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例句与用法In collaboration with colleagues at max - plank society , germany - and the help of stickleback fish - have identified the chemical responsible英国卡迪夫大学的科学家们在德国马克斯普兰克协会的协助下,已经借助于刺鱼找出了化学上的原因。 The researchers found in a study of sticklebacks , that males with body odour that is particularly attractive to females produce small protein fragments known as " peptides "研究人员在对刺鱼的研究中发现,那些体嗅对雌性具有特别吸引力的雄性动物,能够产生很小的蛋白质碎片(被称做“缩氨酸” ) 。 Why do some males smell better than others - scientists at cardiff university , in collaboration with colleagues at max - plank society , germany - and the help of stickleback fish - have identified the chemical responsible英国卡迪夫大学的科学家们在德国马克斯普兰克协会的协助下,已经借助于刺鱼找出了化学上的原因。
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音标:[ ki:p ]&&发音:&&过去式: kept&&&过去分词: kept&&&名词复数: keeps&&&现在分词: keeping&&&
中文翻译英英解释百科解释vt.(kept )1.拿着,保持;保存,保留;保管,把守(门等);保守(秘密等)。2.保护,防护,防守。3.履行;遵守。4.庆祝,过(节),过(年),举行(仪式)。5.抚养;雇用。6.饲养。7.备有,经售。8.经营,开设,管理。9.继续沿着…走。10.整理,料理。11.记住;记载,记入。12.挽留,留住;拘留。13.使…保持着(某种状态)〔用此义时在受词后加补语〕。14.制止,防止,妨碍;隐瞒。15.留在(房屋等)内;保持在(座位等)上不动。 keep a stick in one's hand 手里拿着一根棍子。 You may keep the magazine as your own. 你把那本杂志当作自己的东西留下来好啦(不必还)。 The bank keeps money for people. 银行替人保管存款。 keep a fortress [town] against the enemy 防守要塞[城市]抵御敌人。 Who keeps the goal 谁守球门? keep a promise 守约。 keep the rules 守规则。 keep early hours 早睡早起。 keep late hours 晚睡晚起。 keep a secret 守秘密。 keep one's word 履行诺言;说话算话。 keep one's birthday 做生日,祝寿。 keep Chinese New Year 过春节。 have a wife and family to keep要养家。 keep chickens 养鸡。 keepa motorcar 自备汽车。 Do you keep postcards here 你们这里有明信片吗? keep a school 办学校。 keep (a) shop 开店。 keep the middle of the road 一直沿着路中间前进。 keep house 管理家务。 keep a fact in mind 心里记住一件事。 keep accounts [books] 记账。 keep a diary 记日记。 What keeps him here, I wonder 我不知道他待在这里干什么? I won't keep you long. 我不会耽搁你很久。 keep sb. in custody 扣留某人。 keep a razor sharp 使剃刀经常锋利。 Cold bath keeps me in good health. 冷水浴使我健康。 keep the window open 把窗子开着。 keep the tears from one's eyes 忍住眼泪。 He keeps nothing from me. 他什么事都不瞒我。 keep a child away from the fire 让孩子离火远一点。 keep sb. from hurting himself 提防某人受伤。 Illness kept me from coming yesterday. 我昨天因病没有来。 keep one's bed 卧床不起。 keep the house 足不出户。vi.1.继续,保持,维持。2.〔口语〕逗留;住在;呆。3.〔口语〕(店等)开着,(学校)上课。4.继续不断〔用此义时常接动词 -ing〕。5.(食物等)保持不坏。6.拖,搁。7.保持某种路线[方向、活动]。短语和例子 不交际,不与人往来。 2.vt. 保守秘密。 keep under 压住,控制(The firemen managed to keep the fire under. 火势总算被救火员控制住了)。 keep up 1. 支持,维持;保持。 2. 继续,持续;停歇。 3. 不为(病等)所屈,能支持。 4. 【印刷】用大写正体排印。 keep up with [on] 跟上(人、时势等),不落后 (keep up with the situation 跟上形势)。n.1.保持,保养;管理。2.生活资料,衣食;饲料。3.【历史】中世纪城堡的最牢固的部分,城堡的高楼;堡垒;要塞,坚固据点。4.监牢,监狱。短语和例子详细百科解释
