
三年级英语下册全册导学案(二)(冀教版)Lesson11: Pizza and Hamburgers一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说单词chicken& Frenchfries& hamburger& pizza& pop.(2)听懂会用句子What would you like? I’d like ________.2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感了解中西餐的相同和不同之处,进一步了解西方人的饮食文化,为进一步学好外语打下坚实的基础。二、教学重点难点1、教学重点(1)听懂会说chicken& Frechfries& hamburger& pizza& pop(2)听懂会说What would you like? I’d like _______.2、教学难点(1)听懂会说chicken& Frechfries& hamburger& pizza& pop(2)听懂会说有关What would you like? I’d like _______.三、教具学具1、教具(1)有关本课的教学挂图或幻灯片。(2)Frechfries& hamburger实物。(3)录音机。2、学具(1)学生准备有关Frechfries& hamburger& pop的外包装盒。(2)画一些实物卡片。四、教学过程1、复习bread& chicken& cookies& fruit& juice& meat& milk& sandwich& soup 教师出示挂图与学生问答练习。T: Do you like chicken?S1: Yes.T: Would you like to eat fruit?S2: Yes, I would like.T: Do you like Sandwich?S3: No, I would not.2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图T: What’s this?(指hamburger)Ss: Hamburger.(学生可能读音不准,教师适当纠正。)T: Yes, it’s a hamburger.T: What’s that?(指Frechfries)Ss:Frenchfries(教师给予纠正发音)T: What’s this?(指pizza)Ss: Pizza.(纠正读音)T: What’s that? (指pop)Ss: Pop.(这个词学生读起来可能容易些)(2)围绕四个单词(hamburger& Frenchfries& pizza& pop)师生进行对话练习。教师站在讲台桌前利用食物或包装盒与自告奋勇的学生进行表演。教师扮演售货员,学生扮演顾客。T: What would you like? Hamburger or Frechfries?S1: Hamburger, please.T: Oh, you would like hambruger.S1: Yes, I’d like hamburger.然后师生互换角色。S1: What would you like? Frenchfries?T: Pizza, please. I’d like pizza.(3)游戏(猜单词,用手语表示)Hamburger& Frenchfries& pizza& pop看一看哪个同学反应最快,回答最准确。教师用手语表示出吃汉堡,吃薯条,吃比萨饼,喝汽水的动作。(4)学习对话Salt or pepper?教师先用面包片蘸果酱和馒头片蘸果酱向学生渗透 I like _____on_____. I don’t like ____on_____.T: I like jam on bread. I don’t like jam on steam bread.教师表演几遍后让同学们看书,跟录音机朗读课文对话I like salt.五、板书设计 Lesson11: Pizza and HamburgersChicken& Frenchfries& hanburger& pizza& popWhat would you like?I’d like ________.Lesson 12 : HotDogs and Donuts  一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说单词donut& hot dog(2)听懂会用句子:May I have ______? Sure! Thanks, you’re welcome.2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境,使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感懂得用餐礼貌用语,养成良好的用餐习惯。二、教学重点、难点1、教学重点:(1)听懂会说donut& hotdog&(2)听懂会说May I have ______? Sure! Thanks, you’re welcome.2、教学难点(1)听懂会说donut& hotdog。(2)听懂会说May I have ______? Sure! Thanks, you’re welcome.三、教具、学具1、教具(1)有关本课的挂图或课件。(2)donut& hotdog实物。(3)录音机。2、学具(1)学生准备donut& hotdog图片或包装盒。(2)实物托盘。四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的有关食物的单词。Pizza& hamburger& Frenchfries& noodles& dumplings教师出示这些实物的挂图与学生进行对话练习。T: What would you like? Pizza or hamburger?S1: Pizza, I’d like pizza.T: Do you like Frenchfries?S2: Yes, I’d like Frenchfries.T: Do you like dumplings?S3: No, I don’t like dumplings. I’d like noodles.2、新授(1)出示挂图T: There are many good food in the shop. What’s this?(手指donut)Ss: Donut.(发音可能不准,教师给予帮助)T: Yes, donut.(板书音标,领读几遍)教师走向一位学生T: Do you like donut?S1: Yes, I like it.T: Yes, I like donut, too.T: What’s that?(手指hotdog)Ss: Hotdog.(这个词学生发音可能容易些)T: Yes, hotdog.(领读并板书)It’s a hotdog.(热狗)教师手拿实物可图片走近一同学T: Do you like hotdog?S2: Yes, I like hotdog.T: I like hotdog very much.(2)同学二人自由结组表演对话。S1: What would you like?(手指donut& hotdog)S2: I’d like hotdog.S2: Do you like donut?S1: Yes, I like donut. I’d like it very much.(3)学习you’re welcome让学生端着实物,教师先说句型。T: May I have a hotdog, please?S1: Yes.T: Oh, sure, I may have a hotdog.(假装拿起来就吃)T: Thanks.S1: You’re welcome!(同学可能说不好,教师可替学生说出全句)T: You’re welcome.S1: You’re welcome!T: You’re welcome!(重复并板书)Ss: You’re welcome!(4)同学二人一组表演对话S1: Look, WangHai, donuts.S2: Oh, my favourite(学生不会教师提示)S2: Oh, my fvourite.(同学重复一遍)May I have one?S1: Sure.S2: Thanks.S1: You’re welcome!(5)听录音,跟录音学唱歌曲。Let’s sing a song.五、板书设计Lesson 12: HotDogs and DonutsDonut& HotDogMay I have _____?Sure! Thanks.You’re welcome.Lesson 13 : How much?  一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说How much for one ____? _______yuan.I’ll take _______, please. Thankyou.(2)听懂并会灵活运用How much for one _______?I’ll take ______, please.2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境,使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感懂得在购买商品时应该使用的文明礼貌用语,做到讲文明懂礼貌。二、教学重点、难点1、教学重点:听懂会说How much for one ____? _______yuan.I’ll take _______, please. Thankyou.2、教学难点听懂会说How much for one ____? _______yuan.I’ll take _______, please. Thankyou.及正确使用。三、教具、学具1、教具(1)有关课文里出现的hotdog& donut 实物,托盘。(2)有关课文的课件。(3)录音机。(4)挂图2、学具服装(售货员用的帽子、围裙)四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的句型及单词。教师用托盘端着donut& hotdog走到同学面前T: What would you like? HotDog or donut?S1: HotDog, please.T: Oh, here you are.(递给)S2: Thanks.T: You’re welcome.2、新授(1)让学生头戴售货员帽子,腰围着围裙与教师展开对话:教师走到同学面前问:T: How much for one donut?Ss: One yuan.T: Oh, one yuan.(琢磨一下) I’ll take twelve, please.(掏钱并递给同学,接过托盘) Thanks, I like donuts a lot!教师板书:How much for one _______?I’ll take ______, please.教师领读几遍。(2)同学二人用How much for one _______?I’ll take ______, please.展开对话。S1: How much for one hotdog?S2: Five yuan.S1: I’ll take five, please.S2: How much for one donut?S1:Tow yuan.S2: I’ll take six, please.(3)听录音,同学看书跟读。五、板书设计Lesson 13: How much?How much for one _______?I’ll take ______, please.Lesson 14: How Much Are They?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 教学目标:1 学习新句型How much is/are the ___? 