imagine that which 定语从句+从句,是什么意思呢

  1.We are doing a project about countries that we want to
visit.此句中,that作为关系代词引导定语从句 “that we want to
“countries”。那么“countries”就有了一个修饰限定的“we want
to visit”,意为“我们想要参观的国家”。又如:
  2.Who is the girl that talked to you
yesterday?that作为关系代词引导定语从句“that talked to you
“girl”。那么“girl”就有了一个修饰限定的成分“that talked to you
  1.I have to imagine that I’ve been there, and that I’m
writing a letter to Mum and
  2.Tom told me that he would have a party this
weekend.阅读此句,我们发现“he would have a party this
6 Save our world 和Module 9 Cartoon
“It’s”和 “that”之间。如果需要强调的是主语则将
  1.It’s also at home that we save energy and
“at home”,所以把它放在“It’s”和“that”之间。再如:
  2.But it’s above all the jokes played by the monkey that
people remember.
jokes played by the monkey”放在“It’s”和
  3.It’s Mary who wants to see you
  1.His bike that he borrowed from his uncle was stolen last
  2.My father told me that he would go to Japan the next
  3.It’s this house that he wants to live in.
  4.It successfully shows the rich culture that makes Beijing
so famous.
  5.I do not like the people that were never on time.
  6.Nobody knows that he came from a small village.
  7.It’s in their classroom that they will have a party.
  8.The letter that I received yesterday is from my
  9.He is the finest man that I have ever worked with.
  10.It’s a new computer that his mother bought for him
  11.Is there anything else that you want to say?
  12.He said that he had been a teacher in this school for
three years already.
  13.We hoped that he would come back before all the guests
  14.It’s on 12th September that he joined the army.
  1. 当先行词为all, much, little, none及由any, every, some, no所构成的复合不定代词时。
  如:We should do all that is useful to the people. 我们应该做一切有益于人民的事情。
  Please tell me anything that you know about the matter. 有关此事,凡是你所知道的请告诉我。
  2. 当先行词被any, few, little, no, all, much, some等词修饰时。
  如:You can take any seat that is free. 任何空着的座位你都可以坐。
  There is little work that is fit for you. 几乎没有适合你的工作。
  3. 当先行词为序数词或被序数词所修饰时。
  如:When people talk about the cities of China, the first that comes to my mind is Beijing. 人们谈论起中国的城市的时候,我首先 想到的是北京。
  This is the fourth film that has been shown in our school this term. 这是我们校本学期放映的第四部电影。
  4. 当先行词为形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。
  如:The best that I could do was to apologize. 我唯一能做的就是赔礼道歉了。
  This is the most interesting story book that I have ever read. 这是我读过的一本最有趣的故事书。
  5. 当先行词被the very, the only, the last, the just, the same等修饰时。
  如: This is the very book that I'm looking for. 这正是我在找的书。
  The only thing that we could do was to wait. 我们唯一能做的事就是等待。
  注意:先行词被the same修饰时,关系代词也可用as。
  如:I need the same book that / as you have. 我需要有你一样的书。
  6. 当先行词既包含人又包含物时。
  如: They are talking of the heroines and their deeds that interest them. 他们正在谈论他们感兴趣的女英雄及她们的事迹。
  7. 当先行词是疑问代词who,which,what或主句以这些词开头时。
  如:Who that has ever worked together with him doesn't admire him? 曾经和他一起工作过的谁不钦佩他?
  Which is the star that is nearer to the earth? 哪个是离地球比较近的星星?
  8. 当先行词为主句表语或关系代词为从句表语时。
  如:That's a good book that will help you a lot. 那是本对你很有帮助的书。
  Our school is no longer the place that it used to be. 我们的学校现在已不是过去的那个样子了。
  9. 先行词为time时,当time表示次数,引导词用that, 可省略。 当表示时间,可用that或when引导,都可省略。
  如:I do remember the first time(that) I had ever heard the sweetest voice in the world.我很清楚地记得当我第一次听到世界上最美的声音的时候。
  I did't remember the exact time (when/that) I arrived in Shanghai last month. 我不记得上个月到达上海的确切时间了。
  1. 在&介词+关系代词&结构中,关系代词必须用which。
  如: The house in which we live is very large. 我们住的房子非常大。
  This is the reference book of which the teacher is speaking. 这就是老师正在谈及的那本参考书。
  注意: 如果介词不放在修饰事物的限定性定语从句的句首, which就可换为that, 例如: This is the question which/that we've had so much discussion about. =This is the question about which we've had so much discussion. 这就是我们已经多次讨论过的问题。
  2. 先行词为&those+表事物的复数名词&时, 关系代词通常只用which而不用that。
  如:you should grasp well those skills which may be used in the future work.
