
From NPR News in Washington, I’m Jack Speer. The top Senate Democrat, majority leader Harry Reid made it official today there will not be a vote by the full Senate on revamping health care until after the August Congressional recess rather than before as President Obama had hoped. At a town hall meeting in Ohio, the president said he was comfortable with putting off the vote. More from NPR’s David Welna. Referring to pending health care legislation, majority leader, Reid said he’d rather have a product based on quality and thoughtfulness than try to jam something through the Senate before the August break. At a high school in Shaker Heights, Ohio, President Obama reacted calmly to the postponement, saying he wanted the health care overhaul done by the fall.
If people are legitimately working out tough problems and some of these problems are tough, I mean this is a big system and it’s complicated. So I have no problem if, if I think people are really working through these difficult issues and making sure that we get it right. But I don’t want to delay just because of politics. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she still thinks her chamber can pass health care legislation before leaving for the August recess at the end of next week. David Welna, NPR News, the Capitol. The US Chamber of Commerce has thrown its support behind President Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court. The Chamber announced today it will endorse Sonia Sotomayor, calling her a well-qualified judge who would be fair and even-handed on business issues. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue says Sotomayor has seen firsthand the burdens the legal system places on businesses. On the other side of the issue, the National Rifle Association continues to say it will oppose the nomination, citing what it terms a hostile view of the Second Amendment. The number of people filing first-time jobless claims was up slightly last week. The government says the adjusted initial claims rose by 30, 000 for the weekend in July 18th to 554, 000, a figure that was in line with analysts’ forecast. The Labor Department also cautioned against reading too much into the numbers, saying the July data was distorted by an unusually large number of seasonal lay-offs. US stocks were up sharply today on positive earnings news. The Dow rose above 9, 000 for the first time since January. NPR’s John Ydstie reports. E-bay, Ford and AT T all posted better earnings results than analysts had expected. That, plus an increase in home sales, helped boost the major stock indexes higher. It was the 12th session in a row that the NASDAQ has gained ground, its longest positive streak since 1992. Ford shares jumped as the carmaker pared expenses and added market share. AT T earnings were swelled by the rapid sale of Apple’s iPhones. A string of positive earnings reports have helped power the S P 500 index up 11% since July 10th. John Ydstie, NPR News, Washington. On Wall Street, the Dow gained 188 points. That was a gain of more than two percent today. The NASDAQ rose 47 points. The Standard Poor’s 500 closed up 22 points today. This is NPR. The police officer who arrested Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home last week said today he will not apologize to Gates. And he said he is disappointed by President Obama’s remarks about the incident