认识词汇expensive, on sale。2 能运用新句型。3 培养学生爱学英语,热爱生活的感情。教学重点、难点:句型How much is/are the ___?教具准备:一些食物,录音机。教学时间:一课时。教学过程:Class opening and reviewGreetingChant: Salt and pepper shakeSing: Do you know the donut man? (边唱边复习食物词汇)Practice in pairs&& How much for one ____?&& _____ yuan.&& I’ll take _____, please.New concepts1.&&& How much is the ____?How much are the ____?Demonstrate教师示范到商店里买东西,拿起一件东西,先用How much for one ___? 来提问价格,然后再用新句型How much is the ____? 来提问价格。使同学们明白这两句话的意思相同。Drill板书新句型并操练。Demonstrate继续演示买东西,教师指着一对东西说:How much are the ____?使同学们理解要问多的东西的价格应使用这一句型。板书新句型并领读几遍。Compare让同学们比较这三个句型,然后再说一说。Student book: L14, N1解释生词,读课文。2. Expensive, on sale.Role-play介绍单词和短语expensive和on sale。翻译这两个词,然后利用手偶完成对话。T: How much are the ___?P: ____yuan.T: Hmmm. No, thanks, that’s expensive. Is/Are the ___on sale?P: Yes.T: Oh, I’ll take ___, please.操练这两个词汇。Student book: L14, N2.读课文,检查理解情况。Class closingActivity book: L14板书:Lesson 14: How Much Are They?&& How much for one ____?&&& ____ yuan.&&&&&&&&&& expensiveHow much is the ____?&&&& I’ll take ___, please.&&&& on saleHow much are the ____?Lesson 15:Let’s Make Soup!教学目标:1.&&& 学习新句型:May I borrow ___? We need ____. Let’s borrow ____.学习故事:The magic stone.2.&&& 理解并能运用本课新句型,理解故事内容。3.&&& 让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,并能够体验到劳动的乐趣。教学重点、难点:学习新句型:May I borrow ___? We need ____. Let’s borrow ____.教具准备:录音机。教学时间:一课时。教学过程:Class opening and review问候:唱:It’s time for lunch.做游戏:复习食物词汇。New concepts1.&&& May I borrow___?We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.角色扮演:借助已知句型:Do you have any ____? May I have ____, please? 学习新句型May I borrow ____? We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.教科书:L15, N1一对一练习:& 演练新句型。2.&&& We need some ___.角色扮演:& T: I’m hungry. I want to eat some soup. Boys and girls, let’s make soup! Ok!& Ss: Ok.& T: But we have nothing. What do we need?We need some…(出示water) We need some… (出示vegetables)& T: Say after me—we need some water, we need some vegetables…操练:&& 操练这个句型。3.&&& Story: The Magic Stone.告诉学生这个故事的大概内容,让他们自己先看一遍,然后说一说。精读故事,解释故事内容。讨论故事。 Class closing&& 做活动手册。板书:Lesson 15:Let’s Make Soup!May I have ____, please?&&&& We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.May I borrow___?练习:选择合适的句子补全对话。Liming:& ___________________________.Jenny: Sure.Liming:______________________ Thanks.Jenny:_________________________.A:I need a pencil.&&&&&&&& B.May I borrow your pencil?C.You are welcome.&&&&&& D.Now I can draw some trees.Lesson 16: Again, Please!教学目标:1.&&& 复习本单元重点词汇和句型。2.&&& 知道并能运用本单元所学知识。3.&&& 培养学生及时总结复习的良好学习习惯。教学重点、难点:复习本单元重点词汇和句型。教具准备:单词卡片,录音机。教学时间:一课时。教学过程:Class opening and review1.&&& 问候。2.唱It’s time for lunch.3. 游戏:What’s missing. (复习本单元词汇)4.复习本单元句型。用角色扮演形式。&& Do you have any ___?& How much is/are the ___?& ____ yuan.& I’ll take ____, please.& Thanks. You’re welcome.& What would you like? I’d like ___ and ___.Test& 学生独立完成测试。Class closing& 唱一首他们喜欢的歌曲。板书:Lesson 16: Again, Please!apple banana grapes&&&&&&& Do you have any ___?melon…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& How much is/are the ___?& ____ yuan.…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I’ll take ____, please.…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Thanks. You’re welcome.…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What would you like? I’d like ___ and ___.练习:1.&&& 选择。当你想问面包圈的价格时,你怎么说A.&&& How much donuts?B.&&& How much for the donuts?C.&&& How is the donut?你喜欢把胡椒洒在薯条上,你会说A.I like salt on French fries.B.I like pepper on French fries.C.I like suger on French fries.2.&&& 把下列对话补充完整。A:How ____ for the hot dog?B:Ten ____.A:I’ll ____ three,please!B:Sure.A:____B: You are welcome.Lesson17 Skirt& and Pants&教学目标:知识: 1)掌握本课的新词汇: skirt& blouse& pants& shirts& weater&&&& 2)理解句型: What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing&&& .能力: 教会学生正确地用英语描述人们的穿着。情感:让学生在课堂教学中体会学习的快乐,敢于用英语表达自己想说的内容,发展学生综合语言运用的能力。教学重、难点:&&& 重点:掌握本课所学的新词汇:skirt& blouse& pants& shirts& weater难点:理解并运用句型What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing&&& .教具、学具:教师词汇卡片、录音机、教学磁带。教学过程:一、&&&&&&&& 开始上课和复习&1、师生互致问候 &&&&& 2、唱歌:Stand up& Sit down&3、操练:老师板书What is heshe doing?& HeShe is&&& .带领全班进行问答练习。T:(指一名学生)Stand up please.(指站起来的学生)What is heshe doing?Ss:HeShe is standing.提醒学生___ing意思是此时此刻正在做某事。如:We are___ing.我们正在干或正在做某事。&&&&&&& 比较: Li Ming gose to school everyday.&&&&&&&&&&&& Li Ming is going to school now.&&&& 4、操练:用问答的形式复习颜色名称&&&&&&&&&&&&& What color is it? Is it ___?& Is it ___or___?二、&&&&&&&& 新授1、&&&&&&&&&&&& skirt& blouse& pants& shirts& weater1)&&&&&&&&&&&& 示范:老师出示各种衣服的卡片或指学生穿的衣服来介绍skirt& blouse& pants shirts& weater 并与学生一起重复读几遍上述单词2)&&&&&&&&&&&& 播放录音No.1 What is it?让学生看书跟读。3)&&&&&&&&&&&& 讲解pants这个词在英语中是一个有趣的词,指一件东西却是复数形式。这和以前我们曾经接触过的单词scissors(剪刀)是一样的。4)&&&&&&&&&&&& 操练:老师指着班上所穿的衣服带领学生做如下问答练习& Is this a ___? YesNo.& What is this?& It’s a ___.Is this a ___or a___?& It’s a ___.当学生很有把握的回答这些问题后,在句型中加入表示颜色的词.如让学生看书中的图画,带领他们做下面的练习T: What are they?(指pants)&&& Ss:They are pants.T: What color are they?&&&&&& Ss:They are blue.T: Yes.They are blue pants.Blue pants.用其他衣服联系单数形式T: What is it?(指衬衣)&&&&&&& Ss:It’s a shirt.T: What color is it?&&&&&&&&&& Ss:It’s white and yellow.