
fix installation of devhelp documentation
Still enca is in maintenance mode only and I have no intentions to write new features. However there is no limitation to other contributors, join the project at
You can download from .
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Okay, this report is not weekly and is a bit late, but anyway here comes report covering last two weeks in 2015.
As you might expect there were some days off, but still quite some work has been done. I've focused on encoding conversions and usage of mb_* functions. One of results was
and . The PR is already merged meanwhile and we will probably make again the mbstring dependency options. Rest was pretty much just bug fixing.
Fixed issues:
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January 04, 2016
Last version of
has been released more than year ago and now it's time for new release. There are various compatibility fixes which have been committed to the
If you don't know , it is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser.
It detects character set and
encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings using either a built-in converter or external libraries and tools like libiconv, librecode, or cstocs.
Full list of changes for 1.17 release:
Fixed conversion of GB2312 encoding with iconv
Fixed iconv conversion on OSX
Documentation improvements
Fixed execution of external converters with ACLs
Improved test coverage to 80%
Still enca is in maintenance mode only and I have no intentions to write new features. However there is no limitation to other contributors :-).
You can download from .
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January 02, 2016
Continuing from the last couple of weeks, I refactored the server plugins page to use the MVC architecture. Code segments that were previously in a library file were moved to a controller class and instance variables were introduced as required. The view was changed to use templating and unit tests were updated to match the new classes.I also went on to improve the unit testing by introducing a parent class to all the unit tests. With the new class, configuration values are reset to their default values for each test class. The idea was to make unit tests independent from changes made to configuration values in other unit tests. Meanwhile, unnecessary configuration values assignments in tests were removed.Additionally, following bugs were investigated during the period.Bugs Investigatedissue #11743 Display routine-specific privileges under Database & Privilegesissue #11751 Bug when export template is selected
December 24, 2015
It has become almost tradition for me, so
yes, I'm attending . It's probably the best conference in Europe to meet other free software guys and that was always motivation for me to come - to see people I meet on mailing lists for rest of the year.
This time it will be slightly different for me - I will be giving talk there for first time. Originally I wanted to do lightning talk only, but in the end I got persuaded and it's full length talk now. It will be in the
and you might guess from the devroom topic that it will be about .
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December 22, 2015
Again one week has passed and there has been some progress on .
This week the focus was on code cleanup and issue fixing. I've identified several pieces of dead code and removed that from our code base (the biggest removal being no longer used ). The codebase is quite old and sometimes it's not easy to identify code which is not really being used, as it still might be referenced from some locations, but without actually invoking it.
On the issue fixing side, I'm really happy from improving user experience with fields marked as binary - so far phpMyAdmin has displayed them as hexadecimal dump in all cases. Now it will display them as text as long as the content is valid utf-8.
Bugs fixed:
PS: I will most likely skip report next week due to Christmas.
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December 15, 2015
It has been already one week since last report and here comes next one. This week was half focused on fixing issues with
and on code cleanups.
The Docker container got support for , making it better suited for various use cases. I'm still thinking whether using PHP's built in server here is a good idea or we should switch to something like nginx + PHP FPM, what would make the container bigger, but it would perform better.
On the code cleanup and issues side, I started to work on two issues
and , which both pointed me to quite some code which could be removed or improved. Many of that was to support older PHP versions, which we no longer support. Anyway the work here is still in progress and both issues will take some time to resolve.
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December 12, 2015
I did not realize that some of the unit tests were not running as part of the test suite unit Michal pointed out and included them. However, this caused quite some test failures as most of the recently added and updated tests had not been running. These were fixed at the very beginning of the period.Unit TestingFix unit test failures related to refactoringQuite a number of bugs were fixed during the two weeks and some more were investigated. Following are the list of bug fixes attended.Bug Fixesissue #11701 Show create procedure SQLissue #11706 Database export template not saving compression optionissue #11710 Unable to add/remove `on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` option while editing a timestamp fieldissue #11724 Temporary fix for live data edit of big sets is not workingissue #11728 CSV import skip row count afterissue #11732 Exporting feature does not work with union tableExclude db name in SQL when relations are made between table in the same dbBuffer pool and InnoDB status details are not shown for InnoDBBug Investigationsissue #11722 Excel import improper handling of dates/timesissue #11732 "Browse Foreign Values" Search broken across databases in 4.5.2issue #11734 No result shown, if writing statement, comment, single selectInbility to reorder parameters of routines had bothered me in the past. So, as requested in issue #11701, I implemented the ability to do this.Feature Enhancementsissue #11701 Allow changing parameter order of routinesMoreover, continueing the refactoring effert from last fortnight I went on to refactor server engines page. This involed introducing a controller class and using templating to adhere to MVC pattern. Unit tests were also updated to match the new classes.RefactoringRefactor server engines page to use MVC pattern
December 09, 2015
has been released.
This time the focus was mostly on fixing problems introduced in 1.36.7.
Changed default value for ReceiveFrequency.
Fixed compatibility for PostgreSQL.
Fixed build failure with all disabled SMSD backends.
Documentation improvements.
Fixed mixing C++ code with SMSD.
You an support further Gammu development at .
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December 08, 2015
As , I will try to publish weekly reports on contributing to the . Here comes the first one.
Last week I've focused on some pain points with deploying phpMyAdmin and improved these a bit. The installation using PHP Composer is now . It's far from being perfect (you have to add our repository), but it seems to work fine.
What was more challenging for me is Docker support. I've never really used it so far, so I had to learn some things about the filesystem layering (to avoid too big image), but now it's there. You can get , it's available on
and of course it is .
Bugs fixed:
- Slow table list
- Export/import of escaped single quote
- Add docker support for phpmyadmin
- Latest stable release - permanent download link
- Add a flag to remove root with no password warning
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December 02, 2015
Last week the Software Freedom Conservancy has
to be able to continue operation under new circumstances, where some sponsors left them after GPL enforcement activities.
I think Conservancy does quite a lot for free software ecosystem and GPL enforcement is something what has to be done, if we want to protect free software world. That's reason, why I've decided to become their supporter:
Filed under:
December 01, 2015
November 30, 2015
has been released.
This time the list of changes got bigger, improving compatibility with many devices:
Support devices which do not report full network status.
Disable Huawei unsolicited messages on startup.
Various improvements for Huawei modems.
Fixed compilation on Windows.
Fixed regression with Siemens AX75.
Improved decoding of USSD responses.
Properly decode emojis to console or files backend.
Added support for proxying the connection through arbitrary command.
SMSD now tracks retries count per message.
You an support further Gammu development at .
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