  如: She likes the child for the very reason that (=for which) she loves his father. 她喜欢那个孩子因为她爱着孩子的父亲。
  He didn't like the way that (=in which) she speaks to his mother. 他不喜欢她对他的母亲那样说话。
  Imagine the speed that (=at which) he drives the car. 很难想象,他开车开得那么快。
  The reason (that /for which /why) he came here was to ask for our help.他来这里的原因是寻求我们的帮助。
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订阅每日学英语:suppose that是什么意思_suppose that在线翻译_suppose that什么意思_suppose that的意思_suppose that的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
suppose that是什么意思
suppose that是什么意思 suppose that在线翻译 suppose that什么意思 suppose that的意思 suppose that的翻译 suppose that的解释 suppose that的发音
suppose that英 [s?'p?uz ?aet] 美 [s?'poz ?aet] suppose that 基本解释假如;suppose that 网络解释1. 假如:6. even if conj. 即使 | 7. suppose that 假如 | 9. put off v. 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻2. 猜想:suppose sb. to do 猜想某人会做...... | suppose that... 猜想...... | swim to sp. 向......游3. 从句 推断:17. make him some enemies 给他招致一些敌人 | 18. suppose that 从句 推断. . .
| 19. know his attackers 认识他的袭击者4. 如果、假设:26. 优点、优势:pro, merit, strength, advantage, benef... | 27. 缺点、弱势:con, fault, flaw, weakness, downside, drawback, disa... | 28. 如果、假设:imagine that, provided that, suppose that, on condition thatsuppose that 双语例句1. What do you suppose they say, they say that this is stipulated in the Provincial Public Security Bureau, if they can complain Provincial Public Security Department, days you, we, the people there to complaints Provincial Public Security Department, even the doors are not touching, this month I have a relative for the 2nd generation ID card have to wait for five months, can not do anything if you have only slowly wait.&&&&你猜他们说什么,他们说这是省公安厅规定的,如有不满可以投诉省公安厅,天啦,我们这些老百姓到那去投诉省公安厅,连门都摸不到,这个月我有一个亲戚办理第2代身份证要等5个月,没法子你只有慢慢等吧。2. 2. For this purpose let us suppose that we have two systems, I and II, which we permit to interact from the time t=0 to t=T, sfter which time we suppose that there is no longer any interaction detween the two parts.&&&&在 EPR 论文(中文有许良英先生等人的译文和戈革先生的译文可资参考)的第二部分中指出:我们假设有两个体系,I 和 II ,在时间 t=0到 t=T 之间允许它们相互发生作用,而在此以后,假定这两部分不再有任何相互作用。3. 3. One essay from foreign country says that China is not a unified and internally coherent entity. And our disposition comprises selfishness and jealousy. But I suppose that all you guys will disagree with that point of view.&&&&一篇报道声称中国不是一个统一和内部团结的国家,说我们的人性中包含太多的自私和嫉妒,但我想在座各位是不同认同这个看法的。4. 4. Scientists have proved it true that global warming is becoming more serious. I deem it my duty to finish the assignment in time. We suppose it unlikely that he will apologize for his mistake.&&&&本课所介绍的句型,重点放在以不定词片语为受词,用虚受词it取代的情形,这是最常见的S + V + O + C变化句型,至於以that-clause 或 wh-words引导的名词子句为受词的情形,老师可以视学生程度适时补充。5. 5. Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together… and I knew it.&&&&我很肯定。她给我的感觉,就象是回家,却是一个我没来没有体会过的家的感觉。6. Suppose you have a big spaceship in your scene and you want to emit small ships from inside the big spaceship, if you think here it will be very boring and time wasting if you create one by one the small ships and then to animate them, that is why will work very strongly here, to work with just you have to create one single object to emit from any where you want.&&&&假如在场景中有一个巨大的宇宙飞船,而你想在其中发射很多小的飞船。如果那些小的飞船需要你一个一个的去建造,同时为它们添加动画,那将是一件烦人且费时的过程,这时Instancer便会派上用场了。利用Instancer,你只需要创建一个飞船。7. Because they didn`t know each other earlier, they suppose that nothing was happening between them.&&&&他们素未蒙面,所以他们确定彼此并无任何瓜葛。8. Can we still suppose there is any sense to the idea that regarding that area the subject is blind?