叫几名学生到前面,带领学生继续操练T:(指学生穿的衬衣) What is it? Ss: It’s a shirt.T: What color is it?&&&&&&&&&& Ss: It’s a ___.T:Oh yes. It’s a___shirt.2、&&&&&&&&&&&& What is heshe doing?1)示范:用汉语解释wear的意思为“穿”或“戴”。板书wear,用手指着这个单词领学生读若干遍。wearing表示“正穿着”,再指某个学生所穿的衣服做对话练习。&&&&&&&& T:(指一学生穿的衣服)What is heshe wearing?& HeShe is wearing a&&&& ____.(领学生读此句)&&&&&&&& Ss: HeShe is wearing a&&&& ____.&&&&&&&& T:(指另一学生) What is heshe wearing?&&&&&&&& Ss: HeShe is wearing a&&&& ____.&&&&&&&& T:(再指一学生) What are you wearing?&&&&&&&& S:I’m wearing a&&&& ____.&&&&&&&& T:(指自己的衣服) What am I wearing?&&&&&&&& S:You are wearing a&&&& ____.2)播放录音No.2 What’s he wearing? What’s she wearing让学生先静听两遍然后再看书跟读2-3遍后让学生自己将句子译成汉语.3)练习:把学生分成若干小组,让他们根据所穿的衣服用下列句型进行轮流问答.&&&&&&&& What is heshe wearing?& HeShe is wearing a&&& .&&&&&&&& What are you wearing?&& I’m wearing a&&&& ____.4)表演:请几组学生向全班表演他们所练习的对话三、检查理解情况四、结束课堂教学:& 1、做《活动手册》& 2、布置课外作业& 3、Say“Goodbye!”to the students.板书:Lesson17 Skirt& and Pantsskirt& blouse& pants& shirts& weaterwear—wearing&&&&&& What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing&&& .&&&&
三年级英语下册全册导学案(三)(冀教版)Lesson19 Coat and Scarf教学目标:知识:1)四会掌握单词coat、hat&&&&& 2)口头运用单词scarf、gloves和boots&&&&& 3)初步学会使用句型Whose&& is this?Is this your& ?能力:正确的用英语来描述人们的穿着。&&& 情感:进一步培养学生学习英语的积极性形成持久的学习兴趣。教学重、难点:&&& 重点:掌握和运用new、old这对反义词,口头运用单词scarf、gloves和boots&&& 难点:学会使用本课句型Whose&& is this?Is this your& ?教具、学具:各种衣服的课件、教师词卡、录音机和教学磁带。教学过程:&&&& 一、开始上课和复习&&&&&&&& 1、师生互致问候&&&&&&&& 2、唱歌,让学生挑选一首他们喜欢唱的英文歌曲&&&&&&&& 3、操练,用What’s this?What are they?& It’s a___.They are___ ___.句型来复习有关衣服、颜色的词汇。告诉学生回答时应该说出衣服的颜色和名称。练习一段时间后变换一下方式,用What’s heshe wearing.& HeShe is wearing (a)___ ___.&&&&& 二、新授&&&&&&&& 1、coat& hat& scarf& gloves& boots&&&&&&&&& 1)示范:老师出示上述衣物的词汇卡片,在和学生反复说出这些衣服名称时举起相应的卡片并将单词写在黑板上,然后老师指着这些单词与学生反复朗读。&&&&&&&&& 2)播放录音,学生看书跟读&&&&&&&&& 3)老师让一名穿着比较新的衣服的学生到前面做角色表演&&&&&&&&&&&& T:(指这名学生的衣服)I like your___.&&&& S:Thanks.&&&&&&&&&&&& T:Is it new?(Is it old?)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& S:Yes it’s new.No it’s old.&&&&&&&&&&&& T:It’s nice.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& S:Thanks.&&&&&&&&&&&& 让学生两人一组到前面仿照老师与这名学生所做的对话,任选衣服用他们所掌握的词句相互称赞对方的衣服。&&&&&&&&&& 4)做《活动手册》&&&&&&&&& 2、Whose___is this?&& Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&& 1)老师从学生桌子上拿起一件物品装作不知道这个物品是谁的,向全班提问&&&&&&&&&&& T:Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& S1:No.&&&&&&&&&&& T:Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& S2:No.&&&&&&&&&&& T:Is this your___?(领读)&&&&&&&&&&& Ss:Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&&& T:(指物主)Is this your___?&&&&&& S3:Yes(it’s my___).&&&&&&&&&& 2)老师拿起学生的另一物品装作找它的主人&&&&&&&&&&& T:Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& S1:No.&&&&&&&&&& T:(装作很困惑)Whose___is this?(领读)&& Ss: Whose___is this?&&&&&&&&&& T:Very good!(指物主)Whose___is this? Is this your___?&&&&&&&&&& S2:Yes(it’s my___).&&&&&&&&& 3)播放录音,在播放录音之前先让学生猜测在Miss Zhang和Danny之间的对话中发生了什么事,老师注意提醒学生,提问问题时语调要用升调。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。&&&&&&&&& 4)练习&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 学生自由结伴大声朗读书上Miss Zhang和Danny的对话,每个学生扮演一个角色,然后轮换。&&&& 三、检查理解情况&&&&&&&& 1、老师提问:Is this Danny’s hat?&& Are these Danny’s gloves?& Why do you know?&&&&&&&& 2、让几对学生朗读Miss Zhang和Danny的对话&&&& 四、结束课堂教学&&&&&&&& 1、布置课外作业&&&&&&&& 2、Say“Goodbye!”to the students.板书:Lesson19 Coat and Scarfcoat& hat& scarf& gloves& bootsWhose___is this?&&& Is this your___?Is this Danny’s hat?Are these Danny’s gloves?Why do you know?Lesson 20 Shoes and Socks教学目标:1、学生能正确说、读写、用shoes、socks&&&&&&&&& 2、学生能说、写并口头应答dress、shorts&&&&&&&&& 3、能用下列句子进行对话:Is this his / her&&&&&& ?Are these his / her&&&&&& ?教学重点:1、学生能正确说、读写、用shoes、socks&&&&&&&&& 2、学生能说、写并口头应答dress、shorts&&&&&&&&& 3、能用下列句子进行对话:Is this his / her&&&&&& ?Are these his / her&&&&&& ?教学难点:& 能用下列句子进行对话:Is this his / her&&&&&& ?Are these his / her&&&&&& ?教&&& 具:词卡、实物课&&& 时:1课时教学过程:一、 问候二、 唱歌三、 操练四、 教授shoes, socks, dress, shorts1、 示范2、 跟读课文录音3、 练习4、 角色扮演5、 表演6、 《活动手册》N1五、 教授& Is this his / her&&&&&&& ?Are these his / her&&&&&&& ?1、 示范师:Is this your&&&&&& ?甲生:No.师:Is this his / her&&&&&& ?甲生:Yes.师:Yes,it’s his / her&&&&&& .Say it,please.全班:Yes,it’s his / her&&&&&& .&& 师:Whose&&&&&& is it?& Whose&&&&&& is it?全班:It’s his /her&&&&&&& .师:Very good.2、 跟读课文录音3、 《活动手册》N34、 游戏板书:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Lesson 20: Shoes and Socksshoes, socks, dress, shortsIs this his / her&&&&&&& ?Are these his / her&&&&&&& ?Lesson 21&& Pyjamas教学目标:1、学生能正确认读pyjamas、slippers、housecoat&&&&&&&&& 2、正确说、读、写、用too big、too small&&&&&&&&& 3、学生能说、写并口头应答just right教学重点:1、学生能认读pyjamas、slippers、housecoat&&&&&&&&& 2、正确说、读、写、用too big、too small&&&&&&&&& 3、学生能说和写并口头应答just right教学难点:正确运用并区分too big, too small 和just right 教&&& 具:词卡、服装实物课&&& 时:1课时教学过程:一、 问候二、 游戏三、 操练四、 教授pyjamas, slippers, housecoat1、示范2、跟读课文录音3、《活动手册》N1五、 教授too big, too small, just right& 1、示范2、跟读课文录音3、《活动手册》N24、练习板书:Lesson 21:&&&&&& Pyjamaspyjamas, slippers, housecoattoo big&&& too small&&& just right教Lesson 22 Days of the Week&教学目标:1、学生能正确地说、读、写、用星期名称单词&&&&&&&&& 2、学唱《He’s Wearing Red Pants》的歌曲教学重点:1、学生能说、读、写、用星期名称单词&&&&&&&&& 2、学唱《He’s Wearing Red Pants》的歌曲教学难点:1、区分 Tuesday和Thursday &&&&&&&&& 2、学唱《He’s Wearing Red Pants》的歌曲教&&& 具:录音机、词卡课&&& 时:1课时教学过程:一、 问候二、 唱歌三、 练习四、 教授星期名称单词1、示范2、跟读课文录音3、《活动手册》N1五、 教授too big, too small, just right& 1、示范解释单词来源指导朗读2、跟读课文录音& 讨论图片:What objects can they name in the picture?What words has Danny written on the calendar?