last night during his national broadcast news conference. Referring to Gates’ arrest, Mr. Obama said anyone of us would have been pretty angry and he added police acted stupidly in arresting someone when there was proof they were in their own home. However in a radio interview Sgt. James Crowley who is white said the President does not know all the facts. When police came, Gates at first refused to show ID and accused the officer of racism. The police showed up at Gates’ house after someone called and reported two men were breaking into the home. Family and friends of the late television news icon Walter Cronkite mourned his passing at a funeral in New York this afternoon. Reporter Kaomi Goetz has more. Dozens of Walter Cronkite’s family and friends, and even strangers who had gathered outside of St. Bartholomew's Church in Midtown Manhattan were ushered inside for the hour-long service. TV newsmen Matt Lauer, Tom Brokaw, Hill Smith and others all came to pay respects to their former colleague who paved their way in television news. Bill Jacker was visiting from Florida and stood outside the church before the funeral began. The 79-year-old says Cronkite was like an old, trusted friend. He’s an important part of my life early on. Everyone listened to him and believed in him. And he certainly did a very, very good job as far as I was concerned. The Protestant service included scripture readings by family members and humors and emotional remembrances. For NPR News, I’m Kaomi Goetz in New York. Crude oil futures prices were up sharply today. Oil rose $1.76 a barrel to close at $67.16 a barrel in New York.I'm Jack Speer, NPR News in Washington.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html/4.html 1、紧密结合这件事情本身; 2、"联系当前社会现实和自身体会"暗示考生不能完全抄材料; 3、"层次清楚"是要求考生文章要错落有致,有宏观论述,有微观分析。 写作提纲 这篇文章关键就在于挖掘事件本身的内涵。谈到内涵可以借鉴2011年副省级申论文章。这个文章主题和2011年副省级有异曲同工之处,2011年考的黄河精神,2012年考的也是精神,只是把黄河精神换成了人的精神。这个事件的背后就包括了包容精神、奉献精神、勇于担当精神,相互尊重理解精神。 第一段:简单介绍事件,100字以内; 第二段:举彭宇、小月月等事件该事件形成对比、反差,体现联系当前社会实际的要求。这段篇幅不宜过长,100字左右; 第三段:以包容、理解、体谅、担当、献身为中心,论述这些东西对当前社会重要性,也可以分开来写。可以写200字以内; 第四段:以义利之辩为中心(孟子思想),结合传统文化,谈谈如何通过弘扬传统文化来提升道德,这一段可以写对策。篇幅200字左右; 第五段:分析传统和现代社会区别,强调仅仅靠个人修养提升道德不能够很好符合现代社会需要。可以以制度为中心,谈谈如何给予道德以制度保障。200字左右; 第六段:结尾。可以谈个人和社会,现代与传统,经济与道德统一关系。简短一点,100字以内。 这只是一种写作可能之一,这篇文章还有很多别的写法。文章写作本身就主观性,只要不偏题,有层次,有深度,有逻辑,语言畅达就是好文章。 参考标题: 《冷与热》 《道德的二重维度》 《传统美德的现代意义》 参考答案: 一、1、答:诚实守信的社会公德,爱岗敬业的职业道德,热情互助的个人品德等社会道德体系滑坡严重,影响社会稳定和谐。 具体表现有:1、食品行业假冒伪劣,罔顾公众生命安全严重,需要加强从业者内在的道德自律和以国家法律法规的他律监管; 2、社会诚信脱节式微,需要振兴中华传统美德教育,建立良好的公德共识体系; 3、电视、网络等现代媒体的失实言行侵害社会诚信,需要正确的规范引导; 4、医德、师德、官德滑坡严重,迄待有效引导和监管。 2、编者按: 在大力建设社会主义精神文明的今天,我国涌现了大批的道德楷模,彰显着道德的力量。"不拖欠农民工工资,替兄还钱的"信义兄弟让"诚信"的社会公德大放异彩;"全身投身教育事业"的徐老师让"坚守岗位、无私奉献"的职业道德继续传承;"英勇救助儿童"的最美妈妈彰显的是"善良、乐于助人"的个人美德。 二、答: 1、导致道德失范的原因是个人缺乏信仰、政府缺乏监管和对失信者的严厉惩罚、社会主义核心价值体系不够深入人心,而仅非市场经济快速发展造成的。 2、市场经济的发展有利于道德的树立。市场经济的基石是诚信,只有严守法规、诚实经营的企业才能获得成功。市场经济的发展将为道德树立提供经济条件和制度保证。 3、道德失范将阻碍市场经济的快速发展。道德失范将加大市场经济的运行成本,阻碍运行速度。 4、只有个人具备理想,政府加大监管和处罚力度,社会加大对道德的传承,树立道德楷模,才能解决道德失范的问题,才能为市场经济快速发展提供基石。 三、答: 1、依法查处和查封加工违法水发产品地下黑加工店,并依法严厉追究责任人的责任。 2、及时对该事件进行曝光,引起民众重视,并设立举报监督电话。 3、在全市开展对食品加工企业的检查,严厉打击违法加工企业。 4、建议完善我国食品安全生产的相关法律,法规,并加大对宣传力度。 4、建言理顺政府食品监管部门的职能,明确责任。 5、加大对相关食品生产从业人员的培训,普及安全生产的相关知识,提高其道德修养和法律知识。 "给定资料7"中讲述了农妇刘女士和李老太太家人之间发生的一段感人故事。请你以这个故事为话题,自拟题目,写一篇文章。(40分) 要求: 1.结合给定资料,并注意联系当前社会实际和自身体会; 2.观点明确,内容充实,层次清楚,语言流畅; 3.总字数800-1000字
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