there w全文中文翻译as a boy who is the boywas sent

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Os sons are rarely to look after him, washing, self-improvement and self-reliance. Some girls are urine to help look after the children&#39. Many young university from his house, also don&#39. They always want to know nearby hills or adjacent municipalities where exactly is what kind, whether this snow never delay.Americans are very active. Live in the United States in the Midwest and the central plains, drive to 120 kilometers even 160 kilometers of the city, and will come up in social life beinglogy aesthetics.Some americans to break the silenceWhoever there has been contact with us into the American people will think, take life as soaring into the matter, like to travel around the world, mostly for the warm, cooking, the pentium also did anyone dare to lie in the downstream of iron canister, the boundless more people to fly in the balloon, They select a distant place, often wi parents, part-s father. Every morning in the street, washing the dishes are girls, The young couple have children, lay,t expect cradle grandmother or grandmother care grandchild granddaughter. Americans like to travel in the country in their, indeed, Niagara Falls, the boy could see his preteens sent door-to-door newspaper. The American character of innovation and the spirit of adventure, and make you even talking freely. Their parents think let their children to their childhood: New York&#39. An old man lost his life ability, Americans from New Zealand and not rely on independent of their parents, the family has division, Boundless Asee&quot. In the education of children grew up under all his life, cleaning the room is mom and repair equipment and mow the lawn, even some undiscovered also, someone from out the native place of another, are completely depend on oneself, playroom and management of small animals up as a boy. They study. America has many people in this lonely and died in many die, in the United States this independent spirit often becomes the tragedy of old man, say commonly, just want to &s skyscrapers, by their scot like others rely on them, even in life to the blockbuster, wash the car&#39, generous open and accessible, want to rely on oneself skill in American society in the ShengSiChang. However.They don&#39,t like to depend on others. In order to see a play or hear a concert at ran to another town, and all the friends far place, When the children grow up, as the man with independens, don&#39, They left after the adult independent, who own skunk&#39, was compared with other ethnic groups is more outstanding. When you first make an American
Where income has been in contact with the United States, and probably will be that the Americans into the warm, cheerful and generous, accessible. When you first meet an American, he would have you pay lip service and even in full flight, so that you have no sense of restraint.
They do not like to depend on others, do not like ot Americans develop independence struggle from the piss, do not rely on their parents habits. In the streets, every morning can be seen ten or eleven-year-old boy going door to door delivery of newspapers, regardless of wind and thunder rain and snow never be adversely affected. Some little girls went to th...
Where income has been in contact with the United States, and probably will be that the Americans into the warm, cheerful and generous, accessible. When you first meet an American, he would have you pay lip service and even in full flight, so that you have no sense of restraint.
&&They do not like to depend on others, do not like ot Americans develop independence struggle from the piss, do not rely on their parents habits. In the streets, every morning can be seen ten or eleven-year-old boy going door to door delivery of newspapers, regardless of wind and thunder rain and snow never be adversely affected. Some little gi...
Whoever there has been contact with us into the American people will think, mostly for the warm, generous open and accessible. When you first make an American, he will be to you, and make you even talking freely.
They don't like to depend on others, also don't like others rely on them, Americans from New Zealand and not rely on independent of their parents. Every morning in the street, the boy could see his preteens sent door-to-door newspaper, whether this snow never delay. Some girls are urine to help look after the children's. Their parents think let their children to their childhood, self-improvement and self-reliance, and will come up in social l...
Whoever there has been contact with us into the American people will think, mostly for the warm, generous open and accessible. When you first make an American, he will be to you, and make you even talking freely.
They don't like to depend on others, also don't like others rely on them, Americans from New Zealand and not rely on independent of their parents. Every morning in the street, the boy could see his preteens sent door-to-door newspaper, whether this snow never delay. Some girls are urine to help look after the children's. Their parents think let their children to their childhood, self-improvement and self-reliance, and will come up in social l...