& Why?3、练习&&&&&&&&& What day is it ?&&&&&&&&& It’s&&&&&&&& .4、《活动手册》N1,N2五、教授歌曲《He’s Wearing Red Pants》1、 指读其中的星期单词2、 读全部单词3、 学唱板书:Lesson 22:&&& Days of the WeekSunday&& Monday&& Tuesday&& WednesdayThursday&&&&&& Friday&&&&& SaturdayLesson 23 A New Coat for LiMing教学目标:1、 知识目标:重点单词& pair重点句型:Put on your /his/her____________.2、 能力目标:会正确地使用a pair of 它经常和pants 、socks、 shoes、 gloves 在一起用。知道wear 和put on 的区别。3、 情感目标:培养用英语进行交际的能力。教学重难点:重点:a pair of pants/ shoes/ shorts /socks .难点:a pair of 的复数型式。教学准备:单词卡片& 录音机教学过程:一、Pairs1、 唱He’swearing red pants.教师:What did you hear in the song?教师将歌曲中唱到的pants dress sweater coat shorts shoes hat 分别贴到黑板上。2、 教师出示socks单词片并问:师:What is this? 生:It’s a _________.师:It’s a pair of socks 并把socks 贴到黑板上。板书:a pair of 领读数遍。师向学生说明a pair 就等于汉语中所说的一双或一条。3、 操练。出示gloves师:What’s this? 生:It’s gloves /It’s a pair of gloves.师出示boots问What’s this ?师指黑板上的shoes shorts pants 提问What’s this?要求学生用pair回答。4、 师:a pair of 后用的是什么类型衣服?学生总结教师补充:指的是两个成对的东西裤子和短裤因为有两条腿所以要用a pair of5、 教师指黑板上的dress说:I have two dresses .板书:two 在dress后加es.还可以说成I have a pair of dresses.下面板书a pair of.领读数遍6、 用pair 说句型。师:I have two sweaters.生:I have a pair of sweaters师出示两条裤子图让学生说句型。生:I have two pairs of pants.(注意pair后加S)师出示两双袜子图让学生说句型生:I have two pairs of socks.二、Put on a /your/his/her____________.1、师找一名正穿着sweater的学生站在前面。师问:What’s he /she wearing?生:He/she is wearing a sweater.师:Good! He/she is wearing a sweater .Please put on your coat put on your coat .Say it ,please class.全班:Put on ____师:板书Put on your__________.师:What is he/she wearing class?全班:He/she is wearing a coat.2、操练让学生起立随着教师的口令做动作。Put on your _____.让学生发指令其他学生做动作。4、 强调指出英语与汉语习惯的不同,在名词前加一个修饰词表示归属。5、 Put on 和wear的不同。学生自已总结两者的不同。三、播放录音让学生看书跟读。结束课堂。用《happy birthday》 的歌曲曲调来唱歌。What are you wearing? What are you wearing?Put on your coat. Put on your coat.板书:&&&&&&&&&&& Lesson 23 A New Coat for Li Ming&&&&&&&&&&&& dress&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& shorts&&&&&&&&&&&& sweater&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& shoes&&&&&&&&&&&&& coat&&&&&&&& a pair of&&&&&&&&&& pants&&&&&&&&&&&&& hat&&&&&&&&& two pairs of&&&&&&& socks&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& gloves&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& boots&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pantsLesson 24 Again,please!教学目标:复习和测式第三单元学生所学知识教学重难点:单词:星期、衣服&&&&&&&&&&& 句型:What’s he /she wearing? Whose____is this?教具学具:单词卡片、BINGO图表教学过程:一、&&&&&&&&&&&& 问候二、&&&&&&&&&&&& 唱Do The Hokey Pokey三、&&&&&&&&&&&& 操练师指一名学生问What is she/he wearing?指一名学生的衣服问whose ___is this?四、&&&&&&&&&&&& 使用BINGO图表在本游戏中学生将准备一个做宾果游戏的表格,以备在测式后用。在黑板上画一个8行4栏表格在第一栏上写出days clothes clours和 numbers,每栏内一个词。让学生在一张纸上画出同样的表格给他们一些时间来做。当学生制表时教师在黑板上填表。DayClothesColoursNumbersSundayShirtRedOneMondayPantsBlueTwoTuesdaySweaterYellowThreeWednesdaySkirtOrangeFourThursdayHatPurpleFiveFridayShoesGreenSixsaturdaysockspinkseven让学生按教师在黑板上的示范在每一栏中写下单词和数字。但学生填定单词的顺序不能与黑板上的顺序相同。然后让学生收起宾果表格。擦掉黑板上的宾果表格。五、&&&&&&&&&&&& 操练按顺序与学生一起读几遍星期的名称。然后做一个链式练习。让学生起立按正确顺序说出星期名称。六、&&&&&&&&&&&& 测试《活动手册》L8 N1-4七、&&&&&&&&&&&& 做宾果游戏八、&&&&&&&&&&&& 结束课堂教学板书:&&&&&&&&&&&& Lesson 24 Again ,Please&DayClothesColoursNumbersSundayShirtRedOneMondayPantsBlueTwoTuesdaySweaterYellowThreeWednesdaySkirtOrangeFourThursdayHatPurpleFiveFridayShoesGreenSixsaturdaysockspinksevenLesson25: Bedroom一、教学目标:1、使学生能够听、读、说、拼写单词bed,能够说、写、并口头答单词bedroom,lamp,teddy bear.2、使学生能够用所学内容描述自己的卧室。3、让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达。发展其综合语言运用能力。二、教学重难点:bed,dresser三、教具学具:图片、教科书、故事书、磁带及录音机四、教学过程:(一)Class Opening and ReviewGreetingSing ”HE’S WEARING RED PANTS”(二)、Key Concepts1. Bedroom, bed, dresser, closet, lamp, teddy bear.示范用汉语讨论本单元篇章上图片。女孩穿着什么?她在做什么?说明她正走在回家的路上。把home写在黑板上,与学生一起读几遍。向学生说明本单元将学习有关家庭的一些用品和家庭活动的英语词汇。用汉语提问学生有关卧室的情况。问他们卧室里有什么物品和摆放什么家具。与学生一起朗读几遍bedroom,同时把它写在黑板上。并且给出它的汉语意思。《教科书》:L25 N1讨论第25课中女孩卧室的图片。Is this bedroom the same as the students bedrooms?What is different?What is the same?给学生解释same和different的汉语意思。学生已认识picture这个单词,教师读这个单词时,指着照片中的那幅图片。与学生一起朗读几遍单词,同时用手指着画有梳妆台、壁橱、灯和玩具熊的图片。向学生解释,在加拿大,许多孩子有玩具熊。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。练习让学生自由结组,轮流提问有关新单词的图片。What’s this?What colour is it?Is this a _____or a ____?表演让自告奋勇的学生向全班学生表演他们造的句子。《活动手册》:L25 N12. Chant:” Three Little Teddy Bears.”《教科书》:L25 N2带领学生就《教科书》上的图画用英语进行讨论:教师:How many teddy bears are there?全班:There are _____.教师:What are they doing?全班:Jumping.教师:What is this?全班:A bed.教师:Yes. The teddy bears are jumping on the bed.用汉语提问学生,为什么图片上小熊的数目越来越少了,发生了什么事了?解释”跌倒”和”撞击”的意思。用动作表现fall off和bump,同时读出这些单词。提问学生,Jenny在干什么(谈话)?她正在同谁谈话?读出:Jenny calls the doctor.提问学生,医生说了什么?并且读出:and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!”与学生一起慢慢地朗读每行歌词,同时教师要做动作。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。再播放一遍录音,与学生一起做表演唱。(三)、Class Closing 五、板书:Lesson25: Bedroomhomebedroombed&& dresser&& lamp&& teddy bear&Lesson 26:Homework一、教学目标:1、 知识方面:能在听说读写方面掌握和运用四个词组:do my homework read a bookwrite a story draw a picture。