&&&&我们能仍然假设对这个区域来说主体是盲视的有意义吗?9. I suppose you could do it the old way and SSH them in, but that takes FOREVER and is a real PITA.&&&&我想你可以做旧的方式和SSH他们,但需要永远是一个真正的太平洋岛屿电信。10. I'm sure Aunt March is a regular Old Man of the Sea to me, but I suppose when I've learned to carry her without complaining, she will tumble off, or get so light that I shan't mind her.&&&&我肯定马奇婶婶就是我的冤家对头,但我想只要我学会忍受,不去埋怨,她就会被丢到脑后,或者变得微不足道。11. If you've been farming and selling Arctic Furs, I suppose you might be a bit bummed that your cash cow is going away, but for the most part I think most of us are pretty happy with it.&&&&&&如果你一直在采集和销售极地毛皮,这棵摇钱树倒了我想你肯定有点不开心。一般来说我们中的大多数人还是希望看到这个改变的。12. We suppose that they are inevitable costs in the way to world top brand.&&&&&&我们相信这些都是在海尔追求世界名牌的道路上的一些必然失误和代价。13. suppose that的意思13. I suppose you don't want me to open my mouth to this gent, that's about it.&&&&&&我想你是不要我同这位绅士开口说话,就是这么一回事。14. 14. You know, I know that you're not suppose to be stress down.&&&&&&你知道吗,我知道你压力太大了15. I ` d suppose that sport is a really important subject to be listed in the timetable of school.&&&&&&我认为体育课应列在课程当中。16. I thought that correctional officer guy was suppose to be here too?&&&&&&我以为那个狱警也在这里?17. I suppose, that you understand me and my problems.&&&&&&我想你会理解我的烦恼的。18. Levine, Jackson and Chalmers suppose that the gap between descriptions in terms of microphysics and descriptions in terms of, e. g.'water'and'heat'is filled by conceptual analysis.&&&&&&Levine,Jackson and Chalmers假设`根据微观物理的描述`和`根据诸如水、热的描述`之间的鸿沟被概念分析所闭合。19. Content of flavone is the hightest in browning callus. It is supposed, that suppose which the last pace of synthesize flavone is in brovwing callus. SDS-PAGE cataphoresis electrophoresis show protein has big change from differentiating callus to browning callus. The change may has relation with change of enzymire activiation of control flavone synthesize.&&&&&&黄酮含量的变化以褐化愈伤组织中含量最高,因此我们推测:黄酮合成的最后几步,可能发生在褐化愈伤组织中,从可溶性蛋白质的 SDS-PAGE 平板电泳结果表明,分化愈伤组织与褐化愈伤组织相比蛋白质谱带发生了明显的变化,这可能与控制黄酮合成的有关酶的活性变化有关。20. 20. Do you suppose that the real savant addresses himself stupidly to the mere individual?&&&&&&难道您以为真正的大科学家竟会蠢得象常人一样吗?suppose that 单语例句1. Let's suppose that the lands for public housing are either from reclamation or from exploiting the conservation zone in the New Territories.2. I suppose my China story is that the everyday fabric of my life has been so woven closely with the Middle Kingdom.3. Some suppose that managing the Internet means restraining the thoughts of Internet users, curbing the freedom of speech and repressing the flow of information.4. I never really thought about the age gap, but I had an age gap with Harry's so I suppose that's what he saw.5. What I suppose I'm saying is that sport inherently does that anyway.6. Others suppose that only rising prices caused by excessive monetary supply can trigger inflation.7. I suppose that is alright because TV studios might not have the right equipment for a live performance.8. Their parents should have taught them better, but then I suppose that's where they learned to be so selfish at home.9. I suppose the authorities made the decision partly based on concerns that some young lovers were living together in rented houses.10. I suppose that aggressive leaders would expand their territories whenever they are given a reasonable chance.suppose that是什么意思,suppose that在线翻译,suppose that什么意思,suppose that的意思,suppose that的翻译,suppose that的解释,suppose that的发音,suppose that的同义词,suppose that的反义词,suppose that的例句,suppose that的相关词组,suppose that意思是什么,suppose that怎么翻译,单词suppose that是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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