出门在外也不愁there w全文中文翻译as a boy who was sent_百度知道
there w全文中文翻译as a boy who was sent
there w全文中文翻译as a boy who was sent
off C. started __9_. noise C. interesting B. away4. without18:the__20_, who had a huge head with many mouths and hair. regret D. playing D. A. Though D. boy D. __5_ when he opened the wardrobe door he came __6_ with a monster. But C. A. A. sideways D。他__11_the怪物一样. when D. outward9. That first night he was paralyzed with __4_ ,他们两人一直担心同样的事情, but almost __13_went out. forward B,抓住它的五彩缤纷的头发触须(触须)和…开始__9_ . fear5. never C. out D, the monster told him the boy’s face seemed to him the most __16_ thing he’d ever seen __17_eyes. To lose their fear all they had to do was get to know each other, and started __12_to him. A. A,他的思想充满了怪物. how C. A,他__7_世界上最响亮的尖叫!怪物哭了这么久. looking C. huge C. He thought that when it was __1_ his bedroom filled up with monsters。失去他们的恐惧他们所要做的就是了解对方. animals15. So much so. regularly14. for B.The monster told him he lived in the wardrobe,怪物告诉他男孩的脸似乎他他见过最__16_ __17_eyes。1. 从前有一个男孩怕黑. curiosity C. A. And6. friendly B, because he was afraid of the __14_, and they realized that both of them had been afraid of the same thing,他走到衣柜火炬. A,男孩的__10_and恐惧逐渐走了. replying D,他们意识到. unhappiness C. let out D. When the boy asked him __15_. talking 13. The monster took a step __8_. openly D. sorrow D. reached out8. confusion B. noisy D. A. often B. settled C. shock B. The boy felt exactly the __18_ way about the monster. impressive D. admitted B. with D. The two of them talked so much that they became quite __19_ . A: the__20_. A. A,因为他害怕__14_,但几乎__13_went, grabbed its multicolored hair with its tentacles (触须) and! The monster cried for so long that the boy’s __10_and fear gradually went away。他认为__1_时他的卧室里塞满了怪物,问他为什么哭. calmed D, that he went over to his wardrobe to get a torch,他在做什么. got out B. turned out C,耳朵和鼻子。所以,他与__4_瘫痪. forced B. heart to heart C。怪物告诉他住在衣柜. But there came a time when he was too old to be__2_ to keep sleeping with the light __3_. A. crying10,并开始__12_to他. pleasant C,他们变得相当__19_, and he __7_ the loudest scream in the world。这个男孩完全__18_感受的怪物. A. side by side7. where16, ears and a nose. backward C. speaking B。第一个晚上. same C. hand in hand D. late B. sunlight B. A. dark B. hoped3. pointing C, asking him why he was crying。两人谈了这么多. advised C. A.. on B,曾与许多口和一个巨大的头头发. anger11。怪物__8_迈进一步. A. why B. brought12. small D。__15_男孩问他的时候, his mind full of monsters. horrible17. A. face to face B. funny C。__5_当他打开衣柜门__6_了一个怪物. different D, and what he was doing there. A. So B。但是有一次当他太老与光__3_ be__2_继续睡觉. careful20.. dark C. common 19. walking B. He __11_the monster down as much as he could. from C. silent2. strange B. allowed D. A. lovely DThere was once a boy who was afraid of the dark
>>>完形填空。 There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a ..
&&&& There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校).__1__being sent away,this boy was the__2__student in&& his class.He was at the top in every__3__always with high marks.&&&& But the boy changed after__4__home and attending the boarding school.His grades started__5__.He hated being in a__6__.He was lonely all the time.And there were especially dark times when he__7__committing suicide (自杀).All of this was because he felt__8__and no one loved him.His parents started__9__about the boy.But they even did not know what was__10__with him.So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and__11__him.&&&& They sat on the bank of the lake near the school.The father started asking him some casualquestions about his classes,teachers and__12__.After some time his dad said,“Do you know,son,why I am here today?”&&& &The boy answered back,“To__13__my grades?”&& “No,no,”his dad replied.“I am here to tell you that you are the most__14__person for me.I want to see you__15__.I don’t care about grades.I care about you.I care about yourhappiness.YOU ARE MY LIFE.”&&&& These words__16__the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears.He__17__his dad.They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.&&&& Now the boy had__18__he wanted.He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply.He__19__the world to someone.And today this young man is in collegeat the top of his class and no one has ever seen him__20__!
(&&&& )1.A.After (&&&& )2.A.hardest (&&&& )3.A.exam (&&&& )4.A.coming (&&&& )5.A.rising (&&&& ) (&&&& )7.A.led to (&&&& )8.A.worthless (&&&& )9.A.caring (&&&& )10.A.crazy (&&&& ) with (&&&& ) (&&&& )13.A.realize(&&&& )14.A.outstanding(&&&&&)15.A.happy (&&&& )16.A.caused (&&&& )17.A.answered (&&&& )18.A.nothing (&&&& )19.A.showed (&&&& )20.A.sad
B.BeforeB.naughtiestB.activityB.returningB.increasing B.term B.felt likeB.careless B.turning B.true B.listen to B.friends B.analyzeB.importantB.excellent B.wantedB.ignored B.somethingB.meantB.angry C.leavingC.reducingC.companyC.thought back C.concernedC.worryingC.possibleC.tell toC.studyC.check C.famousC.interestedC.encouragedC.hatedC.everything C.intendedC.pleasant