2、 能力方面:能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学的词汇和句型。3、 情感态度,价值观:运用大量游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣,小组、同桌合作学习培养学生合作精神。二、教学重难点:do my homework read a bookwrite a story draw a picture三、教具学具:短语卡片、磁带、录音机、教科书及故事书四、教学过程:(一) Class opening 1.GreetingHello , boys and girls ! How are you today ? How’s the weather ?2。 Sing a song(This is the way we walk to school write with pencilsdraw with markers)3。Review (Guess,guess guess)(游戏规则:教师准备一小纸盒,里面放一些纸条,内容为:write with pencil draw with marker walk to school do my homework cut with scissors open the door)(二) New Concept1.&&&&&&&& Presentation.&①read a bookPlay a game : 做“击鼓传花”的游戏,问学生:“What do you do in the evening?”花传到谁手里,就答:“In the evening ,I -------- .”最后,特意安排传到老师的手里,说:“In the evening ,I read a book.”(同时做出动作)。强调“read”的读法与“red”的不同,与“meat tea”读音的相同点。Drill:Say it and do the action.Say it in pairs .②write a story.(Take out a story book):This is a story book..举出几种故事名称。《白雪公主》is a story , 《拇指姑娘》is a story ……让学生说说自己最喜爱的故事:My favourite story is……通过学生猜(老师先告诉一个学生,其做动作)展示Write A story . Let the students say it .&③draw a picture.Take out a story book. Point to some pictures,let the students find out some pictures from the English book.(师耳语,生动作)show : draw a pictureLet the students say with the actions .Play a game : what’s missing ?(游戏规则:把本课学的短语卡片贴在黑板上,所有学生闭眼,教师趁机摘下一个,再让学生睁眼,让学生猜缺了哪个词。)listen to the tape and repeat . (第一遍,先让学生听;第二遍,跟读。并在此解释“for”的意思 。)Play a game :一个同学说自己晚上做什么,其他同学都跟着做动作。2。& PracticePlay a game: 木头人(游戏规则:找3—5名同学到前面随意做动作,其余同学一起喊:one—two—three—木头人— ,前面的同学快速停住动作,然后其他人猜他们做的是什么动作。)Play a game :go---stop(当喊到stop 时 ,互相谈论In the evening , I ______ .)(三)、& Class closingHomework: 写一篇日记 ,记下自己早、中、晚的一些活动 。Say “Goodbye!” to the students .五、板书:Lesson 26:Homeworkdo my homework   read a bookwrite a story   draw a picture&Lesson27:TV and Telephone一、教学目标:1.知识方面:通过本课的学习,学生应掌握(说、认识和口头运用)下列词汇:TV tele要求学生练习并能认识下列词汇:watch TV talk on the telephone play on the computer listen to the radio2.能力方面:(1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境中能灵活运用。如:在家看电视、打电话等等。(2)培养良好的生活习惯,不能过晚睡觉,要养成早睡早起的良好习惯。3.情感、态度、价值观:通过创设情景发掘学生学习兴趣,通过角色扮演来调动学生的积极参与性。二、教学重难点:掌握及运用TV telephone computer radio三、教具学具:教具:单词卡片录音带CAI课件学具:英语课本 活动手册四、教学过程:(一)Class Opening and ReviewGreetingT: Hello, everyone!S: Hello, Miss Lian!T: How are you, today?S: I’m fine, thanks. And you?T: I’m very well, Thank you!二、Key Concepts1.&&&&&&&& TV,telephone, computer, radioa.《教科书》教师分别出示TV,telephone, computer, radio的卡片。问学生:What is it?带领学生一起学习这四个单词。如果学生已经知道TV这个单词,教师就可以告诉他们这个单词的全称television。向学生解释加拿大人常把telephone这个单词缩称为phone。让学生打开《教科书》,再次大气朗读这些单词。还可以向学生提出诸如此类的问题:Do you have a TV at home?Do you like TV?What else do you recognize in the photographs?b.学习Chant:What is it? What is it? What is- it? TV,TV,T-V.What is it? What is it? What is- it? Computer, computer, computer.What is it? What is it? What is- it?& Radio, radio, ra-dio.What is it? What is it? What is it? What is-it? Telephone, telephone, tele-phone.c.播放录音,让学生看书跟读。d.操练开展一个小竞赛,让学生在教科书上的照片中快速地指出读到的每件物品,激发学生的学习兴趣。e.《活动手册》:第一题:让学生画线连接图片和单词。2.Watch TV, talk on the telephone, play on the computer, listen to the radio.a.示范出示CAI课件,问学生:What’s Li Ming doing? (打电话)What’s Li Ming doing?(看电视)What’s Li Ming doing?(打电脑)What’s Li Ming doing?(听收音机)教授这些短语,并伴以相应的动作。教师要指出,当一个人拿起电话拨号时,他就是calling someone。当人们通过电话谈话时,他们就是talk on the telephone。b.操练让一名自告奋勇的学生站到前面,选出一幅黑板上的图画,然后表演规定的动作。带领学生做问答练习:T: (指着自告奋勇的学生挑选的黑板上的图画)What’s this?C: A    .或It’s a    .T: Good, He/she is    ing(on the /to the)   .say it, please,class.C: He/she’s    ing(on the/to the)     .T: Very good! (对自告奋勇的学生说)What are you doing?S: I’m    ing(on the /to the)    .T: Very good! Do you like    ing(on the/ to the) ?S: Yes, I like    ing(on the/to the)    .或No,I like    ing(on the/ to the)    .如果需要,可以用答案提示学生。出示CAI课件,讨论Jenny的图画,向学生提问:When does Jenny leave school?What Jenny will do the first when she gets home?What Jenny will do after supper?What Jenny will do when she goes to bed?学生试着回答。再次看课件,让学生跟着朗读。(三)Class Closing《活动手册》L27 N2五、板书:Lesson27:TV and Telephonewatch TV(television)   talk on the telephone(phone)play on the computer  listen to the radioLesson28: In the Bedroom一、&&&&&&&& 教学目标1.Master the following: above& below& beside& numbers from 20 to 30.& across from2.Enable the pupils to use the words and expressions .1.&&& Guide the children to enjoy the& happiness of& success of using English.二、&&&&&&&& 教学重难点above, below. beside and numbers from 20 to 30三、&&&&&&&& 教具学具tape-recorder& pictures四、&&&&&&&& 教学过程教学环节教师活动内容及方式学生活动内容及方式设计意图一、Class opening and review.1.Song:Head, shoulders ,knees, toes. (CAI)Sing the song follow the CAI and do the actions.让学生跟着陌生的旋律把熟悉的歌词带入其中,把学生自然而然地带入到英语课堂上来。&&2.Greeting:&3.Listen and do .Please do an action to express&&二、New Concepts1.(1)aboveT: Shows a model plane above the head.T: Where is the plane ?Above my head.Stick the picture on the blackboard .Write the word and do the action.(2)&&&&&&&&&&& below(3)&&&&&&&&&&& beside(4)&&&&&&&&&&& across from&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2.Chant and do.&&3.& Play& CAI&&4.Are you tired ?&& Let’s play a game.Tic—Tac—Toe&&5.Sports meeting.&& Give 30 number cards to the 30 players.&& Learn and say.