例句与用法Brooke will go to keep us boys steady .勃禄克会去管教那些男孩子的。I must keep to myself, at least for some time .我暂时还要秘而不宣。Police kept a close watch on the vagrants .警察严密监视那些流浪者。I kept no company, made no visits .我没有什么应酬,也不去拜访人家。Keep these things in a separate place .把这几件东西单放在一个地方。Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation .我们靠着野果才没饿死。I'm glad you've kept your enamels !我很高兴,你保留了那些珐琅物品!Is this the way the lab is usually kept ?实验室一直都是这个样子吗?A laboratory must be kept in good order .实验室里必须保持井井有条。He could scarcely keep in his indignation .他几乎不能抑制他的愤怒。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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例句与用法This product is sponsored by macy s candies ltd鸣谢:此拍卖品由美思糖果赞助。 This product is sponsored by macy s candies ltd鸣谢:此拍卖品由美思糖果赞助。 This one ' s from saks . this one ' s from macy ' s这件是saks的这件是macy ' s的Macy s mini mooncake gift box original retail price : hk 80美思迷你月饼礼盒原价: hk 80 Macy s white lotus seed paste mooncake w yolk4个美思迷你蛋黄白莲蓉月饼Macy s mini white lotus with half egg yolk mooncake美思迷你白莲蓉月饼Macy s white lotus seed paste mooncake w 2 yolk4个美思双黄白莲蓉月饼Macy has a reputation for playing losers梅西因饰演失败者而出名。 Macy s large mooncake gift box original retail price : hk 180美思双黄白莲蓉月饼礼盒原价: hk 180 Macy s mini white lotus with half egg yolk mooncake 4pcs . x 150g美思迷你白莲蓉月饼4pcs . x 150g 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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中文翻译英英解释adj.1.凶猛的,野蛮的,残暴的。2.〔口语〕非常的,十分强烈的。短语和例子adv.-ly ,-ness n.
例句与用法The ferocious chieftain was executed .那个凶残的匪首被处决了。No enemy is so ferocious but we can defeat it .不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。A ferocious grin lit his face .他脸上流露出一丝狞笑。No enemy is so ferocious but that we can defeat it .不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。No enemy is so ferocious but what we can defeat it .不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。The badger and the snake had a ferocious battle in the woods .獾和蛇在树林里进行了一场恶斗。I could catch the glare of their ferocious eyes .我连它们那残忍的眼睛中的灼灼目光都看清楚了。He drew, or rather dragged off, his ferocious helpmate .他把他那怒气冲冲的助手拉开了,实际上是使劲拖开的。These cries of ferocious challenge rang against walls of silence .那恶狠狠的挑战声在寂静组成的屏壁之内回响。She was indeed somewhat cowed by the ferocious campaign about it .她确实有点被有关此事所引起的严重骚乱所吓倒。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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中文翻译梅西尔梅西耶梅谢:&&&&adj. ( -iest) 污秽的,肮脏 ...
例句与用法Your desk is always pretty messy .你的办公桌总是乱七八糟。It is a major operation. it is a very messy operation .这是大手术,难度很大。The bed now was just messy .床上凌乱不堪。What's god got to do with such a messy job as a pig-killing .上帝跟宰猪这种龌龊事有什么关系。It was a messy case .那是件无头案。They are quarrelsome, primitive, demanding and messy .他们好吵架,头脑简单,要求苛刻,而且肮脏不堪。The rather messy expression in the brackets can be written in a symmetric form .中括号中这个相当凌乱的表达式可以写成对称形式。This is perhaps the messiest and most detailed part, but the easiest to understand .它也许是最杂乱、最琐碎的部分,但却是最易懂的部分。This constrained and messy adultery was a damned poor substitute for having a wife .这种不自然的,不可告人的私情,也算是聊慰无妻之苦吧,但未免太糟糕了。This move also ensured that the king wouldn't have to get his hands dirty with messy affairs of state .这一行动可以确保这位皇上不会因纠葛不清的国事而玷污自己的手脚。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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