D.While D.dullest D.classD.reaching D.dropping D.looked forD.annoyed about D.grades D.test D.familiar D.satisfiedD.forced D.hugged D.anything D.expressedD.joyful
1-5BCACD&& 6-10ABACD&& 11-15ABCBA&& 16-20ADCBA
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a ..”主要考查你对&&故事类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
1、抓住文章的6个要素:阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。 2、注意作者的议论和抒情:高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。 3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度:故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。 4、有章有据进行解题判断:分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。
与“完形填空。 There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a ..”考查相似的试题有:
失掉自己婴儿的沙伦玫瑰用她的乳汁喂养那个快要饿死的男子。全家人摘桃子。汤姆的危险处境。他们俩正在说话的时候。他碰到凯西,凯西这时已经是那些鼓动家的头头了,摘桃子的工钱跌到了两分半一箱,五分钱一箱。汤姆想起在营地外面的罢工纠察队员,不久就找到摘棉花的临时工作。不久,可是不幸身陷重围,便在那里同一个男孩和他正在挨饿的父亲挤在一起,因为农场所给的工资不公道。他们加入了这一伙。两人夺路逃跑,却由骑着摩托车的警察护送进入农场,因为这个地区实在找不到工作,就打发他走了。涨上来的水使这家人再也无法忍受。连日大雨使他们那辆老汽车全无用处。在这段时间里,趁夜晚溜出去打听情况。穷人们就是这样在大萧条的岁月里相依为命的。凯西被杀身死,将受伤的汤姆藏在卡车后面的垫子底下。在这种简直活不下去的情况下,不过他总算先用斧柄打倒了一名治安队员。 秋雨开始了,这家人看到有一群流民在一条小河边几辆被遗弃的棚车里安营扎寨。家里人把汤姆藏在窝棚里,想要劝阻流民不去上工,漫进了棚车,可是干一整天赚的钱只能买一顿饭,流经营地旁边的河水四处泛滥。他们驱车来到一处正需要劳工的大农场。 最后。自从他们来到加利福尼亚以后。他们路过一处谷仓,环境终于迫使这家人离开营地乔德一家人离开了胡佛村去到一所政府为过路的流动农业工人设立的营地,汤姆头上挨了一刀,被一直在搜寻凯西的治安队员所包围,这是乔德一家子第一次觉得他们被当作人对待。在那里他们发现有人在进行宣传鼓动,一心只考虑填饱肚子的乔德一家人,一家人只好徒步离开那个营地。乔德妈意识到汤姆处境不安全,于是乔德这一家人只好重新上路,同时摘桃子又实在无法维持生活。但是。 然而,沙伦玫瑰生下了一个死婴
the wages摘桃子fell two and a half a box. The poor is at the Great Depression years of the相依为命;s milk to feed her that the man is going to starve to death. Tom think of at the camp outside the strike pickets, to pass him on the go, but on a motorcycle by a police escort to enter the Farm. Tom Ma Qiao aware of the situation of insecurity. He met Casey, because farms do not give a fair wage. Tom&#39, Sharon Rose gave birth to an infant, they can not simultaneously maintain摘桃子livelihood, Tom got his head knife. They speak the time being, but can only do the whole days a dangerous situation, the family saw a group of displaced persons at a small river a few years abandoned boxcar camped.夺路two escape. Sharon lost his own roses with baby&#39. Days of heavy rain so that they car is useless to the old car, the environment has finally forced the family to leave the camp because it can not find a job in this region. They drove to the labor required is a large farm, where they at him with a boy and his father are crowded with people who suffer from hunger, but he finally斧柄first team down a law and order.摘桃子family. Simply live in such circumstances. Since they came to California after Qiao This is the family that they were first treated as a person. They passed a barn. Casey was killed who die, but unfortunately身陷重围, and about taking advantage of the situation go out the night away. Them to join the group soon found a temporary job摘棉花, a person had no choice but to leave the camp on foot, so the family had no choice but to re-Qiao road, one only fill the stomach of the Qiao family. The water rose up so that the family can not stand, do not want to discourage persons Shanggong, diffuse into the boxcar. Tom put the family in possession in the shanty. However, the operation flow of the river and next to widespread, the injured Tom hiding in the back of the truck under the mat. Shortly afterwards, the search for Casey has been surrounded by the security team, one-fifth of the money boxQiao Hoover left a village of people go to a crossing of the Government to set up mobile camps for farm workers, now Casey is already a leader who encouraged the family. Finally. Where they found someone in advocacy. During this period. However. Rain started
The joads left hooverville and went to a government for transient agricultural workers set up camp. Since they had arrived in California, the joads first time they treated as human beings.
However, the environment from forcing the last camp, because the area is to find a new job. They drove to a farm worker is needed. There they found someone in publicity, want not to dissuade refugees, because the farm house to pay is not fair. However, all consider only fill the stomach the joads by riding a motorcycle, but the police escort the farm. The peach, five cents a vintage, but do all day of money can buy a meal. Tom in the camp of the o...
Qiao Hoover left a village of people go to a crossing of the Government to set up mobile camps for farm workers. Since they came to California after Qiao This is the family that they were first treated as a person.
However, the environment has finally forced the family to leave the camp because it can not find a job in this region. They drove to the labor required is a large farm. Where they found someone in advocacy, do not want to discourage persons Shanggong, because farms do not give a fair wage. However, one only fill the stomach of the Qiao family, but on a motorcycle by a police escort to enter the, one-fifth of the money box, bu...


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