(play the music.)Stick the No. cards on the clothes.创设较为真实的情景,引出数字的教学,让学生自然学习语言6.playCAI (numbers)&&7.Play a game.FlyswatterLet’s go to the playground to hold the sports meeting.Listen and say.让学生在有意义的活动中巩固练习三、&Class closing&&&五、&&&&&&&& 板书Lesson28: In the Bedroomon&&& above& under& below&& beside&& twenty&& thirtyLesson29: Brush and comb一、教学目标:1、要求学生掌握下列单词:comb 、brush 、soap、 toothbrush.2、理解并能运用:brush hair、brush teeth、 comb hair、wash hands、 wash face、take a shower、wear clothes.3、会唱歌曲:This is the way we brush our hair.二、教学重难点:comb 、brush 、soap、 toothbrush三、教具学具:单词卡片、图片comb 、brush、soap 、toothbrush .及配套实物若干,视频展示台、录音机、磁带、手偶、小笑脸、小星星。四、教学过程:(一)Class Opening and ReviewWarming up:This is the way we wash the clothes.让学生参看第26课为这首歌所配的图画。播放录音,与学生一起做表演唱。在唱歌时,可以手指着写有星期名称的大张贴画,这样节奏欢快,再配上简易动作,让课堂气氛活跃起来,学生能迅速进入英语学习状态。(二)Key Concepts1.举着带到课堂上的实物,向学生介绍comb, brush, soap和toothbrush。指着本页下面部分的单词和图片,与学生一起念几遍comb, brush, soap和toothbrush。用视频展示台把图片打出来,与学生一起讨论图片内容。Where is the girl ? 这个女孩儿在哪儿?Bathroom 盥洗室。How is the bathroom in the photograph the same and different from the student's bathrooms at home? (图片中的盥洗室与你们家里的有什么不同又有什么相同呢?)听录音跟读,先听,再跟读(出现手偶)游戏:A传声(分几组,从第一个人到最后一个人,看最后一个人读的单词是否正确)。B挑毛病(教师故意读错,请学生挑毛病)C指指指,点点点,指出单词并读出来(看板书)。D挑兵点将挑挑挑,指出单词并读出来(出示单词卡片)。E 54321 指出单词并读出来(出示实物)。F学生当小老师(随意提出四个单词汉译英、英译汉)。G模仿秀(一名学生不出声,只用口型读单词,让另一个学生猜)K短时记忆(卡片贴在黑板上,分组竞赛,迅速拿下一个,猜拿下的是哪个单词)。L分组涂色(每组一套卡片,把单词涂出,最快的接着读,依次类推)。M演双簧(前面一名学生拿实物表口型,后面学生用英语译)N唱对台戏(学生和教师用不同语调读相同的单词,如教师用升调读,学生就用降调读)。(在游戏中表现好的学生教师应给予表扬,奖励一个小笑脸)2.歌谣的学习(拍手读,示范读、一块读,加上自己的动作读)早上起床先去哪儿?bathroom , bathroom 盥洗室,你用brush梳头发, brush,brush 是刷子。我用comb梳头发,comb,comb是梳子。拿起toothbrush刷刷,toothbrush, toothbrush是牙刷。牙刷 toothbrush刷 teeth,soap然后洗脸用 ,soap,soap是香皂,每天早晨都要用,它们妙处真不少,真不少。(全班口头表扬,掌声鼓励:Good! very nice , Much better! Keep it up!)教师拿实物做动作,让学生猜意思,引出"brush hair、brush teeth、 comb hair、washhands 、 wash face、take a shower、wear clothes.(一对全,一对一,分组练习,在学习中表现好的学生教师应给予表扬,奖励一个小星星)3.对话练习用刷子、梳子、肥皂和牙刷配合动作来表现刷、梳和洗的动作,让学生同教师一起做动作,带领学生做对话练习,例如:T:(做刷牙的动作)Brush . I'm brushing my teeth. I'm brushing my teeth. Say it, please, class.Ss:I'm brushing my teeth.T:(对单个学生)What are you doing?S1:I'm brushing my teeth.T:Very good!(指着这位学生,面对全班学生)He/she is brushing his /her teeth. say it ,please , class.Ss:He/she is brushing his /her teeth.T:Yes!very good!(在对话中表现好的学生教师把相应的图片奖励给他们。)2.&&& 歌曲"This is the way we brush our hair"讨论《教科书》中Danny的图画。手指着图画提问题:what's this?what's Danny doing ?与学生一起慢慢朗读歌词中每一句话。告诉学生这首歌的曲调同"This is the way we wash the clothes" 的曲调一样。播放3遍这首歌的录音,第一遍听,接下来跟着唱,最后一遍做表演唱。(三)& Class Closing在歌表演中结束课程(轮唱形式多变)五、板书Lesson29: Brush and combbrush&& hair&&&&&&&&& comb& hair&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& teethwash&& hands&&&&&&&&&&&&&& facetake a showerwear clothesLesson30 Toys教学目标:知识目标:通过本课的学习,使学生能正确地说、读、写、用下列单词及短语:ball / doll / kite / 能正确朗读全篇并领会其意义。能力目标:通过本课学习,让学生在丰富多彩的游戏活动中熟练运用本课知识,增强学习兴趣,提高英语的交际能力。情感与价值观:通过丰富多彩的教学活动,使学生感受到学英语的乐趣,从而让他们从内心喜欢学英语,对英语情有独钟。教学重点:要求学生学会单词:&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ball& doll& kite& skipping rope。&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 要求学生熟练掌握本课短语:&&&&&&&&&&&&&& play with a ball&& play with a doll&&&&&&&&&&&&&& fly a kite&& skip& with& a& skipping& rope&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 并能在实际情景中运用。教学难点:要求学生熟练掌握本课短语:&&&&&&&&&&&&&& play with a ball&&& play with a doll&&&&&&&&&&&&&& fly a kite&& skip& with& a& skipping& rope&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 并能在实际情景中运用。&教具准备:写有下列单词和短语的卡片:jump / read a book / brush our teeth / comb our hair / wash our face / skip with the skipping rope / fly kite / play catch/ play with the doll&实物:一个精美的盒子及球、娃娃、风筝、跳绳等一些玩具及画有它们的卡片。&学具准备:学具袋中的球、娃娃、风筝、跳绳等小卡片。教学过程:一、Class opening1.Greeting(T: Hello !Ss. S: Hello! T: How are you?S: Fine Thank you.)2.Sing “How are you? ”二、New concepts1.出示洋娃娃,用问答的形式教授单词doll,并教授短语play with a doll, 让学生边玩洋娃娃边说短语。(设计边游戏边说短语的情节,可以让孩子们在玩中学,增强学生学习的动力。)&2.用问答的形式揭示单词ball,并用拍球和传接球的动作教授短语play with a ball和play catch with a ball。让学生结组做传接球游戏,边玩边说所学短语。(根据三年级学生学习注意力时间很短的特点,设计让学生在模仿放风筝动作中来学习单词和短语,让学生在民主、和谐的气氛中增强学习的兴趣。)3.教师演示放风筝的动作教授单词kite和短语fly a kite,让学生跟老师做放风筝的动作,并说短语。 & 4.请一位自告奋勇的学生到台前跳绳,并介绍单词skipping rope 和短语skip with a skipping rope。请同学们起立边说短语边模仿跳绳动作。&&&& 5.Play a game. Show me something.6.Play another game.7.Listen to the tape and follow8.通过听录音,分别就五幅图向学生提问,请学生用“Yes” or “No” 回答。三、Class closing&& Play a guessing game.板书设计:Lesson 30&& Toysdoll&&&&&&&&& play with a dollball&&&&&&&&& play with a ballkite&&&&&&&&& fly a kiteskipping rope& skip with a skipping ropeLesson 31& Games一、知识目标:1、 学生能够听懂、会说下列词汇:games 、 cards 、 checkers 、 badminton 、 ping-pong2、 学生能够通过图片理解词汇hard、soft以及短语go for a walk,达到听懂、会说。&&& 3、学生能够在插图的帮助下理解本课故事。& 二、能力目标:1、 继续培养学生敢说的勇气,使学生在口语交际中能灵活运用本课会话。&&& 2、继续培养学生倾听的习惯,包括听教师的说、听学生的说以及听录音。并在听的同时鼓励学生能结合图画理解英语信息。&& 三、情感、态度目标:1、 努力为学生创设轻松、活泼的课堂氛围,培养学生乐于模仿、敢于开口的能力,激发学生用英语表达的欲望。2、 让学生在理解故事的过程中体验学习英语的快乐,使学生保持兴趣,树立自信。3、 通过故事渗透参与意识和合作意识。四、教具准备:1、 第30课的单词卡片。&&& 2、扑克牌、围棋、羽毛球拍、乒乓球拍、毛绒玩具、木板。2、 录音机及录音磁带。五、教学重、难点:&&& 1、在认识游戏名称的基础上听懂、会说本课的会话是教学重点亦是难点。&& 2、培养学生借助图画猜测单词的意思进而整体感知故事内容的能力是难点。五、教学过程:(一)、Greetings:T: Hello, Boys and Girls!S: Hello, teacher!T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I’m fine, too.Let’s sing a song “This is the we wash the clothes”设计意图:简单的问候以及歌曲的演唱,在课的一开始就给孩子们营造一种轻松愉快的课堂氛围,增进师生之间的情感交流,使学生进入一种自然的语言状态。(二)师生互动,感悟新知。1、&& games 、 cards 、 checkers 、 badminton 、 ping-pong2、&&&&&& (1)用图片或实物介绍cards,checkers,badminton,ping-pong,学生跟读,认识词汇。&&& 师:We can play games with these . (举起所有的图片或实物) Games,say it ,please.&&& 生:Games.&&& 理解game ,带读。教师板题,带读课题。&&& (2)操练单词,学习会话:&&& 师:What`s this ?(举起一种Game的图片或实物)&&& 生:It`s .&&& 师:I want to play .&&& Do you want to play ?&&& 生:Yes .&&& 师:Yes,I want to play . Say it ,please .&&& 生:Yes,I want to play .&&& 师:Very good . (竖起大拇指)&&& 师:But I don` t want to play . (举起相应卡片,并作摇头,皱眉的动作。)&&& I don`t want to play . Say it , please .&&& 生:I don`t want to play .&&& 师:(问一名学生)What do you want to do .&&& 生:I want to play&&& 师:Great!Me too !Let`s play ,ok ?&&& 生:Ok!&&& 在会话中可重复操练I want to play . / I don`t want to play .句式,或让全班作答,或请个别学生作答。&&& (3)播放录音,学生跟读。&&& (4)师生问答,深化理解。&&& What does Li Ming want to play ?(指着第一幅图)&&& Does the boy want to play badminton?(指着另一个男孩)&&& What do they want to play at the end ?&&& How do you know ?(结合第二幅图作答)(5)角色扮演:让学生自由组队,编一个类似Li Ming和朋友对话的一个对话。让学生尽量使用有关游戏动作的游戏用品的词汇,把下面的对话写在黑板上,让学生在角色扮演时尽量用到。What do you want to do?Let’s play _____.I don’t know.&& I like ___ / I don’t like ___.Okay.Great!学生在尝试时特别需要表扬鼓励,可以以鼓掌的形式来表扬学生。&&&&&& 3、hard,soft,go for a walk&& 教师拿出一只玩具熊和一块木板,找一位自告奋勇的同学到前面来感受、摸一摸,当他摸到木板时,老师说hard,并让全班同学一起跟读;当他摸到玩具熊时老师说soft,并让全班同学一起跟读。在读时,老师要用手势、表情来加以解释。打开《教科书》,学生自己阅读第二部分,播放录音,学生跟读。&&& (三)巩固练习,总结升华。1、&&&&&& 游戏:“stop——Go”2、&&&&&&&&&& 用于巩固练习本课的会话内容。完成《活动手册》内容学生独立完成。对有困难的同学教师给予帮助。最后师生订正。&&& 3、师生告别,结束教学活动。板书设计:&&&&&&&&&&&& Lesson 31:Games&&&&&&&&&&&&& badminton,&&&&&&&&&&&&& hardgames&&&&&& cards,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& softcheckers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go for a walkping-pong&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Lesson32:Again Please!一、教学目标:知识目标:巩固本单元要掌握的单词bed, dresser, telephone, TV, ball, doll kite, above, below, beside, twenty--thirsty.能力目标:能独自完成《活动手册》中的单元测试题。情感态度、价值观目标:本节复习课要训练学生的自主探究学习能力,让他们去发现问题、解决问题从而感受到英语学习的乐趣。二、教具准备:录音机、三个小玩具熊的头饰、单词卡片(红体单词)、小红心和小耳机的标致(用来评价)三、教学过程&&& Part1:Review1、&&&&&&&&&&&& Greeting2、&&&&&&&&&&&& Sing a song " three little teddy bears."请三个自告奋勇的同学来带上头饰表演小熊,全班一起唱儿歌。(形象、逼真有趣的表演定能激发孩子们的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。)3、&&&&&&&&&&&& Drill&&& 利用卡片用问答的方式帮助学生复习本单元需要掌握的单词,也可以让自告奋勇者扮演小老师来提问。& (在复习词汇的同时,也满足了一些孩子的表现欲,让复习课不再枯燥.)4、Work in pairs&&& 小组合作,找出本单元的重点和难点以及容易读错的单词和句子,然后在班上汇报,评出最佳合作小组。(学生在寻找的过程住自然重温了所学内容,而让每个组找一名在班上汇报的同时,也是其他的小组学习的机会,让知识得到互补,调动了全班的积极性。)&&& Part2:Activity Book1、&&&&&&&&&&&& Write the correct letters in the blanks.在补充单词之前,先让学生默读这个单词。2、&&&&&&&&&&&& Listen第2、3、4题都是听力题,放第一遍时听,等到第二遍再做。&&& (教师应充分利用好这三道听力题,达到训练和提高学生听力的目的.)3、&&&&&&&&&&&& Appraise同桌交换来评价,第一题全对的同学奖励一颗小红心,其他三个题奖励五角星。(奖励学生的每一次进步,让他们时刻感受到英语学习的成功。)&&& Part3:Class Closing板书:Lesson32:Again, Please!家具:bed, dresser电器:telephone, TV玩具:ball, doll, kite位置:above, below, beside数字:twenty ——thirty
四年级英语上册《Lesson27 The Forest》教案新冀教版教学内容:Lesson27:The Forest 课时 1教学目标:1、 知识与技能:本课要求学生能掌握单词和短语:forest, mountain, rock, tree, in front of, behind, 并会口头运用。2、 情感态度价值观:通过多种活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词、短语,会口头运用。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson27:The Forestforestmountainrocktree&in front of: I am in front of the blackboard.behind: I am behind the desk.The&&& is&& a&&& .&教学过程:一. Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. CHANT: “I WALKED TO THE ZOO”Teach the students this simple chant to review animal names, hold up vocabulary cards for elephant, tiger, lion, kangaroo, monkey, wolf.二. New Concepts1. STUDENT BOOK: L27 N1Discuss the photograph in Chinese.a. What do you see?b. Do you like the photograph?Explain that it was taken in the Rocky Mountains in Canada and that many people from all over the world visit the Rocky Mountains.Point to the small pictures under the photograph as the teacherand the students say each word a few times. Translate eachword. 教学侧记Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. PRACTICEAsk the students to draw a picture showing all the new vocabulary. Ask them to label their pictures in English.3. STUDENT BOOK: L27 N2Demonstrate in front of and behind.T: I am in front of the blackboard.T: Now, I am behind the desk.Write in front of and behind on the blackboard. Point to the words as the teacher and the students say them a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.4. PRACTICEWrite The&&& is&&& a&&& . on the blackboard. Ask the students to find partners and take turns filling in the blanks in the sentence. They can use any animal and object they can name.三. Class Closing.教学反思:
四年级英语上册《Lesson26 Monkeys and Wolves》教案新冀教版教学内容:Lesson26:Monkeys and Wolves 课时 1教学目标:1、 知识与技能:本课要求学生掌握单词monkey, wolf, camel, ostrich, inside, outside,并会口头运用。2、 情感态度价值观:关注学生情感,保持学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词,会口头运用。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson26:Monkeys and Wolvesmonkeywolfcamelostrich&inside:& inside the classroom.outside: outside the classroom.&教学过程:一. Class Opening and Review1. Greeting.2. DRILLReview elephant, kangaroo, lion and tiger.a. What’s this?b. Is the elephant’s trunk long or short?c. Does a tiger have teeth?d. How many legs does a lion have?e. Does a kangaroo have feathers?二. New Concepts1. STUDENT BOOK: L26 N1Point to each picture in the student book as the teacher and the class say each word a few times.Discuss the pictures.a. Does the monkey have a tail?b. Is it long or short? 教学侧记c. What colour is the wolf?d. Does the camel have fur?e. What else has fur?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. DRILLa. Can a monkey hop?b. Does a kangaroo have a trunk?c. Does a wolf have fur?d. What colour is it?3. DEMONSTRATET: I am inside the classroom, inside, inside, say it, please, class.C: inside.T: (Walk out of the classroom) Now I am outside the classroom.C: outside.Write inside and outside on the blackboard and say them a few times with the class.4. STUDENT BOOK: L26 N2Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Discuss the pictures and sentences.a. Where is Li Ming?b. Is he inside or outside the school?5. PRACTICEa. Write a B inside the circle.b. Draw a monkey outside the circle.三.Class Closing. 教学反思:
四年级英语上册《Lesson25 Lions and Tigers》教案新冀教版第四单元教材分析本单元讲授一些学生熟悉的动物园动物。它以第3单元的会话结构为基础以便让学生能更流利地谈论这些动物(或其他的事情)的特征。本单元还介绍更多的方位词(如inside, outside, in front of 和behind)&在本单元中,学生应争取掌握(正确地说、读、写、使用)下列词汇和用语:&elephant, kangaroo, lion, monkey, tiger, wolf, mountain, rock, tree, inside, outside, in front of, behind&要求学生练习说和写, 并能口头应答下列单词和短语:&giraffe, panda, snake, zebra, trunk, flowers, grass, leaves, river&Does a&&&& have&&& ? What does&&&& eat? What has&&& ?&What else has&&&& ? Where does&&&& live?教学内容:Lesson25:Lions and Tigers 课时 1教学目标:1、 知识与技能:本课要求学生能掌握单词:lion, tiger, elephant, kangaroo, 句型:Does a&&& have a&&& ? What has a&&& ? What else has a&&& ? 能把所学单词、句型运用到日常口语交流当中。2、 情感态度价值观:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词、句型。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson25:Lions and Tigers&liontigerelephantkangaroo&Does a&&& have a&&& ?What has a&&& ?What else has a&&& ?教学过程:一. Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. SING “OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM”3. PLAY A SENTENCE GAMEWrite Can a&&&&&&& ? on the blackboard.Ask the students to call out the names of five animals and five actions in English. Make separate lists of these words on the blackboard and number each form one to five.Ask the students to call out numbers, in English, for the first blank and then the second blank.Ask the class to answer each question it makes up.二. New Concepts1. SUTDENT BOOK: L25 N1In Chinese, discuss the photograph at the beginning of this unit. a. What does the photograph show?b. Who has visited a zoo? 教学侧记c. What animals did you see there?Write zoo on the blackboard and say it a few times with the students.Explain that this unit is about zoo animals and that the students will learn four animals in this lesson.Point to each picture in Number1 as teacher and the students say lion, tiger, elephant and kangaroo a few times.Point to each picture and say A&&& has&&& . Say each sentence with the students a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. STUDENT BOOK: L25 N2Introduce the sentences: Does a&&& have a&&& ? What has a&&& ?What else has a&&& ? Show the students how to substitute different words in the structure.Tell the students there is something wrong with the picture.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. DRILLT: Does a tiger have fur?C: Yes, it does.T: Does a tiger have a trunk?C: No, it does not.T: What has a truck?C: An elephant has a trunk.三.Class Closing.&教学反思:
四年级英语上册《Lesson24 Again Please》教案新冀教版教学内容:Lesson24:Again, Please! 课时 1教学目标:1、 知识与技能:通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说、读、写、 用)本单元重点单词、短语和句子。能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境中能灵活运用。 2、 情感态度价值观:在学习、运用本单元知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词词组,会口头运用。教具准备:使学生掌握本单元重点单词、短语和句子。板书设计:Lesson24:Again, Please!cat chicken cow dogduck goat pig sheep&Can you fly?Can you swim?Can you hop?&教学过程:一. Class Opening and Review1. GREETINGHello, boys and girls. How are you today?Can you speak English?What day is it?How’s the weather today?2. SING “OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM”3. PLAY “MEMORY NAME”Write On this farm there is a&&&& .on the blackboard. Say the words a few times with the students. As play the game, each student recites the animals other students have named in the phrase and adds a new animal.S1: On this farm there is a cow.S2: On this farm there is a cow. On this farm there is a duck.S3: On this farm there is a cow. On this farm there is a duck. On& 教学侧记this farm there is a chicken.4. PALY “TIC-TAC-TOE”Divide the class into two teams. Ask questions in turns.a. Can you fly?b. Can you swim?c. Can a cow fly?d. Can a fish hop?e. What else can swim?f. What else can fly?5. PLAY “SPELL IT”Divide the class into groups. Write blank for words and phrases across the blackboard. The teams take turns guessing letters that go in the blanks.Cat, chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig, sheep…Can you fly?6. SING “ AS I WAS GOING DOWN THE STREET”三. Class Closing.教学反思:


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